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Hikari and her friends (and Izanami) are visiting a tabletop game convention when they discover some "costumes" are looking entirely too realistic, and those monsters seem kinda real too... looks like the game isn't content to stay a game!

(NSFW Warning)


“I still don’t understand the purpose of this.” Izanami grumbled.

“It’s something people enjoy!” Hikari said cheerfully. And quietly, so nobody heard her apparently talking to herself.

“You live in a world where magic is a real thing and, in this city in particular, something that nearly everyone has physically experienced at least once.” The villainess replied flatly. “And for fun, some of them decide to… play a game where they pretend to cast spells.”

“Or swing swords, be heroes and heroines, charm princesses…” Hikari rattled off a few more things before getting back on task. “Anyway, it’s roleplaying. Pretending to be someone you’re not for a bit, and having fun exploring that character.”

“I could help them be someone they’re not if you give me my turn early.”

“I am not going to give you your turn early.”

It had been too long since Hikari had been able to come to a convention like this! It was a tabletop games kind of convention, and she’d been a regular attendee before becoming a magical girl. Since then, most times she was either otherwise occupied when it came up, either fighting a villain or being one, or else “on the clock” and not wanting to risk being called away in the middle of a game.

This time, though, she was free! And not only did she have a day off, so did a couple of friends. She turned to a certain blonde magical girl. “What kind of game are you looking for? Usually at this kind of convention they have a bunch of demos and modules running for all sorts of different things!”

Akemi studied her map carefully, frowning a bit with concentration. “Hmmm… all of these names don’t tell me much… Dungeons and Dragons… Shadowrun… Blades in the Dark…”

“First time~?” Natsuki said, popping in between them with a giggle. “I would have thought someone like you would be all over tabletop stuff!”

“Why pretend to be a knight when I can truly be a hero of justice?” Akemi asked petulantly. “I’m simply here to see what kind of benefit it offers my rival!”

“Huh, I agree with her for once.” Izanami said dryly.

“Let’s start with Dungeons and Dragons then.” Natsuki continued, as if she didn’t hear Akemi. “If it’s your first time it has to be D&D! Or maybe one of the sci-fi stuff close to it, if being a knight is too close to your reality~”

“That could be fun! I was kinda wondering if there’s any indie ones around here, but I don’t see why we can’t start with tradition.” The trio headed further into the convention center, but Hikari decided to take them on a bit of a circuitous route so they could hit a few stands she was interested in.

“They’re really going all out on this one.” Natsuki said. “That wall back there looks kinda like a castle. I wonder how they made it look so realistic?”

“Yeah, it’s really cool! I missed this kinda thing. Look at the cool costumes!” As they passed, they saw some people dressed in the most realistic plate and chainmail Hikari had seen outside of villains and Magical Girls wearing actual armor, elaborate horns, and realistically moving tails.

Izanami frowned, in Hikari’s head at least. Something was… off. The ruddy green skin on that orc looked too realistic; the armor gleamed like real metal. And she felt like she was being watched - not that Hikari was being watched, that she was being watched. “I’m not so sure about that…” Izanami muttered.

“I must admit, the costumes are impressive.” She said. She saw one particularly elaborate tiefling costume and paused, looking it over. “That’s an interesting costume. How did you make the tail move like that?” she asked the purple-skinned man.

The man seemed to be dressed as your stereotypical bard; he had brightly colored clothing, so much jewelry he jingled as he walked, and a lute strapped to his back. He also seemed to have high quality makeup and colored contacts to help him look the part of a tiefling - he even had a gold tooth that appeared when he smiled. “Oh? I’d be happy to tell a cutie like you all about my tail.” He said. He got close, and wrapped an arm around Akemi all of a sudden - and reached down to grab her breasts. “And everything else about my body. Why don’t we head back to the inn and I’ll make you sing as good as I do~?”

Hikari winced in sympathetic pain.

The man clearly didn’t understand what happened. One moment he’d been fondling a blonde cutie’s bosom, and the next he was on the ground with a broken lute cracked over his head. It was lucky he’d blacked out and couldn’t remember the moment of impact, because from the sounds of his screams the pain had been impressive.

Akemi dusted her hands off. “No.”

“We’ll testify that it was self defense.” Natsuki chimed in.

“Thank you.” Akemi said, looking down at her unfortunate molester. “When I grabbed his horns, they didn’t feel fake,” she continued, “I suspect that these aren’t realistic costumes.”

“Oh, seriously!?” Hikari complained, “I was so ready to have fun today! Why’s a villain got to come here of all places?”

The convention center seemed to be growing alert to the danger. More adventurers were showing up, and clashing with monsters and brigands. The civilians in the way tried to get out of it, before they became one of them, or any number of other features of a campaign; quest-giving villagers, shopkeeps, the odd magical talking weapon. It was chaos, and getting moreso.

“Oooh, that seems like fun!” Natsuki said. “I wonder which one’s the villain doing it? Is it an adventurer making a world to quest in, or a big bad evil guy type trying to make a proper world to take over?”

“You should probably help the civilians evacuate, Natsuki…” Hikari said. “You didn’t bring your gear, right?”

“I would rather my chief minion not become some bar wench without my permission.” Izanami noted.

“Awww, really?” Natsuki complained, as Hikari and Akemi transformed into their magical girl forms. “Alright, I’ll be back once I get my stuff so I can help! It’s a big convention center so just two won’t be enough, right?”

“Please do! That way we can play a game once we beat the bad guy!”


In a dark room, somewhere deep in the former convention center, a cloaked figure watched a crystal ball with close interest. She hadn’t expected Magical Girls to be on the scene, but she’d worked them into her plan once they’d come to the convention center. It had been a bit of a slow burn; her magic was powerful, but it took a long time to work up to as she had to have proper character sheets for her victims.

She looked at the carefully drawn sheets in front of her. It had taken some observation to properly nail down their names, classes, and personalities, but Hikari, Natsuki, and Akemi were talkative girls. Even as they rushed about to learn of and stop her plan, they gave her more details and let her fill in their sheets a bit more. She just had to decide what she wanted to do with them, now.

The Dungeon Master had already picked out her adventurers. There were quite a number of them, taken from the numbers of those who had been most invested in the roleplay and the fun of the event. After all, such a dedication to their characters deserved a reward, and for roleplayers, what better reward than becoming their adopted personas? Really, they had been so in-character already, it was hardly a change at all.

She had her big bads, her villains; those game masters who had skillfully built their worlds and brought their players into them were just the sort of people to take on such a critical role. Demon Queens, arch-liches, evil emperors and more, there were a number of maniacal laughs ringing through the halls now!

There were enough adventurers already, and enough important villains. She could turn them into set dressings; the NPCs and the quest givers and the flavor text of the world she was building. But it seemed a shame to waste so much enthusiasm on a random encounter or a shopkeeper!

She looked over at the character sheets, then back at her crystal ball. Natsuki was the most enthusiastic about engaging with her new world, and yet the others had sent her off! What a pity. It was a wrong that she could right. She smiled, and brought Natsuki’s sheet out of the pile as she took her pencil out.


“Come on, the exit is this way! They’re not here yet, so get your butts going before you get turned into cute monster girls! Or don’t, I’m not someone to judge!” Natsuki called, herding civilians through the exit of the convention center. People in Matsushita City were pretty used to the odd supervillain attack at this point; they knew the drill and knew how to keep calm and haul ass.

She did kinda wish she could stick around. For any number of reasons, and some of them weren’t even perverted ones! She liked to stick with Hikari when she could, just as a matter of principal, and didn’t like leaving her to fight whatever it was without her. Of course, she also would not pretend that she didn’t like the idea of some monster grabbing her and turning her into it’s loyal slutty minion, or of Izanami seizing control and remaking her as she saw fit in the moment, or any other event where she ended up under someone else’s control.

She couldn’t help but fantasize about it a bit - maybe she’d get lucky and a fast moving monster like a harpy or something came up to the exit and was about to grab her. Alas, no such luck, as she was able to walk through the exit unmolested…

And into a dungeon.

Natsuki blinked a few times, looking back the way she came. “Huh. I was sure that door went somewhere else.” she said. She looked around to get a better grasp of where she’d ended up, confused.

A dungeon was the right thing to call it - and not in the ‘dungeons and dragons’ sense either, this was a place where people were locked up. There were cells to either side with manacles nailed into the wall, and the hall wound onwards to who knew what.

Without a path back - the door had locked behind her - she decided there wasn’t much to do but go forward. “Huh. No prisoners. I guess the others didn’t go here.” she said idly.

Natsuki passed through an arch and into a new chamber. This was a different kind of chamber - it was filled to the brim with devices and tools. Some were your standard torture tools - the wheel, the rack, a metal raised table out of James Bond, and any number of wicked knives, hammers, and wrenches. But the others were a bit more… interesting. Black silk ropes, blindfolds, and a number of phallic objects of assorted lengths and materials. One of the “torture” tables seemed to be ready for an entirely different sort of attention.

It was a sex dungeon in just about every sense of the word, and Natsuki couldn’t help but imagine herself strapped down to a table while her Mistress perused her tools…

She ran a hand along one of the tool racks, hardly noticing how her fingers were tinged with blue. She was much too busy fantasizing to consider such things, as her body began to change. The blue tone crept up her hands and feet, leaving pale blue skin behind, with fine dexterous fingers and agile feet. She started to grow taller as well, inch by inch.

As her clothes began to bulge from her shifting size, they shifted as well. A woman like her couldn’t be wearing a t-shirt and a skirt. The garments merged together as they turned a deep black, trimmed with gold, and started to shift in shape. The tough but soft fabric shifted to show off her modest bust, cupping her boobs just enough to hide the important bits, and trailed down across her sides before circling her bottom to hide her groin. Her sleeves split off into purple fingerless gloves that ran all the way to the elbows, while her shoes became high-heeled, knee-high boots. The new clothes showed off the better part of her breasts, her stomach, and her butt - and she found nothing wrong with the arrangement, as it revealed the blue skin spreading faster.

Natsuki licked her lips as she imagined what might be done in a place like this. She’d fantasized and browsed the internet enough to know what all those tools were and how to use them, hadn’t she? She closed her eyes, as she could imagine quite well how they might be used on someone else…

A soft moan left her as she just imagined it, and she blinked her eyes open - now a light gold with black sclera - as she noticed something trailing sensually up her thigh. My tail must have a mind of it’s own, she thought idly. Then frowned. That wasn’t right - she didn’t usually leave it to it’s own devices… it was just as horny as she was, and if she didn’t be a bit careful then it would start taking matters into it’s own… lack of hands? When she got like this.

But maybe that was fine. She could take a minute to contemplate it. She could just see herself strapping a girl down, carefully selecting a tool… and getting to work… oh, but the moans would be excellent… her tail wound through the bottom of her leotard, stroking her womanhood as she fantasized.

Her leotard? Natsuki blinked again. Hadn’t she been wearing a shirt and a skirt…? Oh, but it didn’t matter, did it? A succubus like her could wear whatever she damn well pleased. Yes, that was what she was. Her breasts and bottom began to swell as her ego did, ballooning in size and yet never straining the clothing. A succubus like her could have revealing clothes, clothes that showed off her immense bosom, her sexy hips and butt, her sensual tail… the magnificent wings that had formed on her lower back…

Black horns spiraled their way out of her head as her brown locks shifted to a royal purple and fell out of her ponytail. Natsuki was hardly recognizable at that point, but the expression was one she wore often - uninhibited lust. This time, though, it was tempered with an arrogance that the submissive girl never had, as she remembered herself breaking her enemies to her will in this chamber. Given time, she was confident she could make anyone submit to her, and she loved it. She’d turned many a hero, a strong-willed adventurer who simply couldn’t stand up to her attentions; she particularly loved the memory of breaking one by having his former girlfriend, now one of her servants, serve her in his view…

Oh, but hadn’t that one been one of her Mistress’ enemies? That made it even better. She was a dominant succubus, but even she couldn’t help but serve the Demon Queen. Yes, that peak of demonic power was a joy to serve. Even if she couldn’t remember her real name or face, that didn’t matter! She was a loyal servant, and she would always make her Queen proud.

Her tail came away sticky with her juices. She’d definitely enjoyed herself, and might have been tempted to finish, but there were things to do. She’d come down there for a reason; she grabbed her favorite whip from the tool rack, and turned to leave. She had to go collect her minions - a General of the Demon Queen couldn’t be without her servants, after all. And Nashandra was certainly her Mistress’ best General…


The Dungeon Master was almost giddy as she put down her pencil and watched her new character leave the dungeon, whip in hand. Oh, but she’d taken to the change perfectly! Natsuki had seemed almost eager to become Nashandra, with how easily she’d been transformed. Of course, it helped that she’d had the young woman’s character sheet on hand.

A few increases to strength and constitution had given her that nice body, and a big boost on dexterity told her how to use it. Her intelligence was pretty much where it needed to be, but she’d made some edits on just what she was knowledgeable about - and then boosted her charisma through the roof. Natsuki was a cute girl, but Nashandra could get just about anyone to drop their pants. She’d not had any magic before, but now she was a powerful warlock, with a command of fiendish magic unmatched by any human! Replace her ‘submissive’ trait with ‘arrogant’, edit her ideals a touch so it was all about herself and her Queen, and write a few lines of backstory, and you had a ready-made Demon General to serve as a recurring miniboss in the campaign!

The DM was quite happy with the freshly minted succubus, so she turned her attention to other issues. Her scrying orb shifted from watching Nashandra leave (as nice as that was to see - she had a spectacular ass) to one of the Magical Girls. Hikari had found her way to one of the events the DM had set up - the arena. She was presently making hilariously easy work of the “gladiators”.

She pulled up Hikari’s character sheet. It had taken quite a bit of work to figure out what class to have her be, before deciding on a warlock/sorcerer multiclass - she seemed to get her power from a trinket she wore, so giving her the appropriate pact made sense, but she did also appear to have silly levels of power on her own.

That said, she didn’t seem to have much in the way of strategy, unless one were to consider “Blow it up more” to be a strategy. Her combat style was pure brute force, no finesse. The DM knew just what to make her…

She paused with her pencil. There was a strange note on Hikari’s sheet that she’d had to think about before putting it there - but she could sense the presence of another being inside of Hikari, another soul. It was quite magically powerful, and if she missed her guess, a good deal smarter about how she used it. It wouldn’t do to leave that where it could take over… but a good DM was a master of improvisation, so she could figure something out.


Hikari hadn’t planned to get dragged into a gladiatorial arena. She’d gone to check out the shopping area, where all the different game systems had stalls and shops where they’d tried to sell their content to the convention goers. She’d wanted to see if there were any civilians stuck there, but when she arrived, she instead found a colosseum filled with gladiators and monsters!

It was a free-for-all fight, with combatants cycling in and out constantly as people were defeated and vanished in a burst of light. “Teleportation magic,” Izanami said helpfully. “The losers are being taken somewhere.”

“Ok! Good to know they’re not being hurt too badly!” Hikari said, as she charged up a blast that launched a minotaur flying into the back wall of the arena.

“Oh, they’re just monsters. I’m sure most of them are magical constructs and not people, so don’t bother holding back.”

“I have to, otherwise I might hurt someone for real!” Hikari said back, whirling around and bonking a sneaky goblin on the head before it could backstab her.

The monsters and gladiators were definitely fighting each other, but with each blast of magic blowing a hole through the field, more seemed to converge on her. Some were definitely trying to avoid her attention, but others seemed to be trying to take her down before they got caught as collateral in a magical burst.

As she fought, she was rather too occupied to pay attention to one specific imp approaching her. It was impressed by her power… the Demon Queen would want this soul, it decided, and it had the means to help… it snuck up towards the embattled Magical Girl and lunged, reaching out with an amulet in it’s hand.

Hikari whirled around, feeling the strange magic hitting her. Her staff slammed into the imp’s side and knocked it into the air. It blinked in confusion before it vanished in a beam of light, clutching the amulet that had begun to glow.

“That was weird!” Hikari said. She waited for Izanami’s response. There wasn’t one. That was odd, too. “Well, be that way.” She said with a shrug, before getting back to the combat.

She couldn’t keep getting lucky forever, as more and more of them managed to get close while she was distracted - eventually, she even lost her staff when she blasted a gladiator at point blank that had a too-strong grip on it, and took it with when they vanished.

Hikari bit back a curse as she lost her grip, losing her only defense. She wasn’t completely unarmed; she could do magic without it, just not very well. She had a moment’s breathing room only to find a replacement weapon…

The only thing nearby was a big club, nearly as big as she herself was, that the huge man she’d just taken down had had. Well, it was better than nothing. She hunched over and grabbed it by the base, and hefted it over her shoulder. It nearly toppled her over, and she stumbled several steps backward, but managed to keep her balance. “Ok, I can do this!” she said.

The first enemy to come to her was a big orc with an axe. She shouldn’t have gotten away from that scot-free, but she did - he spent too much time laughing at her attempt to swing the club, not realizing she managed to get it over her head and gravity was doing the rest until it hit him square in the face. As he faded into the teleportation spell, Hikari cheered herself on. “Great job, Hikari! Now just have to lift this thing again…”

She braced herself and pulled. This time, it seemed to come up almost a bit easier. Maybe she was just getting used to the weight? She was too busy to think too hard about it, as the next opponent came up to her. And equally too occupied to realize her muscles had grown under her shirt.

She didn’t have room for tactics or fancy moves with a club like that. All the physical training from her mom didn’t really have anything to do with lugging around what may as well have been a small tree trunk and smashing things with it. It was brainless work, but she had to put everything into each swing just to avoid dropping the thing, and that included too much brainpower to let her notice other things like how her shirt was now straining, and so were the shorts under her skirt. Her leg muscles bulged with power every time she lifted, and her arms threatened to burst from her shirt every time she swung. “Alright, and now another one!” Hikari said to herself, talking herself through the straining task.

It got easier and easier with every swing, every defeated foe. Hikari grew taller and greener. She didn’t notice - she was too focused on the task at hand. Even when her clothes started to tear from her new muscles, as her bra snapped in the strain of trying to contain her ballooning breasts, she kept on swinging her club. “Another one down, Hikari! And another!” she pep-talked herself, finding herself almost enjoying the simple nature of this. No worrying about holding back, since clearly she couldn’t do the kind of damage with a club she could with a spell. No charge-and-fire, no aim. Just a one step process: apply club to face.

Her hair grew more ragged and dirty even as it brightened to a light brown shade, the white streak vanishing into the change. Revealed by her steadily more tattered clothes was forest-green skin, and swirling black tattoos traced themselves along her well defined musculature. She was already six and a half feet tall and growing by the second, now clad more in ripped rags than anything, and she couldn’t care less. She was enjoying herself. “Who wants to fight Hikari next!?” she called, swinging the club to bat aside another weak opponent.

Hikari was used to being the strongest. When it came to her magical ability, it wasn’t arrogant to say she had the most raw power of any magical girl; it was a fact, and while she never really made a big deal of it, she was quite aware of it. She was roughly the magical equivalent of an artillery piece. But this, this was a different sensation altogether. The physicality of the strikes, feeling the enemy break against her weapon and moving on to the next, the burn of her muscles and sweat on her brow - it was an adrenaline high like she’d never felt. “Hikari’s not had enough fun yet!” she said, not realizing how she’d stopped speaking in first person.

Her transformation ramped up, and as she passed seven feet in height her clothes began to reassemble themselves, the tatters stretching and bonding together as they formed into leather straps, even her panties becoming a simple hide loincloth. They barely hid anything now, and even with the change her breasts strained the straps. Her brown eyes shifted, becoming as green as her skin, while her teeth grew sharp - with a pair of them becoming tusks even, giving Hikari a permanent leering smile.

She’d stopped thinking at some point. Thinking would detract from the feeling. It made it easy to slip into her memories, change some things. She’d never been all that strong of a thinker, had she? The amazonian orc was all muscle and mammaries, and while they said the brain was a muscle, she’d never really bought that - she had the strongest muscles, so if she had a weak brain, it wasn’t a muscle. She didn’t remember much of her home. She didn’t remember much of anything really, that wasn’t fighting or fighting adjacent. The strongest non-combat memory was a pretty blue skinned lady telling her to follow so she could tell her who to fight, and sometimes to fuck her. The pretty lady did her thinking for her now, and gave her plenty of people to fight!

And oh, but she loved fighting. To her, fighting and fucking were much the same. They gave her similar adrenaline highs, made her sweat, made her use her muscles, the only difference was that when she fought people wanted her to stop and when she fucked they begged her not to! The ground where she passed was marked by the juices slipping from her nethers as she engaged in carnal combat, completely lost in a haze of battle.

The next victim was some tall lady with a whip. Why bring a whip? You wanted to beat up the enemy, not just hurt them! She’d be fun to hit. The orc charged her down, raised her club and-

The lady moaned softly and blew a kiss towards the oncoming brute. Magic smacked her right in the lips, and she came to a stop, grinning dumbly. The woman smiled. “Now, Dul’Aard, don’t tell me you forgot who I am?”

Dul’Aard the Massive, orc barbarian, chuckled a bit. “You’s the pretty lady that thinks for Dul’Aard.”

“Good. And what was my name?”

Dul scrunched her face in concentration. What was her name? “Dul’Aard’s pretty lady’s name… Nat… Nori…”

“Nashandra.” The succubus supplied.

“Nashandra!” The orc said happily. “Dul got it. Can Dul go back to fighting now?”

“No, no.” Nashandra tutted. “We’re busy. Come with me, Dul.”

“Oooh, is Dul gonna fuck Nashandra now?” Dul’aard giggled, reaching out to grab her breast.

“No. The Demon Queen’s smiths who work below were fixing something up for me, and I’ve come to retrieve it.” Nashandra said. She hadn’t really expected the barbarian to remember. “Carry me, Dul. I’m tired of walking.”

“Ok! Dul’aard will be the bestest carrier.” Dul was a simple orc pleased by simple things, like showing off her strength by picking up Nashandra one-handed. Calling her as dumb as a bag of bricks would be an insult to the bricks, Nashandra reflected, but Dul was probably the strongest single arguably-sapient creature in the Demon Queen’s ranks. So she was worth keeping around.

Nashandra settled herself in a resting position against her servant’s toned arm, and lazily gestured in the direction they were to go. “Onwards. I won’t be late.”


The Dungeon Master resisted the urge to do a happy dance for herself. Another one down~ A complete personality reversal was always fun, and Dul’Aard would certainly make a fun addition to the campaign setting. She was super tough in a fight but probably the dumbest boss they’d fight, so the less combat-oriented players would have an opportunity to try trickery and deception to avoid a fight. She always enjoyed that sort of design, herself.

Before she moved on to what should have been the last member of the party, she had something else to take care of. That imp ploy had been genius, if she said so herself; an imp trying to take Hikari’s soul had instead nabbed the one that shared her body, and the amulet was now sitting around below the colosseum.

But now, what to do with it? Not only did that soul not presently have a body, but she didn’t have a character sheet to mess with! How could she change her stats if she had no idea what her stats were meant to start as? The DM pondered the question as she shifted her crystal ball to focus on the amulet.

After being defeated, the losers in the colosseum went to pits where the demon queen’s minions would remake them into more minions. You either gained glory and wealth or a life of servitude. Down there, they had all sorts of different things for different needs. It doubled as an arcane smithy as well - they needed to craft enchanted collars to bind creatures to their will, so why not have it pull double duty with other tasks?

An idea began to form. The DM reached over to a stack of papers that, rather than full character sheets, had simplified NPC sheets. She clicked a pencil and started to tap into the mind of that imp again…


Izanami was annoyed. Very, very annoyed. It wasn’t exactly enjoyable, being stuck in an inanimate object - even less so than being stuck in another person. The amulet felt cramped and confining in a way that Hikari’s body didn’t, and it was frankly embarrassing to be caught in that kind of trap in the first place. So overall, Izanami was in a foul mood.

She couldn’t see, hear, or anything, so all she could do was wait. She could vaguely feel herself being moved around while whatever creature that was holding her did it’s thing, but that was the most of it.

She sighed, settling in for however long it would be until she could move again. She’d probably snap back to Hikari’s body after long enough away from her; it tended to happen whenever her soul got loose somehow. But until then, she’d have to deal with the boredom of nothing.

The villainess didn’t have to wait long - she felt her amulet being pressed against something, or into something. She still couldn’t move, but her awareness began to spread. She could start to hear again. “So I just leave it there? That’s all?” a reedy voice asked.

“Yes yes,” a bored voice replied. “The soul will transfer into it’s new vessel and, after a while, animate it. You’re lucky, imp, that you took that; usually we use losers like you to fill those, but the bosses won’t care whether it’s your soul or whatever’s in that that goes in.”

A sigh of relief, and hurrying feet, and Izanami felt she was alone again. She focused on the thing she’d been placed inside of, trying to get a feel for it. It was humanoid, vaguely. Mostly in the sense of two arms and two legs more than anything - it had no face, no distinguishing features of any kind. It was about as close to human looking as your average stick figure.

Izanami frowned. She could feel herself beginning to take control of the body, but she didn’t much like what she was finding. It would be just about useless for anything more complicated than lifting heavy things, and she definitely didn’t want to be limited to that for her break for freedom.

Luckily for her, she was a powerful magic user, and it seemed that this style of golem was very receptive to magic. That was probably how they shaped them in the first place! That meant she could make it work. She started to channel her magic, and began to reshape her form.

Since she was there, she might as well make it female. The first thing she did was make the golem a bit shorter, not quite as massive as it began. Then, she worked on it’s bulk. She found it easy to reshape the torso, smoothing the stone over. It took on a soft consistency more like flesh than rock as she did, and she realized that her new form was made of a versatile magical clay - that made shaping it quite simple.

She forced her shape to gain some curves, first. A defined rear end, some nice hips and a waist. Izanami might be stuck in a golem, but that was no reason to look undeveloped. She even gave it working female parts, more out of spite to the undefined lump it had started as than concern for what she might get up to with the body, although she let the clay on top stay kinda rocky to form a sort of armored-underwear to keep it protected.

With that done, she moved on to her chest - no way was she letting that stay as an undefined mass of rock. With her image of herself in her mind, she softened her torso, let her shoulders get narrower, and then let her bust form and grow. The buds grew, and grew, and for some reason Izanami didn’t feel like they were big enough… so she pushed them ever bigger, bound only by a thin strip of darker clay that hid where the nipples on a human would be. She was only satisfied when they were big enough that it would be hard to hold.

She changed her face finally. The rock mass that was her head shifted and slowly became more recognizably human, and recognizably female. She wasn’t sure what she wanted at first, so she kept herself in mind again… slowly, features became visible out of the rock. A cute face. Eyes, bright red. White hair going down to around the shoulders.

She frowned, considering what to do with the rest. Her arms and legs were still all rocky… but suddenly, she was having a hard time understanding why that seemed a problem. It would be better for a fight. Although, maybe she should change them for better dexterity… moving for the first time, she nodded to herself, yes that made sense. The stumpy “arms” gained joints, better defined hands; it was like she was wearing near-shoulder length gauntlets of rock, if it weren’t for how the rock seamlessly transitioned into her “skin”. The same went for her legs, which gained feet better made to keep her stable.

The woman took a moment to assess herself; she could take in all of herself, and found herself in an almost clinical analysis. Skin a cocoa-brown due to her composition. White hair down to the shoulders, no particular style. Red eyes scanning the surroundings for threats. An appealing figure that would be pleasing for others to look at.

She frowned softly. What had she planned, once her physical form was complete? Then she frowned harder. Why had she planned anything? Things seemed quite strange to her. She remembered a name, emotions, all that. But that seemed wrong. After all, she - it - was a golem. Golems had no names. They didn’t have emotions. They didn’t have desires or free will. It examined those memories one by one, examining them for relevance to her single overriding priority of servitude, and finding none, discarded them in turn.

Soon, the golem was no longer Izanami, or anyone else for that matter. It was simply property, and it would do as it was meant to and wait patiently for it’s owners to arrive. Or perhaps patiently was the wrong word; it didn’t wait, and it couldn’t be patient. It simply existed without orders to do anything in particular.

Nashandra, still carried by Dul’Aard, arrived not long after. A golem escorted them into the forges. “The golem you requested is waiting here, Lady Nashandra.” The golem said in a neutral tone. “My Master ordered that I give you his regards, but regretfully inform you that he is occupied to escort you himself.”

“It’s no matter.” The succubus waved off the apology. “I have no interest in the artificers, only their creations.”

“Cute girls.” Dul said simply. She liked cute girls.

“Keep it in your pants, Dul. You can have fun with my golem all you want once we retrieve it.”

The orc grunted, but kept following the golem. Soon, they arrived at the storage area. The new golem waited there, staring ahead blankly as it awaited orders.

Dul’Aard scrunched her face in confusion, looking between the two golems. The new one had a face, body, skin tone, and figure identical to their escort. “Uh… which one can Dul’Aard play with?” she said, unable to tell them apart.

“The one with the white hair is ours.” Nashandra said.

The orc nodded, and squinted at the golem. The golem looked back neutrally, it’s expression blank. Dul wondered why she thought something was familiar about it. The golem, for it’s part, almost had similar thoughts, insofar as it was capable of independent thought. Before it could go any further than that though, the succubus spoke.

“Golem, I am your Owner. Follow me.”

Follow. Follow. Follow. The command smashed any other forming not-quite-thoughts out of the golem’s head, along with any trace of an identity as the order wrote itself into the golem’s being. It was not an individual, it was just a tool. It was Nashandra’s property the same way her whip was her property, and she had about as much independent will as that weapon. It was just another golem, and it was incapable of thinking of itself as anything but.

“Yes, Owner. Your order is acknowledged. I will follow.” The golem said blankly, and followed its Owner out of its birthplace.


The Dungeon Master wiped sweat from her forehead as the golem followed Nashandra and Dul’Aard out. That had been close - even after rewriting the spare soul into a generic golem NPC, she’d almost managed to regain an identity. But thankfully, Nashandra’s casual disregard for others and taste for command had easily squashed that; it had been clear in the succubus’ tone of voice that she didn’t see the golem as anything more than an object, at most a favored sex toy, and that had cemented in it’s lack-of-identity. The golem was simply another faceless, nameless NPC now, an extra token on the battlemap so that the adventurers couldn’t easily gang up on a real character like Nashandra.

Now, it was finally time to wrap up this little project! The DM pulled out the last character sheet as she adjusted her scrying orb to find this “Akemi” person. She was such a serious, almost stuck up type of person, and that role was already neatly filled by the succubus of the group. She was also the newest of the group to roleplaying, so he wanted to give her a real character to play and have fun with, one that was far removed from her personality.

Fittingly, she’d already ended up in the tavern. The kind of place tabletop adventurers begin their journeys, so it was the perfect place to get her properly introduced to the game!


Akemi was irritated. She’d gone towards the center of the convention venue, reasoning that the center or back was always where you found the villain. She’d expected to maybe find a mysterious dark fortress or a foreboding mountain or some other such locale. The flagons of ale flying through the air every which way, the shouting and laughing and vomiting, and all the rest of the noise declared the place to be anything but.

She stood in the doorway staring for a minute, contemplating if it was even worth going inside. The place didn’t look like much, but then, it could be a cover. Perhaps the villain wasn’t acting as a villain, but a hero? Or maybe they simply wanted to watch the world around them flow, and what better place than a tavern? With such new suspicions in mind, she walked into the lively tavern and right up to the bar.

The man running the thing was a veritable giant, with an eyepatch and scars across his body. But he had a jovial smile, one that widened as he looked down at her. “Well hello there, what’s yer thirst, little lady?”

Akemi’s eye twitched a bit. She was not little. In fact she wasn’t even particularly short! But then, to a human mountain, she supposed everyone was little. “I’m not here for a drink.” she said. “I’m here for information.”

“Ah, don’t be daft! Yer always here boozin up! Don’t have to fake it.” The barman said jovially. “What’s your poison tonight?”

A gruff man suddenly appeared beside her at the bar, and dropped some coins on top of it. “House special for me, and one for the cutie here!” he said. “What kinda adventurer would I be if I let such a sweet thing pay for her own booze?”

The magical girl rolled her eyes. Was he coming onto her or something? She didn’t want a drink, she wanted to talk to someone who knew what was going on. “I’m not int-” she started.

A tavern full of adventurers was a rowdy place by nature. Bar fights kinda just happened sometimes. And on spontaneously broke out while Akemi was planning to politely refuse the drink, and an elf got thrown onto the bar. The humanoid projectile knocked the flagon that the barman had just placed off of the bar and right into Akemi, splashing her with the contents, drenching her head and chest and even managing to get some in her mouth. She accidentally swallowed.

By nature, Akemi wasn’t the type to drink that much. She preferred keeping control of her head, and besides, booze was an acquired taste she’d never taken to. “Hey, watch it!” she shouted. “Yours going to pay for that!” she continued, but her speech was starting to slur.

She blinked once, twice, three times, and every time it seemed like more than a simple blink had passed. She tried to focus - had she really had such a low tolerance for alcohol that just a sip sent her into a daze? Was she already intoxicated? She blinked black spots out of her eyes, unable to tell that the room suddenly seemed taller, and the already big men around her seemed moreso.

“Looks like someone’s had something a bit too strong! Need something a bit weaker, little lady, like milk?” Said a third man who had arrived.

That insult incensed her. She was not little, and she didn’t want milk! “No, I don’t need milk! Give me something hard!” Akemi demanded.

The barman raised an eyebrow, and put another flagon on the table. Akemi had shrunk enough that she had to put some effort into lifting it, but lift it she did, and she started to drink. It started with a sip here and there, and she felt the alcohol burning through her system, down her throat and warming her stomach. Every ounce into her mouth made her smaller, and green skin started to spread from her gut out - although that was hidden by increasingly loose clothes.

“Hah!” The gruff flirtatious man said. “You call that a drink? Might as well get you a sippy cup!”

Anger burned nearly as hot as the booze in Akemi, and she took a stronger hold of the mug. “Just taking a second to savor the taste,” she said, “But if you want me to prove I can drink, I can prove it!” she said, before hoisting it up and tipping the contents down her mouth. She chugged the whole flagon of ale without looking away from him, before slamming it back on the table. “Another!” she demanded.

She’d become quite short now, barely approaching five feet, but that didn’t seem to stop her - and it didn’t seem to do anything to her figure. If anything, her boobs and bottom seemed larger on her increasingly small frame, especially as green started to become visible on the bits of skin peeking through her outfit and on her neck.

Another pint of ale came down, and the barkeep gave her a smile. “That’ll also be on the man’s tab.” He said, along with dropping another for the gruff man.

“Hm? Oh, what, you think I’m gonna have a contest with this midget? I make it a policy not to beat girls!”

Akemi leered at him. “What, where’s the bravado now? Are ya afraid this ‘midget’ will beat’cha at drinking? Who needs a glass’a milk now, huh?” she snarked, already hefting the pint again. She wouldn’t get insulted by this idiot adventurer, not without giving as good as she got!

“Oh, it’s on now.” The man said. The tavern was watching them, always up for a good drinking contest, as the two chugged their pints.

“Ahhhh!” Akemi said, dropping the pint back on the bar a half second before her opponent, not even four foot even now. Her other sizes still hadn’t changed, leaving her short but stacked as she gestured for another. The green skin was creeping up her hands now, and starting to cover her neck as her ears started to grow pointy and long. “That was a good one! How many more can ya take, humie? I can go all night!”

The man grinned right back at her as another round came down. “Letsh see!” he said, beginning to slur words as the intoxication hit.

The next round went much like the last, and so did the round after that, as Akemi kept changing. Her height finally settled at roughly three feet, and her skin was green from head to toe. Her eyes had shifted to a bright gold color, and her hair was starting to get longer. It styled itself into pigtails even as red leeched into the blonde, turning her hair pastel pink.

Her clothes had finally begun to shift, the loose armor and cloth shifting. Most of her top vanished, and what was left formed into a tight fitting bustiere-style top that bared her immense (compared to her size) bosom for all to see. Her skirt became dangerously short, barely covering her sizable posterior and making her lack of undergarments abundantly clear. The look was finished off by some high boots and jangling jewelry.

The newly minted goblin slammed her latest flagon down, while the man barely made it to the bar. “What’s yer problem, humie? Had too much ta drink?” she laughed in a reedy voice, the laughter jolting her body and causing her tits to bounce. “Maybe ya should focus on keeping yer lunch instead of staring at my fat tits!”

The man leered at her, but this time, he didn’t seem interested in another round of booze. Instead, he lunged forward and sank a hand into her breast. Akemi laughed, and pressed into it. “Oh? Wanna do more than stare, huh? Guess that means ya give up!” she laughed, letting him get a good feel up of her breasts.

“Oi, no playing rough with the help!” The barman said, interrupting the groping session.

“That’s for paying customers! And you’re all out of money!” Akemi added.

The man laughed, and started fumbling around his pocket for more coins - only to find that he had none. He seemed confused, but he was quickly escorted out all the same.

“Ha! Another easy mark, huh, Ack-Ack? Nothing like a drinking game with a goblin to drain a poor adventurer’s cash!”

The horny goblin laughed. “Ha! Humies are always easy! Not counting you, ‘course, boss.” she said. As she did, she stashed the man’s coinpurse in her pocket. Ack-Ack, goblin rogue, did love stealing from humans. And if she could get some booze and some play time in the bargain, then that was gravy. “Think I’m gonna head out early tonight, boss. Got some plans.”

The barman nodded, and gestured for his best waitress to leave as she wished. They had a good relationship; he gives her booze and money, she keeps drawing in adventurers and having some private fun between shifts. She could go whenever she wanted.

Ack-Ack left the tavern and went out into the night air (making sure to shake her ass for the dumb adventurers who couldn’t stop staring). She’d have some fun with that gold-laden purse!

At least, that was the plan, but she walked into what felt like a stone wall right out the door. A girl with white hair and rocky not-quite-clothes waited. “Owner Nashandra will meet you.” the golem said flatly. “You will come with this golem now.”


The home of the town’s leader was more modest than Nashandra would have liked. But then, her preference was big fancy castles, and she might have liked it a bit better if she didn’t have to pretend to be a human either. But once she was in the cellars beneath with her minions she could easily discard the disguise. “Dul’Aard, Ack-Ack.” she greeted. She did not greet the golem; one didn’t say hello to objects, generally.

“Dul’Aard is bored. Dul’Aard wants smash or snu-snu.” The orc grunted.

“I was just about ta have me some fun! Hope there’s a good reason for this, boss!”

There was a sudden immense pressure in the room, crushing down on the two minions. “I do not care about your complaints, menials. I am your Mistress. You will refer to me as such. You will follow my orders without question. I have been very kind, taking the time to gather you up instead of simply ending you for daring to make me look. Do not test the length I am willing to go to keep you; I can always get more toys.”

The pair swallowed hard and looked at each other, before looking at Nashandra. “Yes, Mistress…” they said at the same time.

“Good.” Nashandra said. The pressure eased. “Our Lady has orders for us. We are to subvert this town by all means available.” she said.

“Dul no understand. Is that word for food?”

Nashandra sighed. “We will make it ready for the Queen to take over.” she said slowly. “You, Dul, will ambush travelers on the roads. Your job is to make sure the town becomes desperate for supplies. Any new adventurers that come in, you will capture and bring to me to add to our ranks.” She paused as Dul’Aard scrunched her face in confusion. “Fight at road. Eat or burn food. Bring me fighty people.” She said, slowly and carefully.

This time, the orc understood. “Dul’Aard will krump them good!”

Nashandra sighed once more and continued. “Ack-Ack, keep up with your job. Listen in for information, fuck it out of them if you have to. And make sure they’re drinking the potion I give you with their booze. It will make them easier to control.”

Ack-Ack raised her hand in a haphazard salute. “You got it, boss- er, Mistress.” Keep on doing what she already was? No problem. “What about you and the sack of rocks?”

“There’s been a… change in leadership, in this town.” She said. Her features rippled, and suddenly a woman with tan skin and a decidedly less exaggerated figure (though still drop-dead gorgeous) stood there. “Countess Natalia is in charge now. I will make sure the town is… amenable to the Demon Queen’s gracious offers to assist in it’s plight.” she said. “The golem will be staying here with me, making sure no unwanted guests come to the cellars.” And also being a readily available fuck if the mood took her.

Nashandra let herself return to her true form, and grinned. “We will pave the way for the Demon Queen to conquer this town. These pathetic humans will never know what hit them.” she said.

There was a pause as she said that. Something felt… wrong, to the three of them who still had enough of a mind to think. Why were they so dismissive of humans? Why did they want to destroy them? Weren’t they supposed to… help?


The Dungeon Master swore under her breath. It had been going so well! Akemi had rapidly adapted to her new self - clearly she was a natural roleplayer. They’d come up with their plan to take over the town, a solid plot to unravel for incoming adventurers. She should have been able to turn her attention elsewhere, but then that moment of lucidity…

She had to stop it right there. So she decided to intervene. Nashandra was a succubus. It would hardly be a stretch if she had a moment of intense need. And even if her old personality returned a little, Natsuki was horny enough that it wouldn’t push her beyond what she’d fantasize about.


Nashandra suddenly found herself filled with a need. The worries were still there but of utterly secondary concern to her wet cunt and her aching desire. Her eyes glowed bright as she decided to address that need the only way she knew how. The thoughts fled the two greenskins as they were put under her spell, wills dominated in an instant.

“Dul’Aard, present your breasts to me. Ack-Ack, attend my nethers. Neither of you are to stop until I’ve climaxed. Golem, assist by massaging and groping my assets.” Nashandra ordered.

Purpose filled the trio. Dul’Aard thought of nothing but letting Mistress play with her bosom, and casually ripped off her chest piece to let her mammaries bounce free. Ack-Ack started walking towards the succubus, tongue lolling out of her mouth already as Nashandra magically discarded her own clothes. The golem approached dutifully, built to obey.

Nashandra beckoned Dul towards her, and the orc did as she was told and presented her sizable bosom to be used. Nashandra bent down and started to suck on her breast, drawing moans of pleasure out of Dul as a skilled tongue raked and suckled her bosom. The orc started to touch her own breast while Nashandra attended the other, already growing quite wet herself.

The golem got to work on Nashandra’s own chest, taking carefully measured handfuls at just the right pressure to maximize enjoyment, moving with mechanical efficiency. It added in spikes of pain with precise pinches to contrast the pleasure and further enhance it; a normal woman might have already cum just from those attentions, the artificial perfection of the golem’s grip, but the succubus had stamina to spare.

And Ack-Ack made herself useful - her diminutive stature gave her adequate height to attend Nashandra without having to kneel, and her tongue was longer than a human’s might be. She pushed her face into Nashandra’s nethers with enthusiasm, licking and sucking as she tried to give her Mistress the greatest pleasure she could muster.

Nashandra had them go, and go, and go. She pulled Ack-Ack deeper by the pigtails, she forced the golem to suck her tits and massage them, she had Dul reach around and finger her ass, she did everything she possibly could to get herself off. She needed to climax.

And eventually, she felt it coming - she was getting closer, and closer… she pulled finally came, her mind flooded with pleasure as she made a mess of the goblin’s face and nearly bit the orc’s breast. She found herself filled with pure satisfaction. That nagging voice was gone; she was Nashandra the succubus and nobody else, and she was only just getting started.

She released her minions, but she didn’t seem to be done. She had a long night of fun ahead. “You will now pleasure each other for my amusement. Make use of the golem as you wish.” she demanded, and the minds firmly under her Domination spell obeyed.

The golem rounded on Dul’Aard and pulled aside her loincloth. The amazonian orc was reduced to moaning and groaning as the golem slid it’s fingers down her snatch, but not too much to start licking at the automaton’s bust. The golem’s free hand, meanwhile, grabbed Ack-Ack and hoisted her up, until it could give the goblin’s nethers some attention as well. The goblin grabbed onto the golem’s head for stability as she was eaten out, unable to stand the pleasure.

Dul’Aard was the first to go off. Her hips bucked against the golem’s fingers, pushing them deeper, while enjoying herself with it’s tits at the same time. She was a simple orc, and didn’t see the point in drawing it out - she came, and silenced that whiny little annoyance in her mind. She didn’t need to think of anything besides fighting and fucking, and just then she was fucking; Dul’Aard the Massive, orc barbarian, was eager to keep going.

Ack-Ack climaxed next; the golem’s tongue was quite possibly the most skilled she’d experienced besides that time she’d first met Nashandra, finding the most sensitive spots she had and then mercilessly assaulting them. She came her brains out, splattering the golem with her ejaculate. Ack-Ack the goblin rogue giggled and mindlessly humped the golem’s head, overwhelmed by pleasure and not thinking of much of anything at the moment - least of all whether she might be someone else.

The golem, for it’s part, didn’t cum. It wasn’t equipped for it. But as it fulfilled it’s orders and made it’s Owner’s servants climax, it felt that it’s duty had been completed. No other thoughts were permitted for a nameless machine.

Nashandra grinned, and sauntered into the mass. One climax wasn’t enough for a succubus. They’d be at it all night. In the morning, she and her minions would go to their assigned tasks and start corrupting this quaint little town; people would become demons, they’d lose themselves in lust and violence, they’d drink their souls away in the name of the Demon Queen. And the trio (plus nameless golem) would be there for every moment of it - the thought made the succubus almost as horny as the orgy she had initiated.


In their secure hideaway, the Dungeon Master grinned in relief - and then started writing. They had a campaign to plan, now that the stage was set!


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