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Lydia might not have been all that invested in her college’s sports scene - she didn’t have much time off, between classes and hero work - but that didn’t mean she couldn’t enjoy the post-game celebrations. She wasn’t too caught up on what game they’d won, exactly, or even which sport it was, but a party was a party.

The collegiate superhero had just arrived at the college hall where ‘official’ parties like the one she was now attending took place. As she opened the door she was hit with a veritable wall of sensation - the heat of many bodies in one place, the amped up music at a volume just below where it would damage the eardrums and the barely-audible conversations beneath it, the sight of dozens of people split into their little social groups.

Lydia drifted to the edges of the room, wishing Brianna had come with her so she’d have someone to to talk with. But unfortunately, her girlfriend had had some prior engagements - her mom had decided that day was family dinner night, so she’d dragged Brianna and Brooke to a nice restaurant downtown, which meant she couldn’t keep Lydia company. She wasn’t too upset about it, though - family obligations and all that.

She’d found her way to a refreshments table and picked up a drink when she noticed something weird. She had a clear line of sight through to roughly the middle of the hall, where the members of the victorious sports team had been congregating when she’d arrived. They were still there, but she almost couldn’t recognize them - the tall, burly men of not twenty minutes prior were gone. Their shoulders were less broad, their waists thicker and their hips narrower, and hair was starting to grow out. She could see them changing, subtly but noticeably, the victims completely oblivious to the transformation progressing with every chug of their booze and sip of soda.

Looking around, it wasn’t just them - everyone who had a drink was transforming, slowly, into voluptuous and curvy women. She set her drink down and looked around. She had her suspicions, although she had no evidence… “Morgan, what did you do this time?” she asked quietly.

“It wasn’t me this time, honest!” A familiar voice whined. One of the women who had been hanging out on the edge of the crowd turned around and walked over to her. As usual, Morgan had the biggest bust in the room, and this time was taking the form of a dark skinned, black haired and mature-looking 30 something. “Honestly it’s kinda frustrating, I had such a nice plan.”

Lydia rolled her eyes, a bit relieved it actually was Morgan so she didn’t look like an idiot for asking that aloud. “Well then, let’s cut to the important part, what’s going on with the drinks?”

“Someone on the other team was a real big sore loser. Snuck in and spiked all the kegs with a potion they got from somewhere. Pretty simple - the non-alcoholic drink gives them the bimbo body, and once they switch to the booze their brains go poof and drip out from between their now really horny legs.” Morgan shrugged. “Honestly, it’s amateurish, I’d have figured it out instantly just from looking at the drinks even if I hadn’t seen them do it.”

“And why, exactly, are you here?” Lydia asked. “And why were you here to see it?”

“Oh, I wanted to do basically the same thing.” Morgan said offhandedly. “I thought it would make for a really great celebration party! But I can hardly do the same thing someone else wanted to do, and I really want to see that amateur alchemist freak out and wonder what they got wrong. Are you feeling like being a rubber sex doll, or more in a plastic sort of mood? Oh, or maybe blow-up! Do you think Brianna has a preference, since I want to hand you to her later? She could get some use out of you in 24 hours.”

Lydia sighed. Morgan had decided to transform people, and so some people would end up transformed now. There was really no use arguing with her at this point - she could go hero-mode and try and stop her, but well, she held no illusions about her odds against Morgan. Morgan wasn’t all that villainous as far as supervillains went, but she was near the top end of the power scale - the effort would be about as impactful as hitting a tornado with a sword. It’d end in Lydia being at best a sex doll along with the rest of the partygoers, more likely something like a new bra or maybe a vibrator she’d pass to Brianna without telling her.

Generally speaking, the only way to get her not to do what she planned was to offer her an idea she found just as fun. “Well, you could do that, and I can’t stop you,” Lydia said, picking up her soda again. She actually would enjoy the physical transformation, but she’d avoid the booze to keep her mind. “Or maybe you could bring Brianna here and do something with her instead? I know how much you love changing her.”

“Oh, that’s a nice idea!” Morgan said. Lydia felt a sudden pressure on her mind, brief but unmistakable. “And you have some nice ones too! I was wondering what to make out of her this time, but you just gave me a good one~”

Morgan snapped her fingers, and in the blink of an eye, the hall shifted form. The center of the hall had changed, a circle a few meters across rising out of the center while those who had been where it was were shoved off to the sides. None of the party-goers freaked out, and Lydia figured two possibilities - either they were already mentally bimbos and didn’t have the smarts left to recognize something was strange, or else Morgan had made them accept it as normal so they wouldn’t freak out. Either way, that problem didn’t hold her attention long. On top of the makeshift stage were a familiar trio…

Brianna blinked in surprise, looking around. One second, she and her family had been having a nice dinner in a nice restaurant, although a bit awkward with Brianna having to duck the subject of her hero work. Perfectly normal, and honestly a nice change of pace to her hectic life.

The next second, she, her sister Brooke, and her mother Amber were standing on a stage surrounded by people, light shining down from somewhere up on the ceiling with no clear source. “What happened?” she asked aloud. “Where…?” she squinted against the harsh light, looking over the sea of people (all of them attractive women, for some reason…) and making out a pair standing at the edge of the crowd. One was familiar - Lydia, her girlfriend, although just a bit curvier than Brianna remembered. The other wasn’t… but for how long she’d known the shapeshifting sorceress, Brianna had developed a knack for recognizing her if she wasn’t specifically trying not to be recognized.

“Ah, that makes sense,” Brooke said beside her, having made the same observation.

“Brianna, Brooke? What’s going-” Amber started to ask what was going on, but was suddenly cut off as something else took up the use of her mouth. The music thumping through the room grew louder, and with it Amber found herself suddenly singing the song it went with. She was hardly a singer, but her voice was smooth and melodious. She didn’t know the words, but they sprang from her lips as easily as if they were carved into her heart.

As their mother suddenly began to sing, Brianna and Brooke found themselves moving as well. They didn’t sing themselves, but they danced, hips swaying and legs moving in a complicated choreography without the intentional input of either woman. Brianna wanted to ask what was happening or at least grumble some about Morgan, but she had no control of her body at that point and that included her mouth.

For a minute, that was all that happened, and Brianna thought she and her family were getting off easy for the night (at least as far as any contact with Morgan went). Of course, with so little control of her body, she couldn’t look down to see her clothes changing, or to either side to see her family following suit.

Amber had dressed casual, and her daughters had done the same, but that wasn’t going to be the case anymore. She seemed to gain a few centimeters of height as her shoes morphed into glittering red high heels. Her socks thinned and rose up her legs, clinging to them as they became sheer stockings. They were quickly hidden as her skirt lengthened, falling to near floor length as it darkened from the white color she’d starter, turning blue and then quickly mixing with red. She couldn’t tell for sure, but she was pretty sure it’s material had changed from simple cotton to silk.

The material and its accompanying color crept up her clothes, as her top merged with the skirt to become a one-piece dress. The portion just above her bust separated from the rest, turning thin and translucent as it was worn more like a veil or cloak than a shirt.

Similar changes went on with Brianna and Brooke’s clothes, becoming red and blue respectively instead of purple - and with a lot shorter skirts, falling only down to the middle of their thighs to avoid getting too in the way of the more acrobatic dance moves.

Brianna had too much experience with Morgan’s handiwork to think all she wanted to do was give the trio pretty dresses while they sang and danced, and that night she was not surprised. She had to wonder what was going on though, as when her hands passed in front of her eyes in the middle of a dance move she noticed flecks of blue on the fingertips.

From the extremities inwards the color crept across all three of the women, their skin turning sapphire blue rapidly. Down their arms and up their legs, quickly covering the core and creeping up the necks. Brianna wasn’t sure what was going on until she felt something weird going on with her hair - namely, she could suddenly feel it all as it bunched up into twintails and got longer, nearly down her back. She couldn’t see it, but she could feel how it merged with the rest of her head, and how the blue spread over it as the hair became indistinguishable from her head, as it became flesh.

Brianna realized what she was when the newly formed head-tails flew in front of her face during a dramatic spinning dance move. For some reason, Morgan had turned her - and looking over to her side, also her mother and sister, also sporting blue skin and head tails - into an alien species from one of her favorite science-fantasy settings; she’d turned them into Twi’leks right out of Star Wars. Morgan must have gotten the idea from Lydia, who was just as much a fan as Brianna was…

“So, what do you think~? I haven’t seen those movies and shows and stuff myself, but you had some pretty detailed thoughts, so I think I did well.” Morgan asked cheerfully.

Lydia looked away from the show, with some difficulty. She was more than a little surprised to see her girlfriend and her family turn into a trio of Twi’leks, but she couldn’t say she disliked the look. “It’s surprising… but not bad, not bad at all. I think she looks really nice like that.” While she’d been watching, she’d finished her drink, now bearing a curvy, sexy body.

Morgan grinned widely. “That’s what I like to hear~ Brianna’s always kinda stuck up about me transforming people, so it’s nice to hear some praise once in a while.”

Lydia nodded. “Glad to help. Say, do you think she’d mind staying like this for a weekend? Having a Twi’lek girlfriend is the sort of fantasy a bunch of star wars fans have had, and I think I’m the first one to get a shot at actually having it.”

“I’m sure she’d be fine with it, she looks like she’s having fun.” Morgan said. “But if you want me to extend it for a weekend, I have a condition. I’m sure you won’t mind if she’s a bit of a bimbo for the weekend too, would you~?”

Lydia crossed her arms in front of her and sighed. She… couldn’t say the idea wasn’t attractive, but… “I… think I’ll have to refuse, then. Brianna hates being turned into a bimbo, and I wouldn’t do that to her intentionally.”

“Oh, it’s fine, it’s fine,” Morgan said. “She only hates the part about losing her smarts. While it’s part of the usual package, I honestly don’t mind leaving them where they are in her case. The important parts are sexy, horny, and ditzy, in that order. Last time I did this she was mostly grumbling about being dumb, I’m pretty sure she liked the rest of it.”

Lydia thought about it for a bit… well, if Brianna would enjoy it, there wasn’t a harm in it, was there? Morgan wasn’t really the type to lie, she said what she thought. “If you honestly think so, then… yeah, let’s go for it, I think we can both enjoy it.”

Morgan clapped her hands together giddily. “Great! And maybe I’ll have some fun with the other two while I’m at it…”

Amber had been shocked to find herself taken out of the family dinner and into a party somewhere else, and had no idea what had caused it. She wasn’t dumb, and Brooke’s comment had made her think it was probably Morgan - and then, she’d started singing! And singing well! That was pleasant, even though she wasn’t in control of herself. She wondered if she could do it again when she was back to normal?

The transformation following that had been equally surprising, but not bad. It was… weird, suddenly being not-human, but it wasn’t the first time she’d been transformed and she was willing to go with it. She wasn’t quite as into Star Wars as her daughters but she’d watched the movies with them and enjoyed them, so being a Twi’lek wasn’t so bad, especially when she got to dress decently instead of in next to nothing like the ones in the movies.

She leaned into the change, the song, deciding not to worry and just enjoy herself. This made the second set of changes nearly seamless, her acceptance streamlining the process. She was a plain woman, something that came across even as a Twi’lek when standing next to her daughters. Far from ugly, but not exactly a supermodel. This was changing, quickly - her breasts swelled, and her hips flared out to give her a sultry sway to her steps as she walked across the stage singing, straining her dress before it adjusted to fit her new proportions. It felt good, she found - she’d hardly noticed the transformation at first, but something about it felt nice, felt right.

She was sexy. She could feel it as her breasts continued to grow, a nice and full teardrop shape without any sagging despite her age. She loved it, as her curves grew deeper, as she felt her face subtly rearrange itself so that, while still clearly recognizable as herself, her features were anything but plain.

And she loved singing. She was a great singer, wasn’t she? The crowd clearly thought so, with how they clapped and cheered for every song. Amber slowly forgot what she’d been doing before. All that mattered was the here and now. She wasn’t being controlled anymore, moving and singing on her own power, belting out the songs with newfound skill and a perfect memory for the lyrics.

She’d been at this singing game for years, hadn’t she? Of course she was skilled. She loved to sing, with her twin daughters as her backup dancers, putting their sexy bodies to use without stooping quite as low as much of their kind did. The dears weren’t that smart, bless them, but so enthusiastic, and while she might not be so into the sorts of stuff they did with their fans, they were adults who could make their own decisions.

The mature, sexy Twi’lek songstress weaved another ballad, completely unaware that minutes before she and her daughters had been human women having a nice dinner. She had always been like this, and so had her daughters…

Brianna, for her part, was more annoyed than anything as her body continued to dance the night away. She didn’t mind the transformation itself, for once - she liked Star Wars and the idea of being turned into a Twi’lek for a bit… well, she didn’t dislike the idea. But as usual, Morgan went and forced it on her.

Still, arguing with a human (probably?) force of nature wasn’t exactly productive. So Brianna did her best to try and enjoy herself and think about how she’d at least get to have some time with her girlfriend when Morgan let her stop dancing. The music continued to pound through the stage and the hall, and her body continued to move without her command. She didn’t at first notice how a new color was overtaking her body, this time spreading from her core outwards.

The pink was at first hidden under her dress, but that changed quickly. Not only was it spreading up her neck and to her shoulders and thighs, the dress itself was changing. It split at the middle into two pieces, the silken thread vanishing into nothing as the top grew tighter and the skirt shorter. Not much at all was covered, and wherever the pink coloring spread, what was covered seemed to almost become less so as her proportions shifted.

Her bust ballooned outwards, straining her newly made top to it’s very limit. The tight garment morphed quickly, remaining tight but adjusting a bit to be more comfortable as it became worn more like a bikini top than a shirt - and covered about as much, the overworked silk covering her nipples and the space around them, and not much else, providing any onlooker with ample cleavage, underboob, and sideboob to delight in.

The extra weight was enough for Brianna to notice - and even if it hadn’t, her bust had expanded enough she couldn’t really look down without seeing it. She groaned internally - was the change not done yet? Her skin was turning pink, and her figure was changing, and her clothes were so skimpy that it was almost more racy than nothing at all. Not that she minded it; showing off her body was a good time, especially for a crowd of ladies as sexy as the one for which she was presently performing…

What was she thinking? She would never think like that normally… Morgan had evidently decided it was around the time for mental changes, she realized. She found herself noticing the changes now, as that pretty pink color spread across her skin, as she felt her bottom expand into a heart-shaped bubble butt. Her skirt didn’t change much more, but it didn’t have to - with her new curvyness, it was far too short to conceal anything, and as her body moved in increasingly elaborate and seductive dance moves she was constantly flashing her audience what was beneath - and the panties she did have barely hid a thing. And she loved that about them, about the whole thing… she was being made so sexy!

The physical change now complete, her mind was quick to go next. What was she doing again? Dancing for this lovely crowd, giving them a panty-soakingly hot show while her mom gave them a nice song. Brianna was moving on her own now, coming up with increasingly more luri- lus… she couldn’t remember the fancy word, lewd, dance moves. The sexy women in front of the stage watched her with cheers and catcalls, and she loved every moment of it, loved their looks of undisguised lust. She was getting more than a little horny herself, with how her hands ran over her womanhood and breasts during some particular moves. She’d have to find someone when the show was over… she and Brooke were always up for a double team, and their lovers always liked to get it on with the bimbo Twi’lek twins.

That’s what she was - a bimbo Twi’lek dancer, working with her mom and sister… she was pretty sure that the private dances they gave after the shows were over did wonders for their popularity…

Lydia watched the trio of Twi’leks finish the last song in the set, getting off the stage to take a break. Amber started offering autographs, and a large group of the watching partygoers took her up on the offer. One of the bimbofied twins - Lydia was pretty sure it was Brooke - was sneaking off to the side with two of the bimbos from the crowd, their plans evident from the way she was touching them. The third was making a beeline for Lydia and Morgan.

Brianna arrived and practically jumped on Lydia, her newly expanded bust squishing against Lydia’s. “Hey, sexy~ You two are looking kinda lonely. Have either of you ever bedded a Twi’lek~?” she asked. “I’m pretty sure I can take you both~”

Lydia blushed fiercely, before looking at Morgan. “...Forgetting something?”

“Oh, right, my bad.” Morgan said. “You sure you don’t want to keep her like that…?”

“Morgan. Deal. I want to talk to my girlfriend, not a bimbo that looks vaguely related.” Lydia said flatly.

Morgan shrugged and snapped her finger. Brianna blinked, and pulled herself away from Lydia, coughing. “Uh… thanks for that, Lydia, sorry for jumping on you like that…”

“It’s fine, I’m just happy to have you here.” Lydia said, leaning in to hug her again, although rather less sexually than the first one, followed by a quick kiss on the lips. “I hope you like the look, since you’re staying like this for the weekend.”

“Oh, it’s actually really fun!” Brianna said, disengaging from the hug. She ran one hand down her bottom and thigh, and the other squeezed her bust a bit. “Yeah, I could get used to this sexy body~ Can I stay like this for like, a couple months? Let’s say until the end of the school year? Maybe get rid of this like… foggy feeling, in my head? It’s kinda hard to focus on anything but sex. Not that I mind too much, ehehe~”

Morgan leaned in, suddenly taking a formal tone. “I think we can reach an arrangement. There’s no scenario here where you get away with just keeping the look and not staying ditzy at least some time - I have my preferences, and I’m the one controlling the transformation.”

Brianna looked confused for a moment, twirling one of her head-tails with a finger while taking some time to work through the big words used - she was, after all, not all there mentally still, even if she wasn’t dumb anymore. “...Ok, right, I think I understand that. Can I maybe like, do this instead of sleeping? It’d be nice to get some more time in the day, and that way you get to have me act all bimbo-y for a long time each day.”

“Hm, closer. I’d say split your time evenly between this sort of state and your usual mind - 8 hours of being a ditzy bimbo, followed by 8 hours of being your normal self. I can make it so you don’t have to sleep. Does this sound acceptable?”

Brianna took another minute to work through that, before nodding. “Yep! I like the sound of that.”

Lydia looked over to the stage for a moment before turning back to Morgan. “What about Amber and Brooke? Are they just going to be for the night, or…?”

“They’ll be like that for as long as Brianna is.” Morgan said. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll make sure there’s no repercussions for the temporary lifestyle change for either of them. Speaking of which, Brianna, you’re going to keep working as a backup dancer for Amber while you’re like this.”

“Of course. It sounds like a lot of fun if I get to do the dance myself instead of being puppeted around.”

“Do I get VIP tickets since I’m her girlfriend?” Lydia asked.

Morgan put a hand on her chin. “I can arrange for it for half of them, if you spend the other half as another backup dancer.”

“Oh, that sounds really nice… I’d love to do some dancing with you, Lydia~” Brianna said, leaning against Lydia.

“If Brianna likes the idea, then you’ve got a deal.” Lydia nodded.

Brianna giggled, and took a few seconds… more like a few minutes… to make out with Lydia before she had an idea. “Oh, oh! Since I’m going to have this sort of Star Wars-y theme for a bit, can I get Jedi powers?”

Morgan grinned. “We’ll talk about it in about a day. I have other plans for you two and everyone else here tonight. First up… do you prefer rubber or plastic?”


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