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Contains: Elegance tf, hot-teacher tf, tsundere, anime-fication, cliche, nsfw, and a lot of implied tfs. 

Hikari and Akemi were going to visit Natsuki, along with Hikari's mother Yoko going to visit Natsuki's mom Chihaya, when they find that in place of the Nakano Estate is an anime high-school; not even just a Japanese high school, but an anime one in vibrant colors and soft lines. Hikari remembers Natsuki gushing about some lewd dating sim she was downloading the previous night, and that seems the obvious cause - they enter the school, planning to seek out the villain, but the harem rom-com still needs it's love interests...


“Huh. This isn’t supposed to be here.” Hikari said.

“You don’t say?” Akemi replied, rolling her eyes.

“Yeah, I was here just last week. They didn’t have time to build a school.” Hikari said. “I wonder where- ooooh.”

“And there it is.” Izanami grumbled internally. “She gets it.”

In front of the two magical girls (and villainess hitchhiking in one of their bodies) was what should have been their friend Natsuki’s home. She didn’t act it, but she was a rich kid; the both of them had visited her fairly expansive abode more than once and it certainly had not looked anything like this. What they were looking at was not the home of the head of the Magical Girl Association and her daughter.

What it was, apparently, was a school. Hikari could practically hear the scene-setting music and the generic schoolbell as she looked over the elaborate campus that had replaced the Nakano family mansion, what looked to be a high school straight out of an anime. In the classy district in which it had appeared, it looked distinctly out of place - and that was before you took into account the unnaturally vibrant colors, the lack of any noticeable dirt, and the unseasonable cherry blossoms. There were dozens of students milling about in the courtyard or between the main building and the annex, and none seemed to think anything strange was up.

“Magic.” Izanami said.

“Magic.” Akemi noted, at the exact same time.

Hikari peered at the crest above the school gate. “Gakko High… it’s a school called school?” she paused. “That sounds familiar…”

Akemi blinked. “Does it? Have you faced this villain before? Any intelligence you have could prove vital in bringing them to justice!”

“Huh? No, I have no idea where it came from. But that was the name of the school in this dating sim Natsuki was gushing about to me last night.” She took out her phone and scrolled through the texts, trying to see what it said…

“Well, we have our source.” Akemi said. “A dastardly villain using a seemingly innocent game to take over a whole landscape from the inside! They must be smart, they had to know the only way to get their magic past the Nakano home’s defenses was to be let in.”

Hikari read the description Natsuki had sent her. “‘It’s a game where you play the role of ‘senpai’, and work to steal the hearts of the cutest ladies in the school! Will you bring the haughty ojou-sama Satsuki DuPont to a humble confession, or try to get past her lovely maid Megumi’s walls? Or will you try and strike above your league, getting into a forbidden romance with the sultry Professor Kumi? Perhaps bringing the deredere out of your super tsuntsun childhood friend Hinata is more your speed? And if you wanna play casanova, why not try all of them at once~?’”

Akemi stared for several seconds. “Did she just copy the description of the game?”

Hikari shook her head. “No. She gets like this when she really likes the character designs… she went on gushing about the ‘cute points’ of each of them...”

Izanami sighed. “I’m glad I was asleep for that conversation…”

Akemi suddenly dropped into a fighting stance - someone was coming. A girl in a school uniform, running down the sidewalk… was that toast in her mouth? She didn’t seem to even notice them as she sprinted past, with a muffled “Late! Late!” around the food. Akemi noticed immediately that something was wrong - like the school she entered, the tones of her clothes, hair, even her skin, were too vibrant and soft, like they’d been drawn into reality.

“Well, no time like the present!” Hikari said cheerfully, following after the girl towards the entrance. “Gotta find Natsuki.”

“She’s probably attached at the hip to whoever’s the boss here by now.” Izanami sighed.

“Don’t be too hasty!” Akemi interjected, dragging Hikari back. “We need to know what we’re facing. I suspect the villain will probably be some authority figure - perhaps the ‘principal’ of the school, or maybe one of the love interests Natsuki mentioned. The girls might not seem hostile now, but I suspect they will be once we threaten their boss…”

“Probably,” a new voice said. “They might try and integrate you girls before then though. Even non-aggressive magical minions tend to prioritize making more of themselves. So we’ve gotta be on guard.”

“That’s right.” Akemi nodded. Then she paused, before whirling around to face the voice with her fists up and ready to shoot out magic. “Wait-”

“Woah, woah!” A short, sporty looking woman said, hands in the air. “Bit slow on the reaction though.”

“Mom? What’re you doing here?” Hikari asked.

Yoko Himura, retired magical girl, grinned and shrugged. “Can’t say hi to my own daughter without a reason?” she said. “I was going to meet with Chihaya about something, but when I showed up I saw you girls and no Nakano estate. Mind if I tag along? I might not have the old magic amulet anymore, but I’ve learned a thing or two in my days as a magical girl all the same.”

“Of course we mind!” Akemi said. “I respect you a lot Mrs. Himura! But you’re still a civilian, it’s our duty to protect you!”

“She can knock me out whether I’m using magic or not.” Hikari said dryly. “That training is no joke. And… I don’t really think we can stop her.”

“Frankly I’m not sure I could, without turning her into a minion.” Izanami conceded, to Hikari’s annoyance.

“Nice to know my daughter knows me so well~” Izanami said, ruffling Hikari’s hair despite being nearly the same height as her daughter. She looked up at the building before them. “Can’t say I ever thought I’d be heading back to high school.”

“And I just got out of it…” Akemi grumbled, but shook her head. “No matter! For justice, we have to endure this trial.”

“It wasn’t that bad.” Hikari said with a shrug, drawing surprised looks from both her mom and Akemi (and, interiorly, Izanami). “What? Books aren’t that bad. I might be a bit naive, but I’m not dumb.”

Moving past the issue, the trio walked into the school right through the front gate. Hikari had tried to fly over the wall, but it seemed some level of the Nakano house’s magical defenses were still in place and no longer recognized her as a friendly presence - leaving them with just the front gate.

The vibrantly colored student body didn’t seem to pay them any mind - they gathered in the usual high school cliques, the sports teams and the nerds and the cool girls. But they weren’t by any stretch normal high school students. As the magical girls present and retired walked through the courtyard, they didn’t see a single male student among the population - it was all women. And not only that, but they were all young women with highly exaggerated figures that wouldn’t have looked all that out of place on a porn actress. If they didn’t have busts the size of melons they had asses that would lift them inches out of a chair - or in some cases, they had both.

And finally, it seemed all they could talk about was boys - from the gate to the front door they didn’t hear a word that wasn’t about either men, fashion that men liked, or how they’d all love to see a guy. Despite the all-female, school setting, any talk about more mundane topics would inevitably circle back to the hottest guy in school. Which, if Yoko had been asked to guess, would probably be the only guy.

“For all the talk about boys,” Akemi said, “I don’t think I’ve seen any…”

“Hmmm, I wonder where the villain could be? Or where Natsuki is?” Hikari said. She looked around, and blinked. They’d walked into a sort of cafeteria while searching, “Hmm… is that…?” She walked up to a bit of wall in front of the entrance, against which a series of lockers were stacked. Then she nodded to herself. “Yeah, I think this bit looks kinda like one of the pillars in the dining hall…”

“What kind of layout is this…” Izanami grumbled. “The villain here has no sense of structure. What’s the point of a good villain lair if it doesn’t make sense?”

“So the different rooms probably correspond in function, somehow.” Yoko said. “Dining hall transposed in the school lunchroom. So… maybe Chihaya’s home office will be the principal’s office?”

“Natsuki would probably have been in her bedroom, which would be a good place to begin looking for her.” Akemi said. “Perhaps the locker room? I doubt they have rooms to sleep in here.”

As the trio were beginning to form a plan, a set of speakers crackled to life overhead. “Attention students!” said an excited female voice, “Senpai has been spotted approaching the school!”

Like a wave rising as it approached the shore, a roar began to build through the school. A chorus of girly screams as dozens upon dozens of students squealed with delight and began to stampede. The girls around the trio of invaders were no exception, dropping what they were doing and rushing off. The three of them were caught in the stampede of students.

The girls poured down the hall as one mass, bringing the magical girls (and mother) with them, until they hit an intersection in the hallway. Either trying to check different entrances or just trying different routes, the stream split there - one kept moving forward, bringing Yoko with it. Another moved off down the left hall with Hikari, while the third was brought down the right.


Hikari managed to free herself from the horde and stumble into a room off to the side. She breathed heavily as she regathered her wits - for a swarm of high school girls, they sure could push! She tried to look around to see what sort of room she had managed to enter after prying the door open and leaping in to avoid the stampede.

It looked like some sort of locker room - maybe there was a pool in the next room over, Natsuki’s house had one. There were showers in one corner, a wall full of lockers, some benches… yeah, it fit the bill.

What didn’t fit the bill was it’s sole other occupant. Someone had been there before Hikari. Another hourglass shaped young woman, like all the rest, although rather than a school uniform, this one was in a maid outfit with a skirt that barely got past her thighs, tight leggings that clung tightly, and what seemed to be a blouse and apron with more lace than silk and cotton. There were plenty of frills as well, especially on the cap that marked her job. She was carefully folding clothes up and putting them away neatly in lockers.

“Um… hello…?” Hikari said, staff ready to go if she needed to use it. “I got a bit lost… could you direct me to-”

The maid turned to look at her, and Hikari stopped dead. She was way curvier than before, and even a little taller. She had way longer hair that fell nearly to her butt, and it was pastel pink instead of brown. And of course, she was in those vibrant and soft colors of everyone else in the school - but her face was definitely Natsuki’s, and so was her voice when she spoke. “Yes, what can I help you with?” she asked.

“Huh, I’m surprised she’s not already someone’s arm candy. Guess they had other ideas.” Izanami noted. “Let’s make use of her~”

“No, we’re not doing that,” Hikari snapped, before turning back to Natsuki. “Natsuki, are you alright? We need to get you out of here.”

“Natsuki?” Natsuki asked, face scrunched up in confusion - before there was a subtle shift in it’s structure, smoothing out any remaining lines as her eyes turned pink to match her hair. “Ojou-sama, who’s Natsuki? I understand it is not worth remembering my name, but it would be Megumi.”

Megumi? That name sounded familiar… but it wasn’t Natsuki’s, was it? “We need to go, Na-Megumi. It’s important. And why are you calling me Ojou-sama?”

“Would you prefer ‘Mistress’, Ojou-sama?” Megumi asked, tilting her head quizzically.

“I- no, I wouldn’t!” Hikari said, sitting down as she tried to think. She hardly noticed how as she did so, her height was further reduced from her already below-average stature, and how her bust and bottom seemed to get just a tad more plump.

“I would!” Izanami teased. “Megumi loves this anyway, why not play into it?” she said, not realizing how she could already only think of Megumi as Megumi.

“Well, I don’t see why we should.” She said. “Why should we need her here, getting in our way?”

“She can help us out.” Izanami insisted. “It’s about the only thing she’s good for. Why should we do everything ourselves?”

As the pair argued, their thoughts shifting by the sentence, their body continued to alter. Hikari had lost several centimeters worth of height, and it had gone right to her figure in all the right places. Her lengthy black hair started to brighten, cerulean at the tips and rising, as her skin and clothes began to look more and more saturated with color...

Megumi tilted her head again. “Ojou-sama, you wished to go somewhere? There was an announcement that Senpai had arrived at the school a short while ago. Would you like to see him? I’m certain I can clear a path through your lessers.”

“What? Why would I want to see him?” Hikari asked. Senpai? Who was… “He’s just some commoner.” That was right. Just some no-name commoner. So below her, she’d forgotten he existed for a moment! Hikari blinked. Was that right? “Commoner”?

Megumi had moved behind her, and was now gently massaging Hikari’s shoulders. She couldn’t help but relax as the maid’s skilled fingers danced across her body. “You’re very tense, Ojou-sama. You should have come to me earlier, if it were convenient.” Megumi said seriously.

“Ah… so that’s what we keep her around for…” Hikari said internally, the tension leaking out of her body. “I suppose she is good for something. There’s a good reason daddy hired her.”

“Mmhm.” Izanami agreed, reveling just as much in the relaxation. “It’s so hard finding good help these days, she was a steal. And young enough to come with us to school.”

“Maybe we should offer her to Senpai,” Hikari suggested. “A gift to the one commoner worth anything in this disgusting place. A temporary one, of course.”

Yes, she remembered Senpai now. She’d met him on the first day as her limousine had popped a flat tire. She was going to be late, and he’d offered her a ride on his bike the rest of the way. It was a stubbornly noble act for a non-noble.

“He’s probably the only one worth a damn here.” Izanami agreed. “Besides us, of course. We’re so far above everyone else it’s not even funny. But Senpai can be amusing.”

Izanami’s voice sounded a lot like Hikari’s, in her head, now. The same haughty tone, the unconcealed arrogance and superiority complex. The pair had gone from below-average to almost comically short, but that only made their increasingly stacked figure more apparent. Her clothes, as loose as they were, still struggled to hide much of anything - particularly her spectacular ass practically spilling out of her skirt. Her hair had grown even more vibrantly blue, to match the increasingly vibrant colors of the rest of her.

Megumi finished her relaxing massage, curtsying. “I hope that was pleasant, Ojou-sama. You look even more radiant than before.”

“You earn your continued presence, maid.” Hikari said, standing and stretching.

“What are we wearing!?” Izanami gasped in horror.

It was then Hikari realized - she was wearing something utterly ridiculous. A commoner’s outfit! It was grey! And was that a hoodie!? And sneakers! How could she have ended up in such a disgusting outfit!? “Maid!” she demanded.

“Yes, Ojou-sama?” Megumi said.

“I require appropriate clothes this instant!” Hikari snapped, Izanami echoing her in their mind, as she began to hurriedly tear those commoner clothes off of her.

“Right away, Ojou-sama.” Megumi nodded, producing a new set of clothes seemingly from nowhere - she’d been prepared, as she had been working on her Mistress’ spare clothes before she’d arrived.

Hikari, having stripped nude, hurriedly waited for her maid to assist her in putting her clothes on. She didn’t mind being naked in front of Megumi - they’d been together since they were children, a family of nobles served by a family of maids. As she slipped her bra on, custom-made to provide excellent support for her abundant bosom, she couldn’t help but wonder what Senpai might think of seeing her like this…

She flushed scarlet at the thought. That damn commoner… acting so chivalrous and above his station… she couldn’t even remember being a magical girl anymore, the memories replaced with her budding crush on her Senpai. No, infatuation. Commoners had crushes.

It took some effort on Megumi’s part to pull up the panties past her Ojou-sama’s posterior; she easily had the best bottom in school, and that was not just her loyalty speaking. She was speaking from the perspective of one taking a nice handful under the guise of helping her mistress dress - loyal as she was, she was still quite attracted to Ojou-sama…

Once the (exceedingly frilly, pure white) panties were properly in place, came the rest of the outfit. Whites and blues, all in the finest silks. A frilled blouse that accentuated her bust without displaying it to the masses, a skirt so short her ass peaked out from beneath if she didn’t have perfect posture, and some delightful leggings leaving a perfectly calculated gap between their tops and the bottom of her skirt to emphasize her thighs.

Hikari snapped a finger as the clothing was done and she stood up in the mirror, and Megumi got to work, producing multiple hair care tools from the pockets of her apron and getting to work. She pulled Hikari’s beautiful azure locks into two expansive twintails, and got to work curling them until they made an elegant drill-type hairdo, kept in place with navy blue ribbons. “Acceptable work.” Hikari and Izanami said. They didn’t really think separately at this point. It was hard to tell where one ended and the other began, and perhaps pointless to try.

“I can do nothing less in your service, Lady Satsuki DuPont.” Megumi said with a curtsy.

Satsuki nodded stiffly, twin-drills bouncing. Her new self locked firmly in place; Hikari and Izanami had disappeared, replaced by the arrogant rich girl Satsuki DuPont, all in vibrant colors and soft lines like the rest of the exaggerated anime girls in the school. “If only all commoners knew their place so well. Come. Senpai must be so terribly tired of dealing with his lessers.”


Yoko fought free of the mob and ducked around a corner as they surged past another intersection. She caught her breath a moment, nursing some sore joints. “I’m getting too old for this…” she muttered. “Maybe I could let them catch me, bring back my younger years for a bit.” she said with a sardonic smile to herself.

Once she made sure all was in order, she assessed her surroundings, and found the signs for what rooms they were around. They were a bunch of specialty rooms - art, computer lab… oh, teacher’s lounge? She raised an eyebrow at that, as she’d not seen anyone older than maybe 16 on the campus yet. “Teachers, hm?”

Probably in some position of authority - the villain probably wasn’t among them, but there may be some clues. She slid the door open and stepped inside.

It was… well, a generic teacher’s lounge. There was a vending machine in the corner, a few couches for relaxing or the occasional power-nap between classes, and a table full of papers. Maybe there would be something in the scattered documents that would give some useful information? Instructions to the higher-level minions or something.

She gathered the papers into a stack, and started to glance through them. There were a few staff notices (gushing about some student or other), but most of them were papers. She looked for names, trying to see if there were any she recognized; if Chihaya hadn’t ended up as the principal or something, she might have become a student, and if Yoko she could maybe find where she was she could get her out.

She idly noticed that a lot of these papers had been graded… but also poorly. How many right answers had been marked wrong, or vice versa? She rolled her eyes; if the students were anything to go by, the staff must be more for their looks than their brains. She hardly noticed as she instinctively adjusted her posture to accommodate her increasing height…

Normally, Yoko was well aware of her body. She’d given up her magic years before, as soon as she noticed her reflexes beginning to slow from their peak; but she hadn’t used that as an excuse to stop training. She was still a martial artist, and usually distinctly aware of her body; the position of each limb and their distinct status, and her overall self. But the moment she’d glanced across those papers, her senses had dulled just a little. As she looked through them more and more intently, they continued to dull and fade, until even as her expanding bust started to poke into her vision, she hardly noticed a thing.

There had been more papers than she was expecting, and they were taking a while to sort through. Yoko sat down in one of the chairs, rising a bit more in the air than she usually would due to a ballooning bottom and her increasing height. But she didn’t notice that - what she did notice was a few annoyingly obvious mistakes in one of the tests. She hadn’t written the things, but she was a smart enough lady to see what the answers were. Almost automatically, not really paying attention to it, she found herself tallying correct answers and crossing off incorrect ones with a red pen - where had she gotten that?

The transformation continued at full speed, as Yoko’s clothes began to shift in shape and color, becoming more vibrant by the second. She brushed some hair out of her face, strands of bright green interwoven with the black, not that she noticed. Gah, it was too in the way - she pulled a hairband out of a pocket and took a moment to tie it up, into a tight bun, as it continued to change. She readjusted the papers, and scooted her chair out a little so she could properly see them past her ever larger bosom.

There were a few stellar students, but most of them weren’t doing great. She tut-tutted to herself quietly; what was the point of them being turned into students if they evidently didn’t care to learn anything?

Her athletic tank top had changed by now, shifting down to black with a white collar as it gained sleeves and promptly expanded them. She loosened a button on her collar, then another - was it hot in there, or was it just her? The buttons popped off, leaving her with a plunging neckline that more than made up for her otherwise less revealing clothes. Sometimes, less was more.

Yoko rubbed her eyes. Why was everything so blurry? She fumbled around on the desk for her glasses, soon finding them - thin, half-rimmed red glasses, that emphasized her lovely eyes and the new beauty mark just below one in just the right way.

She hadn’t been at the school for long, but she could tell the other teachers just weren’t doing their jobs. She might have been young - what, early thirties, just out of her Masters? But that didn’t mean she couldn’t know her work better than those snobs who looked down on her for being younger than them.

She was soon finished grading the papers - all but one of them. The name was irrelevant, but she knew this student. The one they all called ‘Senpai’. A smile curled on her lips as she thought of that handsome boy, and she couldn’t help but lick her lips a bit at the thought. Well, best get to grading.

This one was by far the easiest to grade. She knew Senpai, of course. Or rather, Protagonist-kun, since she was his teacher. He was that cutie in her class, the most popular boy in school. She checked each one correct without even looking at it. With each check, her changes reached their final stages, her jeans having long since shrank down into a pencil skirt as tights formed right on her legs. Her sneakers had shifted into high heels, clacking as she tapped her foot.

With each question marked correct, Yoko lost more and more of herself. She remembered seeing him come to class that first day, all full of confidence. He was such a suave young man, she couldn’t help but take an interest. She’d always loved the younger guys, especially the ones that really knew how to treat a woman like her. Protagonist-kun was one of those, and she couldn’t get the student out of her head.

She finished grading it - a perfect score. She paused, considering, and wrote something at the top. “See me after class~”, she wrote, with a little heart on the end. She needed to reward such a dedicated student, after all. She folded up the last paper and tucked it into expansive cleavage, standing up and going to the door.

She paused at the doorway. She was forgetting something… right! She went back to her desk and grabbed her ID card. “Professor Kumi”, it declared proudly, with a picture of her new self on it. Professor Kumi was a bombshell woman, with her vibrant green hair and supermodel figure - and a lust for younger guys that nearly surpassed the hormonal teenagers under her care.

“Mmmh… I can’t wait for class~” Professor Kumi giggled, before strutting out the door.


Akemi had fought her way out of the crowd a good bit earlier, but still couldn’t find anything. It was just classroom after empty classroom, as seemingly every girl in the school funneled out to see this “Senpai”. What was so great about him that had all the girls fawning over him? Was he the one behind it, rather than a ‘Principal’ type figure? It would make sense - turn his world into a visual novel and make himself the protagonist.

As she opened another door, expecting to find just another empty classroom and ready to just turn around, she found something else instead. It seemed like a club room rather than a classroom, with few desks and a lot of cabinets and photos all over the walls. Specifically, photos of a young man in a school uniform in dozens of different positions and angles, different lightings, and even different states of undress as if they’d peeped into a locker room. The banner proudly hung at the back of the room neatly explained why: “Protagonist-kun Official Fan Club”.

Akemi couldn’t help but groan at the sight. God, what did all these girls see in him? He was the most generic visual protagonist she’d ever seen; short black hair that mostly covered his eyes, not particularly tall or short, not particularly fat nor athletic. In every way that she could figure, he was just some generic dude. A placeholder for the player to paint themselves over.

She almost wanted to leave in disgust, but something held her back. If this guy was really the villain here, and the devotion the students seemed to hold towards him seemed to imply that, then she had a duty to investigate. Maybe it would give them an idea of what they were up against?

She picked up one of the photos at random, looking into the frame intently. No devil horns, no secret glowing eye, nothing out of the usual. He looked like your generic, anime-cute design that people are meant to look at once and forget. And he wasn’t even that cute either. He was a pretty boy, but like, Akemi had definitely seen nicer looking guys.

She moved to the next picture, this one a candid shot of him talking to some girl with ridiculous blue drills for hair and a maid standing next to her. She focused on him again, looking for anything that would show up in a full body shot that hadn’t in the portrait before, but still, nothing. Her eyes drifted to the girl - what kind of short-stack type figure was that? How did she get her skirt on, with that kind of ass? She seemed to be blushing fiercely at whatever he was saying. Was he flirting with her? Why would everyone be so enamored with him if he had a girlfriend?

Of course ‘Protagonist-kun’ didn’t have a girlfriend. At least, not an exclusive one. If he was a villain making this kind of place, he’d never lock himself in with one girl. He’d want to have a turn on all of them. Akemi wasn’t sure why she’d so vehemently denied the idea of him having a girlfriend, but it felt correct to her. A dastardly who-knows-how-many timer! Perfectly in line with a villain.

Akemi had gained just a few inches of height as she’d looked. Her bust had begun to blossom, her magical outfit adjusting to the growth slowly and steadily. Her ass wasn’t being left behind either, albeit with a slower growth. The vibrancy had already begun to leak in around her assets, and her hair had started to grow out as it turned red at the roots.

The next photo was something in class, with him in the usual back of the room near the window protagonist seat, as he would be, and a teacher with way too much cleavage showing leaning over him. Akemi rolled her eyes; of course this school would have an “older woman” type option for the protagonist. She was blatantly flirting with him, Akemi wasn’t fooled by that paper she was handing off!

Not that she cared. Why would she care if Protagonist-kun got in a relationship? She was here to bring him down. Akemi nodded to herself, lengthening hair bouncing with the motion, as she put the picture down and went to the next one.

She let out an adorable squeak of shock and dropped the frame as she saw what it was. The frame was made of what looked like gold (even if that was probably fake) - the club clearly valued it. She looked around to make sure nobody had seen that embarrassing episode, before bending over to pick up the dropped frame - the picture had fallen out of it, too. The task was made a bit easier by the fact her armored greaves had been replaced with black stockings while she wasn’t paying attention, and a bit harder since she had to reach around some really expansive boobs to get her hands on it.

The photo was Protagonist-kun… well, naked, in the locker room. He grinned at the camera, clearly having become aware of it’s presence in the time it took to take the shot. This was Akemi’s best chance to find anything strange, so she couldn’t just leave it. That was what she told herself - she didn’t want to look at his surprisingly nice butt, or his pleasantly smooth skin, or his strong legs…

God, what was she doing? She didn’t know this guy… that well. She blinked. Then fumed. Well, she did, to no benefit. All it did was make the girls jealous that she’d known him since they were kids. She crossed her arms under her massive mammaries as the armor plates of her dress melted away, replaced by strained fabric and ribbons. The vibrant unrealistic shading had covered most of her torso by now, and her hair was brushing up against her plush posterior as the red assailed the last remaining bastions of blonde. “Baka Protagonist-kun…” she muttered under her breath.

They’d met as children, when her family had just moved in next door. Her family had moved in for the good schools when she was in kindergarten, and he’d been there with his mom to greet the new neighbors. And when she was bullied in kindergarten for being new, he’d stood up for her.

They’d stuck together pretty much ever since, like childhood friends do. In middle school the rumors had started, leaving her really embarrassed, but she didn’t want to push him away for unfounded rumors. By the last year of it she wasn’t sure they were rumors anymore, and her heart beat too fast whenever he was nearby. It made that late night tutoring really hard…

She didn’t like him like that! He was way too nice, and even though he was a playboy he treated every girl like a princess. Who would like that kind of personality? She flushed red and grumbled to herself about it, with a lot of the word ‘baka’ thrown in for good measure. She only stuck around because she owed him so much. She wasn’t dumb, she just… really wasn’t good at school, so he’d helped her keep passing the classes besides home economics. And he’d really helped her make friends. So it was only because she didn’t like to owe him she still talked with him, and did a lot more than talk, and…

“Protagonist-kun, you baka… where did you go? Weren’t we supposed to meet before school?” she muttered. Her now ruby red hair had tied itself into a long ponytail, and her bust (each boob bigger than her head) heaved within the barely adequate confines of a school uniform.

The door behind her creaked open. Akemi nearly leapt out of her skin, standing straight and hastily hiding the photo in her cleavage while also accidentally dropping the frame again. The newly made schoolgirl turned to see a classmate entering, one she recognized as the president of the club. “Oooh, Hinata? What are you doing here? Did you finally decide to join the Protagonist-kun Official Fan Club?”

Hinata - for that was now her real name, as her facial features finished shifting and the anime coloring overwhelmed the last bits of realism - blushed bright red. “M-Me!? Joining the fanclub of that baka Protagonist-senpai? What are you thinking, it’s not like I like him or anything.”

The club president grinned. “Of course, I’m not implying that you like him! I’m implying you’re head over heels for him!”

“You’re just as much of an idiot as he is!” Hinata snapped, barging past her. “I’m heading to class!”

“One day you will be ours, Hinata! Then we shall have his kid pictures!” The president called after her. As Hinata left, the club president looked around the room to see what she’d been up to, and found an overturned picture frame. She bent down to pick it up, but as she did, something slid out of her pocket. An ID card for one “Chihaya Nakano”, with a photo of a severe looking older woman on it. The Club President blinked in confusion, but after she rubbed her eyes her school ID had gone back to normal; Yuna Hori, high school student!


It was a special class session for those closest to Protagonist-kun, or Senpai as the students called him. Professor Kumi was teaching with her usual eagerness, pointing to her presentation and it’s examples. “Now, a wardrobe malfunction isn’t so simple as dropping your clothes at an opportune moment,” she said with an air as dignified as any less non-standard lesson. “There’s a few key points. One is plausibility - it has to be, or at the least look like, an accident. If it’s clearly intentional, that’s not charming clumsiness, it’s just being slutty!”

The students paid varying degrees of attention. Satsuki DuPont didn’t bother taking her own notes; she had her maid and fellow student Megumi doing that for her, and mostly paid attention to the pictures. Hinata pretended not to pay attention but hung onto every word. All three of them had their own reasons - they were learning to be proper love interests.

“Another point is that it has to look attractive; just tearing up clothes can make you look more pitiful than hot.” Professor Kumi continued. “For instance; bending over to pick something up, only to have your panties, which shrunk juuust a bit in the wash and aren’t quite strong enough to hold, snap, revealing your posterior and, if it stays on partially, just the right amount of teasing at the womanhood.” Satsuki snapped her fingers, and Megumi nodded, quietly taking the appropriate notes. “Or for something with your breasts, perhaps you tripped and fell earlier, damaging the clasp of your breasts. You stretch… and pop! Suddenly, there’s a nice, enticing bounce…” Hinata definitely didn’t perk up at that, not at all, why would you think that?

It was as they were going into how to covertly draw attention to it should the target not notice it that he showed up. The generic-looking young man strode confidently into the room. “Sorry to interrupt,” he said, awkwardly rubbing the back of his head. “I’m a bit late. I got held up in the hall.”

In a moment, the girls were all over him. He smiled widely. He’d only left it overnight, and the spell had found perfect candidates for each role! And they certainly seemed thoroughly in character, he couldn’t begin to guess who was who, or whether that girl he’d handed the game off to was among them or a more generic student.

“It took you long enough, Senpai,” Satsuki was saying, as Protagonist-kun made his way around her to inspect her rear end. “In ancient times, commoners might be thrown into an oubliette for keeping a noblewoman waiting. Our times are more civilized, but if you’re not careful, I may have to drag you home for punishment- Oh!”

Protagonist-kun had flipped up her skirt, inspecting her absolutely divine ass closer, reaching in and giving it a good squeeze. “Ah, perfectly shaped and just the right level of squish… as good an ass as I could hope for.” he said with a lecherous grin.

“Of course it is,” Satsuki said stiffly, “As a woman of class, I could hardly have a commoner’s body, now could I? I have a reputation to uphold.”

“Greetings, Senpai.” Megumi said with a polite curtsy. “Thank you for being a friend to my Ojou-sama.” While she kept her face carefully passive, the slight dusting of a blush on her cheeks told the story of what she was thinking.

Protagonist-kun smiled. Mistress and maid, as he’d desired. They were very nearly perfect. If he just made a careful tweak… “How’s the family in France? I know you visited over the break.”

There was a slight shimmer around the two before they spoke again. “As good as ever, of course,” Satsuki said. Now when she spoke, there was a noticeable French accent. The same could be said for Megumi.

“Ojou-sama was quite enthused to be back with her family, but looked forward to seeing you again, Senpai.” Megumi said - like her Mistress, she was half-French now.

“Maid, what are you saying?” Satsuki said, blushing scarlet. She turned to Protagonist-kun. “Senpai, why don’t you give her a nice, embarrassing order to atone for that insolence?”

There, perfect. A foreign ojou-sama and her maid - a delightful pair of love interests for a protagonist. Satsuki was appropriately haughty… but was the maid adequately obedient? “Oh, if you insist, Satsuki…” he said, before turning to Megumi. “Why don’t you pull down the apron, unbutton a bit, and give us a look and see?”

“Of course, Senpai.” Megumi said. She pulled down her apron and unbuttoned several buttons of her dress with it, allowing her breasts to bounce free, barely contained in their bra. She was blushing, but it seemed more from her attraction than any embarrassment - she clearly liked that her Ojou-sama and Protagonist-kun were staring, the maid’s hidden exhibitionist side coming out.

Protagonist-kun smiled, before turning his attention to the professor. “Professor Kumi, what a delight to see you! How’s the husband?”

“The pleasure is mine, Protagonist-kun~” she said. She pulled a bit of paper out of her cleavage, handing it. “You know I’m not married, Protagonist-kun. What’re you teasing me for? By the way, I graded your test from before the break. See me after class, hm~?”

A sexy, seductive teacher. Professor Kumi had come out great as well. Protagonist-kun smiled. “Mmhm. Will do. What’s that you’re sucking on, wasn’t I trying to help you quit the smoking?” he said.

Professor Kumi smiled, pulling out the stick that had appeared between her suddenly noticeably thicker lips. “Lollipop. Have to suck on something, might as well be something sweet.”

A sexy, seductive teacher, now with an oral fixation that would be rather fun to experience shortly. “Good. And now, Hinata…” he said.

“What is it? Not like I was waiting for you or anything, baka.” Hinata snapped. Protagonist-kun had expected that of course - it would be fun to break in a real tsundere like her. Just a little adjustment though…

“Why so antsy? I bet you have a new bra and it’s digging in again, right?” Protagonist-kun suggested.

“Baka! You know I don’t wear bras!” Hinata said, her breasts heaving as the statement became true. She gained a little bit more height, too, until her cleavage was at eye level with him.

“Of course, of course. How did your last test go, hm?” he said, getting close and unbuttoning her top a bit, showing way more cleavage.

“I-It went fine, thank you very much!” Hinata said, blushing. She didn’t push him away, though - as far as all these girls were concerned, there was nothing weird about a little friendly molestation from Protagonist-kun.

“Those chocolates were great,” Protagonist-kun added, as he reached into her top and gave Hinata’s bare breasts a tight squeeze, drawing a pleasured squeak out of the girl.

The four girls were absolutely great - and these were just the members of the main routes! He’d have to dig a bit harder for the hidden club-president route and some others, but he was sure the spell would have worked up some appropriate ladies for those roles. He could feel his member stiffening just looking…

He snapped a finger, a sharp white flash coming from it. The girls froze. “Start event, Harem Ending A.” Protagonist-kun said aloud. The quartet of ladies all had their eyes suddenly glaze over, as entire romance routes of memories were added in a flash. Their clothes all vanished, leaving each one buck naked with all their assets on display (with the exception of Professor Kumi’s glasses and Megumi’s maid cap, and the respective hair ties of Satsuki and Hinata).

They all remembered the moments that led up to that one. Their unending love for Protagonist-kun, leading right up to when they had to consummate it. They’d all picked exactly the same day, the same moment. They looked to each other and found rivals - but they didn’t mind it. As long as Protagonist-kun was happy, they didn’t care if he banged others, such was their devotion. And they were all deeply aroused, pussies dripping with fluid already, nipples standing on end, and ready to go.

The haze left as quickly as it came, leaving the quartet hot and horny.

“Come, peasant. I’ll show you pleasures only a noble truly can.” Satsuki said.

“My first devotion is to my Ojou-sama… but I can have a Master too…” Megumi said.

“Ara-ara~ Shall an experienced woman teach you a thing or two~?” Professor Kumi giggled.

“T-This is just thanks for your help, baka!” Hinata said, looking away.

Protagonist-kun had stripped himself as well, his cock standing at full mast and drawing the eye of each of the girls. “Hah… I can hardly take you all at once, you know… I’m only one boy… but I think one at a time works.”

The women looked at each other, before nodding. They’d let him pick. He walked up to them and inspected each nude woman, before pointing out Satsuki.

She smiled smugly. “Of course I should go first. It’s only right.” she said.

“Of course,” Protagonist-kun said. “I think I’ll need your help with this, Megumi…”

“As you wish, Master.” Megumi said.

Clearing some space in the middle of the classroom, they got ready to go. Megumi, ever prepared, had produced a full on mattress from somewhere, a heart shaped bed, the whole deal. Satsuki nodded her approval at the maid’s excellent predicted needs, and lay down seductively on the bed.The remaining two girls showed a bit of jealousy, but more determination - they’d be sure to outdo Satsuki, no matter if she went first or not. In the meantime, the Ojou-sama stared up at the manhood before her. “I… where shall I start… Senpai…?”

“Turn around~” Protagonist-kun said, and she did, presenting her delightful derriere for his viewing pleasure. He lay down, positioning himself carefully, and lined up his manhood with it’s target; Satsuki had easily the best ass of his love interests, and he’d make use of it. “Ready to go~?”

“Of course I am.” Satsuki scoffed. “Don’t keep a noble waitin- oh mon Dieu!”

She was interrupted as Protagonist-kun rammed his cock up her butt, spreading it wide in a single thrust as Satsuki screamed out in pleasure. It was a delightfully tight hole, seemingly (and of course, actually) made to fit his cock. He carefully bucked his hips forward again, getting a bit deeper and drawing out another pleased yelp.

“Hell… that ‘noble’ bottom of yours is perfect…” Protagonist-kun grunted.

“Ha… hah… I knew it… it’s only to be expected of my class- oh…”

“Hmm… still thinking of me as a commoner, hmmm~?” Protagonist-kun teased, pushing his dick in a little more before starting to drag it out. “Megumi, you have the thing I asked you to bring just in case in that little bag of preparations?”

“Of course, Maitre.” Megumi nodded. She retrieved from her preparations bag something surprising - a rather long, thick, strap-on. “Is this what you mean?”

“Mmhm. I think we have to humble our dearest Ojou-sama a bit~ Would you help?”

Bien sur. Of course I will.” Megumi said, before pulling on the strap on as Satsuki watched in shock - but didn’t tell her not to.

They adjusted their position, Satsuki still moaning softly as Protagonist-kun popped his manhood out of her ass, until Megumi was below her with her strap-on aimed at Satsuki’s womanhood. “Ojou-sama, I will be gentle.” she said.

“O-Of course you will, servant.” Satsuki said, blushing.

“And away we go~” Protagonist-kun said, pushing himself back into her pillowy ass in synch with Megumi bucking her hips upwards.

Satsuki let out another scream of pleasure as she was fucked from both ends at once, her vagina splitting to admit Megumi’s prosthetic cock while Protagonist-kun’s real one plowed her ass. They settled into a rhythm, Protagonist-kun’s hands taking hold of Satsuki’s twintails for greater leverage as he went to town.

Satsuki was a woman used to getting what she wanted. She was used to being in control. As a woman of class, she was always on top - but not now. Now, she was following, and it was Senpai on top of the heap; in this moment, she felt herself below his magnificence. Each thrust into her lovely bum, each painful tug on her twintails, drove the point home, that he wasn’t hers - she was his. Even Megumi had more control than she did now, pounding away at her pussy with vigor. The maid didn’t half-ass anything, especially not pleasuring her Mistress at the order of her Master. As Senpai tugged Satsuki’s head up for leverage, Megumi used the opportunity to suckle and lick her beloved Ojou-sama’s bountiful breasts, delivering every drop of pleasure she possibly could.

“Who’s the noble here, hm, Satsuki~? Which one of us~?” Protagonist-kun said - she could feel his dick throbbing, coming close...

And Satsuki found herself loving every second of domination. She acted so high and mighty, but it turned out, she was incredibly submissive in the bedroom, and thoroughly enjoyed it. She liked being dicked down, having no control of what happened to her. She lost herself to the feelings, soon coming to an orgasm as she reveled in being dominated. “Y-Youuu… masterrrr~” she cried as she came.

Megumi, on the other hand, was also enjoying herself. She’d always deeply loved her Ojou-sama, since they were kids - and Protagonist-kun had given her the opportunity to act on it. She was a maid, through and through; her greatest sources of enjoyment in life were following orders and providing pleasure to others. She didn’t care that Master wasn’t taking her, or that her Ojou-sama was too busy being fucked to reciprocate; she was following Protagonist-kun’s orders, and delivering great pleasure to her Mistress. And… well, she really, really enjoyed how the others were looking at them, watching her fuck her beloved Ojou-sama in tandem with her Master. It drove her wild with arousal, and it wasn’t too long until she climaxed in tandem with Satsuki.

As he watched the two girls cumming beneath him, Protagonist-kun grinned; there was no longer any doubt to be had about who these girls were. They were Satsuki and Megumi, love interests in a hentai visual novel that was his life; whoever they had once been was irrelevant and forgotten. He managed to force himself as deep as possible inside of Satsuki, before climaxing himself, painting her ass white before pulling out. At the angle they were at, it was practically displaying Satsuki’s well used hole to the other girls.

He stood up, leaving Megumi (who was rather more sensate than her thoroughly humbled Ojou-sama) to take care of the cleanup. His manhood had softened a bit after shooting his load, but just looking at the two women left to go got him rock hard again. Professor Kumi stepped forward with a smile. “I think you deserve a turn with an experienced woman, Protagonist-kun.” she said, “That fat-assed brat might have had some help from her maid, but she barely had skills to speak of. You were doing all the work.”

“Well, I suppose I’ll give you a chance to put your money where your mouth is, Professor. Let’s call it an extracurricular class, hm?” Protagonist-kun said.

Professor Kumi knelt in front of the young man, a smug grin looking up at him. “I’d rather put something else where my mouth is, if it’s all the same to you~”

The older woman knew her stuff. She didn’t go for the whole thing immediately, starting with her hands and rubbing down the shaft. Once it stiffened a bit further, she leaned in and gently kissed the head, using just a bit of tongue and tasting the salty residue of his earlier adventure. Her body shuddered in pleasure at the taste, but she kept herself well under control, raking her tongue down his manhood with long, luxurious strokes, tasting it, practically polishing it.

Soon, there was well enough foreplay - she was ready to go. She kissed the head again, but this time took it into her mouth. Starting with just the tip, suckling gently; she could remember a line of men before this one who had already popped off by this point in the proceedings, but Protagonist-kun, young stud that he was, was as steady as a rock. She liked that. She slowly, carefully took more and more into her mouth.

Protagonist-kun had to admit, maybe she had a point about the experience. It was like her mouth was another sex organ with how well she knew to use it, her pouty lips sealed around his member and her tongue massaging it as she sucked. He had no idea which woman she’d been before, but the one she was now was well practiced with dozens of partners - though he was quite sure he would be the one she stuck with now~

As she worked the cock deeper and deeper, carefully maintaining her breathing, she eventually hit the limit of what your average woman could do; but her skills were well developed, and she’d left her gag reflex dead in an alleyway back in her high school days. She pressed onwards, taking his cock deeper into her throat until she was right up against his base, her throat clenching around the manhood buried inside of it. She looked up at him with the nearest thing she could form to a sultry smile with her mouth so occupied. An invitation.

He didn’t need to be told twice - he hardly needed to be told once, he’d been practically about to go nuts before she gave him that look. Hand falling down to her head and pulling at her hair for a grip, he pulled his hips back, bringing his cock out nearly to the tip, gave her a half second to take a breath, and rammed himself back in. Then he did it again, and again, and again, falling into a rhythm of increasingly rapid face-fucking, slamming his dick down her throat as deep as she could take, balls slapping against her chin.

Professor Kumi, meanwhile, fingered herself to the feeling. It was so good to be taken like that, to have someone go wild on her rather than prematurely detonate to her ministrations. It hurt, sure, but the pleasure more than made up for it; she let him use her throat as a cocksheath, battering it with his thrusts until she felt a telltale pulsating in his manhood. She was ready for it when he rammed home one final time, timing it so she plunged her fingers deep inside herself and came at just the same time he did.

Protagonist-kun shot burst after burst of cum directly down Professor Kumi’s throat, the slutty teacher taking it like a champion. She only withdrew not for a breath, but so he still had some to paint her tongue with. When he withdrew, blasting a few more ropes over her breasts and face, she made a show of what was left in her mouth, and then swallowed. Her hairbun had come undone in the wild face-fucking, and her glasses were all askew, but she otherwise looked as composed as ever as she licked her lips. “I think that’s worth a few points. I hope you girls were taking notes.”

“Of course, Kumi-sensei.” Megumi said dutifully.

“Your experience certainly shows.” Protagonist-kun said. Whatever girl she used to be certainly hadn’t had that much - Professor Kumi was all that was left of her.

She stood and sauntered away from Protagonist-kun, leaving Hinata to step forward. “If you didn’t want to take me, you should have said so. Leaving me for last like this, Protagonist-baka…”

“Oh, but what if I wanted to save the best for last~?” Protagonist-kun teased, tilting her chin down so she would look him in the eyes.

Hinata flushed bright red. “S-Sit down, please… m-my boobs are way too big, so I at least want to use them for the only thing they’re good for…”

Protagonist-kun obediently did so, pulling up a chair and sitting down on it. Hinata struggled a bit to heave her hefty boobs up, but managed to do so, blushing as they rested on his legs. She’d read some manga showing how to do this…

She quickly sandwiched Protagonist-kun’s manhood between her breasts. It sprung from half mast to full nearly immediately at the soft, warm touch, a sure sign of his boundless stamina. Then, Hinata got to work, rubbing it up and down it’s length with her mammoth mammaries. She blushed fiercely whenever it peeked through the top as she went downwards - even with the size of her breasts, it was so long it made it to the other side…

She made sure to rub up and down it’s whole length, not missing a spot between her expansive bust. The way they squished and jiggled around it was ridiculously pleasurable for the young man, as he held tight to the chair for support. It was hard to imagine how a tit-job could feel as good as the previous two rounds, but she was making it work. For all her tsundere grumbling, Hinata was really giving it her all. She didn’t want to be left behind, not one bit.

However, as she worked them over… she wondered if something was wrong. She felt a little odd, as she gave Protagonist-kun the best titjob he’d ever had. Was this really what Akemi wanted to-

She felt a hand on her head. Protagonist-kun, patting her encouragingly. All those worries disintegrated. Hinata was enjoying herself, she couldn’t help but admit. She wanted him to feel good, to know that she could make him feel good. “M-Maybe I like you, just a bit, Senpai…” she confessed.

“Oh? I hadn’t noticed~” he teased, continuing to pat her head and make sure the bad thoughts were good and gone.

Hinata needed to prove it then. She’d watched Professor Kumi… the next time his cock poked through the folds of her bust, she tilted her head down and gave it a tentative kiss on the quivering head. The next time, she gave it a lick. But as she felt her own arousal building to a climax - it felt really good, despite how huge her breasts were they were unusually sensitive and just this touch was drenching her nethers - she was shocked to find that the third time she tried, Protagonist-kun came. A geyser of semen spewed forth, splattering onto her face and all over her boobs. As burst after burst of cum came out, the manhood softened, making sure to coat the area between Hinata’s boobs as well. That little bit was what pushed her over the edge; Hinata came wildly as well, falling back from Protagonist-kun as she desperately fingered her clenching womanhood, and causing the next few bursts to find other targets across her body. The young man was confident now - whatever remnants of her old self had been poking through (she must have been a stubborn lady…), they had been fucked right out of her.

With that, Protagonist-kun had fucked his way through a room full of girls. He wondered if he should give Megumi a pounding of her own - she’d worked so hard, after all. But she had gotten off just from serving him. He could be satisfied with that.

It took them some time to recover, but when they did, Professor Kumi licked her lips again. “Ara-ara~ Time for round two already?” she said. She’d had a blast that first time; she was certain she’d given him the most enjoyment, with that skilled blowjob. More than that amateur paizuri and the girl that had just let him take her how he pleased, anyway.

“T-This time I won’t be so easily taken…” Satsuki muttered, blushing. It was an act, really. She wanted to be dominated again. Maybe he could order her around some more. Maybe have her borrow one of Megumi’s spare outfits… in any case, she was sure she’d satisfied him the most. It was such a rare thing, to have the opportunity to take someone of higher station, which he surely appreciated.

“I’ll do as ordered, Master, Ojou-sama.” Megumi said. She wasn’t quite as invested in the contest as the others; as long as Master was satisfied, so was she. But she was more than a little pleased to see her Ojou-sama so happy… she wondered if she’d ask for Megumi to take a more active role next time...

“C-Can I go first this time…” Hinata asked gently. I-It wasn’t like she loved his cock that much, but a tit job hadn’t given her enough time to experience it… and she wouldn’t pass out this time. If that tit job had made him cum that much - way more than on the others! - then she had won, so she wanted to be sure she won the next round too!

“Hmmm…” Protagonist-kun said, hand on his chin as he thought about it. “Say, could I get you girls’ help with a project of mine?” he asked. The girls all looked confused, but eager, so he continued. “I want to get as many girls as we can in here. Everyone you think will take you up on it. It’d be so rude of me to keep it to just you girls, when I have so many fans out there… you four are my most special, so I can ask you, can’t I?”

The girls practically climbed over each other to agree. Of course they would help. They each left the door, in their own ways to search for more people for their boyfriend to bed. They didn’t seem to realize they were all still naked and dripping cum from various places - or if they did, they didn’t care.

Protagonist-kun relaxed on the chair. It was good to be the lead.


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