FEBRUARY 2019 (Patreon)
The February polls are up along with the GIF project poll!
*Remember you can select TWO options for the GIF project. If you only select one, both your votes will go towards it. You can click a selected option to deselect it.
You can also start submitting nominations for March.
And the February stream recordings are uploaded for those interested!
★ CC's layer parenting is great, but god damn does it piss with your ActionScript. I think the test project was a success, but I don't think I'm going to use this functionality with Midna since it's just too big and has too much code in it. Thank god I tried it on something smaller first lmao; I did pick up a few new tricks along the way though, so there's that.
Creme's Easter project will be wrapped up soonish and the large project rotation will go back to Midna and Engine!
★ Fixed the Poll page's queries so they load faster.
★ Archived "big but still being crafted" polls like the old Flash poll are now minimized on load instead of maximized.
★ I want to dump a bunch of the backed up sketches out of the early access gallery box so they're not inflating it, so expect a big purge at some point.
Hhhhhhhblhlb thanks for another month of support, everyone. Onward and upward!