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Speaking of rare balloons.... 

Yes Q24 might be rare, RCR yeah but CTI 22 ? Now, this is rarest of the uncommon balloons... (don't check ebay)

And ! Mr Loonerwiki lent me one of his beloved Punch Balloon so I can try it. (thanks !)

PS : never lend me balloons  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                             ^  Above : I can't read English anyway 

So I tried to inflate it to the size of 24 inches since it looks like a 24. Let's see chat happens :p


And then, for the sheer pleasure of another friend, a BTP session with a looot of fails :p


And finally  a good reason why I love the O45 so much


I could send this one back to Mr Wiki but I'd rather not for ... reasons  :D

Have fun my looner friends ♥




Thanks a ton, Luka! Looner content = best content

Andy Nitka

Yeahhh... Mr. LW is not getting that O-45 back... Ever!


Eh bien Luka j'ai envie de te dire tu ne manque pas d'air XD