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So so so .....

I was introduced to E-stim by Boundinlatex last year, just before the UK Christmas meet.

Yes yes, you must remember this magic chair :


See the wires now ?


Well, I enjoyed the experience and got the same box, a bunch of electrodes for the front and the back ^_^;;.

And then ....I had to figure out what would happen if I were dumb enough to turn the thing nearly at the max and play with balloons and one of the most noisy outfit possible ?

So let's discover together what happens when you wire up a vocaloid ?

Spoiler : it was messy !


To know more about E-Stim (I was inane just some months ago ), you can find some tutorial here and there.

The best for the bucks seems to be DGLabs "Coyote" (https://www.dungeon-lab.com/home.php) you can discover the "joys" of E-Stim for 100 usd.

I suggest you wire up yourself and play this nice video and "suffer" in concert with me :D

Please tell me if you experience it that way !




looks like you had a lot of fun. i love the cute sounds. <3 i am glad you are well. and of course i like the biggest loon here <3 (one day YOU will be the biggest loon haha)


Désolé, désolé, je sais que je suis marié. Désolé de vous l'avoir demandé, ma dame, Luka. Quelle a été votre réaction ? 3:01 à 3:27 Ma femme n'a pas entendu parler d'un E-Stim, elle l'essaie et elle s'est inquiétée pour vous lorsque vous avez levé le poing vers la bouche. Encore une fois, quelle a été votre réaction à ce sujet ?


What a fun an unique way to use a toy. Im sure popping those balloons felt amazing in more ways than one❤


I can’t encourage more ppl to try e-stim. For looners, there is even this little cherry on top of the cake with the microphone trick ;-)


I ll redo another session soon if people find it interesting ^^ I wish watchers could do the same and « feel » the video at the same time !


Sorry if i may asked you my lady. How exactly do i « feel » from watching the whole video at the same time ? Its not bad what you made actually, i enjoyed it even my wife, she enjoyed it too.