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I wanted to do a related post about this but apparently I ate the wrong amount of tuna sashimi and  spent a little quality time in my bed :D (all fine now but time to get back at work again...  Life of a vocaloid is hard >_<)

Anyway, I wish you all a happy new year filled with overinflated balloons (riddden by cute dolls), expanding chests and booties, boinky inflatables, shinned latexes, well-filled blue jeans, creaky puffy downjackets, high heel and chunky soled shoes, cute feet, tight spandex, etc .... etc ...

Anything that you will find on this Patreon page in  2020.

Well, I do not have any "year end themed" video to share, so (with the permission of the commissioner), I'll share that one for looners (beware popping) :-) 

Have fun !





Fking love u x2


I was waiting anxiously &lt;3


Happy new year, Luka! I love you and hope your 2020 is great!


Happy new year! Hope you feel better, the world balance depends on you, else it would be grey and boring.


It's a huuuuuuge air tank in the basement. Tubes are running in the walls of my house (for now )


Balloons are a must for any good party!

John L

I hope to see a new video with that outfit on! also more boob play! ;)