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Hey everybody! sorry for being so absent this month! At the beginning of december i was at MFF, then a week after that i went full throttle in searching for a house for me and my 3 amazing roomates, and im glad to announce we were finally approved for one after almost 4 months of searching, applying, searching, applying. After that my boyfriend flew in to visit me for a little bit and he just left yesterday. So before christmas im gonna get as much as i can done, and ill be taking instreams as well. Then after christmas is finishing up any last commission work, some patreon stuff, AND PACKING. I get my keys to the house on the 31st and i plan on moving all my stuff in a week after. Thank you all for your patience and i ask that you please give me a little time to catch up on stuff, thank you so much again! I'm gonna find a way to make it up to yall, your support has been more than anything i could ever ask for ;;;_;;;

also here is a pic of the house!: https://twitter.com/FeatherHoodie/status/1075168273514315777



Congrats on finding the house! I’m glad things are starting to shake out, and I’ll certainly be excited to see more of your art!


Congrats on getting the house!! And of course take as much time as you need to settle back in. Cant wait to catch your streams again. Love watching your art being done!