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Happy New Year, my Patreon Friends!

This year (and the last) I'm deeply thankful for you all here supporting me, rooting for this trio, and encouraging me to continue the story.

I took a sort-of work week off for Christmas/New Year, but yeesh, with the amount of work I was called in for as part of emergencies you'd think I was still in the office.  It's only the first week of 2023 and gosh am I worn out. I'm hoping things start to level out a bit. I dream of the idea of Patreon making me the biggest bucks, enough for me to bail from IRL work.

I'm supppper excited and a bit daunted by these pages! A big part of the layout stage for me is finding other people's art for references, photos from the films, and hentai pages where I enjoy the layouts. I fill up the document with SO MANY images it's absurd; and maybe just a crutch to feel 'ready enough' to move it forward. But it helps me move forward, and that's good enough. I try not to share the reference's-side of things though, as I find it a tad bit embarrassing(?), so all you get to see are these roughed-out ideas when I'm happy with the layouts I've planned out. I hope they're satisfying enough!

Looking at all three together; I think...

- I need to find a better reference for a static 'inhale/deep breath' Nick face 0_o It's a little too 'wincing' atm. I'll figure that one out (my thinking was that we need one more character shot before the play-by-play action)

- Nick wearing a pair of testicle spectacles. Perfection.

Next week - Pencilllls =D


Patreon sometimes shrinks images, so check the attachments for the higher-res images!


All The Good Stuff - Links Page

(An up-to-date index of all the chapter and Patreon page links!)




Cuck achievement unlocked


He's licking those balls! He finally fully understands his place as a cuck.