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A patron wanted to get some more Vitalizers content immediately - specifically a Bad End off an idea list of mine. Unlike a large amount of my other work, "bad ends" for Vitalizers will be specifically labeled and non-canon. Though, in some cases I might make a chapter based on one of those bad ends going the other way (or vice versa). 

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“Ten times Magical Girls have turned out to be worse than the villains! Keep an eye out!” - Buzzfae

“Villain attacks are up again - why are magical girl responses so slow these days? A bunch just get horny for the villains and give up!” -DarkDidNothingWrong Blog Post

“Shrine wasn’t here yesterday. Bet it’s a villain. Gonna check it out, bet they’re hot.” -Post by user ‘TouchFluffyTail’ on WinterCourt.

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Hina had always thought of her home city as really varied and multicultural. You could find just about any kind of person amongst it’s millions of inhabitants. Still, they were in the United States, and there were certain things you just didn’t expect to find sitting around. An elaborate Shinto shrine, complete with torii gate and large buildings for worship and for storage of sacred artifacts in distinctly Japanese architecture, was pretty up there on that list. “Hm. I wonder if this is the place.” she said sarcastically.

“It’s as expected.” Maya said, rolling her shoulders and cracking her knuckles as she prepared for a fight. Or rather, Vita Rose said it. Maya would have observed from outside for an hour or two and concocted a careful plan to head inside. Vita Rose was rather more… energetic, than that. She crouched down. “What are we waiting for? Villain’s not going anywhere soon.” she said, and then suddenly leapt into the air, attempting to leap over the outer wall.

When the arc of her leap seemed like it would take her past the torii gate, though, there was a flash of pink. Cherry blossom petals swirled in the air as Maya was repelled away from the shrine, tumbling through the air.

“Rose!” Alex - Vita Sky - called out, jumping into the air after her. She caught her companion mid-fall and floated gently back to the ground. “Maybe let the one who can fly try first?” Sky chided her. “You alright?”

Vita Rose grunted and pulled herself out of the young woman’s arms, flushing a little with embarrassment. “I’m fine, I’m fine. Just didn’t see it coming.”

“Maybe instead of either of us charging in, we let our lovely helper here try and analyze it first?” Celica, Vita Sun, suggested.

“Huh? Oh, right, right!” Hina stammered, shrugging off her backpack and rooting around the contents. Just recently she’d been assigned as the Vitalizer’s Handler; basically meant to go into the field with her friends and provide command-and-control from a place where she could get a bigger picture view, along with being their first point of contact when the MGA had a priority mission or otherwise had to urgently communicate with the trio.

She was new at the job, but the team wasn’t that experienced either, and they’d gone without a handler for a while for some reason. Hina was mostly just hoping she wouldn’t screw up too badly.

“Here we go…” Hina said, pulling out a bulky metallic rod with a screen at the base and a wide circular head at the other, capable of telescoping inwards to save space. She extended it to full length, at which point it looked something like a metal detector, and pointed it at the shrine. The Magical Analyzer (or Manalyzer as Hina preferred to call it, it was silly) beeped a status report.

“Barrier, and a strong one. As a tradeoff for it’s strength, it’s got to allow people through the gate, but only if they intend to complete a ritual inside. Consequences if this rule is violated.” Hina reported. “So, by having a weakness that anyone can exploit, it’s able to enforce its rules on the area in a way we can’t really break through without a lot more magical power.”

“Excellent analysis, Handler~” Vita Sun said with a cheerful wink. “Now then, I suppose that means we’ve got two choices.”

“Either call backup or head in and agree to do whatever ritual first before you all start fighting the villain.” Hina confirmed.

The assembled Magical Girls considered the options for a few moments, before Maya broke the quiet. “Location-warping types like this spread if left alone. We’ll call the backup and all but we have to try and beat the villain in here ourselves. We should be fine as long as we operate within the rules - what are they?”

“It’s pretty simple I think,” Hina said. “Can’t work out the details from the outside, but it’s basically following the path and offering the shrine’s spirit a prayer. Or at least that’s what I think it is from here.”

“Then we can do that. If that’s the only requirement, then after we do that we should be free to run around right?”

“I’m not sure, it could be really dangerous.” Sky commented. “We don’t know what that ‘prayer’ involves.”

“It’s probably not just a straight subversion of the will,” Celica noted. “It’s too… simple, for that. If it was basically funneling someone directly to a transformation then that wouldn’t be much of a drawback on the barrier, right? And then it wouldn’t be as strong as it is.”

Alex frowned, but nodded. “...Fine then. We can go in.” she said after a few moments.

The group assembled at the torii gate. Now that they tried to look through it, there was a haze over the entire shrine - the barrier visible in the physical world, blurring the world behind into blobs of colors.

“A-Ah, I’ll come too, I can’t see anything from out here because of the barrier…” Hina said, joining the girls as they started to enter.

Hina got through without a problem. But the Magical Girls were still stopped at the torii gate. “What gives!?” Maya demanded.

Now on the inside of the barrier, Hina’s magic tool could perform a bit more detailed analysis. Ignoring the pressure building in her mind from her side, she tried to reply to them. “It sees you as prepared for a fight… can you try dismissing your magical girl forms?”

“No. That’d leave us too vulnerable. Definitely can’t do that.” Alex said a bit too fast. Was she really that frightened of it? “Maybe just the clothes…? Mantle, disperse!”

When Vita Sky spoke a command phrase, her clothes changed significantly, going from the peppy magical girl blouse and skirt to her usual mundane hoodie and sweat-pants. They weren’t quite properly fit for her female figure at the moment, but she was still in Magical Girl mode. And now she could step through the gate.

“Oh, that’s an interesting requirement…” Sun muttered, repeating the command and coming in with mundane clothes, followed by Rose.

As they stepped through the gate, the world shifted. Colors were a bit more vibrant, the sky clearer. And they could see the shrine in full detail - and more importantly the people in it.

There was a line of people with looks that ranged from dazed to frightened. They walked in a column from near the gate towards the big building at the heart of the shrine, along the main path. They were kept in line by the occasional young lady in white and red robes. They looked mostly normal - except for some distinctly vulpine features, like ears and fluffy tails going through small holes in their robes; even from this distance, the contented but dazed expressions on their faces spoke of their thorough brainwashing.

A force at their backs compelled them to get on the line. Hina unfortunately ended up in the front, and they walked up to the back of the line.

“Can you see what’s at the front?” Alex hissed quietly from behind her.

“No, there’s too many people in the way…” Hina replied, leaning over to try and look in front.

As she was doing this, someone - one of the more aware and scared civilians - seemed to notice some kind of break in the attention of the foxy shrine maidens, and made a break for it. The young man bolted, rushing out of the line.

“My my, how rude~” A mature, feminine voice from up ahead said. “You’ve not even had a chance to pray to the shrine spirit yet~ I suppose that’s in need of a correction…”

A bolt of magic reached out and shocked the young man. He stiffened as if shot, as a transformation took him all at once. His casual clothes morphed, bleaching white in some places and bleeding to red in others, while his figure took on a distinctly more feminine shape. His dark hair grew longer as a pair of vulpine ears popped out of the top of his head, and a tail formed on his rear end. The miko in the making turned around with a dazed look on their newly feminine face, as the transformation and mind control settled in. She prostrated herself in the direction of the shrine.

“Much better. Stay that way until I collect you, ok?”

“Yes, goddess Inari.” The supplicating foxgirl said.

The group got a good look at the villainess now - and it almost certainly was her. The fox was a woman with long, black hair that went straight down her back and brushed against her bottom. She was inhumanly pretty, with eyes that lit up with mischief and similar vulpine features to her followers. She had fox ears like they all did, and a tail - but she distinguished herself by having three of them rather than one, flowing out of a dark red and black kimono.

“...Oh that’s… not good…” Hina muttered.

“She won’t be able to tell we’re Magical Girls, with the outfit change and the Glamour. It should be fine…” Maya insisted.

“As long as we’re following the rules, I don’t think she can punish us like that. It’d break the rules she’s set up, and Magic hates a cheater.” Celica noted.

The line proceeded apace towards the shrine. At the entrance, the kitsune villainess lounged on a fancy chair, while the civilians were made to pray to her. After that prayer most of them got shuffled off in one of two directions - which seemed to mostly break down on whether the person was conscious enough to actually say the words.

The villainess - Inari, Hina figured was her name - eyed Hina as she approached. “I don’t think I saw you all come into my domain when I opened it. You’re new.”

Hina had to think fast. It sounded like she hadn’t quite clocked their purpose there but she had recognized them as different from the dazed and confused civilians. The girls had to finish whatever ritual it was she was demanding before they could try and fight her, or else become vulnerable to being instantly transformed into one of her servants.

Going off the others it was some kind of prayer she wanted. Hina decided to try it out based on what she’d seen the transformed would-be escapee do after their change. She fell to her knees, took off her hat and pointedly did not look up as she began to ‘pray’. “Oh, Goddess Inari, we simply couldn’t help but be drawn to your divinity upon passing by your shrine. I’ve come to pray for your divine blessing, for health and fortune.” Hina said - was she laying it on a bit thick? She figured she should, you had to be pretty egotistical to take the name of a goddess as your villain moniker, but maybe it was too much…?

“Oh~? Go on~” The fox woman said, reclining in her seat. While Hina didn’t dare look up she could practically hear the smug smile in her features. Amusement because of how dumb Hina was being, or being flattered?

“A great goddess such as yourself deserves to have all follow you, all to know your name. Quite honestly I’m not worthy to be in your direct presence, even, and I most humbly thank you for allowing such an audience.” Hina continued. She could feel sweat beginning to bead, and was glad she had chosen to look down rather than up or it would be obvious on her face.

“Mmmhm~ Very good~ You’d serve me well, wouldn’t you?” Inari asked.

Oh, this was a dangerous question… “I’d do whatever you wish, Inari…” she started, “I’d help expand your influence beyond the shrine’s walls if you asked, even…” Maybe that’d let her go free with some light compulsion rather than a transformation…

The self-proclaimed goddess was quiet for a few moments, and Hina worried she’d offended her by pushing a little too hard. She laughed softly. “Look up, mortal. And tell me your name.”

Hina felt herself compelled to obey, looking up at the mischievous eyes of the kitsune. “H-Hina…”

“You’ve amused me greatly. I think your devotion is due a reward. And I have just the reward in mind.”

Alarm bells began to sound in Hina’s head but she was too late to do anything about it - the kitsune had already begun to hit her with direct and concentrated magical power. Her transformation was a bit slower than the rule-breaker earlier; whether that was a result of Inari taking her time, or some more intense transformation, Hina couldn’t really tell from her position.

The magic worked it’s way into her body, forcing her hair to grow longer and her figure to develop in significant ways - particularly around her chest and bottom. Her casual clothes were pushed to the point of tearing, before promptly bursting - and rapidly reforming. The cotton of her top became dark silk, while the leather of her boots turned into wood as they reformed into split-toe sandals. The clothes reformed over her as a black kimono with a pink sash, marking her change as distinctly different from those of the generic shrine maidens scattered about the place in their white-and-red.

This was followed by further changes - her ears grew furry and started to climb up her head, her hat being thrown off as they took their place at the top and finished their development into proper fox-ears, light red in coloring. A fox she’d be then - but why different than the shrine maidens? The fox ears were quickly accompanied by a tail, forming through the hole in the back of the kimono. It felt strange, like a new limb that had never been there before, but somehow felt… right. The others could see it lazily swishing behind Hina, light red fur matching the color of her ears highlights.

“Ah… wha…?” Hina moaned, feeling strange indeed due to the sudden, rapid transformation - but that wasn’t where it was leaving off. A strange feeling of power swelled in her. She felt all of a sudden like she could do anything, that she had a real control over her life. An urge to enjoy herself and let loose, to live life by her own rules and laugh at whoever stumbled in her wake.

When she looked up, she saw the villain- no, the goddess - who had made her feel that way. Who had given her the gift of magic and made her into a fellow kitsune. She smiled, her daze clearing and being replaced by devotion and mischief in equal measure, and stood. “Hehehehe~ What a wonderful reward, Goddess~” she said.

“Hina! Let her go!” Alex shouted, stepping out of the line - the transformation had happened so fast, she’d hardly had time to respond.

“Sky-” Maya hissed.

“Alex-” Celica whispered.

But it was too late - Alex had revealed herself, and they couldn’t do so as well without rendering themselves vulnerable to the same punishment that Alex just had.

Inari and Hina both looked at Alex with smug looks. “Oh, what a rude mortal. A friend of yours?”

“Hm, yes. Another boring mortal my old self quite liked. Alex, love, I feel better than I ever have~” Hina said with a giggle. “Being a lovely fox is far better than being a mere human, especially a powerless one like I once was.”

Alex felt their face heating up. She wouldn’t allow this. She wouldn’t just let them snatch away Hina just like that! “Mantle, activate!” she called, and her magical girl uniform flared to life. “I’ll just knock her out then you’ll be back to yourself, Hina!”

“Oh my, quite rude indeed.” Inari said. “She doesn’t even deserve to serve me, I think. Hina, darling, I think she’d be of more value to me enhancing my other servants. And, since you and her seem to have had a connection, I’ll be a kind goddess and allow you to take her first.”

Hina smiled. “Thank you~ I’ll be sure to have some fun with her~” she said, her wide grin revealing sharpened fangs to match her new animalistic self.

Vita Sky decided to go straight for Inari; surely once the villainess was defeated, her friend would return to normal. She pulled out her wand and sent out several bursts of magic towards the villainess, who didn’t even bother moving to avoid them - after all, having violated the rules of the barrier, Alex wasn’t any threat to her.

While that action went on, though, another had come up behind Alex. “Now now, why don’t you just relax and stop being so rude~” Hina whispered in her ear.

Sky whirled around to face Hina, but just as she did Hina grabbed her and pulled her close. “H-Hey, snap out of it! We’re friends!” Alex grunted.

“Mmhm~ We’ll be very close friends soon. Very, very close~” she giggled, deciding to test out her new magic. A soft glow suffused Alex, as Hina ran her hands along the Magical Girl’s body. Alex groaned - it felt far better than it should have. Almost enough that she didn’t notice that she could no longer pull her hands away from Hina.

“Wha-?” Alex started, but she was silenced by a sudden kiss from Hina. A whole different kind of heat rose inside of Alex as she blushed fiercely - and was unable to resist when Hina pulled back, only to gently but firmly force Sky’s head down into her breasts.

Vita Sky felt incredibly strange as she melted into the kitsune - it was sort of like she was being slowly submerged in jello, soft and pliant but still somehow solid. She also had a second sensation, one of growth detached from her body, that she just couldn’t identify. From an outside perspective, Alex seemed to be pulled into Hina - and at the same time something began poking at the back of Hina’s kimono.

The kitsune gently pulled at the hole in the back to allow space, and a second tail sprung from the hole. This one was a bright blue, rather than red, the same color as Alex’s hair. As she finished absorbing Alex - which seemed to leave her a couple of inches taller and with a slightly larger bust in addition to the second tail - it began to swish around at odds with it’s sister, thrashing wildly as the red tail waved contentedly.

“Oh, Hina darling, this really is your first time, hm~? Get that tail of yours under control.” Inari said, and offered Hina a brush.

Alex, meanwhile, was quite confused and not planning to get ‘under control’ anytime soon. She felt… weird. Her whole body was one long limb, or so it felt like, and she was covered in fluffy fur. She kept getting odd signals telling her to go one way or another but that didn’t feel right. She didn’t have eyes or ears but she did have an awareness of the world around her in an odd sense. And of course, Hina was still a fox. She tried to call out to Hina - to get her to come to her senses.

The only response was something falling on her base, where she popped out of the kimono. Something prickly and- if she had lungs she’d moan as she was brushed. The lengthy motion stroked all down her body, from base to tip. What had she been wondering about- a voice in her head told her to be calm, be at peace. Quiet down. But she couldn’t be quiet, she had to- another brush scattered her thoughts.

Quiet down. Just wave in the pleasant breeze.

She couldn’t, she had to help-


Hina doesn’t need help. Not from a tail.

But- Alex had to-


A tail just has to be nice and fluffy. It doesn’t have to think. It doesn’t have to worry.

But Alex- this tail- wasn’t just…


Just a tail. A magic one, befitting a kitsune, but just a tail. Not a person.

Not a person…


…Just a tail…


Just a… fluffy fox tail…



Hina brushed her tail gently and lovingly, making sure to get all through it in each stroke of the brush. At first it was a bit hard because Alex continued to thrash and shake, but each brush caused soft shudders in the tail. It’s blue color began to shift, starting at the base, to the same light red as the other tail. Each brush overtook more of the color, each calmed the tail more and more.

Half red, then three fourths, and then almost entirely. The tail stopped thrashing, gently swaying like its twin, with the only sign that it was anything but a natural part of Hina the light blue tip. Not Alex at all. Just a pretty, fluffy tail.

Celica and Maya paled at the sudden transformation, but stayed quiet to avoid joining their friend. “Excellent, Hina~” the villainess praised. “I think you’ll make a wonderful servant~ Make sure to handle the remaining congregants for me, hm~?”

“Of course, of course~” Hina said, waving as Inari turned to leave, then turned to her former friends and smiled softly. “Well~?”

The pair of magical girls looked at each other, then nodded. They had to finish the ‘ritual’, and then they’d be free to act. They both bowed towards the shrine and made whatever prayers they could come up with on the spur of the moment; good health and all that. The wording didn’t matter so much as the act, and both felt a pressure easing off their shoulders. Now that the ritual was complete, they were free to act.

“Good, good~” Hina said, “Would you like to head into the shrine now~? I’m sure the other devotees would love to see you~”

“Hina, do you remember us?” Maya asked, deciding to risk it. They were in a dangerous situation, and just going along was liable to get them transformed and brainwashed. “We’re friends, right?”

Hina nodded. “Mmhm! Of course I remember you,” she said, “Maya, Celica. There was Alex, but they’re just my tail now.” she swished the respective tail to indicate that, “Too bad she was so rude. Would have been nice to have her here…”

“What are you trying to do?” Celica hissed in Maya’ ear. “This’ll just get us changed…”

“Kitsune are tricksters, and I doubt Hina’s any different now.” Maya replied. “We can use that.”

“I can hear you, you know.” Hina pointed out, gesturing to her fox ears. “Maybe you should see if Inari will let you turn into kitsunes as well~? I can put in a good word, and you’d look so cute~”

“Maybe that would be fun,” Maya conceded to Hina, “But I have another idea that might be fun. Don’t you think a tricksy fox like your goddess would find it hilarious to have someone she recently transformed play a trick on her?”

Hina’s vulpine ears twitched, and she grinned. “Oooh~? Tell me more, this sounds interesting~”

— — — — —

The interior of the shrine was surprisingly elaborate. Inari had arranged it as a large hall with the central path lined with statues of herself, leading up to a dias upon which rested the artifact that gave her power. Was this a touch self indulgent? Absolutely. Did she deserve it, being a goddess? As far as Inari was concerned, equally yes.

As she was admiring one of those statues, her newest servant came in, tails swishing lazily behind her. Hina seemed to be in a good mood - as was natural given her recent ascension to a level not too far off Inari’s own. “Ah, good to see you, darling~ Did you handle those two who were with you before?”

Hina nodded. “Mmmhm~ I’m taking it slow with them, I want to enjoy making them realize your greatness and the superiority of foxes~” she said, reaching down to stroke her tails as if to emphasize the point. “It’s no fun to just zap them and be done~”

“Good, good.” Inari nodded approvingly, “I see your tail is under control now. How does it feel?”

“Wonderful~ It would be delightful to have her as a fellow fox, but she is quite a nice tail as well. I wonder when she’ll match my coloring fully?”

“Ah, the last bits will fade soon enough as she becomes part of you. At this point, I imagine even if we turned her back she’d just cling to you like a tail anyway.”

As the two foxes talked, a pair of humans moved unseen above them, creeping along the support beams. They tried their best to be quiet, avoiding the use of magic that might light them up and give away their position. Even kitsune rarely looked up, but a bright light of a spell cast would be as telling as shouting at her.

Celica and Maya saw the target up ahead - the magical artifact. It was an old-looking scroll, and while it didn’t look like much if they got their hands on it it might let them de-power Inari and get everything back to normal.

They were nearly directly above the artifact, and preparing to descend, when Inari turned back towards the item. Celica was already slipping off the beam…

Hina, noticing their plight, quickly moved to re-engage the conversation. She smiled softly, sparing the briefest glance at her partners in crime.

“Now or never…” Maya muttered, nodding at Celica. They counted down on fingers. Three, two, one!

The pair leapt down from the supports and directly in front of the scroll. “You’re done for, Inari!” Celica called out, as she snatched up the artifact and Inari turned to face them.

“Oh? Is that so?” the self-proclaimed goddess said, sounding completely unworried. “Go on then. Burn it. Rip it up. Doing so will render me powerless, as you’ve so astutely guessed.”

Celica moved to do just that, but when she tried to do so found that she just couldn’t put in any effort. An attempt to blast it with magic produced only sparks, when she tried to tear it apart her muscles simply would not pull. “What!?”

“Let me- damnit!” Maya grunted as she tried to do the same and found the same challenge.

“You prayed to me as the rest, did you not? In doing so, you’ve made it so you cannot knowingly harm me.” Inari explain.

“Did I forget to mention that~?” Hina giggled.

“Hm, what to do with you, what to do with you…” Inari hummed, stroking her chin as she slinked up to the pair of magical girls, “This is quite rude, yes… but it is also quite amusing… Ah, I think I have a delightful idea. Hina, come.”

Celica and Maya thought at first that the plan was to make them into more tails, as Hina came over. But that was clearly not the case. Unable to force themselves to fight, the Magical Girls could only vainly struggle in their grips as the pair of kitsune each grabbed one of them.

But rather than begin to absorb them themselves, they did something else. Inari’s eyes glowed violet as she cast some kind of spell on both of them, and then started to push the Magical Girls into each other.

Rather than getting merely pressed against each other’s bodies however, the two began to somehow push inside each other. Their bodies were as clay, distorting and distending over each other. “Stop-” “Let us go-” their complaints started to mingle and mix as their bodies did, their minds melding.

It became hard to tell where Celica ended and Maya began, not just physically but mentally. Celica’s cheer mixed with Maya’s confidence, virtues and failings alike melding into a strange new amalgam. The individual that resulted was not quite the same person as either of their component parts, and as they stumbled, falling onto their knees, this fact left their mind whirling and struggling to figure out who they were.

The fusion had aspects from both her components in abundance. She had Maya’s lengthy hair, but mixed into the red was Celica’s sunny yellow. She had Vita Sun’s ample bosom and Vita Rose’s slender figure. Her clothes were a strange mix of the elaborate yellow skirts and simple red tank. One eye was red and one yellow, both on a face that looked like it could be a relative to either or both of the magical girls.

“We… what…?” the nameless fusion said. Was she Celica? Maya? Neither? Both? “Who am… us? I?” Her head hurt trying to wrap itself around the issue, warring between Celica’s natural intense emotional reaction and Maya’s default analytical.

The chaos meant that the new fusion - even with the power of both magical girls combined - had no defense against Inari’s next plans. “Aw, you’re so confused. Let me help settle that for you~” she said, and sent a blast of magic straight into the confused woman.

The change mirrored Hina’s in several ways; her ears went up top, turning into furry fox ears, one red and one yellow. Her clothes began to morph, shifting from their mixed garments into a single, dark red kimono with a golden sash around the waist, with holes at the back through which a pair of tails began to push out, matching the split color scheme of the rest of the kitsune in the making.

While the physical changes were notable, the more dramatic shift was on the mind. With her identity already fragmented and in shambles, such a sudden and violent shift blew away what was left of her component parts from her mind. She was filled with an unshakeable love and loyalty for her Goddess Inari, drowning out the ‘Maya’ pieces of her mind that tried to form a logical rebuttal against the wall of faith. The ‘Celica’ part tried to rally her compassion and cheer but was swallowed up in a sense of superiority and desire to play dastardly tricks. Two distinct halves stood no chance against the whole of a kitsune’s mind, and were absorbed into it with hardly a fight. No longer was the new fox something that could be considered either Celica or Maya, or even a fusion - she just was. The new kitsune stood with a smile, her tails swaying behind her.

“I can tell from your happy little tails that you’re done…” Inari said, pausing as she decided on the kitsune’s new name. “Honoka. That’s who you are now.”

Honoka nodded. “Honoka. That’s a good name for me~” she giggled. “Thank you so much for making me a kitsune, Goddess~ I can hardly even remember the boring human I was before~” she said - evidently not even able to remember she used to be two humans.

Hina jumped over to hug her fellow fox. “Oh, you’re so cute~ I’m so happy you’ve joined us~” she said, “We’ll have so much fun~”

“Now, girls…” Inari said. “There’s some fun to be had. I need you to spread my worship into the human world beyond our shrine…”

The pair of kitsunes nodded eagerly, happy to serve and even happier to have a good reason to play with those hilarious mortals…

— — — — —

“The Inari Shrine welcomes all visitors~ Come and find your new Goddess~” -User ‘TouchFluffyTail’ on WinterCourt.

"MGA plans large scale liberation of the Inari Shrine. Assures public they will defeat this villainess." -Rainbow News.

"Kitsune shrines appearing in all major cities, coincidence or part of some greater plan?" -Yamatai Broadcasting Corporation


Michael Joyce / BeigePaladin

hina and honoka fun and cute. foxified is fun times, and inari pretty~ barriers a fun, gotta follow the rulez