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Another day, another villain to foil, as far as Hikari was concerned. This time, a powerful robot fighter had appeared at the headquarters of a Research and Development firm and was busy downloading data and turning scientists into more robots; corporate espionage had taken a distinctly more physical form in the era of magic and supervillains, was the Magical Girl Association’s guess on motive. No magical girls had been to the scene yet, but it didn’t seem to be making too much progress. “This should be easy! A robot with a laser gun, simple enough to fight.” Hikari said cheerfully.

“Knowing your luck? Anything but.” Izanami said dryly. “I’d like not to be temporarily deleted again like the last time we fought robots, so if you wouldn’t mind, don’t bother holding back.”

“Weren’t you in control then-” Hikari started.

“Doesn’t matter!” The hitch-hiking villainess snapped. She’d really rather not remember that embarrassing incident in more detail than was necessary. So hopefully this would be one of those simple fights rather than one of the usual “supervillain subverting a magical girl” fights.

Hikari landed in front of the office building, which certainly looked like a villain (/villain’s minion) had gone on a rampage. It had been a nice place, before that day; an open floor plan, glass everywhere, some funny motivational posters, a soda fountain - it had the look of a place started up by a younger person, or at least that wanted to look like it was in touch with the younger generations. That wasn’t the case anymore: all the glass windows were shattered, the reception desk had been split in two and overturned, and the rails on the elaborate spiral staircase that was the centerpiece of the lobby had been used as bludgeons. Someone had wanted to make an impression.

There was no time to waste gawking, as Hikari could already hear the people inside and the crashes and bangs of the robot at work. She dashed up the stairs to the next floor, and found the culprit already going at it, blasting anything that looked vaguely expensive. A silver, humanoid and androgynous shape, composed of dozens of interlocking plates, firing magic-lasers from it’s fingertips. It was just finishing up a new minion, one of the office workers - turned into a rather attractive gynoid, standing at attention.

“Hey! You! Leave these people alone, why don’t you!?” Hikari shouted, bearing her staff and already charging a magical blast.

Izanami felt something was odd, though. If this was espionage, they weren’t exactly looking to take anything; it didn’t line up with the assumed motive. If they just wanted minions, they could go anywhere in the city. So what was the goal then? Vengeance? Or… Izanami got the sense all they’d wanted was a very visible target, and they’d certainly picked that out right. She sighed - this was probably another trap.

The robot, as it turned out, didn’t put up much of a fight. It managed to dodge a big last (which put a bit of a hole in the wall; Hikari was glad the MGA would take care of that), it shot back at her and made her move. But Hikari was fairly certain it wasn’t really cut out to fight magical girls. Even Natsuki probably could have taken it if she got the drop on it. It’s creator must have been overconfident. It would hardly be the first time.

Another blast as the robot attacked ended it. Hikari’s magical blast completely swallowed her opponent’s beam, and went on it’s merry way to impact. There was a clang and crash as the robot was hit so hard it flew to pieces, plates tossed every which way as an unstoppable force met an immovable but very breakable object.

“See, Izanami? Easy.” Hikari said, kicking one of the plates aside. It was always nice fighting constructs. She didn’t have to worry so much about doing permanent damage.

“Mmhm. You see those plates moving, right?”

Hikari had been pulling out her phone to report in, but she noticed it as Izanami pointed it out - The armored plates were shifting moving across the ground and towards Hikari.

Hikari yelped as they flew off the ground and flew into her. The first was one of the chest plates, which she tried to pry off of herself but found herself unable to do. It started to glow a soft blue, and Hikari suddenly felt woozy. She stumbled, as more and more plates started to throw themselves on her, covering her piece by piece.

She tried to fight them off, to pull free or get out of their range but they followed her and kept attaching themselves. She tried to use magic, but as she tried she felt oddly drained. She couldn’t do much to dispel the feeling as plate by plate, the plates that had made up the robot attached themselves to her, shoving themselves against her body.

It covered her chest first, clinging to her breasts and making them look bigger than they usually did. Plates covered her legs and arms, and wherever the plates touched she could tell her clothes were dissolving. Even her face was covered, leaving her blind.

Once the plates were sticking, they began to shift, molding to her figure and smoothing out. The plates began to knit themselves back together, with HIkari inside,circuits and wires reconnecting and metal flowing to meet metal, as Hikari was completely covered. She was left standing still, a metallic sculpture of a magical girl. Izanami sighed - the robot had turned out to be a trap. And she could feel it draining their magic for power.

Hikari struggled, but was unable to move, weakened by the drain as she was. She suddenly seized up, as electric shocks shot into her mind. “Ah! My first victim!” a voice that sounded like it came from everywhere said. “Welcome to my army of magical-girl powered robots, my lovely little slave. As I’m sure you can tell, this robot is quite special. It’s made to entrap fighters like you and take your power for it’s own. Don’t worry though - soon enough, once you’re done being reprogrammed, you’ll be the robot…”

Izanami sighed, prepared for another however-long of being a hitchhiker unable to take over for her own turn at best, or subsumed into Hikari-bot for however long until she was recovered at worst; it was always weird how the brain-affecting stuff worked with their little pairing. But then she noticed a pull herself - she was being pulled the same way as the magic being drained from Hikari. She wondered if…

Tuning out the mad scientist’s ranting, she let the robot have some of her power. Maybe a bit more than it could handle. As Hikari jerked and shuddered as she was reprogrammed into what was effectively a battery for the robot, Izanami was busy testing out how integrated the magical draining was into the robot’s systems; as it turned out, very. In her mind, Izanami grinned.

As Hikari and the villain continued their ‘exchange’, Izanami let the robot suck more and more of her own magic, and used it to dominate it’s systems. The AI inside of it put up a fight, as Izanami invaded, but not all that much of one - soon, she was in control. And that meant she could mold it to her whims. She’d be getting her turn in control after all…

The shape wasn’t quite right for her, so she decided to fix it up a bit. Under her direction, her temporary body shifted. The bust grew a bit larger, the silver “hair” grew long and a nice little crown formed on her head. She adjusted it’s figure to her tastes, and caused swathes of the silvery skin to turn black and red to fit her preferred style, looking almost like a kimono painted on her body. Even it’s face shifted, going from a facsimile of Hikari’s to a more mature face, more in line with what Izanami’s old body had looked like.

Hikari was still inside of her, being brainwashed into a loyal drone - that wouldn’t do. “Stop talking. You’re irritating.” she said to the open air - or more specifically, the villain who’d created her body.

“E-Excuse me? What do you think you’re doing, Unit 00-” The villain over the comms stammered, and Izanami felt the effort to use a control switch. Good she’d already gotten rid of that.

“Izanami. I decided that since you seemed intent on taking my host as yours, it was only fair that I take your robot as mine.” Izanami said. She checked inside of herself, finding Hikari in a blank-eyed daze as her reprogramming was interrupted. Just as well. “Anyway. Wait for me. I think you’d make a wonderful servant.”

She forcefully cut the connection from the villain, and grinned. She felt really nice - she could get used to this. She could feel where the transmission had come from, so she had a target. Jumping out the window and onto the street, she started moving towards it. Maybe she’d have Natsuki meet her there so she could get her good and transformed quickly...

“Mistress! I was waiting for you, just like you said~” Natsuki giggled as she saw the robot-woman approach. Even in that silvery color, a devoted minion like her could recognize her mistress anywhere!

Izanami nodded to her. “You didn’t have to go to the trouble of putting on that outfit if I was going to do it myself.” she said.

Natsuki, being… well, Natsuki, had arrived already fully dressed up for minion-ing. The black and red kimono inscribed with magic, the red face-mask in her hand. Even though Izanami could magically create her usual minion outfit on someone she was changing, and besides that usually modified it to fit whatever she was going for at the time (after all, she liked to keep the theme when taking over from Hikari’s screwups), Natsuki insisted on keeping her “uniform” on hand.

“I know Mistress, but what kind of minion would I be if I didn’t?” Natsuki said. “Ooh, robot again this time, right? This will be even better than last time since you’ll be my mistress still~”

Izanami sighed, but couldn’t fault the enthusiasm. Or, well, others could, if they didn’t plan to make use of it. But for Izanami’s purposes it was nice. She rested a hand on Natsuki’s shoulder. “In any case, no time to waste. The one who initially made this robot body is still in there, and I think they’d make a delightful minion.”

Izanami perused her options, looking through the systems of the magi-tech robot she’d begun to inhabit. She knew it wouldn’t just have that drone-beam or the splitting… there. Natsuki would probably enjoy being a drone, but her loyalty earned something at least marginally more.

Natsuki’s bright smile shifted as the magi-tech nanobots pushed into body, rushing into her and beginning to change her. Unlike Hikari, she put up no resistance - why would she, when it was Mistress transforming her? She let the magic do what it pleased with her body, enjoying the changes as they came.

Starting from where Izanami touched her, her skin began to turn silver. It spread out rapidly across her body, the metallic coloration eagerly replacing her human flesh and melting away her clothes for fuel as it went (Izanami made a mental note to replace her minion outfit. To remind her who’s boss, no other reason).

The change progressed across Natsuki’s body, shifting her proportions to be just a bit more exaggerated as it turned skin to steel. Natsuki felt as good as she ever had despite the sudden change, as her human weaknesses were replaced with mechanical perfection… the change didn’t really do much to her mind, besides a sharpening and quickening of thought from replacing that boring human brain with a magitech computer, but Natsuki’s love for being transformed filled in some of the blanks on it’s own.

Soon it was clear she wasn’t becoming a normal robot, however - she could feel herself hollowing out, her body segmenting into plates. New systems built themselves inside of her, ready to drain an occupant of magic. She felt a small flow of magic from Izanami that continued even as she let go… or rather, from Hikari? Her colors shifted as she received it, gaining the same black-and-red color scheme as Izanami.

The newest mechanical maiden smiled brightly, snapping a salute. “Unit 01, reporting for duty~”

“You can just go with Natsuki.” Izanami said. “A chief minion can have a name.”

“Awww, ok Mistress…” Natsuki pouted a bit, but accepted her Mistress’ words.

Izanami looked over the new minion - she’d been turned into a robot much like the one that had originally grabbed Hikari, which meant to really function she’d need a magical girl to drain. “Minion, would you…”

“Already on it, Mistress~” Natsuki said. She didn’t need to bother taking out a phone as she called. “Hey, Akemi? Could you come over to…” she looked around, and then said the street and building. “Hikari’s having some trouble and said she’d probably need help.” She cut the link, grinning at Izanami. “Akemi’s on the way~”

“Good. Let’s have a welcoming party ready for her, then.” Izanami said, before looking at the hideout ahead.

Upon blowing in the door, Izanami and Natsuki were assaulted by beams from multiple defense turrets set up just for this possibility. They walked through them without a care - after all, what use were robotifying beams against machines?

As they pressed on down into the basement levels, there were more defenses. Drones trying to stop them. More robotifying traps. “You’d think,” Izanami said aloud, as she grabbed one of the drones and converted it to her side, it’s face fading to a red mask. “That they would have had options besides making robots. Villains in this world are so single minded.”

“All the easier to make yours, Mistress~” Natsuki said, as she took down another drone herself.

It wasn’t long before they broke through to the mad scientist’s room. They were waiting there for them, sitting at a console trying to direct defenses. “You- you should be under my control… how are you doing this… a Magical Girl shouldn’t be able to take over like that...?”

“Who said I was a Magical Girl? I’m just borrowing her body.”

“Fascinating… a second soul inside a body, and neither’s overwhelmed the other… but how did that let you take over?” The scientist seemed to have relaxed, now that he had lost, and was instead drawn to the mystery, ”You must have become somehow… part of her magic. It’s the only explanation, and it doesn’t make sense…”

“I have to admit, it is an interesting question. Not one you’ll answer though.” Izanami raised a hand, and a beam of magic lanced out from it and enveloped the mad scientist.

The transformation was nearly instant - while he worked with magitech, the man had no magic of his own and no resistance to speak of. Even Natsuki, also lacking innate magic, spent so much time around Hiari and Izanami that their significant power rubbed off on her a bit in that respect. When the light faded, the good doctor had been replaced with another generic robot drone indistinguishable from the rest beyond a number on her cheek.

“Drone 17, reporting for service, mistress.” the newly minted gynoid said in a smooth machine monotone, saluting sharply.

Izanami nodded with a smile. “Good. Natsuki, prepare yourself - our next guest should be arriving…”

“IZANAMI! I should have known!”

Izanami casually turned to the door, to face a certain belligerent magical girl. “Oh?”

“If Hikari’s having trouble, it must be you! You’re my nemesis, aren’t you? It only makes sense you’d give a rival trouble!” Akemi said. “Just because you brought down a villain too, doesn’t mean you’ll get away with taking civilians!”

“Akemi, I already have. Minion, take her.”

While Akemi had been laser-focused on Izanami, Natsuki had begun to sneak around, split into a hundred tiny plates like the first robot had been when taking Hikari. She was behind Akemi when the magical girl whirled to face her, leaping on top of her and encasing her. “Ehehe… Akemi, good to see you~” she giggled.

“Natsuki- she got you too- ah!” Akemi’s words were cut off as Natsuki activated the magical drain.

“Mistress is so nice… she let me be an important one so I could get you~” Natsuki giggled, playing it up for fun. “Mistress is the best. I think you know that already though~ Or you will soon~ We’ll serve her so good together!”

Natsuki’s words bounced around in Akemi’s mind, already beginning to drain her will as her magic drained. Her body started to stiffen, her skin turning to silver as she was converted into little more than a magic battery. She tried to break out, but Natsuki held closely around her, draining her magic and bombarding her with thoughts of subservience - to Izanami, and to Natsuki.

As Natsuki’s body settled and Akemi’s struggles slackened, her appearance shifted a bit. Her “hair” shortened a good bit, and her torso bulked up until it looked like she was wearing some armor. Even her face shifted a bit, looking like something of a cross between her own and Akemi’s face. “Oh… that’s unexpected… but not bad~” she giggled. “Akemi’s going quiet now, Mistress~ She’s ready to help us do whatever we want~”

Izanami laughed - Akemi was always a bit of a thorn in her side when she changed, if she didn’t get rid of her quickly. The magical girl could actually put up a fight, but was fairly straightforward. So she was glad of the opportunity to put her to good use. “Good. In that case, we’ll use her for all she’s worth. I don’t know how long I can maintain this form, so let’s make the most of it, hm?”