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Sorry for being late on requests! I finished moving on the 27th and then had to go to MFF on the 29th, but now I am back!

I wont be able to do a stream for these since I will have to work on them while I'm on another short trip this weekend, BUT they will be finished in a timely fashion

This time for requests i have TWO options, you can ask for a regular sketch ORRRR you can ask for a little holiday icon thingy, which will have color! Just comment below which one you would like along with a ref and short desc! As usual i will be choosing four of them! 




Id love him either absolutely massive, mountain esc,, just towering,, Or id love a silly little christmas pfp, you can throw like a little santa hat on him or something while hes looking all jolly,, maybe chunked up face too,,, all completely up to you!! https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/tjwep063cxfcvud5sxej2/h?rlkey=1sqioxfbptlek9lkh2en2uhrm&dl=0


I’d love to see Ribsy with a christmas hat and with some egg nog ^^ …or just a regular sketch for anything! https://www.furaffinity.net/view/50805712/