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First off, welcome to all the new people! I'm glad you all enjoyed the extra lewd animation. Hope you enjoy  some of the stuff tucked away here.

As you can see I'm working on a small fluffy fella with large nuts. I know previously I went into a bit of scare mode regarding posting pics, but looking through my last month's posts. I can see it's hell to just click download links and hope you see something nice. Especially for the new folk. So I'm still gonna use the "cryptic descriptions" but post the image previews and hope that's enough to deter the big  guys.

Now I was thinking of what else I could do for you guys. I've also been kinda of wanting to try podcasting lately. So I figured a q&a style thing, mixed in with some of my own ramblings might be kind of neat. Let me know if you think that's cool or not. Feel free to send questions here or DMs. The responses will likely be in a video/audio posted on youtube and/or twitter so if you wish to remain anonymous please say so when asking. Will likely record in a week unless a bunch of ya tell me this is a dumb idea.


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