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Sleep Clinic for Healthy Immunity 면역력 수면클리닉 免疫力睡眠クリニック

https://www.twitch.tv/ppomodoli * ASMR 금 밤 11시 59분 ASMR FRI 23:59 in KST * 라디오 토 밤 9시 (랜덤방송) RADIO 21:00 in KST (Random Schedule)



Good afternoon, Ppomo! It was a wonderful livestream. I always love being part of them with you. Such precious, treasured memories! <3


Hey my lovely dude :) I'm gonna write you some long feedback. Sorry for the wall of text. If you're not in the mood to read it, I can understand. You don't have to. Just if you're interested in what I think about things here. Also English, because your English is better than my Korean. Sorry. XD I know it sounds ungrateful, and I wanna say that I'm not that at all. You know I will always tell you how wonderful all you do is, and I really mean it as your friend.... but sometimes I also feel a bit frustrated as a 'fan'... Only having 1 half of it feels kind of bad for some reason. Knowing that the other half is somewhere else but I would have to pay twice feels not good. I know it's because of the problem that Youtube made...so it feels even worse that they get it first all the time, even though this has a 'early access' tier. I know that the 'early access' only specifically says for the ASMR videos, but even special videos are like 24h early on YT. Sometimes you wait for weeks to upload stuff here. Lately it's almost at the same time(at least the same week), and I am grateful. I know that 60fps 4k is a bi!&% to upload. I won't say you're bad for things you have no control over. But what I suggest is that you maybe publish them at the same time? You know you can upload without publishing it immediately. Then you can release it all at the same time. Giving it to one first even though the other one paid for 'being first' feels like being robbed of the money. It's not the reason why I give you money. I'd give you that money even without these 'not normal ASMR' uploads or early things or pictures. I'm just saying that it feels unfair the way you treat the different platforms. But sometimes it seems like you would prefer everyone to be just on Youtube. (And I actually really don't want to give Youtube more money. They don't deserve it as a platform. They mistreated you many times, and still do. So why be so defensive about them being your main platform for monetization? Content and uploads, I understand, it's easy to maintain. But otherwise? Why support them for their behaviour?) Can you understand what I mean? (I know it's a bit difficult to read in English, sorry.) Also I think that the way this is happening, you have so much extra work. So many double uploads must be very time consuming and frustrating for you (and I would rather have that you have more time for making ASMR or streams and be 'happy' instead of redundant uploads and stress. Just my opinion as well. People can disagree.) So, what do you think about this situation? I'm interested in your own opinion. Really. These days we don't have much opportunity to speak to each other about these topics with a calm mind. The livestream is so short, and even if it was longer, the chat is so fast that topics just vanish because of other things. But I don't wanna sound angry or ungrateful, because that is not how I feel. Also this ain't drama, but genuine concerns. Would you like me to be on youtube instead? Would you like to get rid of early access because only a handful of people use it, so it's not worth it with 4k upload times maybe? How do you feel about the current situation as a whole? Doesn't it stress you? Maybe you move away from Patreon because of the leaks? It feels so for me. But they leak your videos anyway even if it's not on here, so I would ask you to not think that way. ^^ Bad guys won't listen to 'please don't'...they are scum after all. And some of them aren't chinese btw. So only writing it in Chinese won't help. It just looks a bit racist(But I understand why you do it, I feel angry at THEM too). Anyway...I could talk about 10 more topics, but I guess a wall of text is stressful and boring. So...sorry. But I really am curious about what you think, and want to ask you these things, but without sounding angry, like I said. So I think a comment like here is best for no drama. If I ask you that during a livestream, everyone will say their opinion, and you will not say yours, because you wanna stay in harmony with all the guys and would rather suppress your own opinion and ask for others or talk about a different topic. But I'm interested in YOURS XD Also your opinion about when and how to give you this kind of feedback. That would make it easier for me to know when to say certain things without making you sad or anything. That's the opposite of what I want. Cheers, love. Stay healthy! Don't stress! If this stresses you, then just ignore this message for a little while. :) I can understand. Truly. You have other things on your mind at the moment. So thanks for reading.

Double Plaidinum

수고하셨어요. 매주 스트리밍이 마음의 보금자리 으로서 중요하게 느끼고 있습니다. 정말 고맙습니다. 봄이 왔어요. 예쁜 벚나무를 보는 것이 (삼색 당고도) 기대돼요. 평온한 일상 소소한 행복을 원하고 있어요.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JT1MUrArRcQ&feature=youtu.be Sorry, the special video channel took to process more times than my main channel more than I thought. I think YT has different processing speed option. Yeah, I have to release the video at the same time but I needed to test the video that appeared first on my main channel for how looks the video. I couldn't anticipate the too much slow processing time. I know your feeling. I'll pay attention more to that. Supporting is your free.


I didn't need a link for you to prove that the video is not ready yet. I knew that, dear XD Maybe you misunderstood that. But, well, that is a non-answer in almost all regards. And you can test how it looks without publishing it. And without publishing it behind a paywall. Back in the day you would just ask us, your 'loyal slaves' on twitch. But you wanted opinions from elsewhere I guess. That is what I meant with your 'preference' of supporting platform. When you say 'Supporting is your free' ('It's up to you if and how you want to support me' I guess) you are very dismissive of my question. I pay 10€ here for a lot longer than Youtube membership even exists. The only benefit of that is early access. But you don't do early access for that. That is a breach of contract, if you ask a lawyer. I don't ask a lawyer because that is silly. It IS up to me how to support you, and saying something so childish feels very silly :) I'm just talking about principles. You are double-dipping for monthly payments, and that is morally grey. I'm just being honest about my feeling here. What I'm really not liking about how you do videos and streams these days is how everything is so focused on money, and donations. People with more money get more screen time. Certainly, I can understand some of that logic. Kind words can't buy you a cup of ramen. You need to eat XD But lately it feels like you ask your supporters to give double of what they used to give for only 50% of what you used to give. I'm not asking you to give us your 100% if you feel tired and can't create videos, or do a long livestream. But asking for money to give the old 100% instead of the new 50% program feels lame. Interesting personality videos? Paywall. Early access? Random double paywall, and sometimes you don't get it at all. Interesting conversations in chat? Interrupted by people with 100$ to pose with. Stream time - Want it to be longer? Donate. Want a hug, or someone to tell you 'I like you'? Play the roulette for 2 dollar (so soul-less). Maybe you really think that doing all this is good for your career, or maybe fun for 'tension' in chat... But I'm gonna tell you that that probably won't last long. (You can of course disagree, it's just my POV)... And the atmosphere grows more cold every week. What used to be absolutely lovely is kind of cold these days. Of course I feel that way because I personally dislike money(in general), because it poisons the mind. But even if I ignore my own feelings about this, it worries me a lot about you. Sometimes it just seems like you have lost your passion or 'love' for what you do, you know? That is what really makes me afraid. Not if my video is on time. I don't 'really' care about schedules or payments...of course they are important... but I just feel a lack of soul these days when I watch you react to donation after donation (Which is awesome for you, you deserve the money), but in doing so, you forsake what this was all about in the first place. Sharing love used to be more important than sharing money back in the day. It's just my concern. You will probably say 'That's not how I feel at all'...and that's ok. This is just my POV, and not one from being 'crazy'. XD But I know that it's difficult to respond quickly to such a wall of text (sorry for the torture once again XD ) You can dislike me for some of my opinions, that's fine. But I just hope that you don't misunderstand this as some kind of demand or whining. Cheers


Thank you so much for the video!


I just can say that "I'm not a volunteer. I'm making my videos for my living and eating also taking care of my family first." I don't wanna be a hypocrite. So I say honestly. Korean can't get any support without working from government. Making my videos and streaming are my work for life. Every streamer and Youtubers make their videos for living and money usually. This is true. My supporters and donors help to live me. I felt so thank and friendship too also want to give back to them. Sometimes I release a reward on Patreon more faster than Youtube because of situation. but I know I have to release some rewards for them at the same time. Anyway, leave me if you want just my pure volunteering and you have some dissatisfaction. I don't blame you.


Well, I understand your situation. Like I said in my first post. (If you really have read that all).. I will support you with money regardless. I'm not dissatisfied with 'you' and wanna stop giving you. That would be even more cold-blooded. I see most of my donations to you as 'volunteer'. And I know that I don't give a lot. It's a lot for me. I have to work hard for every cent as well, even if my government theoretically would give me some if I lose a job for a while. I wanna pay you so you can smile every day without such worries, just as almost all others who do that(even if some do it for the wrong reasons, to get close to you). But the difference that I'm talking about is 'giving something so that you can be happy' and 'paying you cash to smile for me'/'paying you cash so you say 'i like you'.


So I would not want to leave you like that, just as I said a million times. But you on the other hand say a million times that i can always leave. It's almost as if 'you want' me to leave. I could not blame you either, because I raise topics that are uncomfortable. But I just worry about you -beyond money. I can't give more money, so I wanna try to help with you having happiness. It may sound hypocritical too ... 'I want you to be happy, so I ask bad questions' ... But my theory is that it's a lot better for you if I ask such things early, than you being surprised by other people asking it later, and you being in a weird situation. OR everyone just saying what they think you wanna hear, without their honest opinion. Like K-Pop stans XD Never hearing critique makes a weak character...so...sorry for my weird logic. And thanks for that honest answer.



Double Plaidinum

Life has a rhythm. Not always constant. And, We have various circumstances. Sometimes it's need to considerate. You are continuing. I think it's wonderful. You understand what is important. I got a lot of energy from you. 뽀모님의 페이스대로 나아가 주세요.


항상 고생많으시고 소중한 영상 감사해요. 잘 하고 계시니 앞으로도 쭉 나아가시면 됩니다. 건강 조심하세요. 그리고 우왁굳이라는 스트리머가 "제발 니 인생에 훈수하세요" 라는 말을 했었어요. 아.. 그냥 갑자기 생각나서요 ㅋㅋ


I have a weird way of saying things, so I'll try to explain it short tldr style: - I worry about your health (mentally) from doing too many uploads on different platforms double and tripple. I pay for Early access. If it is a burden to you, please cancel early access, I will keep paying regardless. - I worry that people will be angry if you keep treating unequally (inevitable) Maybe you already agreed here? I just wanted to tell it to you before it happens. - I want you to be a millionaire. But I worry that 'selling your personality' for money (as a dono incentive, stretch goal, tier) might make you feel bad or cold after a long time. Take care of burnout. My questions are deliberately a bit annoying so that you think about these issues before you have problems. I have a habit of ignoring bad stuff and then get burnout. Sorry for writing such long, confusing things. 어떤 사람들이 나에 대해 말하는 것에도 불구하고, 나는 말하는 것이 서툴다.


Thank you my beautiful! Orange goes well on you! <3 <3 <3

Double Plaidinum

When anyone with an opinion to her, You should only tell her the main point. It shouldn't say anything that insults her. It can't be forgive.


I have been following Ppomo for years on YT and Patreon behind the scenes. I really enjoy watching her work, have fun, and chat happily. I never knew about her livestreams until literally last month. I am glad to have learned how I could show my support even more than my monthly $50 on Patreon. I freely choose to give my donations to her and I am happy with my decisions. My support for her will not falter and I will continue.


Nobody said that anyone should stop supporting her. And if you felt personally spoken to... There's a high chance of possibility that you were not meant in any way in the first place. It would be fun to see the opportunists crawl out of the woodwork, but frankly I'm not paying any more attention to that. 'The most poisonous bites often come from snakes with the most brightly shimmering scales.' That's what I would say to some people here...may it be addressed directly at them for pretending to be my friend because they saw me in some weird place of power they were aiming at or disgruntled with, or just an info about general life. I don't hate PPOMO :) Never did. Please support her still if you feel happy with it. Insult or no insult, she does not like ANY kind of feedback that makes her think about changing things. It's her own little world and we should respect that. I would not have left if she did not specifically ask me to not talk to her ever again. So this is my goodbye to the others here who are wondering why the atmosphere got weird. Have a happy life! Don't let others tell you how to think. Live your dream. (No sarcasm)