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Patron commission for Baox, featuring their OC who I've written a few times. Also featuring Hato, ForbiddenArchive's OC. This was comm'd as a sequel to something ForbiddenArchive wrote for me: https://archiveofourown.org/works/38211871

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Since first encountering Luna and Lupa, Deltas Danforth had been learning a lot about inter-dimensional spaces like the Arcane Sanctuary and it’s associated environments. It was only natural when his two latest adorable pets were so fundamentally connected to such a space, to the point they’d even insist on continuing to work there even after getting collared. It was certainly an interesting location - and whatever strange intelligence it seemed to have (Luna and Lupa acted like it was sapient and Deltas was inclined to trust them on the matter) had a lewd sense of humor, given how it had arranged for him to get transformed when he first encountered the fused version of his pups, Luna Lupa, or Lulu.

He… wasn’t entirely sure if Lulu was a pet, a fuck-buddy, or what; she was rather more… womanly, than her counterparts. Still very much a good dog, but potentially something different than a pet. Frankly, Deltas was just going to leave it be - she was wearing a collar still, so simplest to leave it at that. She was even more independent than her split counterparts, although still eager to come back for a fuck when she got in the right mood.

In the course of learning from Lulu about her life outside of him, Deltas had learned of another space not dissimilar to the Arcane Sanctuary, the Forbidden Archive, a place of lewd stories with an equally supernatural and enigmatic caretaker with whom Lulu was friendly. The two had something of a rivalry, trading pranks and barbs and often transforming or brainwashing each other, though they inevitably returned to normal at some point down the line.

It was the Forbidden Archive that he was entering this time, using the same teleporter that had accidentally put him into the Arcane Sanctuary the first time. It was intentional now, however; when he’d last gone to visit the Arcane Sanctuary, Lulu’s loyal golem-dog-girl assistant Gabriella had relayed a message from her friend/owner, asking that Deltas come visit her and Hato in the Archive instead.

Deltas looked around as the light of the teleporter died, finding himself in rows upon rows of shelves and books. It was sort of strange to look at, honestly - just endless stories for forever. He wasn’t really sure where he was supposed to go at first - at least, not until he sniffed the air, smelling something carried on it.

The message had told him to just pick whatever direction felt right and start walking. Well, this felt as right as anything, so he’d begin to follow the smell down the shelves. It seemed to be getting stronger and stronger with every passing moment, with each step that brought him closer to the source. It reminded him of something maddeningly familiar, but he couldn’t quite place it. Just what was his sexy little pet up too?

It was a surprisingly long walk - or maybe it just felt that way as a result of the repetitive scenery. Deltas allowed himself to zone out for a bit, focus drifting as he put one foot in front o the other towards the goal. It was because he let his mind wander that he missed what was happening to his body.

Once before he had been exposed to a strange potion that seemed to radiate lupine pheremones and had turned him into a wolf-man in the same way Lulu was a wolf-woman. And once again, he was exposed to that transformative scent, the smell that wormed it’s way into his mind and body. A tail was already developing, pushing against his pants, while wolfish ears were developing atop his head. But notably, he wasn’t developing quite as much as he had last time, when he’d become equally as strong and animalistic as Lulu.

No, this time, he was left with his human strength - and also with a mental shift. He’d come here looking for a pet, even if she was one that was a bit different compared to the rest. But as he transformed, it was harder to think of her that way. He scrunched his face as he tried to think of what she was to him now. Girlfriend? No, not really. Not a wife either - he had a few of those and she wasn’t one, probably. Was the right word ‘mate’? A certain part in his lower body certainly liked the sound of that, but no, that didn’t feel quite right.

He was still thinking about the word when he came into a lounge area and stopped in his tracks as he saw a pair of ladies sharing a loveseat. One of them was unfamiliar to him - he’d heard descriptions of Hato, the white-haired, extremely large breasted human-looking woman who ran the Forbidden Archive. And some parts of this woman resembled her - the hair style, the way her face was described, the figure. But she was also a wolf-woman like Lulu, with her hair a metallic gold, lupine ears and a fluffy-looking tail. She looked like she could almost be related to Lulu.

Speaking of which - the second woman. The one who the not-quite-Hato was nuzzling into, shoving her face into the woman’s chest. She mostly looked like Lulu, with the same split color scheme, though her hair was in a pair of braids not loose twintails now. But she was… bigger, in several senses. Taller. Bigger breasts, bigger bottom - a generally curvier figure. She even looked a bit older, as she gently stroked Hato’s head - and then looked up to see Deltas, and grinned. “Welcome, darling~” she said in a far sultrier voice than anything Lulu could normally put out.

“M-Mama-“ Deltas said before he could stop himself, blushing. The allure of the MILF body type was strong and he was weak to it by nature, let alone when all his instincts agreed with the assessment - along with the assessment it was hot. His hair and lupine features had gone metallic as well. With Lulu looking like that, it wouldn’t be a stretch for an observer to think they were mother and son.

If Lulu minded the slip, she certainly didn’t show it with her wide smile and lustful look. “There’s my darling boy~” she said in that same seductive voice, “I’ve missed you while I was visiting~ Why don’t you come to Mama, hmm?”

“I, uh, I missed you, too-“ Deltas stammered. His brain was all fog and arousal - something was strange here, and he couldn’t put a finger on what.

“Hato, darling, why don’t you bring your brother over here so he can give Mama a kiss?”

“Hmm~ If you say so, Mom~” Hato giggled, standing and walking over to Deltas. When she arrived, she put one arm over his shoulder and one reaching down to grab his butt. “Come on~ Follow big sis~”

Deltas’ wolf-ified brain got one whiff of Hato and identified her as “older sister” the same way it identified Lulu as “mother” - someone else he had to listen to. With both of them on him he just nodded and followed the direction. His cock was beginning to ache with arousal, tenting his pants quite thoroughly - and even moreso when Hato’s hand found it and started to stroke it.

Lulu grinned as she brought Deltas into her lap, eager to continue. When she’d gone to visit Hato, the poor girl had accidentally gone and turned Lulu into a motherly type as one of their pranks - without realizing she maintained her transforming abilities. The now milfy Lulu was certainly in need of some “kids”, which was how Hato had ended up a fellow wolf girl. Even her facial features had shifted subtly so she looked like she could be Lulu’s kid - as Deltas’ had begun to do as well.

The moment Deltas was sat in Lulu’s lap, she pulled him into a kiss. This was not a chaste moment, not the motherly affection kind, but a full on kiss on the mouth, shoving her tongue into his. He soon returned the french kiss, all thoughts that something might be wrong here fleeing from his mind. Mama Lulu knew best, and he loved her and big sis Hato in whatever way they wanted him to~

Lulu lovingly stroked Deltas’ head as they kissed - but her other hand soon found the little problem down below. Well, she couldn’t just let her darling boy go so unsatisfied, could she? “Mmmmh~ Hato, darling, why don’t you help out your brother, hmm~?” she said as she withdrew from the first kiss.

Hato smiled and nodded. “Of course, of course~” she said - no thoughts in her head besides pleasing Lulu anymore. She knelt down in front of the loveseat and started working at Deltas’ pants, drawing out gasps and moans until she managed to pull them down and let the stiff member within spring free.

“Hnnn- what- p-please, help…” Deltas asked - god, he felt far too good, he needed some release, anything. Luckily for him, it seemed Hato was eager to assist.

The wolf-girl began with a few testing licks along the shaft, drawing out a hiss of concentrated arousal as the sensitive flesh was attended. She looked up at him with a smirk. “Hmm~? Can’t handle a little attention from your big sister?” she teased, punctuating it with another loooong lick from the base of the shaft to the tip of the head.

“P-Please, s-stop teasing…” Deltas stammered - it was all he could do not to buck his hips wildly, to shove his cock into her mouth. But Lulu’s calming touch kept him firmly in place.

“If you say so~” Hato giggled, before kissing the head of his cock once more - and then turning that kiss into something more, taking it into her mouth.

The young wolf-boy nearly came right then and there as Hato’s mouth took in the head, but Lulu gave him some gentle pets. “There’s a good boy~ Let her have her fun, don’t go too early~” she said, before pulling him back into another kiss.

“Mmmph-“ Deltas grunted. It wasn’t his fault he was on a hair trigger when her tongue felt so good! Hato’s mouth took in more of the cock, slowly inching it’s way down little by little as she paused at each inch to give it a good sucking. Her hand drifted below, diving into her panties and starting to work herself over as well, while her other hand kneaded her own breasts. She was enjoying herself but needed a little bit more to get off.

Each passing moment pushed Deltas closer to the brink, each slip of Hato’s tongue, each suction, each new kiss by Lulu. While he was on the receiving end, he had no power here, and something in him made him love it all the more for that fact. He was being fucked according to the whims of two very attractive wolf-ladies, and the familial love they showed while they did so only made it better.

It was when Hato managed to make it to the base, taking his whole cock in her mouth where it knocked against her throat, that Deltas was finally totally overwhelmed. “Hnnnng-“ he groaned as he began to shoot his load, pulse after pulse of milky white semen blasting into Hato’s mouth. The wolf-girl eagerly swallowed, throat working overtime to accommodate the impressive amount of cum.

Deltas sagged in place as he was finally spent, but it seemed Hato was nowhere near finished. She got rid of her shirt, and once her breasts were freed brought them down around Deltas’ cock, rubbing the massive mammaries against his manhood. Deltas moaned loudly, which Lulu silenced with a kiss.

“Now, darling~” she began as she withdrew, “You can’t just take. Your sister made you feel very, very good, didn’t she?”

“Hnn- y-yes, Mama…” Deltas gasped.

“Then isn’t it only right that you do the same in return? She still seems quite eager~” Lulu finished.

Deltas nodded, but he wasn’t quite able to get himself up to full mast just yet. Lulu sighed, shaking her head, and pulled down her own top to reveal that she had not been wearing a bra - leaving her luscious breasts on full display. If Deltas wasn’t going to get up and at them on his own, it was her job to help.

“Come now. Go ahead, give Mama some love so you can give Sis some too~”

Deltas needed no further prompting - he practically dove into her bosom, tongue taking in every bit of bare flesh it could find, licking and sucking at each breast in turn. Lulu gently guided him with a hand on his head, moaning softly with her own arousal as Hato finished reviving the young man’s cock and clambered onto his lap, poised over him with her panties tossed aside. Hato felt like she was practically boiling down below with arousal, and was certainly eager to continue.

With an affirmative glance from Mama, Hato had permission to begin. She plunged onto Deltas’ cock , impaling herself on his dick in one rough thrust just as Deltas began to suck on one of Lulu’s nipples. “There, there. Hato’s just going to enjoy herself with you for a bit. Just focus on Mama, and relax~ There’s a good boy~”

Hato’s womanhood was incredibly tight, Deltas soon discovered - it clenched around his cock, as if trying to avoid ever pulling away eve as Hato raised her hips for another drop. This time Deltas bucked his hips to meet her, which drew out a moan and an approving look as Hato very nearly hilted on the second thrust. “Good boy~” she teased, before picking up the pace - even this wasn’t enough, she had to be fucked silly.

Lulu, meanwhile, focused on helping Deltas attend the entirety of her chest - sucking on her nipples, then raking his tongue across her flesh and between the breasts, then sucking the next. Her own arousal was growing, seeing her two darlings fucking right on top of her - and seeing how nice and obedient they were. She was enjoying herself even if Hato was the one getting the more vigorous round.

Soon, Deltas was truly losng control of himself. His thrusts grew wild and random, while his licks were haphazard and hungry. He was getting close to the edge once again, dragged to it by Lulu’s motherly body and Hato’s steaming cunt. “Haaa… c-cumming…”

“Good~” Lulu teased - pulling him off her breasts and into another kiss.

Hato dropped her hips one final time, making sure to hilt as Deltas came wildly, pumping her womanhood full of the same substance she had so dutifully swallowed before. “My, my, Deltas~ Are you trying to knock me up? You love me so much you want me to have your kids~?” Hato teased, as if Deltas had any control at all of where he came in this situation.

Deltas was soon unable to respond, overwhelmed by pleasure as he was. From so many sources, it was just too much - he fell unconscious, going limp in Lulu’s arms. “Aww, he’s sleeping…” Lulu gushed.

Hato carefully disengaged and stood, allowing Lulu to get up. She carefully left her darling on the loveseat so he could sleep a bit, then turned to Hato. “Now then. Mama’s feeling a little hot and bothered too… do you think you can use your tongue quietly?”

Hato nodded - always eager to please.

Lulu sighed as her lovely Hato got to work down below. It was nice having a loving family, wasn’t it~?


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