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Okay... I mayyyyy have gone too hard on this hahah. But, I've been having so much fun drawing up the bunny burrow backgrounds =D

Not much left to do on this page - just need to do all the extra's and then bring it all into photoshop. A few more afternoons of work!

LMK what you think!? I sort of miss the propped-up-Judy I was thinking of using, here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/93855788 So there's a small chance I go flat her out and make it a stand-alone image? I think she's just too cute. But also don't want to get too distracted. 


Patreon sometimes shrinks images, so check the attachments for the higher-res images!


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king fox

how many buns


I really like the amount of detail you spend on the background characters as well as the main characters. Most would blur them or something like that.