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Patron commission and sequel to the previous story, "Dogs are Bimbo Wolves". 

NSFW warning. 


The last time a certain young entrepreneur had arrived in the Arcane Sanctuary, it had been a teleporter accident. A device meant to transmit the man between dimensions had glitched out and dropped him between them. He’d been quite lucky that rather than some empty interdimensional void, he’d ended up in the strange library of arcane knowledge and design. Deltas Danforth hadn’t known what he expected to find - but it certainly hadn’t been a pair of wolf-girls who happened to be extremely vulnerable to petting, and so damn cute he couldn’t help but make them into his pets. After giving them a nice tumble, anyway.

And pets they remained - at least, this version of them. The pair had chattered about multiverse-theory, different continuities and “canons”, and all that enough to make his head hurt; but still, they were collared and seemed to enjoy themselves hanging around one of his many headquarters, and occasionally getting themselves fucked silly. But despite that, they were quite insistent about their “duty” to the Arcane Sanctuary; they occasionally vanished into its halls, only to pop back in later.

This time, Deltas had decided to give his horny little dogs a surprise while they were at work. So he’d set the teleporter to the place intentionally, and now here he was, wandering down the shelves. He wasn’t sure how he’d find the twins. They talked about the Sanctuary like it had a will of its own, a shifting geography that would lead people down the paths it wanted them to walk.

“I hope you don’t mind me borrowing your cute little dogs. They’re just so cute, I can’t help myself. I promise I’m treating them quite well. They certainly haven’t had any complaints.” he said to the empty air, with the tone of one asking a parent for permission to take their daughter out. It was a bit odd, and he wasn’t actually sure that that’s what they had meant by calling the place intelligent, but it couldn’t hurt.

As his voice stopped echoing and silence began to fill the Arcane Sanctuary, he took a few steps forward - and then nearly jumped out of his skin as something fell down in front of him with a heavy thud. He barely had time to look down before whatever it was sprung up.

“Hello visitor! I’m Gabriella, I’m here to help!” The new arrival said. As Deltas recovered from his minor heart attack, he took stock and realized that he was looking at a girl. Or something like one. She looked not too dissimilar from the twins Luna and Lupa, with canine ears and a tail, with two important distinctions. One: She was buck naked. Two: She seemed to be made out of rock. The stone dog-girl sniffed the air, then grinned. “Hey, hey, haven’t you been here before? I can tell! I can smell my owner on you!”

Smoothing down his suit and tie and recomposing himself, Deltas coughed. Right. So this was Luna and Lupa’s assistant that they’d talked about? “Why, yes, I have. I’m looking for them now.” he said. She was very cute, he noticed. Did the Arcane Sanctuary have a thing for adorable canine-human mixes? If so, he would have to complement the place’s tastes.

“Oh! I can help! I can help!” Gabriella said. Goodness, her tail was wagging so fast - it was even cuter somehow. “I can lead you to her!”

“Would you? It would be very helpful.” Deltas said. He accompanied this with some petting. While she was, naturally, still made of rock, she reacted just like the twins did, nuzzling against his hand. An odd sensation, but she seemed very pleased with it.

The dog girl bolted off down the aisle, and Deltas followed. Gabrella was fast, and clearly knew her way around the place, but she hung back waiting for Deltas to catch up at his relaxed walking pace. He was pretty sure if he tried to match the girl she’d get too excited and catapult herself into a shelf or something.

He walked for a few minutes through the shelves, trying not to get distracted by the contents; he knew if he did he’d probably get himself transformed or cursed or whatever. The impossible geometries of the Arcane Sanctuary would get him where he was supposed to go in good time, he just had to be patient about it.

Eventually they arrived at a cozy-feeling spot in the Arcane Sanctuary - a room with a fireplace (how was it not a fire hazard?) and a hefty desk. Deltas caught sight of the pair of wolf-girls that he’d come to see at last. Lupa - the bronze-haired one in green - was diligently scribbling away at something at the desk, while Luna - silver hair, purple dress - flitted about the room picking up one item or another.

“Good girl,” he told Gabriella, giving her some more gentle strokes on the head - she shivered and made pleased noises, her tail wagging wildly. As he did this, Deltas watched the pair work.

“Alright, got everything in place! Mostly! It’s close enough!” Luna called to her sister, “How’re you doing over there Lupa? Need any help?”

Lupa turned to Luna, and Deltas saw she was blushing. “It’s, a, uh, part of the story that… it’s supposed to be a bit… I think I need your help with it…”

“Ehehehe, it’s cute that you pretend you can’t handle lewd stuff~” Luna giggled, walking over. The pair hadn’t seemed to notice the new arrival, and Deltas was curious what they’d get up to while they thought nobody was watching. “I’ll help, then~ Wanna let me in~? It’s been so long~”

Lupa nodded a little bit too fast, and Deltas found himself curious what they were doing. Were they going to just… have sex? Well, twins in that kind of relationship was something he’d seen before so he wouldn’t be that surprised, but they didn’t quite sound like that.

Luna had found her way to the desk now, and hugged Lupa from behind. Lupa squirmed a bit at first - knowing Luna, she’d added in a bit of groping - but settled down and relaxed against her sister. For a moment they just rested like that, but then light began to fill the room, growing brighter and eventually blocking the twins from view.

Deltas blinked the stars from his eyes, and where there had once been two, there was now one. A new wolf girl was present, with swirling silver-and-bronze hair styled in large twintails, heterochromatic green-and-purple eyes behind a set of glasses, and a similarly split dress. Even her lupine bits were split, her tail half silver and half bronze. She looked older than the twins Luna and Lupa, and had a figure that mixed the best part of both - Luna was top heavy and Lupa bottom heavy, and this new woman had both assets in abundance.

This seemed to startle Gabriella out of her petting-induced reverie. “Lulu! We have a guest! He wanted to see you!” she said, darting into the room and tackle-hugging the newly created wolf girl.

“Huh? What?” Lulu said in confusion, before looking to where Gabriella had come from and seeing Deltas. Then she blushed, awkwardly rubbing one of her twintails and tugging at her collar - the fusion was still wearing the same kind of collar as her component parts, and it seemed that she’d inherited their thoughts on that matter as well. “U-Uh, hello, uh, Deltas? Mr. Danforth?” she said, as if unsure how she was supposed to refer to the man.

Deltas blinked and started. He’d been staring, he realized. “Hello, uh…?”

“Luna Lupa. Or Lulu, which is what everyone calls me.” Lulu supplied. “This is, uh, how I’m supposed to look I guess? The twins are kinda me splitting up to multitask.” she adjusted her glasses, looking away for a bit before looking back. “Uh, hello,” she repeated, “Do you, uh, want me to switch back? Since you wanted to talk with them?”

“No, this is fine…” Deltas said. He walked a bit closer. “I was just surprised by how pretty you are.”

Lulu suddenly felt her face grow hot as she blushed deeply. “I… thanks…” she mumbled. Lulu was usually a bit more in control than this, but the twins’ infatuation with the man (and maybe any effects of the collars he’d put on them) had transferred right to Lulu, and she wasn’t entirely sure what to do with herself.

He answered that question quite quickly though. When he was close enough, he started petting her, running his hands through her hair and giving particular attention behind the ears. It was the twins’ weakness, and so it was Lulu’s as well - she simply could not handle being affectionately pet like a dog. “Hhhnnnn~” she moaned, leaning into the young man’s hand as her tail began to wag wildly.

“Good girl~ Good girl~” Deltas said softly, “Who’s my pretty little dog? Who’s my sexy pet~?” he said. He was blindsided by how pretty the young woman was, and simply had to show his affection. He’d definitely have to take advantage of this form at a later point - twins were excellent, but being able to have just one would be fun too~

“Hhh~ I- hnnn- have woooooork…” Lulu tried to complain. She had things she had to be doing now, she’d come back here for a good reason! But it was getting harder and harder to care as she was pet. Maybe she should take a break. It was good to take a break, it was good to just relax like this… her tongue began to loll out of her mouth and her glasses were pushed askew as she panted like the dog she was made by such affection, and her tail began to wag faster and harder.

Hard enough to knock over a little potion on the table behind her, and send it flying.

Lulu was a bit too preoccupied to notice the crash and splatter, but Deltas did and momentarily stopped. Had that potion been there before? He hadn’t seen it when he came in, maybe Luna had left it there when she went to fuse? What was it, was it important?

He sniffed the air, and could smell the heavy scent of it now. It was not a smell he particularly recognized, though it wasn’t bad - it smelled like a weird fusion of a forest smell with grasses and wood, and the usual library paper smell. “What is that…?” he muttered. Lulu, for her part, made a half-aware ‘whuf?’ noise in response. Which was, frankly, adorable, and deserved additional petting, which Deltas provided.

His confusion lasted until he felt something pushing out against his rear end. He tried to look around to see, and found something bulging through his pants on his butt. Not sure what it could be, and figuring Lulu was a bit too preoccupied to notice and Gabriella a bit too nudist to care, he pulled his pants down a bit.

A tail popped right out and the young man couldn’t help but sigh in relief as the pressure that had been building was released. But then he looked at it - a golden wolf-tail was sticking out of his butt. Oh dear.

He felt his body heating up all over as the changes came. Luckily, it seemed it wouldn’t be too intense visually - but he did notice his blonde hair turning more gold, akin to Lulu’s metallic coloring, and he suddenly found he could hear much clearer. Reaching a hand to his head, he found a pair of wolf ears there as well, and experimentally rubbed at their base. He gasped, the feeling shockingly pleasant - perhaps he’d gained his own vulnerability to petting as a result of the transformation?

The rest of the change was more internal. He was not in poor shape by any means normally, but he felt better than he ever had - stronger, healthier. He took in a deep breath and let it out, feeling it through his whole body. It felt… surprisingly good. He’d have to see if he could get extra samples of this potion - for personal use and maybe even as a product…

But that was something for future Deltas to worry about, because present Deltas had other concerns. Namely, the wolf-girl in front of him.

Lulu hadn’t been unaffected by the potion. While it seemed that it’s result was more transformative to Deltas, Lulu found herself feeling surprisingly good as well. And she was burning with a heat inside of her that she wasn’t sure how to handle. Her mind had been clouded by the pleasures of physical affection, but now she felt more… primal, more eager. Her face was flushed and it was no longer just embarrassment.

She could smell him. He could smell her. They both really liked what they could smell. Lulu’s breaths came hot and fast as she panted like a dog while Deltas’ member strained against his pants.

A potent aphrodisiac, Deltas decided, was the classification of the potion. Knowing that didn’t render him immune to the effect - far from it, he just couldn’t care.

Lulu rubbed her thighs together, feeling the heat building inside her. Goddamnit, and now she was horny. She’d had her thoughts scattered by the petting already, and this was doing her zero favors in reorienting herself. She had a bone-deep need to have sex, right away. And, looking at Deltas, he seemed to be feeling something similar.

“L-Lulu… did I mention you’re really, really pretty…?” Deltas said, in a kind of dreamy voice. He was going to fuck her - it wasn’t so much of a question or desire as a fact to him at this point. She was in heat and his moderately more lupine body than five minutes ago was responding in kind. This wolf-woman was available and the smell was practically begging for it, and he was there to give what she so desperately needed.

On cue, Lulu leapt right at him. They tumbled over onto the ground, and Lulu practically tore the pants off of him to get at what was beneath - at the same time as he was hurriedly reaching to remove her skirt and panties to gain his own access. Even as they did this they were vehemently making out, kissing passionately as they tried to strip one another while maintaining as much physical contact as they could.

It wasn’t long before both of them were fully exposed, and the sight of Lulu’s dripping womanhood pushed Deltas into a veritable frenzy - he pushed her off of him and positioned himself behind her as she got up onto her hands and knees. At this point both were rather too occupied for words more intelligible than grunts and groans of need, as Deltas lined himself up with her entrance.

Lulu gasped and moaned as he slid inside, the passage eased by her intense arousal - she leaned back, trying to help him get deeper, faster. His hands reached down to her hips for handholds, squeezing the soft flesh tight enough to turn it red as he bucked his hips forwards.

Lust consumed both of their worlds. There was nothing in the moment but each other as flesh met flesh with a soft, wet thump every now and then as Deltas pistoned in and out of his new mate’s greedy slit, trying to fill it completely to capacity with every single thrust. Lulu could feel herself stretch to accommodate, and it just drove her ever more wild. She tried to pull him closer and keep him inside, but that would mean slowing the pace, and in their frenzied heat there could be none of that.

They both felt the pressure and heat building. They were live wires, with every touch sending shockwaves, every sensation and sense at it’s maximum capacity. It was no civilized lovemaking - this was wild, animalistic rutting.

The first orgasm was slow in coming, and all the more powerful for it. Deltas had a need to fill this dog up with his seed, a biological imperative to breed her right then and there. Lulu, for her part, was no less eager - when she sensed her partner’s climax approaching, she shifted her position to better keep him inside.

With a primal roar as he clutched Lulu close, Deltas orgasmed, sending his load right up her womanhood. Lulu moaned loudly and shook violently as her own orgasm responded in kind.

Neither of them paid any mind to the observer, quietly watching the ongoing sex and waiting to be told to do something. “Oh, will I be a big sister now?” Gabriella asked. “Are you trying to make puppies, Lulu? …Actually can you do that? I don’t know.”

No answer was forthcoming - the pair were still rather busy. The wild sex would last for over an hour, before finally, with one final spurt of semen after the third orgasm, they both were completely spent.

The pair collapsed to the ground, red-faced and exhausted and panting as they tried to catch their breath. The only movement for a while was shuffling around a bit so they could cuddle while they rested.

“Uh… sorry for, uh, jumping you like that…” Lulu said after a while, blushing fiercely with embarrassment. “I usually have better self control than that…”

“Do I look like I’m complaining?” Deltas asked with a grin, his wolf ears perked up a bit. “What was that potion, anyway? Did you set it there?”

“No… I think the Sanctuary put it there. Probably thought it would be funny.” She glared up at the walls. “It wasn’t, by the way!” she called, as if the location would be able to respond.

“Well, I think it was fun~” Deltas said, giving Lulu some more pets on the head. She made a pleased noise and snuggled closer. “How long does it last, you think?”

“Ah… beats me.” Lulu said with a shrug. “I can probably reverse it when you feel like it. …I do think you look nice like this though…”

“I think you pull off the canine look a bit better, myself~”

The pair both giggled, and drifted off to sleep, exhausted by the earlier exertions. Gabriella snuck in between them while they were though - the stone dog-girl wanted to get in on the snuggles.


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