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The Arcane Sanctuary had been a bit quiet lately. Gabriella was bored out of her mind, taking care of it on her own while Lulu was away with her fox friend, and the guardian dog-girl statue spent most of any given day running around just for her own amusement and occasionally popping in in on guests to see if they needed anything from her. She wasn’t very good at being the only caretaker present, so naturally, she was very happy when that changed.

She’d been running around as usual, letting the Sanctuary take her wherever it might. The magical and quite possibly intelligent location was in the habit of sending the people inside wherever it felt they had to be, or at the very least where it would be funny for them to be, which was why Gabriella just happened to be running past when one of the shelves glowed a bit and two women walked around the corner from behind it.

One was quickly recognized - it was Lulu’s friend Europa, the kitsune who occasionally popped in for a book or just to chat. The other, Gabriella nearly didn’t recognize - she smelled different (and even though she was made of rock, Gabriella did have the usual dog sense of smell) than before, and wasn’t as shiny. But the two-toned hair made it clear it was Luna Lupa - although for some reason, she was a foxgirl, and also wearing a maid outfit despite being one entity instead of split at the moment. And instead of one two-toned tail, she had two tails, one colored a bronze-ish brown, the other a silvery grey.

“Welcome back Luluuu!” Gabriella cheered, tail wagging up a storm and nearly knocking over some of the books behind her with her excitement. She only didn’t launch herself into a hug at the woman because she knew that that would probably hurt her.

“Oh, Gabriella. Good to see you’re doing well.” Lulu said idly. She adjusted her glasses, and then looked over to Europa. “I think this will do fine as a place to relax, Mistress.”

“Thank you. Artemis has been in a sour mood since I hid her favourite romance novel as a prank… I really need a break.” Europa sighed, stretching a bit. “Would you please guide us to a rest spot?” she asked Gabriella.

Gabriella tilted her head in confusion, not sure why Lulu was acting like that, but didn’t see a reason to say no! “Of course! Come with me!”

She bolted off down the hall, stopping occasionally to make sure the guest and Lulu were keeping up. They only had to turn a few corners before they were at Lulu’s own writing room, where she usually spent her time relaxing.

Upon entering the space, Lulu blinked as she felt a strange sensation running through her. Her tails fused back together, becoming the usual swirling bronze and silver, and changing back into a more lupine style. Her ears followed suit, regaining the metallic luster they had lost, and her maid outfit rapidly shifted back to her preferred purple-and-green dress.

The caretaker of the Arcane Sanctuary blinked a few times. “...You do need to keep a better eye on Artemis, you know. She keeps turning visitors into your fox-maids.”

Europa sighed, “Yes, I am afraid I raised her to be too diligent and obsessed with pleasing me. I’ll try to stop her from doing it again,” she apologized

Lulu shrugged. “It’s fine, hardly the first time I’ve been transformed. I just have a lot of work to catch up on because of her…”

The wolfgirl rushed over to the desk, a book appearing in her hand and a bit of paper in front of her. She’d been out for too long - now she had to go see what books and artifacts had been taken out of the sanctuary, go over what had been added, check the visitor log for anything she had to follow up on… never mind all the writing she had to get done, she was already getting a stress headache thinking about it.

Gabriella ran off to do her assorted jobs, while Europa made herself comfortable on the couch, stretching and relaxing. It would be nice to go a while without being confronted for her laziness by her head maid and told she had to set a good example for everyone. “If you need help with anything, just let me know. It’s the least I could do.” she said, a token gesture when she really planned to just take a nap.

But she hadn’t quite realized how much Lulu had to do, and the wolf-girl spun around with a dangerous grin. “Oh~? Why don’t I take you up on that offer, hmm~?”

Lulu’s magical book flipped open to a new page, and she quickly scrawled out the beginnings of this story - the lazy mistress being taught an important lesson in hard work.

“O-Oh, you don’t have to…” Europa started, recognizing what was about to happen just a bit too late to stop it. The magic was already altering her. She felt much of her magical power draining away, such that she could no longer even attempt to reverse her own transformation.

“I think after me spending so long as a fox maid,” Lulu said casually, “There’s only one appropriate way for you to help me~”

“Really, you could just ask…” Europa groaned. As she spoke, her extra tails began to fade one by one - the 9-tailed kitsune quickly becoming a simple 1-tailed foxgirl.

Lulu tilted her head in confusion. “But where’s the fun in that? This is way more fun~”

Europa’s transformation continued, her hair and fur shifting in shade to a dark grey, ranging towards black in places, while the nature of her animalistic features shifted as well; her ears changed subtly in shape, and her tail became less bushy and shorter. She’d gone from fox-girl to wolf-girl, with a color scheme to match. “But I like that color…” Europa grumbled bitterly, before letting out a surprised yelp - her chest felt tight all of a sudden, as her bosom began to grow too big for her clothes.

Lulu thankfully didn’t wait long enough for the woman’s clothes to burst - instead, she moved right along with the changes, this time focusing in on her clothes. Europa breathed a sigh of relief as the chest of her outfit expanded to comfortably fit her bust, but it didn’t stop at that. Her fancy dress shifted in shade and materials, the skirt shrinking away to nearly nothing as her clothes darkened to simple black cotton to match her fur. The rest of her clothes quickly followed suit, her gloves and stockings bleaching into a stark white to contrast her dark blouse and skirt, all eventually joined by a white apron. The finishing touch was what she had expected it would be - a frilly cap, placed right between her ears, the very symbol of a maid.

Europa checked that what she felt between her ears was what she thought it was, then sighed. It was kind of adorable, seeing her ears and tail droop like a scolded puppy. “Have you had your fun?” she demanded, looking behind her to check if she did indeed have a wolf tail.

“Nooot quite~ That’s hardly a maid attitude, is it~?”

Europa sucked in a breath as she felt the magic work on her mind. But she didn’t bother resisting - may as well get things over with. The laziness was chased out of her head, and put in it’s place was a strong work ethic and a desire to help in any way she could. She didn’t have to worry about her image or her duties here - she was a simple maid now, and she just had to be cute and do what Mistress told her to. In many ways, just not having to worry about the troubles of her home world was enough of a vacation for Europa, Lulu decided.

Europa curtsied with an excited smile, her tail wagging already at the thought of serving. “Europa the maid, ready to serve my lovely Mistress!” she declared whole-heartedly, “Do you have something for me to do? I can’t wait to begin!”

“Oh, I have quite a few things to do. Don’t worry, my cute little maid, you’ll be veeeery busy~” Lulu grinned. She was going to have so much fun with this maid.”


“Oddly, I don’t feel all that well rested.” Europa said. She didn’t remember much of her break - she must have taken a nap. The time had really flown.

“Well, I’m sure some time out of the house was good for you either way.” Lulu said with her most innocent smile.

There was no singular exit to the Arcane Sanctuary; especially in Europa’s case, having come with the help of it’s keeper rather than on her own in search of knowledge. So it would take Lulu leading her out to get her home, so they walked through the shelves for a few minutes.

Europa squinted suspiciously at the librarian. “...I see.”

They turned a corner, and found themselves back in the library of Europa’s mansion. As they walked towards the door, Lulu found herself changing again - once more, the metallic shades drained from her hair, her tail split in two, and her outfit became a maid’s. It seemed that while the Arcane Sanctuary had brought out her natural self when she returned, this world only recognised her as a foxgirl maid and turned her into that state whenever she returned to the mansion. Not that she particularly minded - she did enjoy serving Mistress, after all~

“There you are!” A familiar harsh voice exclaimed. Lulu look over to see the head maid, Artemis, glaring at her. “I have been looking all over the mansion for you! You better not have been lazy or causing trouble again with Isime!”

“I most certainly was not. In fact, I was very busy.” Lulu said sharply. “I had a lot of work piling up at the Arcane Sanctuary, and being a maid doesn’t exempt me from those duties. Europa came with me to see the place again. Isn’t that right, Mistress-” Lulu turned to ask Europa her thoughts, but found that she’d vanished while Lulu was distracted.

In her bedroom, Europa was getting herself comfortable under the covers and letting herself drift off to sleep. She’d just come home, but she was still tired and needed another nap. As she slipped into sleep, she wondered what had actually happened in the magical sub-dimension of the Sanctuary. Whatever it was, it was no matter - she could ask Lulu if she needed to know that bad, and whatever it was, she had the feeling she had enjoyed the experience.


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