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A girl proclaiming to be Hikari and Izanami's daughter from the future corrupts her 'mothers' into the kind of evil women that fit her mental images of the two. (OC Corruption)

This was a patron poll story.


Another day and another battle. Hikari hummed cheerfully to herself as she walked down the street towards her home, the sky growing dark as evening set in and signaled the end of the day. Hikari had had a good day - she’d beaten two villains easily, and hadn’t even missed all of her day’s classes! Then Natuki had helped catch her up on things she did miss, and they hadn’t been accosted by a villain then either, nor had Natsuki’s particular tastes gotten them into trouble. Overall, it was rare to have a day so unmarred by stress, to have one so productive.

“Quit it. I can't shut off my hearing when I’m in your head.” Izanami grumbled.

“Nope!” Hikari said cheerfully. “Not letting your ruin my mood! I’ve had a good day, and I’m going to keep having a good one!”

Izanami rolled her eyes. A decent day for Hikari honestly wasn’t so bad for her - it wasn’t like she enjoyed getting transformed after all. But it meant she had to put up with Hikari’s insufferable cheer for the whole day, and honestly for Izanami that was nearly as bad. One girl shouldn’t have as much positivity as she did.

They started to approach the Himura house as the sun began to set. As they did, though, Hikari noticed something. There was a girl at the front, and not one of the usual suspects like Akemi or Natsuki. This one was a young woman that Hikari didn’t know, and neither did Izanami. She was a rather short one, to be sure, with long hair that swirled black and white. She wore a dark kimono, and was presently knocking on the front door repeatedly with a staff that ended in a red crystal.

She was also either not human, or dressed up quite convincingly - she had distinctly vulpine ears (one black and one white), and a tail that poked through a purpose-cut hole in the gown. “Allow me entrance, human! I demand an audience with the one known in this realm as Hikari Himura! One does not deny Tsukuyomi and get away with it, I assure you!”

“What’s up with her? She can’t be a villainess, can she? They wouldn’t be so dumb as to come to your front door.” Izanami asked.

“I don’t know. Maybe she’s lost or something.” Hikari shrugged.

“Maybe she’s heard how easily you’re transformed and got overconfident.”

“And how many times have you been able to avoid getting transformed?”

Normally Hikari might have had a bad feeling about someone like this. Villains weren’t exactly uncommon. But… It was hard to take this one seriously. She looked like she was dressed in her best approximation of a villain’s outfit more so than actually being one. She was a teenager, and seemed to be in that phase of delusions of grandeur that so many went through.

Hikari approached her. “Hello? What is it? You can talk to me, instead of trying to harass my parents.” Hikari said as she walked up to the girl.

The young lady turned towards Hikari, puffing up her chest to look bigger and more intimidating but mostly accomplishing looking silly. “I am seeking a great warrior! I am told that in this world she resides in this home, but the mere humans inside dare to disrespect me and will not allow me audience! The servants of the goddess will surely be reprimanded for this slight!”

“...Uh huh. Flattering.” Hikari said. Great warrior? Her? Sure she could blow things up, but she was hardly half as good as her mom had been. “And why is it you want to see this ‘great warrior’?”

“Hmph! Is it not obvious from my refined visage? I, the dark crusader Tsukuyomi, am her daughter, come from the future - or another world? Interdimensional travel is strange even to one such as I. I would of course like to speak with this time’s incarnation of my parents, the great goddess Hikari and her doting love Izanami!”

Hikari blinked. Izanami did too. If they’d been able to, they would have looked at each other incredulously, but they had to do with sharing their intense confusion. “I’m, uh, not a Goddess?” she said. “And how would I even have kids with… why…”

“Hahahaha!” Izanami laughed. “Delusional, she simply must be delusional! And here I thought you were a weirdo!” Izanami couldn’t stop laughing - sure, she was from another world, but the idea of her being in any kind of relationship like that - let alone with Hikari - was just so comical that it couldn’t be taken seriously.

“Magic and love find a way! The two greatest villains of the time must have a legacy, so they of course worked it out… hey, wait-”

“And why would you be a fox-girl then…? And villainess?” Hikari frowned in confusion. “Are you sure you didn’t hit your head? Maybe you should come with me to the MGA, they can help you out…”

Tsukuyomi stared at Hikari. “...Inconceivable! This truly must be another world - you resemble my great progenitor, but you are… human? And I sense my other mother occupying the same space… truly, I was not prepared for how strange parallel worlds are…”

“She can’t be real, can she?” Izanami gasped between her giggle fits, still struggling to get her laughter under control. It was simply too ridiculous to contemplate.

“I think you might have me mixed up with another Hikari…” Hikari said. This girl was probably in need of some kind of help…

“This insult must be avenged!” Tsukuyomi declared. “I shall not let you goody-two-shoes types taint the villainous names of my parents! I shall correct this error in the fabric of the universe at once!”

Hikari had had her guard down - the teenager just seemed too harmless to be prepared to defend herself. Unfortunately, that meant when the young girl’s staff (which looked much like Hikari’s, now that she noticed) began to glow, she didn’t have the time to transform and ready her own defenses. She got as far as switching to magic form before the blast of red light smacked right into her. Izanami, for her part, had about enough time to note that the beam of pure brute-force overpowering magic was the strongest evidence yet of a relation to Hikari.

The beam didn’t hurt, oddly. It wasn't the kind of spell that blasted people to bits - which meant it was the main other kind with which Hikari was familiar. As the beam dissipated, Hikari thought for a moment that she might have been unharmed - had she gotten her shield up after all? “Hey, that was uncalled for-” Hikari began, before gasping and stopping. There was a sudden intense pain in her rear end - something felt stuck there.

She struggled a bit, and eventually just pulled down her skirt a bit at the back to accommodate. She gasped with relief, and then confusion, as a fluffy black fox tail bounced out of it’s confines. “Oh… I see how it is…” said Izanami’s voice. Hikari felt her ears swivel in the direction of it, which was weird for two reasons. One, she now had fox ears on top of her head. Two, Izanami was outside of her, to the left.

The villainess seemed as confused as Hikari was, though Izanami knew enough of magic to recognize that a magically constructed body had been created for her soul. She was still bound to Hikari and she hadn’t a clue how long the magical body would last - if only it were so simple to separate - but for the moment she was independent. Unfortunately, she suspected that meant she was just as vulnerable to transformation as Hikari.

“Ah, that’s better already! I’m glad I could help you cease that disgusting humanity.” Tsukuyomi said with a prideful huff. “...No offense, mother.” she added, looking at Izanami.

Hikari’s transformation was by no means completed, though, even after being turned into a fox-girl. Her skin rapidly grew paler, an ethereal white shade that befit her new nature, while at the same time her clothes began to shift and change. They brightened to a stark white as they merged into a single piece, her jacket, shirt, and skirt all becoming one. The material changed as well, growing smooth and soft as it went from store-bought fabrics to expertly woven silk. The style changed as well, going from modern clothes to a kimono-type garment.

The new outfit was a white kimono with red accents all across it, draped over Hikari’s body and with a hole for her tail at the rear. Hikari hardly had the time to process that, before she began to shift more. The kimono was loose as heck, and her body seemed to seek to change that - her breasts expanded, filling out the loose kimono even more and giving her an impressive amount of cleavage, while her hips and rear end swelled to fill out the bottom side better.

Izanami, meanwhile, was having a similar change - not so much in form, as she remained human, but her clothes changed. Her magical form had been created with a replica of Hikari’s outfit rather than her normal clothes, and that began to change. Like Hikari’s clothes, hers shifted in material, fusing together as they became silk - although hers was black and red rather than white. They shortly became something mostly like what Izanami’s preferred outfit was, a black kimono and bodysuit laced with glowing red and dotted with spell circles. However, the shift didn’t stop there.

Jewelry began to form, gleaming red rubies in earrings and a heavy silver necklace. Her hair tied itself under a silver crown, and she could almost feel a light dusting of makeup applied to her face to emphasize her eyes and lips. “Hm! I could get used to this kind of… look…” Izanami trailed off, distracted by something.

Suddenly, Hikari seemed… attractive. Lovely, really. Suddenly, all Izanami could see was intoxicating power in the human-turned-kitsune. Without consciously thinking about it, she found herself clinging to Hikari’s arm, rubbing herself against her. “Mmmh~” she moaned, not fully processing what she was doing as her mind began to warp.

Hikari, for her own part, didn’t find any reason to push her off. Her head hurt and it was hard to think. “Now, time to make you remember your true self! Or at least the self you’re supposed to be!” Tsukuyomi declared dramatically.

The newly-made kitsune groaned as her mind began to change. She remembered her childhood… or rather, two of them. One was the one that she knew, growing up normal and becoming a magical girl. The other was… different. She remembered a different mom, a vulpine woman who had taken her in and cared for her… taught her magic… made her like her. A world where a villainess with a grudge against her family had found her at a young age, and decided to make an enemy into a friend - or even a daughter.

Hikari could feel her mind being rewritten, her morality. Her tail seemed to split, into two, then three different tails - her immense magical power combining with the yokai nature her adoptive mother had given her and enhancing her abilities further. And as she became less human, her original memories began to fade. She didn’t remember the cheerful, care-free life she’d had and her parents’ morality - she remembered her new mom’s caring but stern insistence that she be superior in each and every way she could.

More tails split off, as she remembered her growing power. She’d had a simple time taking her first minions. And she’d enjoyed it. Her lovely shrine maidens, devoted to her like a goddess. She’d gained more and more power. She’d met that fellow villainess, Izanami… and promptly dominated her, made her belong to her as a lover and devoted head of her minions.

“Mmmh~ What was I so worried about again, darling~?” Izanami asked, pressing her bust to Hikari’s arm. All she remembered was her undying love for her partner and Mistress, and of course, for their lovely daughter.

As Hikari’s tails split once more, leaving her as a nine-tailed fox woman, the magic faded. Tsukuyomi stood proud, chest puffed out. “Welcome back, Mother! I am so very glad to see you return to your proper self!” she said dutifully.

They stood quietly for a minute, and Tsukuyomi started to grow nervous… before suddenly she was pulled into Hikari’s cleavage, while her tails wrapped around her. “My my~ My darling Tsuki, did you think I could forget you~?” The villainess laughed. Another hand brought Izanami into the “family” hug. “You’re such a darling daughter, what did mama ever do to deserve you~?”

“A goddess like yourself can only have the best children, of course.” Tsukuyomi said proudly.

“Of course~” Hikari said in a teasing voice, leaning down to give the girl a kiss on the forehead. “I see in this world, I’m not that much older than you are… all the better to be close to my dears~”

“Such a disgusting world, not to acknowledge your greatness.” Izanami said. “Love, I shall be happy to start showing people the error of their ways~”

Hikari laughed, and nodded, fox tails swaying. “I’ll join you, of course. And so will our lovely Tsuki. It’ll be a family bonding experience~”