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(NSFW Warning. Need a better name before DA posting tbh.)

Chase Shadwell carefully set down the vent cover and pocketed his tools. The factory blueprints had shown that these vents were the best means of discrete entry, but that wouldn’t mean much if he tossed a big metal grate to the side and alerted the guards downstairs. Peering inside, he saw that it was just as the reports had shown - nice, wide ventilation shaft, easily big enough for him. And far enough down to give him vertigo, but he could get over that. He found a secure place to tie his rope, and started his descent.

This was a bit dramatic compared to the usual detective work. But it was an important cause. For the last several months, a criminal group had been kidnapping people all over the district, making them vanish without a trace. There was no evidence but his own deductions. Some common threads - lonely, isolated people who nobody would miss who had recently attended a club whose affiliations were an open secret. Last sightings were all within a certain distance of this spot. There were reports of workers in nearby factories noticing people coming and going from it, despite the fact it was officially shuttered years prior.

But again, Chase had nothing concrete, nothing that could get him a warrant (at least not from the police in that city, who had even odds of being in some criminal’s pocket or not). So he couldn’t bring this to the police, and most legal avenues would be of no use. He had been left with the single option: Go in, snap some pictures, make it so even the most corrupt officials couldn’t get away with sweeping it under the rug. Irrefutable proof was what he needed.

As he approached the bottom of the shaft, he smelled something - rubber? The shaft hit the bottom, and just where the blueprints had shown was another cover. Peeking out, he saw nothing but a catwalk - no guards or anything. So quietly, carefully, he unscrewed that cover as well, and crawled out of the vent.

The factory floor below was more occupied than the catwalks above it, although thankfully he’d avoided notice so far. Men in dark work clothes went too and fro between strange, softly whirring machines. Chase crouched and moved quietly, trying not to let his foot fall too heavily on the metallic catwalk and alert the assorted minions to his presence. This was definitely evidence of something going on - the factory was supposed to be abandoned, out of order, generally not functioning. And well, it certainly seemed to be running at a decent clip. He snapped a few pictures, evidence that the place wasn’t in fact abandoned.

At the other end of the room, a shutter rose, and a car came in. Chase ducked into a shadow as people stepped out of it and some guards surrounded the car. He watched through the zoomed in lens of his camera, as the men dragged something out of the back seat. Was that… it was, they had dragged a person out of the back seat. Chase itched to go help, but there were a whole lot more of them than there were of him.

The victim seemed to be a tall, blonde woman, clearly unconscious from how she was limply carried out of the truck. He couldn’t hear whatever the men were saying, and wondered what it was they might be doing; what did kidnapping people have to do with this factory? He’d initially thought it might be forced labor, but the people working there didn’t seem all that fussed about it.

Chase watched as the workers brought their newest victim to one of the machines, and to his surprise, pushed her into it. Was this a way of disposing of the body, he wondered? The whirring grew louder, and the machine churned. Some time later, something came out the other end - he took the risk of getting closer…

What came out was barely recognizable as the woman who’d gone in. It was an inanimate object in her shape, with rubbery skin, a wide open O-shaped mouth, and similarly shaped holes where the other holes were supposed to be. It was clearly meant to be a naked woman - and its purpose was equally clear.

The investigator blinked a few times. They’d… turned her into a sex doll. A blow-up sex doll. Well, he probably had all the evidence he needed - something was going down there, and he had to get out before they noticed him-

“Hey, you!”

Chase swore under his breath - someone had come up and was now between him and his escape route. He stood and bolted the other way, the only direction available.

He could hear footsteps behind him, from the sounds of it two or three guards, and he was swiftly running out of catwalk. He chanced a turn to look at what he was facing - and unfortunately for him, that caused him to trip. He stumbled into the railing but couldn’t break his momentum and tumbled over, right into the mouth of one of the machines.

He had the breath knocked out of him as he hit the ground, but as he was scrambling to his feet there was a harsh red light and an alarm blaring as the opening he’d fallen through shut itself. “Material input detected. Beginning procedure.” A robotic voice said.

“What-” Chase grunted, before choking as a gas filled the chamber.

“Step 1: Body shape.” The synthetic voice continued.

As the gas began to dissipate Chase felt something strange. His whole body felt hot, like he was burning up. “L-Let me out…” he groaned, trying to raise his voice so they could hear him outside; he’d take his chances. But no rescue came, and he was too distracted to ask for help again soon. He’d felt a harsh tightness in his chest, but it wasn’t until he looked down that he realized the reason - two small mounds were growing at a steady, inexorable pace.

He groaned with discomfort, but that was soon relieved as his budding bosom tore his shirt off, and he opened the coat. He stared blankly at the new set of breasts, unable to comprehend they were attached to him.

The transformation didn’t wait around for him to process it however, instead continuing at a rapid pace. Chase felt himself rise a few inches as his rear end swelled, and squirmed in place as his proportions rearranged themselves. He was a man of a rugged, stocky build no more - his shoulders rapidly slimmed to a delicate and feminine level, he lost some overall height despite longer legs, and he felt his waist and hips shift and change to accommodate new assets.

Chase brushed some hair from his face, blinking with surprise again - when had he let it get so… it was growing, fast, and turning a strawberry blonde color as it did so. Soon it was settling on the ground beneath him, having grown long enough to brush his bottom were he standing.

The man felt a pressure in his crotch, and at this point, he was rightfully worried about what it might be. Pulling off his pants, he was just in time to see what remained of his manhood cease to be something that could be called such - he let out another moan as his internals rearranged themselves to fit the new plumbing, and felt something weird click in their mind; ‘he’ had just become a ‘she’, in mind to go with the body.

Chase had barely had a minute to wrap her head around what had happened - she’d been turned into a woman, dressed in nothing but her trenchcoat - when the machine voice returned. “Step 2: Rendering subject docile.”

A screen dropped from the roof of the machine in front of Chase. She had a moment to wonder what was on it, before it turned on, a white spiral on a pink field whirling. What was this? A hypnosis thing? It wasn’t even… that… alluring… Chase’s jaw slackened as her mind went quiet, as thought ceased. Conscious thought, at least - the screen put thoughts in her head, flashes of scenes of gratuitous sex and those stayed well in her mind. Her freshly made vagina began to drip as she giggled dumbly, the hypnotic machine doing it’s work.

The mental conditioning continued as the machine moved on. “Step 3: Rubberization.” The bored-sounding monotone said. Chase found herself automatically laying back, the images continuing to burn themselves into her mind. Memories of her mission, her old self, were cast aside as irrelevant as a harsh spray came from the ceiling, starting at her feet and working up.

Wherever the spray touched, her skin turned stiff and shiny. She couldn't move the affected limbs anymore, but she didn’t care as it sprayed up her legs. Chase squirmed with pleasure as it sprayed over her wet womanhood, turning it into a nice rubbery hole. She knew damn well what she wanted, or at least what the hypnotic screen made her want: she wanted to be fucked. She wanted to be used. Vivid images of herself being used as a toy for pleasure filled her mind, and her transformation couldn’t come fast enough.

The machine continued to spray her down, turn more and more of her to rubber. Her hips, her bottom, her gut - the spray came from two angles to make sure it had thorough coverage, creeping up her body. Wherever she felt the change, she felt hollow, empty, but not in a bad way. It was clearing away all the unnecessary humanity. She didn’t need anything but a womanly shape and the firmness of her rubber to perform her function.

She felt amazing as her breasts were changed, and made sure to take on the proper expression as it approached her face - a horny, sultry look, befitting the sex doll she was. As her face froze, her hair becoming a synthetic nylon and her body losing much of its weight, even what few thoughts she’d still had slowed to a crawl. She didn’t need a name, an identity, a memory. All she would need was an owner.


The machine opened up, and a man took the new sexdoll out of it. He talked to his coworker a bit in a mocking tone, clearly satisfied with the result, but the words were just noise to the sexdoll now. Processing them would require thinking about more than the next cock inside of her, and that simply wouldn’t do. She could do nothing but eagerly await her owner as she was packaged up.

The detective vanished without a trace. A few days later, a man opened a box and got eagerly to work preparing his new sex doll, the highest quality model on the market.