Making you a treat? (Patreon)
I should hopefully be going away for a long weekend. And have been feeling super thankful for all of you guys. So I was thinking, I might draw you higher tiers a sketchy picture, as way of thanks? I know I haven't had much for you to vote on for a while (Hopefully soon, when I start work on the next chapter's script - that's usually when I need your help the most!).
So I was thinking, of drawing you all a simple 3-panel thing;
Judy opening up the laptop, looking left, then right to make sure nobody's around, before flashing the backers of the 'blog (you guys), a cheeky picture.
But I wanted to ask what would you all like to see Judy flash you all? Tits? Cooch?
Or, should I shelve the idea, and just continue work on the Beastars image I started the pencils on an age ago?