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Wew lads:

1.  Okay first things first, stream recordings are up in the Rewards Page!  For you tier 2 people's convenience, I've included an entry that's a bulk of all the source files uploaded this month.

2.  Secondly, the Gallery has been updated!  Amidst other changes on the update list, I've added a quick select tag box as an alternative to the checkboxes, and also the Tier 1 tag will now load anything public with a source file.  If you're a Tier 2/3, remember to check out what's in the non-smart filtered results.

I think it's about stable enough to go into open beta, if you notice any bugs hit me up.

3.  Also reminder that the monthly vote is still happening, so hit that up if you haven't yet.

4.  I'm most likely going to turn pay-upfront on tomorrow so that it won't like, double charge anyone during the month turn over.  I was leaving it off so that if anyone went in and didn't like what they found they would be able to pull out before paying, but now that the gallery exists it's easy to see what you're in for.  All leaving it off now does is invite abuse, which I don't horribly mind, but it's unfair to the actual supporters.

5.  I'm more or less going to turtle up with Flash and AE this month, so be prepared for a bit of a dry spell in the color/gray department.

6.  I've been debating the best way to notify interested parties of when I post new early access or regular stuff to the site.  I've been thinking of scripting up a Discord bot to ping a room on a Discord server whenever that happens, thoughts?

If you have any comments or suggestions for any of this feel free to slide them over.







Thanks for bringing back the source file archives, they're 👌


Do you think we'll be able to sort the gallery rewards by month at some point?


Hi, just upgraded to tier 2. Can I have the password please?


I would also very much like to receive my password


Could I get a password, i just pledge for tier 2.


Pass plz ¨¨¨:)


I would definitely be down for a Discord server, I use it all the time so it wouldn't be too bad! Plus it gives people an outlet to reach out to you a little easier (of course that can be good AND/OR bad, but hey) and other supporters can actually converse on ideas a little easier on something like Discord. &lt;3


password pls :O


Hate to be one of those guys, but I recently pledged and have no idea what the password is.


password plz


I'm new, can you send me the password?


Discord is dope.


Discord is never a bad option


Can you give me the password?

Cream (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-08 20:15:52 I request titile of music. &lt;3 <a href="https://notboogie.com/Pages/Shitpost/Shitpost.htm" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://notboogie.com/Pages/Shitpost/Shitpost.htm</a>
2017-08-20 07:42:49 I request titile of music. <3 <a href="https://notboogie.com/Pages/Shitpost/Shitpost.htm" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://notboogie.com/Pages/Shitpost/Shitpost.htm</a>

I request titile of music. <3 <a href="https://notboogie.com/Pages/Shitpost/Shitpost.htm" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://notboogie.com/Pages/Shitpost/Shitpost.htm</a>


could i get the password?


Could i have the password?