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**UPDATE** Still dealing with maintenance on my furnace, which means i cant stream today! I am still going to be working on them off stream and will have them posted up tomorrow! Thank you and sorry again <3 

Sorry for the late stream for January! Things have been crazy since ANE and my furnace broke so I gotta wait around for it to get fixed. BUT There will still be another request stream at the end of the month for feb as well! 

Taking at least 4 requests! Please comment with a ref and short description!

Also a reminder that you do NOT have to be in stream to have your idea chosen!

Will be streaming in the afternoon, probably closer to 12-1pm EST




https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1941c9Fa7pAv9mUd-N-L1iiLfUULev81c Winter time has rolled in, so my winter stoat gal is trying to pack on the pounds! Unfortunately, guzzling jugs of addicting protein shakes every day seems to be doing a bit too much work to her once-lithe frame. She's struggling to fit into her old winter coat and once-baggy blue jeans – instead her gut fluffy is spilling over her waistband and her breasts are just barely contained by her struggling bra. One paw is desperately holding up her bulging jeans while the other is clinging to her last shake of the day, shoveling it down her much flabbier stoat neck.


Mocha grabbing her belly, making a heart shape out of all of her chub. https://www.dropbox.com/s/c4jltuj9lfaz3p7/mocharef%20%281%29.png?dl=0


Big guy, sporting a hefty package between his legs thats tearing through his underpants, but same time he's sporting a pair of leaky milk filled jugs. All huffy and caught off guard by them https://www.dropbox.com/s/tbgxf8vp10rz0zd/Kenny_commission%20%20%285%29.png?dl=0