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Soma Godfrey, world-hopping heroine in training, accidentally ends up in the Arcane Sanctuary. After she annoys it's keepers a bit too much, Luna decides to have some fun - but things take an unexpected turn.

Commission for Jagues. 


Soma Godfrey was getting ready to head home. She’d gotten her souvenirs, said her goodbyes to the friends she’d made while visiting, and finally set up the interdimensional portal device in a dark alleyway out of the sight of prying eyes.

It was nice to visit other worlds now and then, even if they did always seem to end up with her getting transformed in a dazzling variety of ways. She enjoyed traveling and meeting other worlds’ heroes and other people. But Soma always looked forward to getting home!

A swirling blue vortex appeared in front of her as she set the destination. Taking one last look around, she stepped through!

It should have been akin to walking through a doorway. It usually was. But there was a concerning bzzzt as she stepped through. Crap, had she let the device get damaged during her last transformation? Or had it just not come back to normal properly? Whatever the case, instead of stepping through a threshold and ending up in her home dimension, what she did was more akin to stepping through a doorway that led to empty space.

Soma felt like she was falling for a solid minute. She frantically pressed the button, again and again trying to get the thing to spit her out somewhere - anywhere would be better than falling forever through the space between dimensions. But it didn’t do anything; she was trapped-

“Oof!” Soma gasped as she hit the ground, the wind knocked out of her. She lay there for a few moments, groaning; her armor had absorbed most of the impact, thankfully, but that still hurt!

Once the pain went away enough for her to think straight, she opened her eyes. Observation number one: She was staring face-down into a carpet, to start with. She slowly sat herself up, letting her eyes adjust to the light.

Observation number two: she was in a building. Duh, if it had carpet it was probably indoors. Observation number three: damn those were tall bookshelves! So was she in some kind of library? Soma got to her feet and dusted herself off. It was the weirdest library she’d ever seen, if it was one. The shelves went on and on, a maze of wood and paper. She looked up to see the ceiling. More bookshelves. Were there even that many books in a single universe?

“Where the heck…?” she muttered. Well, no time like the present. She was an explorative sort, so she may as well take the opportunity to figure out where she was while she tried to fix her portal generator. She set off walking.

The shelves seemed to turn at random points. The books were in a bajillion different languages, and one of them tried to eat her hand when she tried to turn it around to look at the title better. She could feel the magic in the air, dense and thick. Wherever she was, she wasn’t sure she’d ever heard of a place with more magical items concentrated in a single place.

Every now and then she could swear she saw a shadow, something moving ahead, something that wouldn’t enter her sight. She was getting creeped out, and put her hands up, ready to defend herself-


“AH!” Soma nearly fell over from shock as her path was suddenly blocked. She lashed out, a punch on autopilot, but when it made contact she just hurt her hand. “Ow, ow, ow-”

“Well that was rude.” The new arrival said. Soma got a good look for the first time - it was a girl. Or a statue? A statue of a young woman with dog ears and a tail, and not much in the way of clothes beyond what looked to be patches of fur sculpted onto her naughty parts. “Unless punches are how people say hello where you’re from? I can punch you back!” the statue said. Well, not statue then. A golem? A dog-gargoyle?

“S-Sorry, you scared me-”

“Ah, right. Lulu’s been telling me I should stop sneaking up on people.” The statue said. “My name’s Gabriella! Do you need some help? I’m not the keeper but I can go fetch her! Or fetch something else, I’m not picky.”

Soma cleared her throat. Right, that was weird, but she’d seen weirder. “I’m Soma… nice to meet you? I kind of… don’t know where I am…”

“Oh, you’re in the Arcane Sanctuary! Lulu gave me a whole speech to explain it to people who came in here, but I forgot it.” Gabriella said cheerfully. “Baaasically it’s a place where books and magic things from a lot of different universes appear? And Lulu helps keep it all organized and not blowing up from being too close to other types of magic.”

Soma blinked. “I… ok? Can I meet this curator? Or keeper? Maybe she can help me leave…”

“Oh, one of her is nearby! I’ll take you to her!” Gabriella turned and jogged off, not waiting to see if Soma was following.

The heroine didn’t see much else to do, so she did follow. But what was that Gabriella had said? ‘One of her’? What did that mean, was the keeper a bunch of copies of herself?

The bookshelves gave way to more arcane objects on display shelves. Soma had no idea what they did, but the shapes ranged anywhere between weird massive machines and small coins with the only apparent magical property being to stand on their sides.

They jogged until Gabriella suddenly stopped dead, and Soma nearly ran into her. Her stone tail was wagging up a storm, and she suddenly jumped forward. “Lunaaaaaa!” she called.

Soma now saw where she’d gone. She’d leapt at another woman, this one distinctly not stone. It was a short young woman, with silver (as in, metallic silver) hair and lupine ears and tail, along with a maid’s dress and cap. The maid gave the dog-girl who’d accosted her a lot of pets. “Who’s a good girl? Who’s a good girl~?”

“I aaaaam~ I brought you a visitor~!”

The wolf-girl looked up to see Soma. “Oh, hi! Busy day today, huh? - we were just dealing with another visitor, so when I heard someone else had arrived my sister and I had to split. What’s up?”

“...I’m Soma, nice to meet you… Lulu?” Soma said.

“Not right now, no.” The maid said. “Right now I’m just Luna - oh right, formal introductions.” Luna cleared her throat, and spoke in a melodic and serious tone. “Welcome, visitor, to the Arcane Sanctuary; any knowledge you seek may be discovered in these halls… but be careful, for in seeking the most powerful of all things, you face the greatest of threats…” She coughed again. “How was that? I’ve been working on it.”

Soma felt herself relaxing. This was fine, actually. These girls seemed harmless enough, and she could focus on how cool this place seemed to be. “It was cool! Very dramatic, a good amount of gravitas.” she said enthusiastically. “I kinda came here by accident, though? The only knowledge I’m really looking for is how to get home, hehehe.”

Luna nodded. “Ah, I see, I see. Interdimensional traveler, right? Probably somehow got stuck between?”

“That’s right!” Soma said. “How’d you guess?”

“Well, I’m a bit hazy on it, but that seems to bring people here a lot.” Luna shrugged. “I guess looking too closely at the place between for too long counts enough like ‘searching for forbidden knowledge’ which is what usually gets people inside. Gabriella, I’ll handle this, go see if Lupa needs help, alright?”

The dog girl snapped a dramatic salute, and vanished into the shelves.

Luna turned back to Soma. “Now then. What do you need? Doesn’t have to be much, but if you don’t want to go in circles you need to tell me a goal to guide you towards.”

“I want to fix my portal device!” Soma said. She showed Luna the malfunctioning remote, which occasionally snapped and sizzled softly.

“Hmm, hmmm… yeah, I think we have some of those around here. Post-Industrial category, magitech subcategory, superhero sub-subcategory…” She muttered to herself, listing off more identifiers and subcategories before nodding. “Follow me! There’ll be a lot of temptations on the way, but if you stay focused you’re fine.”

Luna spun on her heel and started walking, and Soma followed after, further into the depths of the Arcane Sanctuary.


Luna wasn’t sure what to make of the girl. Soma was a very curious sort, which Luna liked. She kept asking what things were and what books did and all that. Luna was eager to respond, being something of a magic nerd herself, and talking about the assorted effects and abilities was always fun.

Soma talked a bit about herself, how she was a heroine in training and went to other worlds to learn how heroes acted there, and how she was frequently transformed into various other forms. She showed Luna a feather from one time she was turned into a chicken-girl.

Luna enjoyed the conversation as they moved on, but she was also starting to get something of an urge. Sometimes she was a bit of a trickster, especially when people deserved it - and sometimes just when it would be fun. And with Soma talking about how she always seemed to be changed randomly, how she liked to take souvenirs from those events, that was giving her the itch.

It didn’t help that, in addition to being very talkative, Soma was also quite clumsy. She kept knocking over books, bumping into display cases, hitting artifacts. If she weren’t extremely lucky, she should have been a bimbo or a piece of clothing or something by then. But she did seem to have luck on her side - and that was just making transformation enthusiast Luna a bit annoyed. It was like a tease! A constant tease about what could happen, but wouldn’t!

Still, maybe she shouldn’t turn her talents on someone who hadn’t meant to come in the first place. She wasn’t bound by quite the same rules as a guest who arrived the usual way, which meant that Luna could do a lot more to her if she wanted. But it would be a bit rude to just transform her for the heck of it.

She had to ignore that itch to pull a prank, at least unless Soma gave her a good reason to change her for a bit. She tried her best to focus - they were in a more magical section then, not too far from where they would have a copy of Soma’s portal device or some information on how to repair it.

Soma had stopped to peruse some books that seemed less threatening than the earlier ones. “You know,” Luna said, “Those magic systems probably won’t work in your world, so you won’t get much out of reading those…” she warned.

“Oh, really? This one seems so cool though! The magic spells here look kinda like dancing in the diagrams.” Soma said disappointedly.

“The magic someone has is usually pretty innate. Some worlds can trigger the development of new magic if someone without any comes over, but otherwise, pretty consistent. Even if you went to the place those books are from, your own magic would stay the same.”

Soma had apparently stopped listening, deciding to try out the magic ritual she’d just read up on after putting the books down. She started to dance around in place, matching the moves she’d seen on the pages - she moved her hands like this, her feet like that… then that…

She was actually pretty good at replicating it, Luna had to admit. But there was still the problem that she wouldn’t do the spell she wanted. “Hey, maybe you should stop-” Luna winced as she bumped a shelf and some books fell down to the ground.

Soma kept on going - supposedly, this was a ritual that would enhance the user’s intelligence! Maybe she’d be able to fix what she’d broken once she was smarter. So she did the last few steps, raised her hands high and channeled her magic…

A plume of fire burst from her hands. Soma’s innate magic was fire, and a ritual designed for another magic system entirely wasn’t about to change that. “Hey! Be careful!” Luna shouted, as the fire licked one of the shelves and the books within caught fire. The shelves were themselves magic, and made their contents resistant to damage - but not immune! Luna quickly summoned a book to write in, scribbling down some new events.

Nearby in the neighboring aisle, a water-based artifact by random chance, triggered by the burst of mana, activated on it’s own. It shot some water up into the air, which rained down around it’s aisle - and luckily doused the flames that Soma had accidentally conjured.

Soma rubbed the back of her forehead sheepishly. “...Sorry?” she said.

Well, Luna had her justification now. Certainly it was only proper for there to be some consequences to that kind of reckless action. She smiled serenely. “It’s fine. Magic can be volatile in a place like this, I understand.”

Soma breathed a sigh of relief. “Oh, that’s good… I was worried that I really messed up this time…”

Luna gestured for them to move along. For a bit, they did just walk, while Luna looked for an appropriate artifact to have Soma use. They moved into another section, this one a touch disorganized as it focused on a world with a fairly small collection of magical artifacts. Soma was being a bit more careful now, just looking around and not touching.

Maybe it’d be fun to have her help out for a while, Luna decided. Make up for the damage with some service. So she picked up an artifact, something that would turn the user into a robot-maid who had to listen to whatever organics told her. “Hey, Soma, look at this - it’s kind of cool, I wonder if it might help?” Luna called, before pressing a button and handing it over.

Soma took the artifact eagerly, turning it this way and that, every which way as she tried to figure out how it would help. “Really? What should I do? Do I rub it against the portal device? Or will it just help me figure out how to fix it… woah!”

The artifact had begun to light up, preparing to do it’s work. Luna thought Soma would make for a cute robo-maid. But Soma reacted faster than she’d expected. Automatically, she tossed the surprisingly hefty item away, stumbling back from the surprise. “No no no-” she collided with a shelf which knocked over even more artifacts, raining around her. But instead of just stopping there, her clumsiness went even further, and she managed to divert herself away from the shelf and into a display pedestal instead.

Soma tried to catch the figure that stood on top of the pedestal as she fell. It seemed like a generic, abstract representation of a human - just vaguely human in shape, a flat grey color with no defining features. Unfortunately, all she accomplished was batting it away - she felt a tingling in her hand where she touched it, but was too busy falling to notice.

Luna winced from the loud clatter. When she opened her eyes again, the original artifact was powering down, Soma was rubbing her bottom, surrounded by assorted knick knacks and magic items from the shelf, and the pedestal was fallen with it’s contents spilled over the ground. “...Are you alright?” she asked after a bit.

“Ow… yeah, just surprised me…” Soma said, sitting up. “Sorry for that!”

“It’s fine, it’s fine,” Luna said, “My sister and I can clean it up later.” And there were plenty more artifacts where that came from.

Luna extended a hand to help the young woman to her feet. Soma took it, only now noticing the weird feeling in her hand as it rapidly intensified from the contact. As she stood up, the tingling started to spread across her body… “I feel kinda weird…”

“Oh? What kind of weird?” Luna asked. She didn’t think any of the shelf’s artifacts had activated…

“Well, my whole body feels kinda tingly. Like when your hair’s standing up after a shock? But more.” Soma’s hands drifted, one going up to scratch her head where the odd sensation was most intense. “It’s not painful, but it’s weird… and it’s mostly in my butt and my head…”

“That’s weird…” Luna muttered. Maybe she had hit something after all? She was about to suggest they take a break, but the words died in her throat as she saw what was happening.

Soma was now scratching behind a pair of nubs on her head. As Luna watched, they grew larger and large, up and out, and soon formed into a pair of familiar looking wolf ears. “Oooh… this feels nice…” Soma muttered, rubbing at them. They looked a lot like Luna’s own ears, albeit gold instead of silver.

“What happened? I heard a lot of noise over here, what’s the commotion!?” A new voice said, as another wolf girl popped around the corner. She looked nearly identical to Luna, but with her ponytail on the other side, and with metallic bronze hair and tail instead of silver and a green maid’s dress.

“Oh, hi Lupa.” Luna greeted her sister, “This is Soma - I was trying to help her get home, but I think she accidentally hit something…”

Lupa looked at Luna flatly. “Don’t you mean you hit her with something?”

Luna let out an exaggerated, scandalized gasp. “How can you insinuate something like that? I was simply helping our new friend find her way home! ...Also, I missed anyway, so I don’t know what’s happening to her.”

While the sisters discussed, Soma continued to transform. She felt a serious pressure on her rear end, almost to the point of pain. She hurriedly adjusted her armored suit, it’s magic letting her change it’s shape, to make a hole where the pressure was greatest. A new tail sprung out, as gold as her ears were. She groaned softly with relief from that, although she still wondered what the heck was happening to her.

“Is she turning into a dog-girl like Gabriella did?” Lupa asked, looking over her. “I don’t think we had another collar…”

“I don’t know. Don’t those ears and tail look kinda metallic? And a bit more wolfy than doggy.” Luna said, reaching down and stroking the tail to test.

“Ah…” Soma groaned - that felt weird, but nice. Lupa walked up to her to rub at her ears, to see if they were metal, and Soma’s tongue lolled out of her mouth as she was blindsided by the good feelings it gave her.

Her hair had begun to change, starting from the base of her new ears. The already blonde hair shifted, hardening and changing in shade as it solidified into gold. The style changed as well - she kept the ponytail, but it grew longer, swirling and almost ringlet-style as it mimicked Luna and Lupa’s.

Her clothes changed next, the armor shifting and softening. It became less form-fitting as it stretched out, it’s material going from metal to silk and lace. The skirt flared out, the shoulders became puffier. Her clothes split, part of it becoming the new red dress, while her leggings slimmed down and became dark red stockings. Her boots became simple heels, and finally a white apron formed on top of her.

“Huh. Why did she turn into a wolf maid?” Luna asked.

“How should I know? This is probably your fault.” Lupa said fuming. “Soma, are you feeling ok?”

“Aahhh… keep petting…” Soma groaned… “I-I mean, yes, I’m feeling fine… ah!”

As she spoke the change, which she thought was complete, continued suddenly. She found her perspective changing as she grew shorter, losing several inches of height until she was eye-level with the two maids. She felt a weird tingling on her face, but she couldn’t see what was going on. Luna and Lupa, on the other hand, could watch her face reshaping itself subtly, bones moving and skin tone shifting. For a moment neither was sure what she was turning into, but as her face settled it became obvious that she now looked like their identical triplet.

“Huh. That’s a first.” Luna said idly.

“Why does she look like us?”

Soma had by then tuned them out. She felt weird, something itching in the back of her mind now. She felt like she was forgetting something. Feeling dizzy, she stumbled over again, and the twins scrambled to catch her. The newly minted wolfgirl felt weird. She had a headache to go with the dizziness. She felt like she was forgetting something important… she was supposed to be doing something. Going back home?

There was a sudden shift as she looked at Luna and Lupa. Why would she need to go home? She was home. The memories flooded in, of working in the library, being together with Luna and Lupa, of all their magical shenanigans and the various times they got each other into and out of trouble. All those memories pushed the idea of Soma right out of her head, and she didn’t even remember that she’d forgotten anything.

“Woah… thanks, I don’t know why I got so light headed there, ehehe…” The wolf-girl said, standing up.

“I think it’s done. Are you alright, Soma?” Lupa asked.

The gold-haired girl looked around. “Soma? What’s done?”

“That’s you.” Luna provided. Oh, it was one of those kinds of changes.

The third girl laughed. “Ha! You’re messing with me. I won’t fall for it. You wouldn’t forget about your sister Luka, so stop pretending!”

That was right. She was Luka, the third piece of the Arcane Sanctuary’s keeper. She’d always been here with her sisters Luna and Lupa, but sisters would be sisters - it wasn’t like they wouldn’t occasionally prank each other, that was just sibling bonding.

Luna and Lupa looked at each other, then back at Luka. “...Ok, so I think you must have hit a transformation artifact when you fell, Soma. And then when you touched me…” Luna said.

“This is getting annoying, Luna…” Luka said, rolling her eyes. Sometimes she didn’t know when to stop the joke. So she’d just make her quiet down the easy way, so she couldn’t pretend they weren’t sisters anymore.

There was a glow of magic, and Luna and Lupa gasped. They didn’t have time to disengage from Luka, so they were sucked in with a flash of light. The shapes in the light merged, swirling together.

The twins weren’t unfamiliar with fusion - really, they were together as Luna Lupa (or “Lulu” as she usually went by) more often than they were apart. But it was different to be fused with a third, especially when she so strongly believed she was something she wasn’t. Luka’s memories leaked into theirs. Her memories of sisterhood and being together, pressing against and overwriting their own.

When the light faded, a new person was standing there. She was a wolf-girl, like her component parts, although significantly taller than any of them at 5’9”. She seemed to be split up in three colors - her metallic hair was swirling gold, silver, and bronze, falling in elegant ringlets down to her bottom. She had an impressive bust, and an equally delightful bottom, and her refined dress was separated into red, purple, and green. Her eyes were also a mix of colors, swirling those same shades. Luna Luka Lupa, or Lukalu as her friends called her sometimes, was made for the first (or maybe thousandth) time.

“Aaaah… that’s better.” Lukalu said cheerfully - it was nice to have her other selves stop arguing and just agree on what they remembered now. She looked around, and couldn’t help but laugh. “Ohohoho~ What a mess my other selves made! They’ll have to clean this up soon.”

Another figure entered the aisle, looking around. “Lupa? I let that person out like you said - oh, hello!” Gabriella said. “Who’re you? Is Lupa around? Or did they go back to being Lulu?”

“Gabriella, you’re being silly. It’s me, Lukalu.” The fusion said cheerfully.

The dog-girl tilted her head with confusion. “Lukalu…? Where did Soma go?”

Lukalu didn’t respond at first, walking over and starting to pet the stone dog’s head. In an instant any of her concerns faded. “Gabriella, just don’t worry about it. I’m Lukalu. Luka just had to fuse with Luna and Lupa for a bit since they were being silly too.”

Gabriella didn’t know what she was talking about, but as long as she was being pet, she didn’t care. It was fine, then. This was Lukalu, and she gave very good pets!

“Now, why don’t you go somewhere else for a bit? Maybe see if anyone else has wandered in. The girls have to clean up this mess…”

“Ok!” Gabriella said, snapping from her reverie and running off.

Lukalu smiled - she was such a good girl, but she was also very silly sometimes. Still, she had things to do.

The light came again, and they defused. Luna, Luka, and Lupa stood in a circle, getting their bearings as they once again became three different people. “There!” Luka said. “Are you done, Luna?”

Luna rubbed the back of her head awkwardly. “Yes… sorry about that Luka, I thought it’d be funny.” she apologized. Yeah, she’d wanted to mess with Luka a bit. That was all it was.

“Of course we wouldn’t forget you! I’m sorry if that made you worry.” Lupa added. That had been a bit too far, in her opinion. They shouldn’t act as if they’re not sisters!

“It’s fine, it’s fine! Why don’t we just clean things up now. Maybe afterwards we can play a bit, do some writing?” Luka suggested. All was well - she and her sisters were back together and done fighting.

The trio went to work, picking up the assorted scattered artifacts and putting them in their places. Luka picked up a pedestal, and tried to find the item that went on it, finding a figurine on the ground. It seemed to depict some sort of superhero-type lady, blonde with a big ponytail and red-and-black armor. She wasn’t sure how she knew it was a superheroine, but she did. She could have sworn it looked different just a minute ago, though! “I wonder who this is supposed to be?” Luka asked aloud.

Luna looked over her shoulder. “I dunno. Kinda cute I guess? Anyway, just put it back and leave it, we probably shouldn’t touch it too long, just in case. Maybe it’ll turn you into her.”

“Oh, wouldn’t that be something! I can’t imagine not remembering my sisters.” Luka said, gently putting the figure down on it’s display.

“Hey, this is heavy, can you help, Luka?” Lupa called from down the aisle.

“Coming!” Luka called back. She left the figurine behind, and promptly forgot all about it. She didn’t need to worry about that - she just had to enjoy her life with her sisters!


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