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Hello, tomatoes! How have you been? Oh.. I'm late. This is little personal tale. I had a sudden wrist disease(De Quervain syndrome : inflammation of two tendons that control movement of the thumb and their tendon sheath.) and it hurt so bad that I couldn't sleep. I couldn't dress properly because I couldn't use one hand, and I had to get help from my mother when I was washing up. Now I realize how happy I am without any physical discomfort. The doctor who works on Orthopedics twisted my right wrist to stretch I screamed embarrassedly in the hospital and cried a lot. Let's not get sick again! Never Again! That's what I thought. I took an X-ray picture too. I had awful straight military neck of becoming a neck disc. Health is the most important thing, everyone. :O I went to the hospital, got an injection, got treatment, and now I can use my right hand, so don't worry! :) I'm really glad I got better to today. 

Please take care of your health. Stretch your body and take a good posture. If possible, exercise. Eat a nutritious meal. Thank you for staying here, even though I'm sick often and lacking in many ways. Thank you for your everything always. I hope you enjoy this last live stream too!

토마토 여러분 어떻게 지내셨어요? :3 저 많이 늦었죠 헤헤/// 이번에 갑작스럽게 손목 병(손목건초염 : 손목을 너무 사용해서 손목 힘줄에 염증이 나는 질환)이 걸려서 잠도 못잘 정도로 엄청 아팠지뭐예요 :0 한 손을 못쓰니 옷도 제대로 못입고 밥도 제대로 못먹고 씻을 때도 어머니의 도움을 받아야했다보니 어디 몸 하나 불편하지 않은 제가 얼마나 행복한지 깨닫게 되었어요. 정형외과에 가서 아픈 손목을 억지로 꺾어서 스트레칭 해주시는데 너무 아파서 병원 안에서 민망하게 비명지르고 X00 눈물 펑펑 쏟으며 다시는! 다시는 아프지말자! 하는 생각이 들더라구요. 엑스레이 사진도 찍었는데 제가 일자목이 있는데 그게 디스크 될 지경이라고 하니 건강이 최고 우선이에요 여러분. :0 병원에 가서 주사를 맞고 치료를 받으며 지금은 오른손을 사용할 수 있으니 걱정마세요 :) 금요일까지 나아서 정말 다행이에요. 

여러분들 건강 항상 조심하시고 몸 스트레칭과 바른자세 꼭꼭, 가능하면 운동도 해주시고 영양이 갖춰진 식사를 해주세요. 잔병치레 많고 여러모로 부족한 저이지만 여기 계셔주셔서 감사해요 여러분 언제나 감사해요. 지난 생방도 편안히 즐겨주세요!

トマトの皆さん、お元気でしたか? 私、かなり遅れましたよね。 へへ// 小さなお知らせに関する話は、今回突然の手首病(手首腱鞘炎:手首を使いすぎて手首の筋に炎症を起こす疾患)で眠れないほど痛かったんです。:0 片手も使えなくなると、服もまともに着られずに、ご飯もまともに食べられずに、洗う時も母親に助けられなければなりませんでした。体一つ不自由のない過去の私が、どれほど幸せな立場だったかを知るようになりました。整形外科に行って痛い手首を無理やり折ってストレッチしていただいてとても痛くて病院の中で照れくさそうに悲鳴を上げ涙をこぼしながらもう一度! 二度と痛くないでね! という気がしました。レントゲンも撮ったんですが、ストレートネックがあるのにディスクになるくらいだと言うと、 健康が第一です。:0 病院に行って注射をして治療を受けたおかげで今は右手を少しは使うことができるので心配しないでください:)金曜日まで治って本当によかったです。 

皆さん、健康にいつも気をつけて、体のストレッチングと正しい姿勢を維持して、必ずできれば運動もして、栄養のある食事をしてください。病気がちでいろいろ足りない私ですがここにいらっしゃってくださってありがとうございます。 皆さん、いつもありがとうございます。この前の生放送も楽に楽しんでください!


Brushing You 브러쉬들의 소리 ブラシの音

https://www.twitch.tv/ppomodoli * ASMR 금 밤 11시 59분 ASMR FRI 23:59 in KST * 라디오 토 밤 9시 (랜덤방송) RADIO 21:00 in KST (Random Schedule)



Good evening, Ppomo! You have gone through so much, but I am glad that you are feeling better now. Yes, let us all work together for better health. I will continue to support and stay by your side! <3


p.s Oppai mouse pad is very good for your wrist health. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 저런 형태의 마우스 패드는 손목 건강에 좋답니다. 진짜로요! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ああいう形のマウスパッドは手首の健康にいいそうです。 マジです!( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I hope you feel better soon , love you forever .🥰


Yes, they are very functional and aesthetically pleasing! XD

Double Plaidinum

힘드셨겠네요. 이제도 통증과 스트레스를 느끼는 것 같아요. 온화한 일상생활을(마음도) 돌려받는 것을 간절히 바라고 있습니다. Maybe, It takes time to recover. 쓸데없는 참견일지 모르겠지만, Roulette on streaming can put a stressing on her wrist. So, Please refrain from roulette etc. But, we can enjoy talking and chatting. Because, everyone has a lot of fun topics.And it can be ease the burden on her physical. ↑뽀모선생님=e***i


Of course. I can understand. I decided to hold off Roulette for today when I got Ppomo's Notification. I want the best for Ppomo too. Perhaps we can play Roulette next week instead.


Get well soon! We appreciate all your hard work, but please remember to take good care of yourself!


I hope you feel better and I wish you good health. Oh and 10/10 on the mousepad, I think I may need to get one xD


Oh no! Poor PPomo! 🤕 It must have been so painful! I'm reassured to know you had good treatments and that you are feeling better! 💙


단순 움직인다고 해서 완치된건 아닐테니 확실하게 나을때까진 조심하셨으면 좋겠지만....


Rem is stuck in bed, just like the new season. Subaru hasn’t done that with his wrist yet, though


I'm glad you're recovering already. I was really worried. Take it easy and rest up.


wow crazy! i'm glad you're feeling better. i like your mouse pad lol