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Europa is working on a new potion meant to give her particularly silky hair, but sleep deprivation and distraction cause a mistake that makes the effort go rather farther than she intended...

Patron commission for Eurowatch. 


Europa yawned a bit as she waited for her potion to hit the right consistency, almost moving to rub her eyes before realizing at the last second her gloves were caked in the oils and residue of assorted reagents and ingredients. She stopped herself just in time, and carefully took one glove off in order to rub her eyes a bit more safely.

Inventing new potions was usually fairly rewarding work. She was sure this would be too, of course, and once she was done she’d surely look back on the process as well worth the time. But in the present, she was just tired. The wealthy kitsune checked the pot again, and decided she could take a moment to sit and stretch as she put her glove back on.

It was really quite a simple item she was making - it was supposed to be a new kind of shampoo and conditioner, cleaning, repairing, and giving a new luster to hair without needing the veritable mountain of product that she required to keep her long hair and multiple tails vibrant and fluffy. It was a lot of work at the moment to save countless hours in the future, with the added bonus of keeping her maids presentable; some of them were quite lazy and never bothered with the amount of care their tails really needed.

Of course, knowing why she was doing it didn’t mean she wasn’t really tired. She’d had to put most the ingredients in before setting them to boil, a process to keep the mixture pure and release the mild magical properties that some of her ingredients had - and she’d had to do it overnight, which meant sleeping in her workshop on a bed consisting of three chairs pushed together, and occasionally waking up to check on it. It was a rough night, but she was nearly done.

Europa stood up again, going back to check on the potion in progress. Nodding to herself, she saw the boiling was done - she retrieved a flask and poured some of the mixture into it, careful not to spill any of the searing hot liquid on herself. That done, she opened the ingredient cabinet and reached for the finishing touches-

There was a knock on the door. “Milady, are you awake yet?” A female voice asked, before pushing the door open to see. “You haven’t been outside this workshop since last night, and the other maids and I have been worried - oh, good morning!”

“Yes, good morning Artemis, I’m awake.” Europa said as she looked over to the new arrival, her hands continuing to work on memory. She was a bit more curt than she’d normally be with the young fox-girl, but sleep deprivation made her a touch irritable.

If Artemis noticed her lady’s mood, she didn’t show it. “That’s good. Would you like me to bring you breakfast, Lady Europa? You missed dinner as well last night, and you really should eat-”

“I’m busy. Later.” Europa sighed and brought the ingredient she’d grabbed up to the bottle, sprinkling it into the liquid, before putting a stopper on the potion. There, that should be it done. Now she’d wait for it to cool, and then test…

Wait, that wasn’t the right thing. She blinked in confusion, looking down at the ingredient cabinet, then back at the potion, then at her hand. For a moment, she failed to fully process what she’d accidentally done - maybe she’d been up longer than she realized. But as the potion in the beaker suddenly cooled and then, paradoxically, began to bubble and surge upwards, she realized she had made a mistake.

She didn’t have time to make that realization known as the beaker burst. The magical protections on her clothes kept the glass from harming her, but the liquid covered her from head to toe. “Ah! Milady, are you alright!?” Artemis cried out in shock.

Europa glared at Artemis. “Look what you made me do, distracting me like that.” She said darkly, indicating broadly her soaked clothes. Maybe it wasn’t totally reasonable to blame her completely, but Europa was not a woman in a reasonable mood. As she talked, though, she realized something odd - despite the magical protections on her clothes, the potion seemed to be eating away at them, slowly dissolving parts of her outfit. And yet it didn’t harm her where it touched skin. Curious.

“I-I’m sorry…” Artemis said, face red with shame and embarrassment. “I was just worried, I wanted to see if you would have something to eat…” she muttered quietly.

“I’m not hungry.” Europa said flatly. “Now leave.” She kept herself from looking too hard at her clothes even as they felt like they were melting off of her - she didn’t want to draw Artemis’ attention to the issue.

“As you wish, Milady…” Artemis said, swiftly evacuating the workshop and leaving Europa.

As the door shut behind her, Europa’s clothes seemed to slough off of her body like a liquid, vanishing before hitting the ground. Europa sighed loudly as she took a moment to look at where it’d vanished. That was one of her favorite outfits and it would take time to replace - it was a fairly simple grey dress and gloves with gold trim, dark pantyhose, shawl, and heels, but getting the necessary materials and enchantments to make a new dress was a difficult, long and expensive process. And that was not even getting into the emotional value the dress held for her.

Still, she could hardly waltz around the place nude, even if it was her own home. She took a moment to focus, closing her eyes and channeling magic - and when she opened them again, she was no longer in her workshop but in her bedroom.

Europa walked towards the bathroom, planning to clean the remnants of the potion off of her before dressing herself. As she reached to open the door, however, she noticed something strange - her arm was completely dry, and had no evidence of the potion remaining, even above where her elbow-length gloves had ended. She blinked in surprise, taking a moment to investigate other parts that had been doused, and finding that she’d become completely dry. That wasn’t a normal effect of a teleport…

As she touched her arms again, she noticed something strange. Her hands felt… weirdly smooth. Not in the sense of smooth skin - they didn’t feel like skin at all. While she was checking, she noticed a grey tinge at the fingertips, one that began to spread up her hands. Suddenly, she couldn’t control her fingers - her hands went limp, and so did her entire arm below the elbow.

For a moment, Europa felt a terror - had she poisoned herself and not realized until it was too late? But as she watched the grey travel up her hand, she began to recognize it. Her hands didn’t look or feel like skin anymore because they weren’t; they had become made of silk, and that silk was now being dyed grey. As her lower arms fell limply against her, the way her hand pressed against her side made it quite clear that they’d become hollow as well, bones and muscle vanishing into thin air.

As the grey traveled up her arm, she managed to finally process what seemed to be happening - her arms were turning into a replica of her own gloves. She had heard of people turning themselves into clothing before - usually an intentional thing, meant to help them get into places they weren’t supposed to be on the bodies of servants and socialites and acquire information or experiences they weren’t supposed to have - and it seemed that, by accident, she was going to have to share in that experience.

As the grey approached her elbow, Europa realized she didn’t actually know any magic off the top of her head that could counter the effect - at least, not before it had it’s way with her. So she went over to her bed and laid down so that she wouldn’t leave a mess on the floor; if she was going to turn into clothing anyway, she may as well turn into clean clothes. It was just in time, as the moment she settled her arms separated at a point just above the elbow, the new gloves falling softly onto the bed.

The strange feeling had hit her feet now, and indeed had done so as she’d walked. There had been a click-clack on the floor as she approached her bed, and when she laid down properly she saw her feet had turned hard and rigid, forming into a pointed shape as they turned black. She felt the strange sensation of her heel extending downward while her foot arched up and froze in its place, before hollowing out like her arms had and splitting off into a set of high heels.

Europa next felt the sensation spread up her legs, climbing upwards. She almost wished she could reach down to feel the point where they shifted, to better understand what sort of effect was going on there, but now lacking hands she didn’t have the ability to touch much of anything intentionally. So she simply watched as her legs took on a silky, stretchy texture, before being tinged black like her feet had been. The new color rapidly seeped into her legs, and she gasped at the feeling of such a large part of her body losing control completely - and at the feeling of them going hollow, empty of anything but air as they slackened against the bed and split from her now limbless torso, no longer legs but a set of pantyhose.

The kitsune idly reflected that most people would probably be rather more concerned about this than she was; there weren’t many who would be so neutral, or even curious, about the fact they’d been rendered without any means of motion at all. Their loss, then - she was a curious sort by nature, and this was certainly a unique experience. She’d have to write down her feelings on the matter once she had fingers again. Besides, it hadn’t even hurt - if anything it tickled a bit.

The most dramatic changes were yet to come - the remainder of her arms receded into her shoulders, and she felt the shift in texture spread from both there and from her hips. Her whole body was now turning to silk, and the sensation didn’t stop just at her torso but spread up her neck and even down her tails! She didn’t feel the need to breathe anymore, after it covered her chest completely, but she did wonder what would happen when it went over her face.

Her consciousness blinked out just as she had that thought. When she could think again, she had become completely immobile, no longer even having muscles in her face to move. Well, that answered her question - she was still thinking, seeing, and generally being a sentient being, although whether she could be considered a living being anymore, or an inanimate object that happened to possess a mind, would be a matter of scholarly debate. She was now completely made of silk and fabric and something else hard that she couldn’t quite figure out what was since it was her face, and she couldn’t exactly look at her own face in this position.

The change, of course, wasn’t going to leave it at that - she hadn’t even formed the core part of her outfit. Her tails flattened down against her rear, wrapping around her waist as they merged with the greying silk-skin, becoming the lengthy lower part of her dress. Meanwhile, her bust seemed to expand for a few moments, before flattening out and becoming hollow, forming a pocket for a sizable pair of breasts to slide into. Her whole torso flattened and hollowed as it turned grey. She felt her head, neck, and shoulders sinking into where her bust had been, forming the gold trim that rimmed the collar of the dress.`

Europa’s face soon pressed against the rim of her torso-turned dress, and merged with it - she realized her face had taken the place of the gem that sat in the center of the trim, where it’d rest just between the wearer’s breasts. Her hair, meanwhile, had lengthened considerably and turned soft and translucent, becoming the shawl of her outfit.

The strange sensations came to a stop as the outfit was complete; Europa the kitsune was nowhere to be found. All that was remaining was a high quality outfit of hers, slumped against the bed, immobile without an owner to wear it.

Europa lay there for some time, not quite sure how much passed - she couldn’t exactly look at a clock. But eventually, there was a knock on the door, and then a familiar voice. “Milady? Are you in here now?” Artemis asked. Europa, of course lacking vocal cords - or a mouth, even - couldn’t respond, so Artemis went unanswered as she opened the door. “...Ok, that would have been awkward…”

Artemis entered the room - she was probably there for a scheduled cleaning, but wasn’t sure if Europa would have returned or not. As she got to work on autopilot, she was mumbling to herself loud enough for Europa to hear from the bed. “Just worried about you, Lady Europa… why should I get yelled at for doing my job, huh…” she grumbled to herself.

Europa winced internally. Maybe Artemis hadn’t deserved her being quite so snappy with her… “Oh? Did she already clean it?” Artemis said suddenly, noticing the outfit and walking over.

She paused for a bit, looking over her. Then, looking side to side as if to make sure the room was truly empty, she stripped down out of her maid uniform, before starting to pull on the clothes on the bed. “It was nice last time I tried these on...” she said aloud as she pulled on the pantyhose.

At first, even the flexible pantyhose seemed too big for her - Artemis was a small girl, and Europa was rather tall. She seemed disappointed at that, but then they magically shifted to fit her legs. “Oooh! Milady’s clothes sure are convenient…” she said to herself, impressed. Europa, for her part, got to experience the odd sensation of being worn. She felt Artemis’ legs inside of her own, filling them with a warm body in a way that felt somehow right, chasing away the hollowness. It was certainly not an unpleasant sensation - if anything, it was too enjoyable.

Emboldened by the way the clothes changed to fit her, Artemis quickly pulled on the dress itself, followed by the shoes and finally the gloves, each part changing to fit her and each time Europa being surprised by how nice it felt. As Artemis posed in front of a mirror, striking a stereotypical “noblewoman’s laugh” sort of stance while adjusting the last glove, Europa felt something click in her mind.

“Already falling back into bad habits?” she asked dryly, sensing that her words would be understood.

Artemis whirled around. “M-Milady, I’m sorry, I, uh, couldn’t tell if they were dry yet-” she paused, realizing Europa was nowhere in sight. “L-Lady Europa? Where are you?”

“On your body, of course.” Europa said. “I’m not quite certain which ingredient caused it, but I appear to have turned into clothes. I was wondering how long I’d be stuck on my bed before you came along and decided to wear me.”

Europa could feel the way that Artemis heated up with embarrassment. “O-Oh… sorry, I didn’t realize it was you…” she said. Then she trailed off, and Europa could just see an idea dawn on her. “Hmmm… oh, what am I to do with you?” she said, putting a hand on her chin in a theatrical thinking posture.

“Turn me back, of course. Lulu ought to be able to figure it out.” Europa said.

Artemis made a show of considering the thought, the dramatic flare going into her voice as well. “Hmmm, are you sure? Perhaps I should simply leave you like this. You are quite comfortable, after all. And a dress would be much easier to care for than a kitsune - it wouldn’t be able to get mad at me for simply being worried for it’s wellbeing, or doing my job and trying to get it to take care of itself. “It would be perfect for you - no eating, work or anything, just the occasional wash while being worn around the place. You even get to nap all day long like you always wanted.”

Europa winced a bit at the angry tone. It seemed Arty had taken her earlier outburst more personally then she had anticipated. Ok, maybe she deserved that. But Artemis was being a bit too dramatic about it… “I have quite a few enemies, and I’m sure they’d love to come and visit to tie up some loose ends while I’m impotent. Could you take care of those? If so, then sure.” Europa replied.

Artemis paled a bit. Someone like Shion could easily sneak past the mansion’s defences and incapacitate her. And from what she had heard about Yasaka Nishikino and Kaori Sonoda, both kitsunes were so powerful they didn’t need to bother with the sneaking part. Even with Lulu and Soma at her side, those fights were going to be very difficult to win. “...A good point.” she said.

“I’m sorry for getting mad at you, Artemis.” Europa said. “I shouldn’t be annoyed that you looked out for me. It’s a bit unreasonable, even if I was a bit sleep deprived.”

The maid glared at the mirror for a bit, then softened her expression. “...Ok, apologies accepted. I’ll make sure Lulu turns you back.” she said. Then she grinned again. “...Later. By the end of the day, maybe. Probably by the end of tomorrow. Definitely by the end of the week. Consider it a punishment for not taking care of yourself.”

“I-Is being a set of clothing not punishment enough?”

“It’s your punishment for not eating dinner or breakfast! But I didn’t realize you hadn’t even slept, so that means another punishment! While I have power over you I’m going to use it! Promise me when this is over you’ll take better care of yourself, or you’re going to have to call me ‘Owner’ soon!”

“...Fiiiine…” Europa agreed, begrudgingly. “Can we finish up the shampoo, though? It shouldn’t be terribly tough, just one ingredient left as long as we pick the right one.”

Artemis nodded in agreement. “Fine. Then, we’re taking it easy. You can use the chance to sleep, right? And I’ll use the chance to be the mistress of the house for the day. Ehehehe… it’ll be fun having all the other maids serving me again~”

As a giggling Artemis left the master bedroom, Europa sighed and tried to take the chance to rest. Maybe it would be good to just be clothes for a bit and not have to worry or think about anything…


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