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“Well, looking at your qualifications, I’d say you’re certainly qualified for this entry-level position. Consider yourself hired, Brenda; welcome to the company.” The man reached out a hand, offering to shake with his new hire.

“Thank you very much, boss!” said new hire replied cheerfully, shaking his hand firmly. “I’m very excited to begin. When do I start?”

“Well, I appreciate the eagerness, Brenda. Why not today, hm?” He said with a smile. “I’m sure the other workers will love to get to know you.”

“Brenda” wanted to puke. The words were fine, but the way he said them was so unashamedly shady that she wanted to punch him. But she couldn’t - right now, she wasn’t Brianna White or her superhero alter-ego Crystal Knight. As far as her boss was concerned, she was Brenda the fresh-faced college graduate desperate for just about any job. A vulnerable young woman who would surely be the target of all the usual office politics - and maybe a bit more.

Brianna knew the company was shady. Officially, it was just your average corporation that had it’s fingers in a few pies, but unofficially it was known as an outright dangerous place to work; for some reason, a huge number of amateur magic users were said to work there, so you didn’t just have to worry about getting groped in the elevator, you had to worry about even staying as a clear-minded human being as opposed to a vapid bimbo or an inanimate object.

Of course, this was all rumors, since nobody had made it out of the company with evidence of their misdeeds; the nature of them rather precluded anyone from experiencing it and walking out as proof to tell. Unless, of course, said victim happened to actually be an amateur mage herself who could work themselves free - and more importantly, magically record what went on so there was more evidence than word against word.

Of course, Brianna couldn’t say any of this. She kept a false smile plastered on her face as she replied. “Of course, sir! I’d love to start today. Just tell me what I need to do!” she said.

“You’ll be working in Marketing, so go find a cubicle on this floor.” The man said. “Your manager will find you in a bit to get you started properly.”

Well, that wasn’t technically illegal, just sloppy, Brianna thought as she left the room. She could feel the hiring manager staring at her ass as she left, even her modest business-casual outfit not doing much to avert his eyes. Hostile work environment, noted.

She walked out of the office and towards the simple cubicles and desks she’d seen on her way inside. Brianna hadn’t seen any of them that were open, but obviously there had to be at least one. She groaned softly, not looking forward to spending even a short time in a cube farm like that.

As she was trying to find her way back, though, she encountered someone in the hall. They nearly bumped into each other walking, and Brianna mumbled an apology, but as she tried to step around the woman, they blocked her path. “You’re the newbie, huh?” the woman said. Her nametag read “Karla, Sales”, so she must have been from another department.

“U-Uh, yes, just hired a few minutes ago actually, how’d you know?” Brianna stammered, playing the nervous new girl role as best she could.

“Nametag, and I haven’t seen you before. I knew Ross was getting a new girl today, but I didn’t expect a cute one. Even better.” Karla grinned viciously. She was a tall woman, and Brianna wasn’t anything special in height, so she loomed over her in a way she clearly wanted to be frightening. Brianna would have to pretend it worked.

“R-Right… w-what do you want from me?” Brianna said in her best freaked-out new hire voice. “I’ll help however I can!”

“I like that kind of attitude!” Karla laughed, before reaching out and giving one of Brianna’s breasts a squeeze. “Mostly, I wanna fuck with your manager, and taking a cute girl like you is a bonus. Can’t have you helping him out.”

Brianna nearly slapped her, but she felt magic beginning to hit her as Karla groped her breast. She had to bear it - this would be evidence recorded that showed the problems with the company went above simple workplace harassment and into the very serious category of abuse of supernatural powers.

The transformation began in a way that Brianna was familiar with, being the frequent victim of unwanted transformations into all manner of forms even in normal hero duties - she felt her skin shifting and changing from the point where Karla’s fingers met her breast, the material changing from human flesh to something distinctly artificial. At first she didn’t fully realize what was happening, since usually when she found herself on the receiving end of such magic it didn’t bother to keep her coloring, but this time it seemed more focused on changing her composition than appearance.

The new “skin” was soft but rubbery, she could tell - but she couldn’t do much about it, as the change spread rapidly up her shoulders and down her arms, rendering her unable to move them. It flowed down her legs and started up her neck, causing her to lose control of wherever it spread. She started to crumple, but Karla’s hands kept her upright despite the loss of balance.

“Making good progress, and hardly even resisting! New girl, you sure you weren’t meant to be mine? Since you certainly don’t seem to object!” Karla cackled.

Not that Brianna could verbally expect - after an initial gasp of shock, she’d found her lungs one of the first things to vanish as she was transformed, leaving her unable to speak as she filled in with the soft rubbery material. Of course, she wasn’t resisting too much because she wanted clear evidence that a transformation had taken place. The fact that it felt good for Karla to squeeze her breasts like that had hardly anything to do with it, honest.

It wasn’t long before Brianna’s whole body was synthetic material, and she was effectively an inanimate object in the shape of a person. Karla took a few moments to give her some squeezes, feeling up the material. “Nice, nice~ But it’s hard to keep a life-sized doll around the office. I’d rather you be something much more practical.” she laughed.

Brianna began to shrink, slowly at first but with increasing speed. As she did, she felt Karla’s hand move to her head, and pressure begin to build there. “Come on now, squish down…” she muttered, as Brianna got smaller and smaller.

At a certain point, Brianna realized she’d stopped shrinking, but Karla didn’t let up the pressure. Her body began to distort and stretch as she was squished down, unable to maintain it’s shape. Brianna felt the strange (but annoyingly familiar) sensation of being flattened out, as her legs melded with her torso as she was crushed downwards, and the bulk of her torso was then folding into her chest. Karla shifted her angle, then, letting Brianna fall over while applying pressure to her shoulders and head and flattening them out further.

When the malicious worker was done, she withdrew her hand - revealing a Brianna that had been flattened out into a completely smooth surface, with the exception of her bust sticking out. “Doctor said to try a new mousepad to avoid messing up my wrists. Guess I have one now~” Karla laughed, picking up the newly created tool that happened to have a design of a person on it. “We’re getting right to work.”

Brianna sighed internally as Karla carried her into an elevator and down a few floors, into a different department. From her present position, she couldn’t see much, but that didn’t last long before she was placed down on a desk. Karla rolled her out, leaving her face upwards with her soft breasts sticking out.

She decided she didn’t want to wait until she got used. She’d learned magic recently, so she could turn herself back… or at least, that had been the plan, but as it turned out too much of her magic had been used keeping her from mentally going blank already, so she would have to recharge before she could change herself back into a human. And in the meantime, there was nothing she could do.

Her vision was covered up as a mouse landed on her face, and she suddenly felt something resting on her breasts. “Oh, that does feel kind of nice…” Karla said under her breath, before getting to work, as if she hadn’t just turned a coworker into an inanimate object. Brianna tried not to pay attention to how nice it felt to have something on her bust, but that was a task easier said than done.

It was the beginning of a rather rough couple of days, in which Brianna had a front row seat to some of the strangest office politics she’d ever seen. Whenever she wasn’t in active use, she was spending the day sitting around without much to do but watch whatever was going on around her, which meant watching how Karla interacted with the other company employees.

The first day, someone came down to the office and spoke with Karla about whether she’d seen the new employee, ‘Brenda’. Of course, Karla played dumb - surely someone in a completely different department would know absolutely nothing about whether a new hire had actually shown up to work! She said this, of course, while casually leaning on her desk with her hand covering Brianna, driving her a little nuts with pleasure from the sudden pressure on her body.

The man had looked at her with a suspicious expression. At the time Brianna hadn’t really had the brain power to process what it might mean, but in hindsight, she realized that Karla probably had a reputation for the kind of thing she’d done to Brianna; she just enjoyed turning people into her tools and toys. But without evidence, a reputation wasn’t enough to get her to give up the new hire, so the man had to leave.

Another incident happened the next day. As if having gotten away with transforming Brianna had emboldened her, Karla brazenly assaulted another woman who happened to be passing by her cubicle. The intern was petrified just seeing her approach, and could make no effort to escape - Brianna had a good view to watch her be turned into a new computer mouse to go with the pad, shrinking and turning to hard plastic and electronics.

Luckily, Brianna wouldn’t have to watch much more. She finally regained enough mana to turn herself back to normal - and in a stroke of good fortune, it happened to be Karla’s day off when she did.

Early in the morning, making sure there was nobody nearby, Brianna changed herself back - she found herself growing in size, sliding off the desk as she started to regain human shape, and eventually going back to flesh and blood. Thankfully, her clothes had been maintained, so she wasn’t suddenly naked as she stood again. Before looking, she paused to look at the formerly-human accessory she’d seen changed. “I’ll make sure you get changed back as soon as I can, I have other things to do first…” she said quietly.


Before she could leave and bring her evidence to the cops, she had to confront a manager - she had to see how the official response to such incidents was. Of course, she wasn’t expecting them to do anything at all, but it was important to do it so that when she presented the evidence they couldn’t use Karla as a scapegoat for a wider issue.

“Come in,” the voice said, and Brianna stepped inside the office. Her manager was a fairly average looking man - she really couldn’t think of anything remarkable to say about him, besides the slightly annoyed look in his eyes as he saw her nametag. “Hm. A bit late, aren’t you, Brenda?”

Brianna cleared her throat. “Ahem. I’m sorry for reporting to work so late, sir. I was on my way the day I was hired, of course, but I was intercepted on my way over by someone from another division.”

“I see.” The man said, gesturing for her to continue.

“Karla, I think was her name. She, uh, turned me into an inanimate object and kept me in her cubicle for several days as a mousepad.” Brianna said, trying to sound more nervous than she was annoyed.

The manager raised an eyebrow. “Is that so? Well, you don’t seem to be an inanimate object right now.”

“She seems to be a bit of an amateur at magic, and the spell didn’t last as long as she thought it would.” Brianna explained. “Still, whether she’s skilled or not, she did do it, and isn’t unlicensed magic illegal?”

The manager stroked his beard, nodding a bit. “Hm, that certainly is troublesome…” he said. For a second, Brianna thought he was actually going to suggest doing something about it or going to the cops, but then he actually continued. “Of course, you’re new here. You don’t understand how this works. Leave it. We’ll handle it internally, she shouldn’t have tried to poach another department’s workers like that.”

Of course, the only thing she’d done wrong was grab ‘Brenda’ from another department instead of transforming one of her own subordinates. “I’m not sure…” she said, nervously, trying to sound like she hadn’t already decided to take her evidence to the police.

“Well… with that handled, we need to talk about how you’re making up for the time you missed.” The manager said with a smile. He stood up, walking over to Brianna and resting a hand on her shoulder. “After all, you can’t just miss your first couple of days without some kind of consequence. I think you’ll work directly for me to make up for it.”

This time Brianna definitely saw the magic coming. She was expecting it. But she decided to get more evidence that it was a widespread problem and not a single person behind the rampant transformations in the company. So she allowed herself to be transformed.

Like the earlier change, the first thing to transform was what she was made out of. This time, though, rather than getting smaller she was getting bigger. She found herself being forced into a new posture as her body became soft and springy, the surface turning to a leather-like material as she found herself crouched down in a sitting position. “I’m waiting for a new chair to come in, and I think you’re just right to fill in while I wait.” the manager said with a malicious smile.

Brianna was already incapable of responding, as her head and neck fused into her chest as it rose upwards, while her legs and bottom expanded down to keep her stable on the ground. Her arms thickened and bulked out as they fused with her legs, and she found herself growing wider. Her breasts made a dramatic change as well, ballooning in size even as they grew soft and round. “Nice cushions~” The manager teased, taking a moment to feel them up and sending a spike of pleasure through Brianna, along with an urge to be used.

The transformation slowed to a halt, leaving a lounge chair with a Brianna-like design on it where she’d been standing as a human. The manager unceremoniously dragged her over to his desk, and took a seat on her lap, pressing up against her “cushions” and making her feel good. “If you’re a comfy chair, I might turn you back in a week or two when my new one comes.” The manager assured her. “Or maybe I’ll just keep you! Who knows? I’d save some money. Hope I don’t forget you were a person before. Not that it matters - a chair can’t complain.”

The man settled himself down into his new seat, quite intentionally leaning back to press his back against Brianna’s new “cushions”. She found she enjoyed the sensation, to her own anger, but there wasn’t much she could do about it. The man went about his day, driving her mad with arousing pleasure from the sensation of being used like a proper chair.

It was hours later when the manager stood up and left the room, and this time didn’t come back. He didn’t bother to tell his chair that he was clocking out, it seemed - why would he need to report such to an object? But it gave Brianna an opportunity to escape.

It seemed that the manager was either a less adept magic user than Karla, or else just didn’t bother with mental changes - Brianna hadn’t used any mana to maintain her sense of self, unlike with Karla, so she had enough to spare to change herself back.

Once she was confident that the manager wasn’t coming back, she channeled that magic inwards, and willed herself to return to human shape. It was slow, since she didn’t have the mana to make a mistake so she was perhaps more careful than warranted, but she felt her body contracting and shifting as it gained more human proportions, and then let her stand.

It felt nice to return to flesh and blood - and especially since she was now going to be just leaving, rather than waiting for more evidence. She’d gotten all she needed on the recording spell. More than enough, really - she probably could cut out the hours of monotony of an inanimate object. She got distracted thinking about that, and slipped in her spell - her breasts remained rather larger than she’d have liked even as the rest of her returned to normal.

Brianna sighed loudly. It was no matter. She was human again, so now she could finish up this little infiltration - she had all the evidence of magical misconduct that was needed to make sure the shady company went down.


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