XD Awwww WE MADE IT! (Patreon)
2018-02-02 04:14:03
Hello, my special people!
We made 1M! Thanks to you! YAY!
I will keep trying my best for you! ;D
Let's spend happy time together! XD
It became February !
So our secret live streaming for tomato soups, pastas and pizzas( Please don't forget to choose new tier if you want more rewards and you couldn't see my last post about new tiers! ) might be next weekend Fab 10 PM 01:00 in KST :3 How about it? Aww I'm so sorry to Tomato Salads.
Thank you for your opinions about the streaming time!
Well, this is thumbnail of new twin moving ear eating video! The early access video will be soon too! XD