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I know I mentioned that I overdrew this page, when I posted the pencils last week. But friggin hell did I overdraw it. I spent this weekend finishing up the picture, and as I was bringing it all into Photoshop yesterday I was realizing just how much art I was gonna have to crop out to squeeze it all into the page. Fingers crossed I'll have some fun single panels tomorrow/Wednesday to share though!

There's a strange frustration I have with that yellow-hued background - I really wanted something that would make this flash-back scene feel like it wasn't in the blue-present-moment with Judy who's answering her questions. And on the previous page, I thought the yellows really balanced out the blue opening panel. But on a stand-alone page like this one, having it be ALL yellow just frustrates my eye! I don't think there's too much to think about our do about it: I think I'll forever be a bit frustrated with the hues and balances; our characters are just such a mix of hues that it's always so hard to get them to pop out against something in a pleasing way. Somebody is always blending into he background somewhere! For the future flash-backs, I'll explore some other colors: I gotta utilize my base-green one of these days; it's a color I love working on top of.

Re the page - what else is there to say - I adore the final panel and the ring drop. So proud of those two! And I lovvvve how hard Judy is leaning in. =D I want that vibe to really come across - she's all in, and ready to try it all.

EDIT - I've also attached an updated page 3! I decided that Judy's narration needed to be in boxes so there wasn't who's-saying-what confusion there. 

Re: me! This past month has been a little tough on me and hours and IRL-work and life. I'm starting to consider that tier shuffle again? Price of food and coffee just keeps growing and maybe I can balance things out with the Patreon? :/ But I'd love to know what you all think - I don't mean to be greedy - how much should the lowest tier for my comics be? $3 or $4.20? Do you think I should be asking for more $ for what I share? How do I compare with your other fav creators? Am I priced incorrectly, a little low or high?

I think I'll add an ultra-high IRL-cuck tier sometime, and rename some of the tiers maybe too... The only thing left I haven't shared in the past is the 100% sized jpgs. Maybe I could tier that somehow if folks are keen.


Patreon sometimes shrinks images, so check the attachments for the higher-res images!


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I probably shouldn't just admit this on the Internet but I'm a whale with poor impulse control and would absolutely join an even higher just-because-I-can tier for the sole purpose of supporting your artwork 🤩


Hot as fuck, yah know wasn't expecting those colors for the boxers. But they look really slick and stylish.


Aw heck thank you Modest! That means so much!! Maybe what I aught to do is make some polls or something, figure out a good way to get data... It's so hard to shift things around on this platform and see how hit might affect things. I don't want to make changes that send folks away or rubs anyone wrong!!


Maybe there's another funny Internet Number™ you can use in restructuring; is $9.11 a bad pull? 😅


Thanks so much! I asked AmazingGwen for undies color recommendations and she told me to go for the neon - I think it's rad =D


This came out fantastic. Good lord, that ring drop on his nose! And you already know what I'm gonna say re the tier prices. Forget 4.20, $5 should be the MINIMUM. You're not some guy just starting out with some rough but promising stuff. You're a skilled artist with an established base and clearly demonstrated ability to deliver. Even if things weren't rough for you right now, you'd absolutely be justified in bring up the prices a bit.


This is a bright spot on a fairly blew day for me. I didn't think I would like the ring thing as much as I do...fuck it'd hot. Also does anyone else just LOVE new patron layout, its so great that needed posts are all like hard to understand. Ugh But damn when you find this in there it's kind of worth it.

bob star

Oof. More Judy BJ's


Those middle panels... whew!!

Paper Wings

Anytime you’re having fun, anytime you’re practicing and learning, even if it doesn’t make it to the final draft of the page — isn’t time wasted! Looking back at the beginning of this comic to now, it’s incredible how much skill you’ve gained. I hope you don’t beat yourself up for taking all the time you need to create this gift for us. I will suggest, if it is frustrating you! To decide on the panel shapes first, then you can draw into them and save yourself agonizing over a hand or something that is off-screen.


Established based, skilled artist, demonstrated ability - woof! - these are so lovely to hear and not how I picture myself haha =D I still like I'm just an amature stepping his toe in! Thanks so much for the vote of confidence bud! Means a whole lot to hear!


Yeah I'm a little confused by the changes, and sort of feel like they were designed without any creators feedbacks =/ Ah well. So glad you dig it TC =D Happy that it made your day brighter!


Don't get me wrong - I do like over-drawing a BIT. It gives me room to move things a bit when it comes ot the final layouts - bubbles take up different shapes and things need to be moved around a bit organically, having the over-draw is useful. But... this time... I over did it by a whole lot ha. Just got carried away having fun I think.


Just in name and recognition really - I have a few IRL cucks who pay me a bit more on here allready, for nothing extra, because it's hot to them to be like that. So, I'd set up a tier that's just meant for IRL cucks - and they'd have to pay me more ;D (all for fun obviously, and without pressure.)


Oh yeah it's just one of those things. Just like how one might just enjoy something you didn't expect.

Isaiah Noels

The Owen x Nick chemistry should not be overlooked.


Hell yes wedding ring play. Love it!


Damn these characters have so much strong chemistry. Making Nick hold the ring like a dog treat is still so damn good. He really is adorable with underwear on his head and all those gooey Judy expressions hit a lot of buttons. Looking real good. I don’t think the price jump is unreasonable. I think anywhere around the $5 mark is very reasonable for what you’re offering on a monthly basis. It’s not full time, you communicate well and the quality is high when you have time for it. Even in this side content you’re putting quite a lot of time and effort into it. We’re you to jump a tier to say, $10+ a month, I’d expect an addition in content to fill that price point (outside of the irl cuck tier idea) but otherwise, you can bump a tier price tag up or create a new one and I personally don’t see an issue with it. But, as always, I pay by the year, so put more weight into the feedback of monthly payers. It will affect them more than me.

it's ok with karson

Fire 🔥 this wa a great way to end the work day :)

Diego P

The psychological play here is so hot, He's really messing up that poor cuck, Nick's constant boner tells you everything you need to know about how he feels about this, In previous sessions, he's peeking out of his sheath but now he can't stay in! It needs to be contained somehow XD

Rufus The Rat

Oh goodness, that final panel on the bottom may be my favorite panel of the whole series <3


So glad bud! I was worried this would be TOO sensitive for some people! But it's all for fun =D I think it's just another powerplay at th hands of these kinksters - that's hella hot!


Oh yeah, I wouldn't be leaping the tiers into the stratosphere. I keep thinking of just lifting the opening tier to the $4.20 one. But worry I'm pushing the boundaries of what I could ask folks to support me with! I wish I had time to do ANOTHER page in jest where it's after the sex and they're all looking for the ring cause Nick jerked it too hard and it fell on the ground ;D Owen teasing and Nick legit scrambling to find it sort of thing =D Thank you Ricko!!!


'So, hon, how was it?' 'intense, wild, amazing, scary... I had such a *fear-boner* ' ;D I sort of see the constant boner as the little celebration right before we get into the next chapter - after that, we won't be seeing as much of it - so I want it to have its moment in the spotlight!


=D for real? That's amazing to hear - thank you Rufus!!! I dig it too! Although the angle changed SO much in the pencils that the bkg sort of fell out of perspective alignment for me! I'm not sure how it'll look in a single panel... But that's for Tuesday Ama to worry about ;D

Lucifer Lawless

I absolutely love this, makes me feel so good inside. Exactly how I'd imagine my dream relationship


We all deserve to be in a poly kinky trio where all our crazy kinks get scratched. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you amigo ;D Thanks for letting em know you liked the comic! I went hard on it, and means a lot when you all enjoy it!


Seeing Nick like this makes me very hard

Rufus The Rat

No complaints from me! I think the thing that's the cherry on top for me is the chemistry between the trio. There's a lot of "acting" going on with the posing, if that makes sense? =)


The squishy tummy, i wanna poke it. That riding pose is beautiful 🤧


Not too sensitive. This is insanely good LOL. IRL cuck so like… yeah.


Damn you went HARD on this one! Fantastic page! Adoring the final panel with Owen lifting cuckies muzzle! Would love to see some form of underwear play again in the future... Stinky jockstrap, or sticky panties... Fffff! Maybe Nick could do some chores as French maid at some point? ;D Won't mind a bump. 5 bucks is more than fair as entry point for art of your caliber!


Aw, thank you so much Fen! I think I went a bit overboard with it too tbh haha. But I guess it's just a reflection of how much fun I was having with this scene =D I'll have to come back to the underwear thing again in the future - ti;s been too good. And heck, thank you!!! I keep shying away and not feeling brave enough t make a change!

Wolf Jam

What is the white thing that gets put on Nicks snout/nose?


I love the middle two panels! The jump between the wedding ring getting dropped on Nick's nose and Judy's drool-covered face as she climbs onto Owen is hot as hell. Also think a price increase would be justified and bumping the lowest tier is a fine way to do that.


Thank you so much Figgle! I love the idea that she's lost track of where he is a bit too ;D So she's really gotta hunt around to deposit that ring off and get her reward. Maybe at the end of the QnA? Or as 2024 rollsa round? I'm still working up the courage.