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I've been so nervous to share this with you all, as every day I keep going back to it and changing small lines here and there. 95% feels right as a lot of the ideas feel solidified in my head, and now it's mostly the small bits, or trim that feel left to do. It READS like too much, but there's a lot of panel or pose description in here. The reality is, that I think the 3/4 location changes will eat space, but the scenes in those locations are actually pretty short and punchy. Hopefully, it'll all flow and not be a million pages. I want it to land somewhere under the 30 page mark. 

As an update - I'm about 50% done on the pencils of the last page of the QNA - been stalling a bit to try and get this script feeling ready for show-and-tell!

Some thanks to Otterly, Diego, Ricochet, and a few more anonymous friends for their reads and notes!

Nervvvvvvvous! But here GOES.

Needless to say but HELLA SPOILERS AHEAD

Title: Nick Caged

Scene 1 at Judy and Nick's Home in the bedroom half-clothed.

Sound Effect - ‘Click!’

We see a triumphant Judy pull away in front of Nick. Pleased as can be.

She looks upon her devious handy work.

J - There we go, Snug as a Bug! How’s the fit, Slick?

N - Tight… but… good. Cozy?! This might be it!

J - Knew it! I told you the smaller ones were too ambitious.

N - Fine. You were right, as ever, Fluff.

J - And yet, it never gets old.

N - How does it look?

J - Good, like, really good. …It’s kinda making me want to bully you.

N- Ha, don’t tease.

J- No, really! I’m getting a real urge to call you a “wimp” and fuck every other fox in front of you.

N- gulp- Oh, wow, okay, hot.

J - So I think it’s the right one.

N- I’d say.

Judy stands up - we’ve yet to see the cage - and instead, the camera teases the reader and still refuses to show it for a while.

J pockets the key. Nick finishes dressing.

J - You know, I always knew I’d be the one to lock you up.

N playfully blushing; Ha! And I always knew I’d end up in a cage!

She shows herself off.
J - And how am I looking?

N - Stunning.

J - Fuckable?

N - Ah. Yeah.

J- Good. Let’s go, I don’t want to be late …wimp ;D.

A camera montage of them leaving and getting onto the Monorail/tram. A panel or two of the two of them standing and Judy looking at his groin, and then elbow-nudges him with a big grin, making him blush.

If there's space maybe a tiny bit of dialogue:

J - Nick! Be careful how you stand. People are starting to notice.

N - What-! Ugh. Funny, Hopps.

J snickering - No one can tell, you lug.

N- I can’t believe we’re doing this, it’s so wild.

J - I don’t know. Doesn’t seem too wild for you, Mr. Wilde. Feels… right. And (whispers) it’s really doing it for me… like, a lot. (normal voice) I am so proud of you.

N - Thanks, hon. Honestly, I’m nervous!

J - I bet! But it wouldn’t be any fun if it was easy!

They arrive outside of a door. Or are approaching the apartment in an elevator or stairs? Judy knocks and looks at Nick, maybe holding his hand.

J - Deep breath. Remember, I love you and we get to stop any time. So have fun with it. I know I will.

The door opens and there is Owen. Dressed casually? Semi-casual?

Judy goes up to him on her tiptoes to kiss him

J - Owen!!!! she kisses him on the cheek

O - Hello you! Damn, you are a snack. Careful now, girl, you’ll give me ideas!

J - Giggle, I missed you!

O - I know, I’m sorry I had to cancel this week. Come on in. Make yourselves comfy. George is out all weekend, so we have the place to ourselves!

Judy stays all wrapped up in Owen’s arms, they walk in, and Nick takes off his coat and hangs it up.

O - Drinks?

N - Any beers?

O - Help yourself. Jude?

J - Nick, honey, grab me some fancy water?

N- Sure thing, cotton tail.

As Nick turns back around he sees they’ve moved to the couch. Owen sitting and Judy is cuddling up next to him. A pause panel without dialogue, or one where we see them chatting in small talk about their respective week, as he lays eyes on a very couple-looking couple. If there's time, maybe a reaction shot from him melting a bit. He takes a breath and approaches and they look up at him. Or they’re making out softly on the couch?

Nick saunters over and puts the drinks down, but before he sits:

J - So…

The camera rests on Judy, who’s looking up at Owen as she touches his chest/mane/arm.

J - We’ve got news for you. Guess who’s caged.

O- !!! For real!? Already? Haw, that’s a hell of a lot sooner than I was expecting.

J- Mm-hmm. I mean, after you told us to start measuring, shopping, finding the right fit…

It was all we could think about.

O- And?

N- Ah, fits like a glove.

O - Show me.

N - Heh. Buy a boy a drink first.

O - Zip it. You got your beer. Now strip, cuck.

N - Oh, ah, yeah, okay.

Nick takes off his top, and Owen leans forward on the end of the couch.

O - Don’t fuck around, pup. All of it, now.

Nick strips off completely and stands nervously in front of a clothed Owen and Judy, he’s awkwardly stood, maybe covering up a tad.

O - For fuck sake, it’s like he wants to be punished. Nick, hands behind your back or I’ll tie them up.

J - giggle.

Finally, we see the cage in all its glory.

O - Whoa. Would you look at that? Lovely. Really wanted to be my lil chaste cuck, eh? Any regrets yet?

N - Maybe. Yes? No?!

O - Sure, well, we’ll work on that. Keys?

J hands him a key - Here you go! We’ve got two more at home.

O pockets the key or puts it down - Good, good. I’ll keep this one.

He reaches out to extend a claw, running his fingers down the sheath and balls.

O - Stay still. My claws are sharp.

O - So small and adorable. Very pretty.

His nail taps on the metal of the cage.

O- Feel that?

N- Feel what?

O- Mm!

Owen leans back, with a contended sigh, and looks at Judy with a smile.

Maybe a:

O - You did good pet, here, you’ve earned some cock I think. Help yourself!

She leans over and falls into his lap unbuckling his pants with a bit of a rush.

O - ah haha, so eager!

... So, cuck, I’m betting our sweet Judy didn’t tell you about this next part eh? A while back we both decided on some changes that go with the cage!

Us three, our little pack, we’re upping the game again.

Don’t be too surprised, I mean, you’ve only got yourself to blame. I had expected it to take a while longer for you to find the right cage.

BUT, a big new step like this comes with big new rules!

Owen’s free hand has snaked its way down her backside, where her skirt is riding up, revealing some black sheer underwear holding a sizeable butt plug in place. As he monologues a bit she frees his growing cock and swallows the whole thing up, she’s pointedly ignoring Nick while doing so.

O - Mmfff, what a good girl. We like ‘rules’ don’t we, lil buddy?

Nick: Y-Yeah. Yes. We do.

O - Then you’ll love this.

Judy is pushing back into Owen’s fingers as she struggles with his growing cock. Maybe his fingers find the plug and press on it eliciting a moan. Maybe he grins when he finds the plug.

O - Right, so, whenever Judy and I are together, you wear that cage. Not just once, not just on occasion, but every single time. From now on, when I’m around, you don’t get to have a cock. Fun right? Now we can all focus on the only cock in the room that’s worth a damn, without getting distracted by that lil’ pee shooter of yours.

N- oh what… Fuck.

Judy comes up for air, her face a mess:

J - You say ‘thank you’, Nick.

N - I mean, Thank you?!…

O- Mmhm, Sure thing cuck.

O looks down at Judy just wagging her butt and drooling at his dick.

O - I’m not depriving you, am I? You won’t miss Nick’s little husband dick, will you? Honest now.

J bites her lip - …No… I - I think it’s better off in a cage.

O gives the top of her head a kiss and stands up.

O - isn’t it just!

His cock pointedly whaps against Nick.

N - Fuck.

One hand goes onto Nick’s chest, and he uses his other hand to wipe his cock against Nick’s belly, This could last a moment -  as he makes Nick keenly aware that his cock is there, hard, and Nick’s is in a cage. Maybe he just grins and makes eye contact with the shrinking cuck. Judy grins from behind.

Owen gently pushes him onto the couch.

O - Down you go, loser.

Owen picks Judy up and puts her facing cow-girl-style into Nick’s lap.

O - And up you come, beautiful.

O - Here, hold this, keep her spread for me.

Owen Kneels in front of them both. Judy’s legs spread and skirt riding high, her underwear and plug still on/in. Beneath that too is Nick's caged cock

O - What a fucking sight.

J - Ah… it’s - it’s just for you.

O presses on the butt plug.

O - I noticed this little surprise.

J - Mff! Do you like it?

O - I do. Such a good girl, you spoil me. Keep this up and one day you’ll stretch big enough to let me in there, eh?

J - Ah, I’m trying <3

Owen pulls her panties to the side and starts a long lick. She Eeps/gasps/melts in reaction.

O - Regretful now, cuck? Ha. It’s fine, you ought to be! Just, ah-

O thumbs the side of Nick’s leg, maybe his noes boops Nick's balls.

O - You tell me the day it ever gets too much and you need a helping hand eh? You know, I’ll be more than happy to introduce you to a real cock. Beg and I’d be happy to rut a load out of you.

N - I don’t- I mean I - sometimes-

O - haha, no pressure cuck.

J- Omg I would do anything to see t– Ah! ffff

In between licks and slurps:

J- ah- feels so good…

O - So. I’m also gonna text you a schedule that goes with the cage and I’ll expect you to stick to it.

N underneath a squirming Judy - Schedule?

O- Don’t seem too surprised. ‘Fuck me up’, right?

Owen is resting his head against Judy’s thigh as he thumb fucks her idly - she’s sopping wet, and easily takes him to the knuckle.

O - You’ll gonna wear that cage every time I’m with Judy. And then, more in-between.

O - It’ll be like a second skin and, one day, a permanent part of your body.

Nick's eyes go wide

N - P-permenant?!

O - Uhuh, it must’ve crossed your mind when you’re trying on all those cages. We all want it. You are now on the path to full and permanent chastity, cuck. A happy, but soon-to-be pussy-free-loser-cuck to his well-fucked and happy wife. Sounds good doesn’t it?

N - I- Gods- Jude, that’s so -

Judy is side looking at her husband, finally seeing him, maybe she kisses him on the cheek she’s beaming.

J - Say, ‘Thank you’, Nick.

N gulps

Owen pulls her panties off. She whimpers in anticipation, as she looks up at him

O - She won’t save you, bud. She might not say it as much, but she gets off on this just as much as we do! Butttt- don’t panic, there’s no rush. This is just the first in many small steps. By the time you get there, I promise, you’ll be begging for it … And you can bail, safe word; yaddie-yadda, anytime. Your pace…

Owen looks at the panties in his hands.

N whispers in a subsiding panic - I- I yeah I- Thank you.

O- Fuck you’re so pathetic! I love it, and you are very welcome!

O- Such a hot, wet mess! Was any of this for your husband?

J - Ah, no.

O - Course not! What a pair you two make. Here, close your maw, cuckie…

Owen takes the panties and puts it around Nick’s mouth keeping his snoot closed.

O - Atta boy. You can think about your future while you wear this, eh? It’s all you’ll fucking get from now on. Scraps.

J is squirming under Owen as he fingers her during the action - Ahh, ah - and what about me? ah.. .ah… any Rules for me?

O - Mmm, feeling left out? Let me see. You did - mmf-  such a good job…

If there's space add:

O - Line me up.

Nick reaches down to put Owens’ cock in.

O- Fuck, you’re so hot-

J - Ah ah ah..

His cock sinks into her, and she moans, slowly his balls press up against Nick’s.

J - Omg, this coooooock….

O  Happy Siggggh.- Let’s see. It couldn’t have been easy, locking your husband’s cock away. But, ah. It’s really only half the job.

O stars down at Nick, as he talks to Judy, squashed between them, with a toothy sinister look to him

O - This is my pussy. My rabbit.

J- Yes, Fuck yes! I’m yours!! All your’s -Ah!

O - And I wouldn’t want to leave it wanting. With your cuck locked away longer and longer, I think - grunt- we should see each other more often, don’t you?

Judy is just eyes rolled up or starting down at this cock filling her up

J - Oh fuck oh fff-

O - Here’s a Rule for you prey. How about, any time you get horny or wet? You text me.

J - Mpph, but, that’s like- all the time. I- Oh fuck…

O - Yeah. I know. And from now on we fuck all the time. A bit base, I know! But unlike your cuck I can- augh-… Fuck -I can satisfy a rabbit. I’m about to be your new primary sexual partner, time you acted like it.

J - ugh oh fuck, oh fuck…

Owen pulls out, wet pussy drool drips out of her onto Nick

J - Ah, noooo. Why did you stop??

O - Cause the furniture won’t quit wriggling

J - Giggle, maybe you should take me to the bedroom?

O - Good idea. And what about him?

J - Hmmm… I don’t know… He can stay? Watch? Record it? It doesn’t matter just as long as you keep fucking me.

Owen wipes his cock off on Nick’s sheath.

O- You heard her, we’ll be busy for a few hours. Entertain yourself.

Owen gives the top of Nick's snoot/head a long tongue lick/kiss, surprising Nick.

O- ‘Fucking Cuck. <3’

He gets up and pulls Judy onto his shoulder. He starts walking toward the bedroom.

Fuck drunk Judy waves good by to Nick or is giving him a wave and a wink or a ;p face?

As he walks away O - Let’s see if we can’t fuck that plug out of you-

J- Yessss.

They disappear into the bedroom, as Nick touches all the wetness on his crotch, or takes off the wet panties around his snoot, there’s a focus on his caged cock. He’s a mess!

N- fuckkkkk. I-  Fuck… fuck fucccccccck. <3

It fades and we see all three on the bed, post-sex. Nick's face is gooey from a cleanup, and Judy's all scratched up? maybe in some restraints and a collar/leash tied to the bed with ropes of cum across her belly.

O - …How was that? Too mean?

J - Are you kidding it was so good, just right! I think… Honey?

N - Intense… but I loved it. Thank you both.

O - Yeah? It’s gotta sting a bit tho!? I won’t lie, ordering you to be a full-time chastity cuck, fucking gets me going, but I dunno, all for fun, yeah? It’s ok if that doesn’t happen. Just… whatever you’re down to play with boss.

N - I know, and, yeah. I get it, thank you. I have all kinds of strong feelings about it. But, I don’t know, it feels exciting? For right now? Maybe? Haha, maybe I’m still too turned on to make decisions…

J- What’s there for you to decide hon? Owen and I already laid it out…

N- ah fuckkk ah

J - hehe ;D Maybe you’d have liked it if we’d been meaner? But I was pretty distracted…

N - You did great! I felt very… denied <3

O - Haw, meaner, huh? We could work on that. You feeling ready for round two?

J- Always!!!

O - Good. How about you send your useless cuck home then?

J- Ah, fuckkkk haha, YES. Nick. Be a good puppy and head on home. I’m going to stay here in Owen’s bed, a while longer…

O - Meaner Judy, meaner!

J- -...I need a real fox with a real cock, to breed me. Cage stays on, okay? No cheating and maybe I’ll reward you with a mess to clean up later or something… and remember, I love you, I really do, even when I’m tied to another fox. <33333

O rolls on top of Judy (maybe passing his blunt to Nick to get rid of).

N- Nhg, fuck! I love you guys...

O- Haha, love you too bud, now. Fuck off, cuck!

J- giggle fuck off Nick!.

MAYBE finish with exact same panel of monorail but it's later in the day and it’s just Nick with a disheveled look and grin as he goes home solo.


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You’ve been holding off for this chapter for a long while now, and it’s looking damn good. Looks like you’ve got it all lined up. Curious about that 5% left, seems pretty heavy already.


I keep changing little bits here and there when I'm drinking my morning coffee. AND even then after that, things change as I start to lay things out and hits the page; I try to make word balloons circular, so some words get moved or lines pulled for space. '95% script' is in keeping with the fact that there's gonna be some after-touch!


This sounds so awesome, I can't wait!