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Patron commission for Ossha featuring their OCs who have featured in quite a few stories in the past.


Samira Karim hummed to herself as she slid the rolling suitcase into the closet and turned to look out over the room. Finally, she was completely unpacked. She’d been at the university for a while now, but only just now finished taking the last of the clothes out of her suitcase, setting up the last bits of her personal decorations and such; the start of any school year was hectic, and the first at a new university even more so than most.

She wandered over to the couch and sat herself down, taking a minute to just relax. It was nice to have her own place, for once. Or well, half of one - she shared it with an interesting woman she had just met recently. One “Brianna White”, who was one of those magic-users that had been popping up everywhere the last few years.

Samira was not one to actively seek out adventure. Not a thrill seeking type, especially not in a world of heroes and villains and magic. “Bog standard human” did not rank highly on the power scale, so she was pretty much a toy to that sort of power and as fascinating as magic was, she didn’t much want to run into the type who played too rough with their things.

Oddly, rooming with a sorceress didn’t seem quite so dangerous. At least then any magic she encountered would be from a source with a vested financial interest in her continuing to be Samira Karim, the woman who’s name was signed on the flat’s lease, rather than some bimbo bunny named Candy or a set of nice heels. Maybe she’d even be able to get Brianna to do a fun one for her sometime…

Even as she contemplated that, there was a knock on the door. Was that Brianna coming back? Samira went to open up, but when she did, there was a woman she didn’t recognize. Statuesque, tall and well built, and with a set of knockers larger than any Samira had seen in her life. “...Hello? Can I help you?”

“Is Brianna in?” The woman asked.

“No. I can leave her a message, Miss…?”

“Morgan. Don’t worry about it, it’s for the best anyway. As fun as she is to play with, I did have all summer to do it. Variety is the spice of life, so I think it’s your turn to be the focal point of the game. Let her be a side character for once.” The woman - Morgan, rambled on, without seeming to care about what Samira actually had to say to it or any understanding.

“Excuse me? What game-” Samira said as Morgan barged into the room. “Hey, at least ask nicely!”

“I’ve been interested in some of these… “Visual novels”, that youth these days seem to like, lately.” Morgan said. “I had a fun idea for one. I think you’ll be the star this time.”

Samira was frankly just about ready to call the cops on this nutter - but suddenly felt more than a little strange. There was a weird glow around the woman… another magic user.

The transformation began from the top, and swept down her body. She couldn’t move much, but could still speak - and Morgan didn’t seem to be focusing too hard on it. “I could go for the generic, blank slate sort of protagonist that’s so popular… but I think that’s boring,” Morgan said. “I have a fun character in mind, I believe~”

“Protagonist? Character?” Samira demanded. “I’m not a doll for you to play dress-up with-” Samira’s anger, of course, didn’t do much to stop the magic that was beginning to influence her appearance. Samira’s black hair began to brighten to a medium brown as it grew longer and wavier, falling in soft curls around her shoulders, and her olive skin began to grow paler across her body.

“Of course not. Dolls are boring - they don’t have reactions like people do.” Morgan agreed, while of course, not being swayed from the course. “Hmmm… you’re pretty nice looking, but I think Brittania should have a more regal appearance. Pretty isn’t really her style.”

Samira groaned at the nonsense coming out of this witch’s mouth. There really was nothing she could do but sit around and be transformed, and it frustrated her. She was trying to focus on that part because if she didn’t she’d feel far too overwhelmed. The sensations of her skin transforming, of her hair lengthening, the buzz through her whole body as it was changed on a fundamental level. While she couldn’t see it, there was a mild restructuring of her face - she didn’t look like the same person anymore, gaining a more regal appearance. This was only further reinforced as she grew significantly taller, and her figure more fit and curvaceous. This began to strain her clothes, a button popping off her top as it struggled to contain her expanded bosom.

Morgan took a moment to appreciate the sight, but seemed to decide her “protagonist” wasn’t the type to go around in ill-fitting clothes. Another wave of the hand, and Samira’s outfit shifted - the different parts of the outfit merging and splitting and shifting in material and in color until she was no longer wearing casual, stay-at-home clothes but a flattering red dress with blue and white accents, and heels.

As the change reached it’s end, Samira stumbled, looking down at herself with an expression somewhere between dumbfounded shock and amazed awe. If she’d looked in a mirror, she wouldn’t be able to recognize herself, and neither would anyone else - she was head to toe a different person. “What did you…?” she said, trailing off.

“Well, Brianna’s roommate… I don’t know your name come to think of it, but that doesn’t really matter anymore, since it’s Britannia now. You, lucky girl, are the newly minted protagonist of a romantic visual novel on a scale never seen before. I just need to get to work on the love interests.”

Britannia was confused for a second - before realizing she could no longer say her own name. She knew what it had been, Samira, but she just couldn’t quite attach that name to herself anymore. If she tried it came out as Britannia anyway. “I- what? Turn me back!” she demanded.

Morgan shrugged. “Nah. You can turn yourself back, though. You just need to complete the game. And I do mean complete. You’re going to have some nice options for love interests, and you need to seduce them all to win~ Once you do, I’ll turn everything back to normal. Until then, you’re Britannia, new student at Olympus University, a school for modern goddesses.”

As she spoke, the new identity settled over Britannia’s body and mind - she knew who she really was still, but there was a shift. Her posture was straighter and more formal, the way she carried herself subtly changed. The colors seemed just a bit more vibrant around her, like she was realistically animated rather than flesh and blood.

As the change completed, there was another knock on the door. “Ah, our first love interest has arrived! She’ll be ready for you soon~”

- - - - -

Brianna was coming back from a grocery run. It was her turn that week, and she hadn’t had any classes that day anyway. The young woman knocked on the door, but didn’t really wait too long - it was her place too.

When the door opened however, it wasn’t her roommate on the other side, but a different woman altogether. Brinna had gained something of a knack for telling when someone was actually her shapeshifting acquaintance Morgan, and recognized the sorceress immediately. “What are you doing here?” she asked - already prepared for the inevitable result of a chance encounter with Morgan.

“Having fun.” Morgan said, “Your roommate was cute, and I figured I should give you a break from being my main source of enjoyment. So she gets to be the protagonist this time.”

“...At least it sounds like you didn’t turn her into a bra or something.” Brianna sighed.

“She’s fine. Great, even. But just because you’re not going to be the main character doesn’t mean you don’t get to enjoy yourself~ A protagonist needs some love interests!”

The transformation began swiftly and mercilessly; as far as Morgan was concerned this was a side character right now so she didn’t need as much attention to detail in the change. Although it was also Brianna, so that meant Morgan would make her look damn good because that was fun.

First up was the general silhouette, Morgan decided. This first love interest would have an impressive build as befit a “goddess”, Brianna gained centimeter after centimeter of height, until she was nearly a full head taller than Morgan. This was followed by a matching change to her general body shape; Brianna was by no means out of shape, but this new self was fit and looked the part, with well toned muscles.

The next was what Morgan herself considered probably the most important part, the figure - namely, boobs just slightly smaller than her own (Morgan, being a shapeshifter, defaulted to “largest in the area” at all times, so this was no small growth) and a shapely ass to match it. Brianna at this point was still wondering what on earth she was being transformed into. She was adequately used to Morgan’s transformations at this point not to be overly shocked by the progression - though it still absolutely felt good and better than she was ever fully prepared for.

Brianna’s hair grew out a bit, down to the middle of her back, left long and wavy. It became a vibrant white color, while a pair of half-rimmed glasses formed on her face. She didn’t feel like she actually needed them - they were there for aesthetics. Her clothes followed suit, turning from a casual outdoors ensemble to something fancier. While it remained practical, the colors shifted to gold and blue while in shape it went from a simple top and jeans to an elaborate blouse and skirt, with matching leggings and shoes.

The final change was the mindset. Brianna ceased to be Brianna - now she was Athena, second-year student at the college, and roommate to Britannia. She was still pretty much the same person internally, but no longer in control of her actions; she had to play out her role. Morgan moved along, leaving Athena to knock on the door as if nothing had happened.

The room’s occupant came to the door. For a moment her expression was confused - Samira wondering who it was that had come to the door. But after a half-second’s pause the magic took over and Brittania started to play out her role. “Oh, hi!” the new student said cheerfully, “You’re… Athena, right?”

“Naturally,” Brianna’s mouth said as the Athena identity took over. She punctuated it with a casual hair-flip. “I’m your new roommate, I imagine. Britannia, was it?”

“That’s right.” Britannia nodded. “A pleasure to meet you. I’m new here, so I hope you’ll bear with me.”

“Of course, of course.” Athena waved off the concern. “On that note, that brings us to what I’d hoped to do with you. As your roommate it’s my responsibility to keep you up to speed; we’ll be touring the university grounds, to get you better oriented. Are you ready to go or do you need a moment?”


Lydia Ward was on a jog at the university track. Along with her girlfriend Brianna, she was just starting at the institution - but while she was staying in one of the on-campus dorms, this was the first chance she’d had to get on the track since the initial visits while they were still deciding where to head for their education.

The young woman might not have been on any teams, but she was no less an athlete - like Brianna, she was a superhero, and for someone with powers as physical as hers that meant keeping in good shape. Her magic boosted her muscles when she activated it, but having a strong baseline, she believed, gave it more to work with.

It was because she was in such an open area that Lydia had a front row seat to the incoming magic.

She didn’t need to have formal training to understand what she was seeing - or even experience. Or, perhaps understand is the wrong word - she could recognize what it was. Lydia had taken a short stop for some water and when she looked up, it was like there was an invisible line cleaving the world in two; on one side of it was normal looking, while the other side had aggressively vibrant colors and exaggerated shadows, like animation pasted over reality.

And that line was coming at her fast.

There wasn’t the time to run or transform or anything, it hit her just as she recognized there was a danger. Whether running would have even helped, she didn’t know - she’d never seen such massive-scale magic before.

The transformation hit her starting from the feet, as the ground beneath her was washed over with color. She lost a notable portion of her height, going down from her above-average level to more common and then further losing centimeters beyond that. Lydia was more than a little annoyed about that, but she had no ability to stop the change now that it had begun, paralyzed in place as she and the world around her were rewritten.

Her clothes started to change, her pants shifting into a short skirt as it took on an ivory color with green trim. Her figure changed as well. While she was shorter, that seemed to have little effect on her curves - her hips flared out, her waist narrowed. Her bust began to swell as the transformation reached her chest, which a part of Lydia admittedly didn’t see a need to complain about. She was just happy that her athletic body had been maintained.

Lydia’s brown skin seemed to darken a few shades further while her hair brightened, growing long before pulling itself into a sporty ponytail. She felt the subtle restructuring of her face - giving her a sharp look to her features.

The final step of the change was that Lydia stopped being Lydia - she was Artemis now, star athlete of the university on whatever teams the plot needed her to be on. She resumed her jog, her body fully assuming the role without conscious input from her mind, and subtly changing her route.

Lydia had no idea what had happened, really, but she could make a guess. She knew the full details of the Artemis persona, and she was going to be the love interest for one “Britannia” - or at least, one of several. Many details were vague, discussing a “plot”.

While she’d never seen the woman perform such wide range spells before, it seemed easy to guess that this was probably Morgan’s doing. Brianna’s magical acquaintance/teacher/frenemy was practically a force of nature, and certainly a chaotic personality who acted on her whims. She wouldn’t put it past her to suddenly turn the world into a game for fun.

As she finished her jog, she noticed the presence of a pair of women on the field. One that her role knew as Athena and one that she didn’t “know”. As she jogged over to strike up a conversation, she got a sense she was probably looking at the “main character”.

“Hey there! Finally planning to get some exercise, Athena?” Artemis asked, “And who’s the cutie?”

The other woman flushed a bit, while Athena responded. “No, I’m just giving Britannia here the grand tour. She’s going to be rooming with me this year, so I figure it’s the least I can do to show her around.”

“Good to meet you…?” Britannia asked, extending a hand.

“Artemis,” came the response, and a firm handshake. Artemis wasn’t sure which of these girls had been Brianna, but she was confident one of them probably was. It was probably Britannia - besides the name similarity, there was the simple fact she tended to be the main target of Morgan’s shenanigans.


The spreading magic came to a stop within some half mile of the campus. It was a huge range for the spell, but due to the speed at which it had occurred, few outside of it’s boundaries had yet realized that anything was amiss - and the only one within those boundaries that could communicate such an issue was the one who had created it.

The bounds of the magical environment were not nearly so blatant when one wasn’t watching the field spread. Especially in the parts just off campus, the more vibrant color and strange shading could be mistaken for an oddly clean street.

That’s what Amber White, mother of Brianna White, thought. Subconsciously, at least - she didn’t pay adequate attention to the environment to wonder about it’s strange texture, as she was looking forward to visiting her daughter and seeing how she was settling into the university. It was supposed to be a bit of a surprise, so she was heading to the campus rather than to the flat that she and her new friend had decided to rent out.

She hardly noticed as she crossed over from the noral city streets into a world that looked like it had been drawn on top of reality. The car ran a little bit smoother, the air seemed fresher, and a thousand other little touches of unnatural perfection that marked a transition from the real to a world of fiction.

After finding parking, she proceeded to step on campus, looking around for Brianna. She had the idea in her head she’d probably be around one of the outdoor recreation areas like this one. She couldn’t articulate why she thought that, though - it was a strange feeling she was having, just a sense that she couldn’t explain. It was a pretty place though, so she didn’t mind it - it was a flower garden of a sort, with winding stone paths between beds of beautiful plants, and some benches and tables for people to gather at.

As she was considering why she had decided to come to this spot, Amber hardly noticed a pair of attractive students approaching from down the path. Not that she would recognize Britannia and Athena anyway, of course, but the magic laid down in the place certainly didn’t want the protagonist interacting with anyone not part of the narrative.

There was a soft tingling feeling throughout Amber’s body, and it took her a minute to clock that it was magical influence and not just general feeling strange. Unlike her daughters and their associates, she wasn’t especially used to being transformed frequently - Morgan had done it a few times of course, but she hadn’t built up the understanding of the process that they had. She did understand enough to recognize it when she did notice though - “Oh, that’s weird…”

That, combined with her complete mundanity, made it especially easy for the transformation to take her. There was hardly an ounce of resistance as it began. It started in a way that was fairly subtle; Amber was an older woman, but one who had aged quite gracefully. The change was in the lines on her face, the crinkles and creases of life fading to the smooth features of youth. “Huh, I feel better than I have in years!” she said aloud with a smile, reaching a hand down to test her back and gleefully finding not a trace of pain. She’d lost decades in moments, her back was just a touch straighter, her stance a bit perkier, as she was back to her early twenties. If it was going to be that kind of transformation, maybe it would be a fun one!

Of course, just looking like Amber White in her twenties wasn’t enough for the new visual novel world - a random British youth like her just didn’t fit in with the academy of gods and goddesses. Her hair began to grow longer and lighter - it was fairly long to begin with, but now it was trailing down to her bottom, as it grew brighter and took on golden shades. At the same time it was getting styled, going from a loose but neat wave to curled ringlets, taking on the shine of immaculately cared for hair - the sort of style that took ages each day to keep intact, in a world that didn’t run on anime rules. “Oooh, pretty…” Amber said as she idly twirled her new locks and giggled a bit. It seemed impractical, but she found she liked it a good bit.

Her figure followed along, bottom swelling out enough to bump her hair a bit, while her bust now began to put her newly strengthened spine to the test as it grew big enough she wondered why her back wasn’t already hurting. If that wasn’t enough, she gained exaggerated feminine curves, the pinch of her waist compared to the width of her hips just a little too much to be believable if magic weren’t so clearly involved. “Oooh, what a beautiful body I have now~” Amber giggled with delight, not even noticing the push on her mind.

Amber’s clothes didn’t survive the sudden transition, her top and bra bursting while her pants threatened the same, but additional magical transformation saved her modesty as her clothes reformed into a fancy dress with all the frills that accentuated her figure even further. The material was the nicest silk she’d had the pleasure of wearing, and she found that she didn’t actually mind the weather despite how impractical the clothes were for it. Amber twirled in place, letting her new skirt flutter, and smiled.

This felt right. The changes felt good and Amber couldn’t see what there was to worry about as the colors of her face and clothes got just that touch more vibrant, just that bit more anime. Hera could hardly remember what she’d been worried about in the first place - she was just here enjoying the flowers. And looking for someone? Hm, maybe someone to follow her around and hang on to every word she deigned to speak to them.

She blinked a bit - oh, that was odd. She still remembered being Amber, naturally, but her new self as Hera was slipping into her thoughts. She wasn’t used to magic and hadn’t been at all prepared for magic to happen to her, and it left her more vulnerable to that side of things.

“Oh, hello! The flowers here are quite beautiful, aren’t they?” A new voice said. Hera looked to the speaker, and saw a very pretty woman quite close to her. Red tinged her face as she withdrew, while the woman continued to speak. “I saw them when I took the tour but it was only in passing. How nice for a school to have a garden… I’m Britannia, by the way.”

Britannia, for her part, sighed internally even as she spoke to the new girl. It seemed that she’d encountered another love interest she would have to conquer - by this point she’d learned that the easy tell was when the person had pretty much any character detail, with unimportant characters being simplified and generic in comparison. Nevermind the fact that her character had decided to speak with her, which was evidence enough.

“Y-Yes, it is nice, but that’s no reason to get close to me!” Hera stammered, recomposing herself. Well, it had been a bit rude to get that close, but… “Hmph, do you even know who I am!? Consider yourself honored to meet Hera.”

Britannia tilted her head, a bit confused. “Nice to meet you?” she repeated.

Athena cut in. “Hera is something of an important person around here.”

“Good, someone who knows their stuff!” Hera said, “My family’s paid for this garden, you see - and quite a lot of the rest of the campus besides! Are you suitably impressed?” Internally, Hera felt quite bad about what she was saying - she was being quite spoiled, wasn’t she?

“Ok?” Britannia said with a shrug. “Well, I’m going to go back to the tour. I’ll see you in class.”

“Ohohoh- wait, pardon me!?” Hera snapped, but Britannia was already walking away with Athena! Oh, the nerve! Someone who didn’t pay attention to her? Fine then, she’d make her pay attention! She was already scheming, the fact this wasn’t how things were supposed to be momentarily slipping her mind.


A couple hours before, there were reports of something strange going on at the university campus; suddenly people weren’t responding to calls, and people who stepped on the campus to investigate hadn’t been able to leave. Just looking at it, it seemed peaceful, but Brooke White (also known as the heroine Galatea) knew that looks were deceiving - magic was at work here, and not one that the local heroes could leave be.

“You know, this is really an amazing work of magic. I’m impressed.” Samantha - or rather the superhero Crimson Templar - said. “It’s so wide range, and it’s altered just about everything within the boundaries. Hey, wasn’t your sister just starting here?”

Galatea sighed. “Yep, Brianna was beginning here today. I don’t suppose you’d want to put any money on who caused it?”

“There’s no fun in that, we’d both bet on the same woman.” Crimson Templar replied. If Brianna was involved and there was magic this powerful at play, it led those who knew Morgan and Brianna’s relationship to the obvious conclusions.

While knowing the effort was probably a wasted one, given the power disparity between them and Morgan, the pair could hardly just let it go unchallenged - they had their pride as heroes. With the sorceress being like she was - a fun-loving trickster but not one with malice - such things were usually temporary but that didn’t mean they could be allowed without a fight.

The pair walked through the campus with their guards up, and the “students” around paid them no heed - unable to act out of character, if they noticed the pair then they couldn’t comment on it. Crimson Templar and Galatea could feel the influence of the region on them. It wasn’t as strong as it would have been in the initial conversion, but there was a sort of background hum of magic, trying to force them to conform to the new set of rules imposed on the space.

It wasn’t very long at all before they were confronted. Whether Morgan had sensed that someone had intruded on her created domain or she just knew they’d come in the first place it was hard to say. At first the pair of heroines thought they were encountering another transformed person, but she seemed somehow more real than her surroundings in a way that quickly revealed to them that it was the caster of the magic.

“Welcome! Do you like what I’ve done with the place?” Morgan asked in her usual casual tone. “Although, you’re going to have to either look the part or leave, it’s ruining the mood.”

Galatea got into a fighting stance. “I don’t suppose we can convince you to reverse this now, can we Morgan?”

“And end the game early? Hardly. We’re not even done with the prologue yet!” Morgan complained, “What visual novel ends within hours of opening? Besides a joke ending from a wrong choice or something on those lines.”

Crimson Templar knew the effort would be wasted - Morgan seemed to simply be on a different power scale than just about anyone else in the city. But she wanted to see if she could land a single hit, even by surprise. She shot a hand forward and a bolt of hard light flew towards Morgan.

The bolt faded before it even reached her. The setting would not allow such dangerous weapons as hard light - or at least, not such out-of-genre weapons. It would be jarring, distracting, and generally clashing in tone, and thus it wouldn’t be allowed. And with that signal that pleasantries were done, Morgan decided to help the girls fill their new roles.

With the pair already surrounded by her magic simply by being on the campus, it was hardly any effort at all to intensify it. Suddenly that subtle push to get them to take their roles was an insistent shove and even the fact they were prepared for it wasn’t enough to resist it. “The cast is nearly complete,” Morgan said, “We just need a party girl and a shy nerd, and we’ll have rounded out the roster~ I think you’ll do great~”

Morgan, as it turned out, had a type; as with all the previous changes, she aimed for exaggerated hourglass figures. The transformation was mirrored on both Samantha and Brooke, their busts swelling to back-breaking size while their rear ends became big enough to act as cushions. For Brooke’s part, she got a bit thicker around the waist and butt than her present partner, for contrast with Samantha’s slimmer figure. “Looking good, girls~” Morgan teased, taking a nice grip of Samantha’s bust while giving Brooke’s bottom a pinch while they were frozen and unable to retaliate.

Samantha’s body shifted further, athlete’s muscles fading and losing some height - the game already had it’s athletic girl love interest and overlap was a no-go, so Samantha had to be rendered soft and smooth. Her hair lengthened even further as it gained streaks of pink to complement a darker red. “Oh, I like this one,” Samantha said, trying and failing to look over her shoulder at her hair - she’d always enjoyed transformations even if she’d not seek them out. And in this case she’d prefer still being athletic, but the hair was nice.

The woman’s clothes followed suit - her superhero outfit ripping apart, before reassembling itself in a new configuration; extremely short shorts that only just covered her expansive rear end, followed by a midriff-baring top and a jacket over it. “This is a new style for me… not bad though!” Samantha continued. Her boots turned into simple sneakers. The clothing done, her face shifted subtly, making sure none could recognize the girl who stood before them - although her character design screamed “energetic party girl”.

Brooke, meanwhile, took a different direction in her changes. She also lost her muscular physique, but otherwise maintained her body type; her hair darkened dramatically, ending up black as it shortened and formed into light curls around her head. The shift was accentuated with the formation of a pair of thin glasses in front of her eyes, and a red flower in her hair. “Glasses, really…? I don’t want to have bad vision…”

Her clothes followed along with the change, but unlike Samantha’s hers became more modest. A soft blue sweater that didn’t show very much skin - although it did hug her figure so tight that it wasn’t hard to imagine what was beneath anyway. This was accompanied by a matching skirt and stockings, and a nice pair of fancy shoes. Her face followed along, gaining a softer and more thoughtful cast.

“There we go~ Welcome to the party, Aphrodite~ I hope you enjoy the classes, Demeter~” she said, as the transformation settled over the pair and they took on the same subtle unreality in their colors and shadows as the rest of the campus.

Despite the transformation finishing, Morgan didn’t let the pair go quite yet. She had something she had to take care of first - namely, the role she would fill. It would be boring to be watching it all from the sidelines when she could play an active role in the game, after all!

Morgan’s transformation was swift and thorough as she worked the magic on herself. She grew taller, nearly six feet in height, while her proportions shifted to give her exaggerated, almost motherly curves. “I think that all these students need someone to keep them in line…” she said to herself.

Her hair grew and grew until it was brushing against her bottom, ending in elegant curls, while it’s color became a rich dark chocolate-brown. Her clothes strained against the dramatic shift in figure, before settling as she changed them - she aimed for business-casual with a suit jacket and a skirt combo, along with some nice heels. She rounded out the look with half-rimmed glasses of her own, and some face-shifts as she took the same unreal coloring as the others. Professor Gaia grinned at them, and started putting on her show.

“Now, Demeter,” she said, as if she’d been talking for several minutes, “I know you have your own classes, but I was wondering, could you take the time to help Aphrodite when you can? I think she needs the help, and as her roommate you seem well positioned to provide…”

“O-Oh,” Demeter stammered, “I-I’m glad you have so much confidence in me, Professor… I-I’d love to help, if Aphrodite would have me…?”

“Sure thing~” Aphrodite giggled, “Who wouldn’t want to have some private tutoring with a cutie like you~?” As she spoke, she pressed closer than was strictly necessary to Demeter, sending the girl into a stammering mess.

Both of them could naturally remember their true selves - Brooke and Samantha were both quite annoyed about having control of their bodies wrenched from them. But they were forced to act in character because the “protagonist” was approaching.

Gaia noticed her first, naturally. “Oh, hello there. I don’t believe I recognize you, but with Athena on your arm, I suppose that makes you her new roommate?”

“Yes, ma’am,” Britannia said politely. Three whole people with the detail of major characters? How long would ‘clearing’ the game take…? “I’m Britannia, and it’s a pleasure to meet you all.”

Athena, for her part, wondered which of Brianna’s acquaintances, friends, or family these ones were. She could recognize Morgan at a glance - doing so no matter her form was a skill you picked up from such long association - but the other two were a mystery. “I’m giving her the grand tour. We’re nearly done.”

“H-Hello, it’s nice to meet you, I’m Demeter…” Demeter stammered. “I-If you need anything let me know, I’m always glad to help f-freshmen…”

“She sure is~” Aphrodite said. “She’s helping me out with my studying. Maybe you can swing by sometime, make it a threesome, cutie~?”

“M-Maybe sometime…” Britannia said with a blush and nodded. Surely she knew the innuendo she’d made. “It was nice meeting you…”

“Gaia,” the professor supplied.

“Aphrodite, Demeter, and Gaia.” Britannia finished. “I look forward to seeing you in class…”

As the pair walked away and made their way back to their accommodations, Morgan grinned to herself. She wondered if Britannia would manage the harem route on her first run, or if it would take a few ‘playthroughs’ to seduce them all… whichever it was, she’d be entertained for quite a while.


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