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King Malcolm Valdora groaned softly as he began to drift to wakefulness. He had always been a heavy sleeper, and he didn’t particularly want to wake up - and if there wasn’t one of the maids rousing him, he probably didn’t have anything important needing his attention. His councilors were competent enough and could handle things without  him for an hour or two more.

He turned over in bed, and that was when he realized it wasn’t his bed. It was comfortable enough, true, but it felt different than the luxurious resting place he had for himself. He snapped awake and found himself looking not at the magnificent ancient tapestries that adorned the king’s bedroom, but at dreary grey stone. He wasn’t in his bedroom - he was pretty sure he wasn’t in his palace at all.

“Finally. You’d sleep through the end of days, wouldn’t you, Malcolm?” A familiar, feminine voice said.

He bolted upright and looked to the source of the voice. Across the room, near the only door, stood a rather frightening pair. A red-skinned demoness with flowing pink hair and a revealing black dress leaned against the wall, smirking at him in a way that was agonizingly familiar.

The demoness had her arm around the waist of a man in long black robes that hung loosely on his body, seeming almost too large for the scrawny young man - Malcolm was pretty sure that he himself was older than whoever it was. Despite his diminutive stature, there was an aura to him that reminded Malcolm of more powerful men… a wizard, then.

“You will identify yourselves, and release me this instant.” Malcolm said, managing to keep his voice from shaking with some effort.

“You don’t seem to understand your position, Malcolm. You're not the one in charge here-” the young man said.

“You will refer to me as King Valdora, or I will have your head. I am a king, and I will have respect where it is owed.” Malcolm snapped.

The man paled, but the demoness gave him a kiss on the cheek and whispered something that Malcolm couldn’t hear. Whatever it was, it seemed to put the backbone back into him. “You will not give orders to Dark Lord Karxon in his own domain. You have no power here, and we have no obligation to give you any measure of respect after your repeated instigation of attempts to end my life and kidnap my Queen. It is by my mercy alone that the imps didn’t end you in your bed.”

“I wanted to just get it over with, myself.” The demoness said, “We may be siblings, but to be blunt, I care more about him than I do you. Lucky for you, my love here is a bit of a softie - of course, that’s part of why I stayed here, so I don’t mind too much.”

Malcolm gaped. The audacity - the threats - in all his reign as King he had never been spoken to like that before - and wait, did she say - “Sibling-”

“Dark Queen Teresa Valdora, never again at your service, Malcolm.” The demoness said. Suddenly, Malcolm could place that expression - namely, place it on the face of his little sister who had vanished two years prior.

“A-Ah… my dear sister, he must have…”

“Corrupted my mind, corrupted my soul, tricked me into thinking he loves me,” Teresa rattled off a list of things that Malcolm had been going to say with the boredom of rote memorization. “Your adventurers have said all of them. The ones that made it to me, anyway. No, no, and no. If he’d come up and asked me to leave, I would have gone - anything would be better than being married off for your political gain, and besides, we hit it off pretty well…” her tail curled affectionately around Karxon’s leg.

“You have two options.” Karxon said. “One is to swear that you will leave us alone. My magic can make certain that you fulfill such an oath, with dire consequences if you don’t. The other is to stay here, and hope that whatever adventurers your regent hires are more competent than the last set.”

The king stared incredulously at them, disbelieving. “I… I would never make a deal with the likes of you!” he shouted.

The Dark Lord sighed, but his Queen smiled viciously. “I was looking forward to that answer. You never could swallow your pride, dear brother. I hope you enjoy your stay~”

The succubus advanced on the king, but he stood unafraid. “Teresa, you will cease this foolishness this instant. I don’t know what foul ideas that sorcerer has put in your head, but you are a princess, not some demonic slut, and you will act that way this-”

Teresa was suddenly very, very close. Malcolm could feel the heat of her body, and she looked him in the eye - and he felt afraid, as her expression had changed from playful and amused to furious. “No. I’m done listening to you. I am done being treated like I’m not even a person. I am your sister, not your property - not that you’ve ever acted otherwise. If Karxon hadn’t pushed for a nicer resolution, you’d end up as a nice statue, or maybe a pretty dress, see how you like being property for a change. But that’d make me as bad as you. You’re lucky.”

The demoness’ golden eyes glowed, and Malcolm was suddenly paralyzed from the neck down. A faint pink mist of magic started to swirl around him as Teresa looked over to her lover. “Karxon, honey, do you mind...? It’s a personal thing, but if it makes you uncomfortable I can hand it off to one of the girls.”

“It’s fine, love, I know how important it is for you.” The Dark Lord said. “I’ll get things ready for when you’re done. Enjoy yourself.”

Teresa leaned over to give him a quick kiss as he passed, leaving the pair alone, before turning her attention back to her captive. “Now then…”

As the two spoke, the magic was already beginning to have an effect - and it was painfully obvious what kind. The Dark Queen was not some generic demoness, after all, but a succubus - Malcolm felt painfully stiff beneath his pants, and bit back a groan. He wouldn’t let her get to him that easily… “What… what are you planning…?”

“Don’t worry. It won’t hurt. I like making my magic enjoyable to experience.” Teresa said with a smile. She ran a hand down his chest, before neatly slicing trousers apart with a surprisingly sharp nail. Malcolm gasped with relief as his throbbing manhood sprang free, turning into a shocked moan as he felt fingers close around it. “You’re going to want to savor this. It’s the last pleasure you’ll get out of the pathetic thing~”

Malcolm couldn’t find a way to respond as he felt Teresa stroke his cock, pulling and fingering and otherwise handling it with a deftness he wouldn’t have thought possible. He was so focused on the pleasure he couldn’t notice the magic swirling around him growing thicker and thicker, or the effect it was having on his body.

The King of Valdora was a strapping young man, with a physique that spoke of long hours of training and exercise. This wouldn’t do. As the succubus had her way with Malcolm’s manhood, he seemed to almost shrink - he was nearly a head taller than his sister, but that difference rapidly decreased until he was at eye level, and then a little bit shorter.

After that, the transformation seemed to spread from around his crotch outwards. His muscular legs and abdominals smoothed, fading away as the magic cleaned his skin of the blemishes and scars of an active lifestyle. His proportions began to shift, his hips and bottom swelling out and his legs taking up more of his height than his torso. His waist narrowed, showing off new, pleasing curves. His shoulders became less broad as his chest began to bud, new modest breasts taking teardrop shape on what was less and less of a man’s body.

His arms followed his legs, losing their muscle and wear and tear, his hands becoming small and dainty. The transformation proceeded up his neck, swallowing up his adam's apple and causing his moans to grow lighter and airier, before continuing right up Malcolm’s face.

He was a handsome man, but it took shockingly few adjustments - a bit of narrowing and rounding of the jaw here, a little shift in the size of his eyes and nose there, some subtle shifts in bone structure, and an undeniably cute face layered with a blush so hot it was nearly the color of Teresa’s skin was revealed. Malcolm’s hair grew out, from short and recently cut down to his shoulders, then further.

If it wasn’t for the penis in Teresa’s dexterous hands, it would be utterly impossible to see the man as such. He waged a futile struggle under her attention, trying not to give in to the pleasure he was feeling as his body was remolded and his manhood lavished with attention - but when a succubus wanted you to feel hot and horny, there wasn’t much you could do about it. “Say goodbye to Little Malcolm~” Teresa said with a grin, as with one final tug the floodgates burst open.

Malcolm’s cock pulsed once, twice, thrice, then out came burst after burst of ejaculate. His feminized body seized up with pleasure as he cried out in a delightfully girly moan. Each pulse of his cock reduced it’s size, shrinking further and further into his body. It didn’t take long at all for him to orgasm it all away, ‘he’ swiftly becoming ‘she’.

As Malcolm tried to catch their breath, Teresa had no intention of letting them gather themselves. She laid a gentle, affectionate kiss on the newly made woman’s forehead, and suddenly Malcolm was thinking of herself as a ‘her’. “G-Get out of my head… and give it back!” She cried out, but it was rather hard to take seriously - a cute girl with a sopping wet pussy and a fierce blush, acting as if she wasn’t enjoying herself.

“Hm. How about instead, I keep going~?” Teresa said, pressing close to the still-paralyzed Malcolm. “Don’t worry. In a bit, you won’t even want it back.”

“O-Of course I wil-AAAH!” Malcolm’s protest morphed into a feminine shriek mid-word as Teresa’s tail whipped around and plunged it into the former man’s newly formed womanhood. Conscious thought suddenly ceased, pleasure crashing over her as her virginity was taken and her pussy played with in ways she’d never imagined.

The change spread from her pussy again, this time a different sort. Her skin turned pink, a wave of color spreading across her flesh. It wasn’t simply blood rushing to the effected portions, but a change to her skin color - and as it roamed her writhing form, it heralded further changes.

As her delightful bubble bottom was covered (being squeezed by Teresa at the time, of course), a tail budded and lashed outwards, thin and reedy but appropriately cute for her form. The pink spread up and up, across her back, where parts of her clothes were shredded by the sudden emergence of leathery bat wings on her back. Teresa pressed close, pushing her breasts against Malcolm’s and further overwhelming her with sensation.

The effect wasn’t just physical, either. Her mind was under an unrelenting assault, the pleasure breaking it down and making it easy for Teresa to reform it to her whims. Why had she been so mad… so hateful…? Why couldn’t she just accept her sister’s choice? She must have been such an awful king…

The changes continued upwards, spreading across Malcolm’s breasts and shoulders and up her face. As it reached her eyes, they took the same black-and-golden color as her sister’s, and as it crested her forehead, thin, cute little cow horns poked out from her hairline. Her mind was reeling, unable to resist Teresa’s influence. Malcolm had been so awful to Teresa - this kind of punishment was less than she deserved. The ambition and manipulation was ripped from her - why had she even wanted to be a ruler anyway? She would be better off in any other job, clearly - she couldn’t handle responsibility, that much was obvious.

Teresa suddenly pushed with her tail, going even deeper into Malcolm, and the newly-minted demoness cried out in pleasure, this time untinged by doubt or anger - she was purely enjoying herself as she made a mess of Teresa’s tail and the floor. She was… so sorry to her sister, and her brother-in-law… she had to make it up to them somehow… perhaps…

The finishing touches came as Malcolm orgasmed her little heart out. Her clothes shifted and changed. While the fabrics were still elaborate and expensive, the style became much..  Simpler. Royal robes were exchanged for a black blouse and a white apron. A crown for a frilled cap. Trouser leggings rose up from her feet and merged, becoming a short little skirt.

With a wet pop, Teresa disengaged from her newly made sister, leaving the demoness breathing heavily. After a few moments of catching her breath, her golden eyes opened - then widened, as she fell to her knees. “Sister… I’m so sorry… I’ve… I’ve done more than I can ever make up for to you, haven’t I…?” she said, holding back tears as memories of past transgressions flooded in.

“That’s right. Malcolm certainly can’t.” Teresa said, crouching down beside the crying woman. “But Malina can start, can’t she? I didn’t decide what you’d end up as, besides a demon girl - the whole maid getup was what your mind came to.”

Malina wiped a few tears. “I… I’m not fit for any kind of rule. I think it’d be best if I was in the background, doing my best to help people more qualified for it. I… I can learn to be a maid. It’s the best I can think of.”

Teresa smiled a bit. She had never, and would never, forgive her brother for what he’d done to her - but her sister, she could maybe learn to love. “I’m sure Karxon will be up for it, then. As your first order, perhaps you should clean up this little mess you made?”

Malina looked down at the residue of her earlier passions, and seemed to invent a new shade of pink as she blushed. “O-Of course, Ter- er, Mistress…”


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