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With Hikari having gone missing a bit ago (fairly routine with Magical Girls in general and Hikari in particular), Natsuki's helping out by investigating potentially more discreet villains. She learns of one school that had been the worst in the city not so long ago, and made a sudden turn around - and it's new student council president happens to be named Hikari...

Sequel to Study Buddies: https://www.deviantart.com/twinwolf1/art/Study-Buddies-OC-Generification-AR-886609909


There was something off about the high school, Natsuki decided. Everybody was wearing their school uniforms perfectly. Not a button was out of place, nobody had their uniform jacket open, nobody had so much as popped a collar. Of course, that could just be good discipline, but there was something vaguely off putting about a high school where nobody even tried to show off their individuality.

The strangeness wasn’t just that though, or else she wouldn’t have shown up to investigate. Of course there was more. She scrolled through her phone and looked at a picture taken one week before, showing a boy with bleached blonde hair and a gruff sort of look. Then she looked up at the young man, with his dull brown hair in a generic cut, and looking quite quiet and gentle - a bit of a pretty boy, even. Natsuki thought he’d look good in the girl’s uniform. The girls - who in the picture had tanned themselves with sprays and dyed their hair in every color of the rainbow - were equally subdued, modest looking students now.

Attendance was nearly perfect, need for disciplinary action at an all-time low, and all in all an exemplary school. In its own context, that wasn’t that bad. Worthy of applause, an example for other schools to follow. The problem was that not so long ago, it had been by far the worst school in the city, riddled with juvenile delinquents, uncaring teachers and rebellious students.

Of course, such an abrupt shift just couldn’t be natural. Clicking off her phone, and making sure the “press” card was visible on her chest so nobody would mistake her for a student, she walked up to the small crowd of students for an interview.

Technically speaking, the disguise was unnecessary; she could announce herself as a member of the MGA openly if she wanted to, and the school would be obligated to help her out. But where was the fun in that? It was much more fun to investigate discreetly. And possibly illegal? She wasn’t fully sure of the technicalities if she was allowed to be there anyway. With Hikari presently missing, Natsuki was picking up the slack.

The students noticed the young woman approaching and turned to face her, each standing ramrod straight before bowing in greeting. Natsuki blinked in surprise, but didn’t let it put her off. “Hello! It’s nice to meet you three. I’m Natsuki, I’m here to do a story on the school’s stunning turnaround.”

“Nice to meet you, Miss Natsuki.” The students each said politely. “We’ll tell you as much as we can.”

“Great!” Natsuki nodded, taking out a notepad and pen. “So, what would you say this place was like before?”

“It was awful,” The boy said, “Delinquents everywhere. The bathrooms smelled like cigarettes.”

“You could barely see the walls under the graffiti,” one of the girls contributed.

“There were fights every hour!” The third student added.

“I’d heard, I’d heard,” Natsuki nodded, “And the lowest test scores in the city. Do you think that will change by next year?”

“Of course!” The trio said in unison. “We are good students now, and we’ll be the best we can.”

“Were any of you contributing to the problems before?”

There was a chorus of embarrassed “Yes” and “Unfortunately”. “But we changed. It was thanks to the new Student Council President!”

Oh? One teenager turning everything around for the whole school? Natsuki suspected she’d found her villain. “They sound quite amazing, if they can do this.”

“She taught me the error of my ways.” The boy agreed. “I look up to President Hikari and would like to be just like her.”

“We all want to be just like her.” The other two added. Natsuki nodded with understanding - ah, this was that type of scenario, she understood.

A bell rung, a warning that the school day was ending. The students as one picked up their bags and started walking towards their respective club rooms, stopping only to say goodbye to Natsuki politely.

Natsuki had an idea of what was going on. Hikari had clearly been transformed into a schoolgirl-themed minion or villainess, and then been sent to take over the school - which, Hikari being Hikari, she was doing quite well. But she had to confirm this was the right one before she reported back - her Mom would need to know how many magical girls she might need to send, after all.

Justification for further exploration firmly in hand, Natsuki pressed forward further into the school.

The student council room wasn’t a particularly imposing one. The door was just like any other door in the school, with a simple plate reading “Student Council Room” in Japanese and English on top of it. Natsuki didn’t consider it to look like a proper boss lair, but she supposed with how the school was almost aggressively mundane, that made sense. She knocked thrice.

“Come in,” A girl’s voice said.

Natsuki did so. The interior was just as mundane as the exterior - a long table with a few seats, and a desk at the back end labeled “Student Council President”. The walls were adorned with lists of rules and regulations in dry bullet point format, a to-do list, and other mundanities of a boring school room. At the desk was a young lady intently reading a paper.

She didn’t look like Hikari one bit. She was, for one, clearly not an adult - she was sixteen at most, and Hikari was in her early twenties. She had short black hair in a simple style that was easy to keep straight, a modest figure, and a cute but nondescript face. She had the aura of the very epitome of your average studious high school student, the archetypical example from which all others may draw lineage.

The young lady was so aggressively generic that Natsuki wondered if she’d come to the right place. But the nameplate said Hikari. No last name offered, just Hikari. “Hello, Miss. What brings you to the Student Council room?” Hikari asked politely. No recognition.

“I’ve heard you’re behind this school’s sudden turn around. I wanted to ask about it for a local news channel.” Natsuki said, indicating her press pass.

“I’m quite busy, but I can make the time.” The girl said politely, gesturing to a seat in front of her desk. “Please, sit. Do you mind if I multitask?”


Hikari had enjoyed straightening this school out. Drilling the requirements of a good student into the heads of all the delinquents, cleaning it up, creating and running the public morals committee before transitioning to the student council presidency that had long laid vacant. She was the perfect student, and she was sure her identical cohorts were pulling similar miracles around the city.

As the school improved, Hikari stood out less. Became less exceptional by comparison. That was fine. She didn’t need to stand out. She was just another student. A perfect student, but a student all the same. She had walked into the room, ready to deal with the day’s work now that classes had ended. The voice in her head that kept reciting the rules and regulations she lived by approved.

Then, this young woman appeared. Hikari had no idea who she was - there had been no interviews scheduled that she was made aware of. She claimed to be from the news, and seemed polite enough. Hikari had no trouble humoring her.

The interview was quite standard at the start, going into how she had just transferred here, and how she planned to turn this awful school into a palace of perfection. She was only just getting started. Soon everyone would be perfect students, exactly like Hikari was. It was productive since she was able to give it only a bit of attention as she finished her paperwork. A question then came out of left field.

“By the way… I know a Magical Girl named Hikari. You wouldn’t happen to be related?” The woman - Natsuki - asked.

“Not at all.” Hikari said automatically. “It’s quite a common name, so I don’t think there’s any reason to expect as much.”

There had been no lie. She truly had no idea who this woman was or who the magical girl who shared her name was. But after that, she had a strange feeling.

The voice in her head that guided her told her that this young woman was wrong. She was immature. Not acting like an adult. She had the energy and enthusiasm of a rowdy teenager, and something about that sat wrong with Hikari.

Natsuki was unfit to be an adult. She needed to go back to being a student, and be properly educated. Hikari had to make her perfect, like her, and it had to be now. It was rare for Hikari to have any strong emotions, beyond a passion for discipline, so that was surprising, but she saw no reason to reconsider. The voice of discipline had yet to steer her wrong. This woman was simply part of her mission.

Hikari stood up, with a small smile on her generically cute face. “Would you like to hear about how I made as much progress as I have, then?” she asked politely. “In detail, I mean.”

“Of course.” Natsuki said.

“Say please and thank you.” Hikari said. She didn’t snap. But she said it with a quiet authority.

“Please, tell me how you fixed this school.” Natsuki said.

“When you ask politely like that, I will.”

“Thank you.” Natsuki said. Her eyes glazed slightly as she followed Hikari’s commands.

Since entering the council room she had begun to fall under Hikari’s influence. The aura of a perfect student was not to be underestimated. Hikari took the opportunity to correct her further. “Sit straight. But not so tall.” she said, pushing Natsuki’s back.

Natsuki straightened her slouched back, but didn’t gain any height in doing so - in fact she seemed to have shrunk a bit. Hikari moved her hand. “Do not jut out your chest like that; you are not showing off your bust.” she said curtly. Natsuki fixed her posture, and her breasts shrank.

“Sit properly. This is not your home, this is a school.” Hikari said. Natsuki adjusted her posture again, shifting so she was sitting with both legs neatly in front of her, rather than one crossed over the other as she had naturally done. “Better.”

Hikari smiled. “That’s just an example of the more direct side of how I corrected individual students. It’s all in the voice. A firm hand and a firm word are all many of them needed.” she said.

Natsuki nodded blankly, moving without any thought in her head. Oh, but Hikari loved that look - the ready to learn, obedient look, the face of someone whose mind had been rendered completely blank and ready to be overwritten. Natsuki’s head no longer had anything but air and Hikari’s words inside of it, and the Student Council President saw no reason to leave it at that - there was clearly plenty of room left to fill.

“For more… troubled, students, I needed a bit more aggressive tactics. I had to instill in them the values of a proper student. Would you like to hear them? Ask me properly.” Hikari said. The voice in her head approved of the way she pressured Natsuki.

“...Please tell me the values of a proper student, Hikari.” Natsuki asked, obediently.

“I will do so.” Hikari confirmed.

“Thank you, Hikari.”

“A good student is quiet.” Hikari started. “They don’t make a fuss, they don’t draw attention to themselves.” Hikari paused. Natsuki stared at her blankly, taking in the words. “Repeat what I said.”

“A good student is quiet.” Natsuki dutifully repeated. “They don’t make a fuss or draw attention.”

“Good.” Hikari said. She could see the words sinking into Natsuki’s very soul, writing themselves onto her identity. Her hair was darkening from a light brown down to black. “A good student doesn’t stand out. Just another face in the crowd.”

“A good student doesn’t stand out. Another face in the crowd.” Natsuki repeated. Her hair styled itself into a simple bob, completely identical to Hikari’s. Even her face wasn’t left alone, shifting subtly.

“A good student helps other students. A good student makes all the others be good students.” Hikari said, and Natsuki repeated.

Natsuki’s memories slipped away, unimportant. All she needed were the words bouncing around her head.

“You are a good student.”

“I am a good student.”

She was a student, and that was her overriding priority in life. She was a good student. She would help others be good students. Natsuki didn’t need to worry about anything else - she had been rendered a generic high school girl, completely identical to Hikari in every way but name. To any outside observer, the girls would be identical twins.

“Yes, you are.” Hikari agreed. It felt so good to teach her to be good… “I’ve been needing a vice president. But nobody here reached my standards. That will be your position now. I trust that’s ok, Natsuki?”

“Of course, President Hikari.” The new Natsuki said with a demure smile. “It would be an honor to assist you in reforming and perfecting this school.”

“Then get properly dressed. We have work yet to do.”

Natsuki returned minutes later in her school uniform, old clothes discarded. She and Hikari got to work, two identical girls working hard to make the entire school just like them.


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