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A patron commission for ForbiddenArchive featuring our characters in a TRPG. 


The house was quiet, that time of night. Shinobu would usually have been asleep by then; she always was an “early to bed and early to rise” type of girl. She’d been a bit busy that evening, working on some homework into the late hours so she wouldn’t have to do it later. It was productive, but she was getting tired. It was about time to call it a night…

Just as she was getting off to bed, though, there was a knock at the door.  She pulled it open, just in time to see the back of a nightgown and a familiar head of hair. “Irowa? What’s up?” she asked.

The smaller girl turned and faced Shinobu, blushing a bit and rubbing her arm sheepishly. “I-It’s nothing, really. It was silly and I shouldn’t bother you with it…”

While Irowa was pretty much the same age as Shinobu (and both of them were adults! Fairly new at the whole adult thing, but adults nonetheless), she felt a responsibility to look after her fellow Magical Girl; Irowa had problems in a way that most of the others didn’t, and frankly, probably needed a therapist more than anything - but right now she had Shinobu and not much else.

Which had gone… places. Shinobu could remember that little moment of passion vividly. But while it was a little awkward, that just reinforced her desire to help her out.

“Well, what is it? You didn’t wake me up if that’s what you’re worried about.” Shinobu asked.

Irowa did seem to feel a bit better on hearing that. “I… I was wondering if we could sleep together?” she said. Then she flushed bright red. “A-As in, in the same room, together, not… I’m having some bad dreams lately because of, uh, everything and you have dream magic and I’m going back to my room now sorry.”

Shinobu sighed. “It’s fine, Irowa… I know what you mean. It’s fine! I, uh, haven’t tried using my magic for that before, but we can try.”

Shinobu and Irowa were both, of course, Magical Girls; Shinobu’s powers revolving around dreams and Irowa’s around love. It made some amount of sense that Irowa would think Shinobu could manipulate dreams, and honestly, Shinobu didn’t know if she was right or wrong. She wasn’t one to randomly transform and use her powers, normally. But Irowa was having a bad time, so she’d do her best to help her.

“I… if you’re sure…” Irowa muttered, and followed Shinobu back to her room.

Shinobu sat herself down on the bed and patted down the spot next to her for Irowa to sit. As the girl approached, Shinobu shifted into her magical girl form; she’d had practice now, so it was pretty much instant. The Magical Girl of Dreams smiled reassuringly as Irowa settled beside her.

“So, we’re going to be going to sleep,” Shinobu said, trying to be as confident as she could here. She’d never really intentionally given someone a specific kind of dream before… “What kind of dream do we want, then?” she said, summoning up a magical, fluffy white cloud.

Irowa felt tired just looking at it. She began to slump over onto Shinobu’s shoulder even as she mumbled a response. “I want… a nice dream. Where I’m with my friends…” she paused and trailed off into a yawn. “And we’re all really happy…”

It was childish, she knew that, but… well, what more could you want? Especially with a life like hers… dangerous, corrupting… why wouldn’t she just want a nice dream where she didn’t have to worry about anyone?

Shinobu nodded, beginning to nod off herself. She would be sharing the dream, it seemed - not unexpected given the nature of her magic. She drifted off to sleep with Irowa, only keeping awake long enough to get them both properly lying down instead of sitting up.

Together the pair drifted into dream - happy dreams, of normal stuff for young women their age. Going out with friends, playing games, doing ok in school. Dreams that were achingly mundane, the kind of dream where besides a few lacking details you would have a hard time telling it apart from a normal day. But that was what Irowa, so terrified of the magical, not-normal aspects of her life, needed.

But the pair weren’t strictly alone in the dream. Another presence watched, waiting. “Awww… this is cute… Shinobu is really just too nice, isn’t she~?” The intruder thought to themselves, stalking through the dream.

Irowa was… not ok. Even before becoming a magical girl she had been exposed to demon influences - and that had only grown stronger after gaining access to magic. It had manifested in a dark side of her, a side that reveled in all the things Irowa feared, becoming a distinct and independent entity.

“Erowa”, nicknamed such for her overly sexual and raunchy personality and actions, was not a well-understood factor of Irowa’s being. Shinobu was probably the one who understood it the best, recognizing her as a separate individual and doing her best to restrain her from having Irowa’s body do things she’d regret - and even she had evidently not expected this side to be made manifest in the dream.

“But Irowa isn’t going to be satisfied like this, is she~? She’s sleeping with Shinobu, and having a dream about her… that sounds like a different kind of dream fits~” The dark magical girl giggled to herself. She loved Shinobu - and all her friends, in the way that Irowa’s status as Magical Girl of Love, taken to extremes, demanded. But Shinobu was special. She knew Erowa, she was always trying to take care of Irowa… Erowa just wanted them to be together. As close as they could be. And Magical Girls had a special way of getting much, much closer than was normally possible…

The dream shifted in tone. Suddenly no longer average life, but a raunchy parody of it. Their friends paired off, running off to get themselves into lewd situations. One found herself under a desk deep-throating a cock, another got dragged into a closet for an amorous encounter with a mentor - and more as their dream turned deeply horny.

This didn’t lack an effect on Irowa. One that was quite visibly tenting the poor girl’s skirt (the item underneath a “gift” from their first job as magical girls). Shinobu was lucid due to her powers, but even she just thought it was Irowa getting horny because of the fact they were, well, sleeping with each other… and she’d let Irowa take control of where the dream went.

The dream had returned them to Shinobu’s room. “Irowa, are you… feeling alright?” Shinobu asked. Irowa… well, she was looking aroused, to put it frankly. Shinobu felt a bit bothered herself, Erowa’s influence on the dream getting to her as well.

“I-I’m feeling… fine… just fine…” Irowa muttered, blushing hard. “I-I was just wondering… we, uh… we did something nice once… and I want to, uh…”

Shinobu smiled reassuringly again. “It’s fine. Sure, we can… well, do that.”

Through a sudden hit of dream logic, Shinobu and Irowa were both in the nude. The “gift” Irowa had received during that early incursion, as it turned out, had been a penis - and one that was presently at full mast and practically leaking already from how aroused Irowa was.

Taking the lead, Shinobu helped Irowa lay down. She hadn’t expected this when she began the dream, but, well, she wasn’t complaining about it. She positioned herself over Irowa, ready to drop. “Are you ready for it?”

“Y-Yes… please, Shinobu… I need you…” Irowa was practically covering her eyes from how embarrassed she was. Honestly, acting so confident had Shinobu blushing a bit too.

Shinobu let herself drop, Irowa’s dick slowly sliding inside as they began to make love. She gasped at the feeling, far more visceral and real than she’d expected from a dream - but kept on going until she hilted. Then she withdrew and started again. It was slow, gentle, and loving sex with a couple who cared for each other - there was no rush, they could take their time and enjoy themselves.

Irowa was on a bit of a hair trigger at this point; she’d orgasmed in the first thrust. In the dream, shooting cum into Shinobu. And in reality, shooting it into her as well. Because of Erowa’s influence the dream had become a mirror to reality, and even as they made love in the dream they did the same in the real world.

Unaware of this, Shinobu maintained her pace, picking up speed even as Irowa started to stiffen again. It wasn’t too long before she came as well, drawing another orgasm from Irowa as her womanhood clenched on the cock inside her like a vise.

Erowa enjoyed the show - but had had enough of the foreplay. Irowa’s intense arousal was an avenue for her to take control. In the real world, Irowa’s appearance shifted, her skin turning an ashen grey and her hair turning red in places. In the dream, though, this was mostly reflected by Irowa suddenly flipping Shinobu on her back and straddling her.

“Ah, Irowa-?” Shinobu gasped, before yelping as she was suddenly pierced once again. While Irowa was all too willing to receive, Erowa was a much more active partner - and she wanted to be on top.

Hips bucking, splitting Shinobu open again and again, Erowa leaned in close, pressing as much of her body to Shinobu’s as she could. “Mmmh~ Shin-o-bu~” she sing-songed as she pressed close enough to kiss, at the same time as hilting once again, “You’re so cute like this, I’ve wanted to do this to you for so long… Irowa got all of it last time, it just wasn’t fair~”

“E-Erowa!? Bring Irowa- ah- back!” Shinobu demanded, although it wasn’t all that convincing when it was followed by a lurid moan.

“Ehehe, don’t worry~ I’m not doing anything bad~ I just want us to be together… close… so close…” Erowa said, and pressed closer still, forcing a kiss on Shinobu.

As Shinobu and Erowa both orgasmed again, their magic began to mix and mingle together. In the real world, there was a faint light between them. Dreams and Love mixed, as their bodies started to stick together. Shinobu tried to avoid what was coming, but Erowa had always had a stronger will than she did - she could force it on Shinobu.

They stuck together, falling into each other. Shinobu and Erowa woke up just as they ceased to be separate people.

“Oh~ It’s been a while since they did that~” The new being said, standing up. She was naked, but she hardly minded. She was even more corrupt than she’d been the first time she was formed. Nightmare Dancer, a corrupted fusion of Irowa and Shinobu, was an exceedingly tall, voluptuous woman, with powdery pink hair and pale skin.

Nightmare Dancer was not Shinobu. Nor was she Erowa. While the two had fused to form her - a forbidden technique of Magical Girls, meant to be used in the most desperate situations - she wasn’t simply one bolted on to the other. She was a new, distinct being, seeing them more like parents than as her.

The fusion was, as it turned out, still exceedingly aroused. Her futa-cock was rock solid and her womanhood below it dripping. “Ah… I don’t think I ever did get to use this, before,” Nightmare Dancer mused. She felt oddly… uncomfortable, fragile. Unwilling fuses were never quite stable.

Nightmare Dancer would fix that. She stood in front of a mirror, letting her eyes rake over her own sexy body. She was no narcissist, but she knew damn well she was sexy. She stroked her cock slowly, sensually. “There, there… quiet down now. No matter the circumstances that caused it… I am me.” she said. She was speaking to herself - to those parts of her that still tried to be Shinobu even though they no longer were. Her mingled equipment twitched.

“I’m just going to have some fun. Revel in existing. Maybe find that Odette girl,” she mused idly, stroking a little harder. “She seems in need of some guidance. A strong hand. And maybe a collar and leash. Yes, I’ll make her mine. Mai… she needs help getting out from under that senior, doesn’t she? She’d look better choking on my cock than hers.” She said. She’d claim her Magical Girl friends, for their own good. As Nightmare Dancer grew more aroused, and eventually came, spurting onto the floor, the inside voice quieted down. She was not an amalgam of two anymore - there was no Shinobu and there was no Erowa. There was just Nightmare Dancer.

Not bothering to put on clothes, the woman sauntered out of what had once been Shinobu’s room. Dancer had some girls to take for herself.


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