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And here we go! Page 14 =D

So, what's there to tell about page 14... lemmie see... 

Well, I almost didn't include the little Nick at the end; I'd gone so ham on the big closeup shot that getting everything to fit in at the end proved super tricky. But having him on the page felt super important; he's being talked AT - so we have to show his face! So I managed to squeeze him in, behind the come- and I thinkkkk it works? maybe it's a smidge crowded and messy - but I do kinda dig that he's being squished and squashed out of the scene ;D

That mating press too caused me trubs! In my original pencils I'd tried to leave a gap in between Judy and Owen's thighs for her to peek out from, but the anatomical logistics just... didn't make sense, and the 'press' didn't feel... really pressed. I really wanted it to be an 'I'm as deep as I can go' visual. So I reworked it a bunch. I'm pretty happy with it now, but gosh was it stressing me. Don't get me wrong it's not perfect; it still takes a second or two for the brain to make sense of the scene, but at least now it says 'PRESS' (at least to my eyes).

Out of all of them though, I think I'm the proudest of these Judy faces, and the body position of Judy on panel 2. I was nervous about that squish and motion, but I think it really turned out!

This physical flipping of Judy wasn't in my original script - but I'd been struggling in the last few pages to keep things visually interesting and fresh. Having two people sit, talking panel after panel is super tough! But now!? Now we've got something to play with. Some dynamic motion and a change of positions.

It really came together =D

Hot damn is I excited to start the next few pages. 

Work and IRL have been crazzzzy busy and stressful these past few months. Been living on my toes running around putting out fires left right and center! I'm hoping you're all doing well out there friends, and enjoy the page. It's maybe... my best one yet?! And I couldn't do it without you!


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Chad (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-17 16:52:40 Aaaa another page! Masterfully done as always <3
2022-10-25 16:30:23 Aaaa another page! Masterfully done as always <3

Aaaa another page! Masterfully done as always <3


Ohhh, such a very fun and very sexy page, with some very wonderful ideas that Owen has. I hope that he will have Nick take him up on that. Pay his sexy ass and cock some loving lip service. He'd be super lucky getting to help clean up Owen's post-fuck mess, anyone would~


Right? He'd be Lucky to get such a treat ;D Thank you so much Bajiir!