OCTOBER 2018 (Patreon)
You can also start submitting nominations for November.
And the October stream recordings are uploaded for those interested!
A few special notes this month:
- Patreon keeps stopping me from sending out a mass-pm. I'm not sure why, but if it persists I'm gonna have to get crafty with the nomination reminders. Maybe an email from the website that you can toggle on and off?
- By request I've added an archive of all my 2014 source files to the Rewards page. Be aware that 2014 was before I was keeping track of my source files in an organized fashion, so there may be some missing and there may be some weird shit floating around in the dump.
- I can't just AE animate a finished still image - my AE projects are set up in a special way to accommodate animation. Pls stobp requesting finished-image AE stuff lol.
★ I'm running a tad behind schedule at the moment due to Phanty and Jenny's loops; I'll be back up to speed soon enough, but just be aware.
★ Expect an output slowdown during November since I'm going to be spending the majority of it rolling around in Flash's muck.
★ I'm gonna be messing around with the Gallery's database at some point, so if it gets a little kinky for a day or two that's why.
★ Happy Halloween!
Thanks everyone.