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Patron commission for Waaaghan featuring their OCs, who I've done several stories of before. 


“And… that’s the last bag.” Brianna huffed as she carried in the last of her luggage into the rented home. Brianna was as much a fan of travel as the next girl, but such a lengthy vacation did mean a lot of luggage and neither she nor her girlfriend had wanted to pay for people to move their stuff for them, and that was admittedly a bit of a pain. They’d even brought a bit less with them than they normally would have - Lydia was going to the local shops to stock up on anything that they hadn’t bothered to bring in their luggage.

But once that was done, they’d have a proper vacation in the United States. The choice of location was strategic for the UK heroines; they had to go far enough abroad that coming back would be a hassle, so nobody would call them. Then, it had to be somewhere with a large enough superhero population of its own that that they could relax and not worry too much about having to go save the day. And lastly, it needed to be somewhere that they could both speak the language, since they were planning on a pretty long holiday. Between all those criteria, the options were basically just “somewhere in North America”, and they’d picked the USA.

Brianna, having finished with her task, flopped down on the sofa in the living room to rest a bit. It was a pretty nice house they’d gone and rented (with some assistance from some hero-associated nonprofits - neither of them was especially wealthy and heroes needed vacations too, so it was covered), and Brianna was all set to snooze off the jet lag. For the first time seemingly since Brianna had begun her job as a heroine, the villain's attacks were getting less common and it seemed like she could afford the break. Between that and the fact she’d recently faced several long-term transformations, she especially felt like she needed some time out of the cowl.


It was when the heroine was just starting to doze off that the doorbell was rung. The noise jolted her from the early beginnings of a dream and she groaned. Lydia had a key, so it wasn’t her, probably Maybe if she ignored it…?


Oh, it was a persistent one. Annoying.

She sighed and rolled herself off the couch, yawning as she pat herself down and wandered to the front door. She pulled it open, greeted by a tall, blonde haired and blue eyed bombshell that seemed every generic stereotype American woman combined into one. “Hey, sorry… just renting, not a new neighbor, and I’m just getting over the jet lag, so if you don’t mind…?” she murmured.

“Oh, I know, Brianna. I’m just visiting for a few minutes, then I’ll be all out of your hair once I’ve had my fun~” said the woman with a dazzling smile.

Because Brianna had just been getting to sleep before the interruption, she’d not fully recognized the woman. She was usually a lot better at spotting the shapeshifter; but the voice with Morgan’s usual impossible-to-place accent jarred Brianna out of her stupor enough to realize she was about to have a problem.

“Morgan, can you not-”

“Nope~” Morgan interrupted. It was a bit of a futile effort anyway - Morgan was a creature of whims and desires, and didn’t seem to have a single restrained bone in her body.

The change started with Brianna’s hair. It started to grow longer, going from her shoulders down to her butt. At the same time it began to significantly brighten in tone, from her original red to a more coppery shade, and then further to a dirty blonde. It began to restyle itself from it’s normal casual cascade into a set of twintails, as it began to settle on platinum blonde. “I didn’t even do anything this time…” Brianna complained, “Why are you even in the US?”

“I go wherever I please,” Morgan said enigmatically, but cracked a smile. “And I thought it’d be fun to visit you on your vacation~”

Even as Morgan revealed the real reason for her visit (which to be fair, was so clear that anyone could have guessed without her saying another word), Brianna continued to transform. She lost several inches of height, but not all that much mass - it seemed the lost weight was funneled to an increasingly impressive bust swelling against her top and an equally delightful behind. The clothes stretched, not painfully, but struggling to keep up with their owner’s growth. Morgan had her signatures, and one of them was her immense love of large breasts and butts.

“I mean I guess it makes sense, yeah, but like, why did you have to interrupt? Couldn’t it wait for when we’re coming home?” Brianna asked, not noticing at first how her speech patterns had shifted. She rubbed her engorged bosom, giving the hefty breasts some squeezes and blushing a bit - maybe not all of the transformation was so bad, if it felt this good. Or maybe that was just more of the mental influence. She was still a bit annoyed at the woman - enough that she felt she should transform and try and give her a piece of her mind! Or at least put up the show of it, she was a superheroine after all, and she couldn’t just let her do this like it was nothing.

Brianna activated her transformation, light flashing as she turned into the heroine Crystal Knight, to gain access to her equipment and what limited powers she had - or at least, that was the plan. Rather than the usual set of armor, she found herself in an extremely tight halter top with a crystal logo on it, along with a dangerously short miniskirt. Her equipment had been replaced with a set of pom-poms as well. In short - she’d been turned into a cheerleader. “Huh? I don’t think this is right…” she said, staring in confusion - and unable to help a giggle. It was a cute look, wasn’t it?

“Well, ‘Crystal Cheerleader’, I think it’s just right for a good old American heroine~” Morgan laughed. “Since you’re going to be staying here, I thought it was only right that you and your girlfriend fit the part, hmm~?”

“Isn’t that kinda stereotypical…? Like, it’s a laying it on a bit thick.” Crystal Cheerleader complained, but even as she did, Morgan snapped her finger.

Something shifted in her mind. The rental house was her house, now - her and Lydia’s. She lived here, having just moved from California, which was why her bags were all around. Brianna knew this little set of memories she had of growing up in the States wasn’t really real, and when she tried really hard to think about it she could remember her life in London, but she had no doubt that anyone she called would only know the bubbly cheerleader she had become.

“Maybe a bit~ But I think it’s more fun that way.” Morgan said - she reached over and gripped her transformed victim’s bust, causing an involuntary moan. “Oh, this is some nice work… anyway, bye-bye~ I have to pay a visit to Lydia~” Morgan laughed, then turned and vanished, leaving Crystal Cheerleader in her confused state.

— — — — —

Lydia Ward, otherwise known as the heroine Paragon, was on the move in full armor. She had a bad feeling, though she wasn’t sure how to place it. She’d come to the United States to visit her girlfriend Brianna, the Crystal Cheerleader, that much she was sure of - which made it really weird that she had some conflicting memories of Brianna being a different kind of heroine.

She’d just been shopping to stock up on some food for the week, thinking about how she looked forward to seeing her cute girlfriend. But even as she thought that, the thoughts had been invaded with other memories, of a ‘Crystal Knight’ instead of a ‘Crystal Cheerleader’. She wasn’t sure at this point which set of memories was the real one, even if the latter was much easier for her to believe, but she did know Brianna had a certain acquaintance who did so love random transformations…

In her rush to get to the house, she nearly ran right past Morgan. Her knack for recognizing the woman’s numerous different forms was not nearly so well developed as Brianna’s, but she still had one - and when Morgan laid a hand on her shoulder even as she rushed past in her full heroine attire, it was easy to guess that this woman was her.

“What did you do this time?” Lydia said immediately.

“Oh? I’m wounded that you’d think the worst immediately!” Morgan said with a smile.

“Brianna’s not your new bra or something again, is she?”

“No, no, I’ve left your cute American girlfriend just the way she’s always been~” Morgan insisted. “In fact, I just wanted to see you~”

Lydia naturally didn’t trust anything Morgan said, but she realized that Morgan had already taken control of the situation. “And why’s that…?”

“To help you fit in a bit more while you’re here on vacation~” Morgan giggled, and the transformation began right on cue.

It was Lydia’s outfit that changed first, this time. A knight didn’t fit in with a stereotypically ‘American’ heroine, Morgan had clearly decided. The armor burst apart, swirling around Lydia as it was reshaped and remade. Magical steel turned to rough leathers and cloth as it stopped being armor and took on a different sort of shape. It reattached to her body, now a cotton shirt covered by a rough hide jacket. Her boots matched the change, the only metal left on them being the buckles and a set of spurs as they turned into proper cowboy boots.

“This is hardly protective at all…” Lydia, ever the practical woman, complained. It was admittedly pretty stylish, she wasn’t quite as irritated by transformations as her girlfriend was, but still!

“Oh, don’t worry about that, you’re still just as tough as ever.” Morgan assured her, and the transformation continued unabated.

Some of the metal had split off - she didn’t have a helmet to turn into a hat, but for her new identity, going without a hat would be a cardinal sin. The metal plates formed into a familiar shape, fusing and then changing to their new material before landing on Lydia’s head, a new ten-gallon cowboy hat. The new accoutrement was accompanied by a small black mask, covering just her eyes and serving as the only significant bit of identity protection she had.

Her skin tone lightened dramatically, turning a pale peach shade as even her ancestry was rewritten. Her hair remained bright white in this form, but when she turned back to her mundane self it would be a sunny blonde. “Don’t ya think this looks a little silly?” Lydia asked, her natural British accent fading and being replaced with something from the deep southern U.S. The last of the physical changes was her sword, right as she commented on it - shrinking and becoming more mechanically complex, going from a blade to a six-shooter fitting the new All-American heroine Gunslinger.

“Not at all, love~” Morgan laughed. She’d made a real cowgirl out of the former Paragon (in the herding sense, not the milking one), and she quite enjoyed the look. She was just missing… oh, she’d nearly forgotten. Lydia’s bust ballooned massively, her jacket and shirt stretching to fit. “There we go~” Morgan said, before snapping her fingers.

The Gunslinger felt a strange pressure on her mind - the new memories not so much flooding in, as having always been there, of a young woman out in Texas growing up in an adopted family, before finding a magical revolver and becoming a superheroine. The memories had not so much just appeared, as had always been there and she was just now giving them any thought. The foreign memories were of the woman who’d lived in Britain most of her life - though she still knew they were the original ones.

“There we go - perfect for an American superhero, I think. I’ll enjoy watching you two~” Morgan said - before abruptly vanishing, leaving the Gunslinger to continue on her way to meet with her girlfriend.

— — — — —

“Lydia! Good to see you!” Brianna said, as her girlfriend suddenly arrived.

“Brianna, nice to see ya looking good!” Lydia said, opening her arms as Brianna skipped over and jumped into a hug. “Morgan swung by, didn’t she?”

“Mmhm!” Brianna nodded, “But I think whatever she did isn’t, like, actually doing too much.” she said.

“Is that right?” Lydia asked. “I saw her too. Was worried she did something to ya, but glad to see my bouncy girl as lovely as ever.”

“Hmm~? Now I’m worried she did something to my strong cowgirl~!” Brianna giggled.

The two embraced further in the threshold of their shared house.

Brianna was glad that her girlfriend was doing alright - this visit had suddenly gone strange, but that didn’t mean she should spoil Lydia’s joy to see her. She’d be Crystal Cheerleader for a bit - it was probably a better match for the American ‘Gunslinger’ anyway, while she was here.

Meanwhile, Lydia was happy to see Brianna. The Crystal Cheerleader was her usual, adorable self, though she didn’t seem to remember that Lydia wasn’t supposed to be American. Which was just as she’d expected, given Morgan liked to make things so that nobody realized anything was up. It’d probably be more confusing than anything to try and convince her she was anything but a natural-born American, so she’d leave her be; she was still going to have her vacation, just in a bit different of a form.

Of course, neither of the girlfriends realized that the other had transformed as well - which made Morgan in her hidden position giggle with delight. It would be adorable to see them dancing around that little fact. At least, as long as they even remembered they themselves had changed - she wondered, by the end of the vacation, would they still remember who they were supposed to be before she turned them back? It would be fun to find out~


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