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Hi everybody! Some slightly bad/sad news; I'll be deleting the Discord server tomorrow.

As most of you know; I hadn't accctualy meant to hit 'go' on the server invite process, and this has all been a bit of a rushed experience for me. I work a pretty full-time job, and have like... slack, discord and telegram all going on at the same time, and, well - it's getting hard to manage it all. I'm terrified of leaving my fetish kink-server open one day and getting outed as a mega-perv. It's all a bit stressful. I thought I'd give it all a solid week's try. But I'm thinking for my own stress levels it might be something to stop early. I know you'll be disappointed, truly; my apologies.

I'll save the discord settings, and will open it up again if I ever find myself working on Ama full time - I promise! I'll also honor any Patreon-refunds for any of you who signed up just for the discord - just ping me via Patreon DM's!  I'll also leave up the discord for 24 hours, and really want to encourage you all to leave your 'reach out to me here' links in the 'general channel' so you can find each other elsewhere. As for other discords I float around on occasionally; Siroc's, Amazing-Gwen's, and Meesh's are all fabbbb places (I believe you get access with Patreon sign-ups).

I'll also always be around to answer questions via DMs on Patreon. I know it's not the best for chatting - but it's the best way for me to be around and available for you around my work.



No problem, take care of yourself first and foremost. i hope things turn around for you


Me toooo - I love working on this comic, but there's a certain amount of stress that comes with living a double life, working on perv-comcics, and keeping it all secret! And that stress is a hard thing to manage. Having one more messenger thing to juggle around my IRL work - was just making me feel a bit too hectic =/


Artists having discords has always seemed like a bad idea to me anyway. Managing one, and/or managing the people that manage it, is almost a full-time job in itself, and the situation is rife for the possibility of something going wrong. If you want to use it exclusively as another way to distribute stuff and not have actual discussion channels that could make sense, but otherwise, don't worry about it. There are plenty of places for people to hang out already if they want to.


In my head, it was the next step - forming some community and deepening all our relationships! But the reality is there are only so many directions I can spread myself in the week. It was causing me stress in a way I hadn't expected. Personally disappointed to let folks down, but it was a solid experiment, and I think I know better what to expect later =)