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UPDATED the bunny pile - I had missed some ears! They've now been added back in 0_0

We're here! At the end!

What was supposed to be an easy in-between-chapter-pallet-cleaner, became this huge and terrific monster in my hands. 4 easy pages? No no, let's cram in at least 8 pages of content, and a BUNNY PILE PANEL =D

You guys, I'm so, so proud of how this turned out. Even if it took forever, and pushed me hard. There's some good faces, some good bodies and so much of it feels fun and important to the characters I'm building. I really hope you like it as much as I do! Thank you all for helping me so much with the QnA questions, directions, and feedback - couldn't do this without you all.

Some FAQ/notes from people who saw the earlier pages and had questions!
- Yes that's a prosthetic! Let's make it normal =)
- I'm 50/50 on the idea that these are Judy's relatives! I find blood-relations a bit offputting myself, but don't judge at all if it's your jam; in my head, this is just a crowd of passing burrow gals; friends, old colleges, and roomies. But you're welcome to head-cannon how you see fit =) It's very much inspired by Weavers comic here: https://e621.net/pools/9180

In my head, if the camera were pulled back a bit, we'd see the door open with a 'Come welcome Judy's Fox to the Burrow' sign on it. Subtitle, 'female-bodied only this time SRY XXX'; I'd have ideally included some trans-women (and other dong havers), but I think in my canon - Nick might be more strictly straight-leaning at this point in time. Maybe if we draw this sort of thing again in the future with a more Bi-Nick (which is where I'm taking him) or Owen, I can throw in a bunch more dongs!

Transparent Icons are in the Zip! PM me if you need them differently - yes you can use them as you see fit if that is your user name  =)

Scripting for the next chapter!

I might try working on it a page at a time this time!? Let's see how that goes?


Patreon sometimes shrinks images, so check the attachments for the higher-res images!


All The Good Stuff - Links Page

(An up-to-date index of all the chapter and Patreon page links!)



Andry SilverFang

Huff... Owen fucking Judy un the first panel, that's my new wallpaper!


Just so good (I really really wish I could read it but weather gave me a migraine makes me feel sick.) Soon I will behold its glory and soon that thing I mentioned will come out.


Owen and Judy are so cute and hot together!!! Very good work!

Rufus The Rat

I love the way you've developed the relationship between these three, and I can't wait to see where you go with this! :)

Jouni Mustonen

Love your work! I personally agree with the the idea of relatives. I think it would be easier to keep it between Judy, Nick and Owen at point.


What really gets me are the little chibi faces in the word bubbles XD


Look after your self TC! Comic will still be here when you're ready to read it =)


Me too! I've got so many ideas, just enjoying the ride. And thank you!


haha - so glad they work for you! My little desperate attempt to make the word balloons make sense ;D

Rhetoric Al Leigh

Is that a Deathly Hallows tattoo on the bunny in the lower left hand side of the pile?

A Mad Man with a Box

This has been amazing.. I can't wait for the next chapters

Diego P

Will Owen ever be in one of these QnAs?


I'm thinking about it! But it already takes up a lot of space getting 2 peoples banter in! 3; and we'd struggle to get 'personality' across. I do like the idea of Nick not being allowed to take part or something a bit mean like that ;D


Thank you so much bud! Meeee toooo. Excited to finally do some writing again =D


Yesssss! I figure it's a tattoo on top of a shaved or branded part of her/their butt! I pictured that bun as a bit of an 'alt' nerdy type =) Also one of the buns in the middle has a branded carrot on her hip too!


ALSO - I'll post some single panels in a handful of days, without text! They'll hopefully make for some good wallpapers =D


Murrr! Absolutely delicious ❤


If Nick and Judy's adventures continue, either as a film and / or series, I really hope they will become a couple. But here I hope that Owen will finally conquer both the body (which I think he has already largely conquered) and the heart of Judy. Because in this story the two of them are the perfect couple. And about Owen and Nick. Owen could use some toys again. Either from his fox couple or maybe Judy has some secret things too. Which she no longer needs thanks to Owen;)


Oh myyyyy! Idea- A gaged n nude blushing Nick laid across Owens lap, Owen pulling on Nicks tail or playing with his ass (and telling him off for wriggling) as he and Judy answer embarrassing questions - 0_o too friggin' hot.


Aw man, you really outdid yourself here! So many amazing expressions and super sexy views! QnAs will be "Lower effort pages" he says! xD Not complaining, mind you. I said it before: I just love how their characters shine through in these! And show how happy our little lovebirds are! QnA's were just a brilliant idea to begin with!


Thank you so much Fen! Yeeeeeah, I'll have to find a way to reign it in a bit next time 0_0 yeesh!

Diego P

Judy holding his head and playing with his ears the whole time


Ha, well both of you can remind me when it's closer to the next QnA ;D I think it would be pretty fun to do!


Love the QnA comics. This one in particular had some hot panels in it. Really excited to see what happens next with Nick and Judy and their bull. Maybe Nick is a bit more jealous than he realizes?


Looks great. Can't wait to see what happens next. Keep up the great work!



Kento The Fox

Might be too late to notice but is one of judys sisters supposed to have no ears or hidden ears

Kento The Fox (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-25 23:27:07 Sorry for noticing so late 😭 I've been ignoring the past emails wanting to be surprised when it was finished and colored <3
2021-09-17 05:17:16 Sorry for noticing so late 😭 I've been ignoring the past emails wanting to be surprised when it was finished and colored <3

Sorry for noticing so late 😭 I've been ignoring the past emails wanting to be surprised when it was finished and colored <3


Oh dude don't sweat it. I can sneak some in there - they won't be perfect because I don't want to obscure too much, but I can give her some tucked away ears!


Definitely the highlight of my week. Can’t state it enough how much I love the relationship being examined and explored, showing that it’s as tough as nails. So many good angles, expressions and set ups. So much detail and polish exploding more and more I can’t even list it all. 👏👏 Bravo on all the hard work, it shows in every panel.


Aw, thank you Rickochet. You always make me feel good about the work I post =D Was feeling a bit down after seeing some hot takes that I shouldn't have seen! Good to know I didn't F-up too badly ;D Really happy with how the pages turned out!


I’m sure, it’s always an coin flip per individual. You can’t please everyone and everyone’s a critique. I have my opinions, thoughts and ideas same as anyone, but as long as you’re happy and passionate with your work, it will show in said work. You’re golden in that regard and that’s why I’m here and enjoy what you’re making. I look forward to wherever that passion takes you next. 👍✨

Jouni Mustonen

Bunnies have buttplugs? So hot!

Coyote's Daughter

I love everything about this series. Fantasy blended with grounded reality... it really feels like someone who's done this and not just the "in front of the camera" part that's in the porn of it. You're definitely capturing the behind the scenes love and respect part of it, too, and for me that's hot as hell because it's more true to what a loving cuck relationship can be. EDIT: Hit enter instead of shift+enter. I also love the representation in the bunny pile. Tattoos, brands, and even some disability representation. I always love seeing your stuff come across my feed.


god I love this, so so much. Thank you for working so hard and putting out such amazing material!!!


Thank you so much Coyote's-Daughter! That really means the world for me to hear. really glad you're connecting to the relationship part - I try super hard to jam in as much of that in as possible while also trying to keep the page count nice and attainable. I want to display cuckolding as doable and positive when done in the right light =) I had so much fun trying to come up with different bun's, and their own little personalities =D Totally on a 'how can I make branding-fur, an interesting part of this world' kick!


=D THANK YOU Mikey for being so positive and supportive! I truly don't know if I would have kept going without all of you lovely folk keeping me so excited =)


The bunny pile is the stuff of dreams! Fantastic work, seriously impressive stuff, thanks for putting your all into this!


Bravo.. just, bravo. 👌👌👌

Ryuzaki Raven

nick and bull... well that could be very hot XD

Ryan Warunek

Looking forward to more Bi-Nick. Would love to see him go down on Owen or maybe take his knot (to see how it feels or something)