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“Mariaaaaaa… can I have some sweets…” The brunette groaned, collapsing on the table in exhaustion. “Cookies… I need cookies…”

“I’m sorry, Katarina…” The blonde Maria apologized, bowing her head, “I would love to, but we agreed you couldn’t have any sweets until after we’re finished studying. It was a plan to help you stay motivated, right?”

“That’s right!” The auburn haired girl, Mary, chimed in. “After last class, the professor said you’d be in trouble if you failed again! You don’t need to learn to do magic, just to understand it.”

“But I can’t understand anything with low sugar reserves…” Katarina complained again, but her two friends were resolute.

The trio were students of the prestigious Magic Academy - so naturally it was unthinkable that a duke’s daughter like Katarina could be falling behind in her studies, especially compared to a commoner like Maria, and even more when she was betrothed to a prince! But Katarina had never been one to act like a high society girl unless practically coerced into it anyway, so it was frankly more of the usual with her.

Katarina was much more invested in practical lessons than theory, despite the fact that it would be a rare event that she ever need to do any manual labor. It would be confusing to anyone but herself - seeing as she was the only one who knew of her past life as a Japanese girl for whom this world was only a game, with Katarina as it’s villain. When she remembered her past life all those years ago, she’d dedicated herself to averting her future bad-ends, and in so doing utterly discarded any traces of the Villainess Katarina Claes had been destined to become.

Unfortunately, between her single minded insistence on averting a terrible fate that was no longer in her future, her one-track mind, and enough density to rival a black hole, that left her tragically behind on the lessons a noblewoman was actually expected to learn. Her friends and family didn’t know of her predicted future; to them, she was simply a problem child who they were downright desperate to save from her own skewed priorities (or in certain cases, ‘save’ from the affections of their rivals in romance).

Maria, sweet girl that she was, managed to gently coax Katarina back to studying the magical runes. Mary, meanwhile, had stood to go investigate some books for herself; it wasn’t that she wanted to call Katarina a lost cause or anything so rude as that, she cared very deeply for her… but she also knew her well enough to know that this was in all likelihood a waste of time. She’d much rather be spending this free time chatting with her and sipping tea. Ideally alone and with nobody nearby to bother them. And maybe in her room. And maybe sitting on the bed together-

She blushed fiercely, heat rising in her face as she chased the thought out of her mind. Bit much to think about when she was right next to Katarina like that. More of a private time kind of thought really. She tried to shift her focus by burying her face in books. When she grabbed one from the shelf, she didn’t bother to check whether it had anything to do with any of her classes or not; she just needed something to divert her attention from those distinctly impure thoughts.

Mary opened the book to a random page, and made as if she was reading it. Originally she was hardly processing what she was reading - after a while runes started to blend together. But a fewlines caught her eye - beauty, envy of all, loving feelings.

Doing a double take, Mary went back and started reading a bit more closely. Old books like this had a tendency to be less than up front about their runes; half of it was poetic metaphor and half was literal description of what it did, and there was not really any way to tell which was which. Still, Maria was a pretty good student!

It took a bit of unpacking, but she eventually had the gist of what the rune would do. It claimed that it would “trade the beauty of the mind for beauty of the body”, and make the target “receptive”, but warned not to abuse it as it would be a temporary effect. And then a lot of other words that didn’t seem to be relevant because Mary’s thought processes had stopped at the comment about reception. It wasn’t normally within the bounds of her natural water magic, but this spell seemed to take a more… philosophical stance on the subject of element, arguing that transformation falls within water due to the flowing and changing nature of such things as river. Or maybe it was something else entirely; as previously stated, old scholars were overly verbose.

She was not a bad person, mostly. Mary wouldn’t use it to say, force Katarina to go out with her, because that would be really immoral. But at the same time: Katarina was quite possibly the densest object known to man when it came to romance. She might need some magical assistance to even understand that someone was caring for her like that.

It was definitely that part that let Mary make the decision. It was clearly not at all that she wanted to see how the already pretty Katarina could become even more beautiful. There wasn’t much brain to lose as far as she was concerned, so it should be a purely positive effect, right? All it would do was give the woman a bare modicum of self awareness!

Justifications and excuses firmly in mind, Mary discretely turned and got just a bit closer to the desk at which the other two studied. Noses in their books, neither was paying much attention, though  Mary got another bookshelf in between her and her target so she could have some plausible deniability, and then worked to cast the spell. She focused her mana into the form dictated by the magical rune, and then sent it out towards Katarina.

Katarina didn’t notice that she’d been hit with anything at first, mind occupied. Not really with the studying like it was supposed to be though, she was occupied with thoughts of food. That kept her mind firmly off her body as the magic worked into her. For a few seconds it was as if nothing had happened - besides Katarina noting a little tightness in her chest - but it turned out that that was only because of the assorted concealing fineries worn by noble girls.

The spell made it’s effects known when Katarina’s chest began to quiver and shake. She looked down, seeing her top straining to contain her breasts. “Huh?” she said - just as the first button popped off her blouse at shocking speed. “What’s going on with my-“ she started, but yelped as the first button was followed by a second, third, and fourth in rapid succession, and her top burst open. The tightness was revealed to be the result of her chest swelling well beyond the capacity of her bra, and Katarina sighed in relief when it suddenly snapped and let her bosom bounce freely.

“K-Katarina!?” Cried a blushing Maria, but the transformation was not anywhere near done! Even as Katarina’s breasts continued to expand, the transformation was matched by her butt, the cheeks each growing more and more by the second. “What’s happening to you!?”

“I- hehehe - I don’t know… feels kinda… good?” Katarina giggled. She found herself giggling quite a bit, actually. Her body felt all warm and comfy, especially wherever she was transforming. Her head felt cotton-y and sticky, kinda like candy- hehehe, candy~ -  in a way that gummed up her thoughts but just made her feel even better. It was difficult to figure out why this might be considered a bad thing; she didn’t see anything wrong with something that could make her feel this good!

Her dress was further ruined by her expanding figure, but even that wasn’t the only thing that went on; her hair grew a significant bit longer, brushing against her bottom, while also gaining a tinge of pink - a color that extended to her eyes to further emphasize the change. But the biggest change was naturally internal; she felt warm and sticky and… horny? She felt kinda horny. It was suddenly very obvious to her just how pretty Maria was, which was ‘very’, and the same could be said for Mary! She giggled mindlessly to herself as she grinned at having such gorgeous friends, a dazed look on her face.

“O-Oh my…” Mary said as she came out from her hiding spot to see the results of her spell. She wasn’t sure what she was expecting… but it was definitely making her blush a whole lot.

"Mary!” Maria said, turning to the approaching woman, “Something strange has happened to Katarina! We were trying to continue to study, and then she started to glow, and now she looks like this! W-What could possibly have done something like this…?”

Put on the spot, the noble girl froze up for several seconds. How to explain her absence? She swallowed hard and came up with something as fast as she could. “O-Oh, I have no idea…! Maybe she accidentally read a rune aloud to herself and triggered a spell?” Mary offered as explanation, “You k-know she’s anything but careful, right? But I’m sure it’ll wear off! No spell lasts forever, after all.”

Mary held her breath after speaking - had she sounded suspicious at all in her stuttering? Had she given herself away? Sure, she hadn’t actually hurt Katarina but Maria would surely never forgive something so bad as ambushing her with magic…

“I-I hope you’re right… Katarina, we keep telling you to be more careful, don’t we…?” Maria sighed softly. Poor, ever-trusting Maria couldn’t even conceive of the idea of accusing a friend of casting a spell on someone by surprise. Mary found herself appreciating this quite a bit as she flushed and stammered. Despite her embarrassment scattering her thoughts she’d made it through unscathed. Now she could simply enjoy the sight of Katarina’s new form. “Now we need to think what to do about this…”

That was the plan, anyway, but Katarina Claes was never one to let a plan go unchallenged; she was far too unpredictable for that. As Maria settled back in her seat next to Katarina, the newly minted bimbo aggressively pulled her into a hug! “Ehehe, sorry for worrying youuuu~” Katarina giggled.

“K-Katarina, what are you- mmph!” Maria stammered, face blushing scarlet, but was interrupted as Katarina pulled her close; specifically, pulling the blonde’s face into her enhanced mammaries, where she could only make muffled cries of surprise rather than any coherent response.

“I’m just hugging a cutie, don’t worry about it, Maria~” Katarina sing-songed as she held Maria close. “You’re so pretty and nice to me, I can’t help it~” Maria was such a cutie. It was so nice to have someone like her as a friend, Katarina thought. Maybe wih benefits, it felt so nice to have her in her boobs like that.

Maria, meanwhile, simply had no idea how to handle this. She deeply cared for Katarina, but due to her engagement she seemed simply out of reach. As a commoner, even one blessed with light magic, it was simply unthinkable that a noble might care about her in the same way, and it would be even worse for a commoner to try and make a move on one promised to the prince. But in this moment, with Katarina pulling her close, it was very difficult to come up with reasons she should not be pleased about the turn of events.

The other lady certainly had no trouble in that department. Katarina was lavishing attention on Maria now! It was almost the exact opposite of what she’d been trying to achieve! She flipped through the pages of her tome quickly, remembering a second spell that had caught her eye. Soon she found the appropriate rune, that would ‘dispose’ of a rival, temporarily, without bringing them to any real harm. Maria was a friend so Mary wouldn’t go overboard on her, but keeping her out of the picture while Katarina was in a touchy feely mood was a lot easier to swallow.

The book didn’t identify the element of the spell but Maria was nonetheless confident she could cast it as she channeled her mana. She just had to be careful with her targeting, and…

Maria yelped as she felt the magic flow into her, beginning to change her like it had Katarina. She felt herself press more and more against the young woman, as Katarina hugged her tightly. If Katarina had been paying any attention, she might have noticed how she seemed to be flattening out Maria. Instead, she squeezed her tighter, and Maria seemed to almost deflate as if squeezing the air from a balloon.

The sensation was strange, but not painful. It felt like tension was being forced out of her, to the point it was almost relaxing. But she knew it wasn’t good when she saw how her hands had become covered in a soft pink material, and seemed to almost merge with the sleeves of her outfit. She couldn’t see, but the same coloration was climbing her neck and down the rest of her body.

As it spread to the rest of her sleeves, the style changed. Maria’s outfit was nice, but nothing fancy; it had been patched more than once and was of only decent make, as one might expect from a commoner. But she could tell the material that her former hand and now the sleeve was of a fine, expensive silk like a noble’s clothes. There was also a lot of it; even though her sleeve shortened in length, it became wider and deeper, such that it’d hang partly off the arm wearing it. Her hands split from her body now, hollowed in their new material to become white silk gloves with pink ribbons.

The transformation continued rapidly as it properly reached Maria’s torso. “K-Katarina-!” she tried to cry out, but she was cut off as she lost the ability to speak. Her legs gave out and she fell against Katarina, unable to support her own increasingly light and airy body. She had continued to flatten out as her body turned pink, and her head began to sink downwards, into her chest. Meanwhile, her hips seemed to actually grow wider as her top and her skirt fused into her body.

There was a shift in coloration across her body, as more became pink, but other parts became white or golden. As her newly made of silk head sunk into her chest, she felt it distorted out of shape, twisting around and in on itself as it became the golden ribbon on the collar of her new form. Her widened hips solidifed their new shape to become the skirts of a fancy gown, ruffled and frilly.

Her legs had brightened up to a bright pink as they transformed, and collapsed downwards. Unlike the rest of her, her legs had hardened, becoming stiff and solid before the sudden collapse. The transformation compressed them further and further, until they formed the shape of pink high heels.

Maria’s transformation completed as she finally hollowed out completely. She stil felt fine, no worse for the wear than she had been mere minutes before - but she wasn’t a human anymore! In fact, she didn’t really qualify as a living creature at all, but was now an inanimate object. Or several inanimate objects, even. She had become a fanciful ensemble of a pink and white dress, gloves, and heels, fit for any noblewoman to wear.

The transformation complete, Katarina seemed to finally notice that she was no longer hugging a flesh and blood human but a fancy dress. “Huh!? Where did Maria go?” The girl gasped, looking every which way for where she’d gone. She looked down, and gasped again. “Did I flatten her with my hug!?”

“No, no, of course not,” Mary rushed over to correct Katarina, seeing the panic filling her. “She turned into that dress magically! I saw the whole thing!”

That seemed to satisfy the bimbo, as she sighed in relief. “Oh, good, I was so worried… but why? How did that happen?” she asked.

“I… I don’t know! Maybe it was an accident, when you suddenly grabbed her like that?” she suggested. She stepped a little bit closer. Maybe Katarina would decide she still wanted to hug someone…

“I see, I see…” In Katarina’s fuzzy mind, it was easy to accept just about anything her friends had said. But another thought poked through as she contemplated the reason for the change. “Well… she must have wanted to help, since my dress doesn’t fit anymore! She was talking about how we’d replace my clothes, so she must have decided to replace them herself.”

“Of course, that’s… that makes sense…” Mary said awkwardly. Anything that would throw off suspicions…

“How very kind of her! Very like Maria.” Katarina said, now completely confident in her conclusion. The dress couldn’t speak, but Maria would probably be giving an exasperated sigh just then. “Well, it would be rude not to wear her after she went to all that trouble…

Mary was beginning to wonder if perhaps there had been more to lose intelligence-wise than she had given Katarina credit for. “Sure… sure…” she said. “Well, we can think about that later. Why don’t we- K-Katarina what are you doing?”

“Putting her on, duh?” Katarina said, as began to unbutton the few remaining buttons on her outfit and pull it off, revealing her bra and soon her panties. “Awww, my undies are feeling so tight… I think I might have to take them off…” she grumbled.

“T-Take them…!?” Mary repeated breathlessly. Her mind was being overloaded by the sight of Katarina rapidly undressing in front of her eyes, her thoughts went blank and one could practically see the steam rising from her ears as her brain was practically cooked in the heat of her blush. As she started mumbling nonsense, her magical power was unfortunately let a little too much off the leash - she simply couldn’t control herself anymore. “A-Ah, look out!”

The spell that had changed Maria was cast again, but it bounced off of Katarina - unable to influence someone already so thoroughly transformed as her. Unfortunately for Mary, there was only one other potential target still in the room - herself!

She let out a surprised shout as the transformation took hold, and she found herself shrinking down dramatically. Katarina watched with surprise as Mary soon was only two thirds her original size - and was also rapidly shifting in color just as Maria had. Her skin was taking on a red-brown and gold tinge as it stopped being skin and instead became silken fabric. It started from the extremeties, her hands and feet, and soon Mary fell over as her legs could no longer support her weight.

Once she hit the ground, the transformation continued even more rapidly. It felt strangely… nice, her body tingling around the hips and bust in a pleasant way that would have made her blush if it wasn’t for the fact her face was completely the new shade of brown now. She had no idea what she was turning into, but she definitely wasn’t becoming a dress like Maria had. Mary felt a strange separation, as her top seperated from her waist, and that bottom part of her torso split from her legs. She could still feel each piece of herself however, and see how they were changing.

Her legs flattened out the fastest as they became made of golden colored silk. As they flattened, they also hollowed out - soon, they were empty and waiting for something to be slid inside of them, becoming thigh-high stockings.

Mary’s chest and head were next. She felt her arms and head collapse inwards similar to how Maria’s had, as they too took on the red-brown shade similar to her hair. She was becoming much smaller than Maria had, however. Her breasts ballooned even as they also flattened out, soon taking up a much larger portion of her body - but at the same time, her back felt like it was lighter, emptier, becoming merely a set of straps. Had her torso become a… a bra!?

That would mean that - yes, indeed, her hips and crotch were matching the pattern of her torso, gaining several additional frills as the holes where her legs used to be expanded until what used to be her waist and crotch was empty. They had become a set of panties - the final piece of the lingerie she had turned into.

Mary tried to move, but found herself inanimate, incapable of moving on her own power. Before she had the time to properly panic, though, she found herself being picked up! “Oh! You were being nice too!” Katarina said, picking up each piece of Mary in turn. “Thanks! I was worried I’d have to go without anything underneath!”

Katarina!? What are you dooooohhhh myy~ Mary’s thoughts turned from shock to pleasure as Katarina discarded the remains of her undergarments and other clothes, and began to get dressed - starting with the bra, cupping her impressive bosom as if it was tailor fit to her sizes. The sensation was shocking, feeling so filled and stretched. It was the kind of pleasure a human could not imagine, and that only grew greater as Katarina slid on her new panties and then the stockings as well.

“Ooooh~ You feel nice, don’t you~” Katarina said, massaging her chest through the silken bra and moaning just a bit as she felt it even more strongly than she normally might. Mary was shocked by the pleasure herself, feeling just as much from the touch.

Once the noblewoman had her new lingerie on, she worked to put on Maria. While most such dresses were an utter pain to put on by oneself, it seemed that Maria was constructed specifically to avoid that issue - as fancy a gown as she was, she was perfectly able to be worn without assistance. Like Mary, she seemed tailor fit to Katarina; she perfectly complimented her figure and general shape, making the already beautiful woman even more gorgeous.

“Hehehehe, I have such good friends~ You both helped me out soooo much~ I hope I can wear you for a good while!” Katarina giggled. She sat herself down to try and continue to study, but it took all of ten seconds for her eyes to glaze over looking at the books. It was obvious she was in no mental state to read anything more complicated than a sweets shop menu… and besides, wearing such pretty clothes, it would be a shape to stay cooped up inside where nobody could admire them!

“I’ll study some other time! Right now, I want some sweets!” Katarina declared. And with nobody to keep the bimbofied girl on task, that was exactly what she would do.

Katarina would be the talk of the school for quite a time after that. While the spells were temporary, it would be a few days yet before they wore off - and in that time both Mary and Maria were much closer to their beloved Katarina than either had ever expected to be…


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