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Have you ever heard of Hourly Comic Day? It's something I've seen artists, and animators do every year on Twitter (which btw I'm now 'on!'). It's a day they commit to drawing a panel-per-hour-comic of their day-to-day-life. It's usually rough, sketchy, and unfinished (some artists post the panels as they're made, others clean them up a touch and post them over the week). I've always wanted to take part, but my art is not exactly the right kind of thing for it, and I need lots of references to nail a look.

Then I had this crazy idea (while talking Kadath); what if I drew cuckold-Nick doing an hourly comic? And... what if it was horny.

It's been a pet project the last few months (the higher tiers here got to sneak-peek at the WIP's as I was thinking them up). I figured I'd sketch it out alongside the QnA pages. But, you guys, it's consumed me - this past 10 days I've penciled the HECK out of this thing, to the point where it feels DONE. Might have put me back a bit on the QnA, but I've had a ton of fun with it - and think it's super hot and well worth it. I hope you agree!

Alright, here goes...

ATTACHED are the jpgs in a larger size (Patreon seems to shrink the inline images!)

Let me know what you think! It's a finished story, but I've heard from some of you that you'd love to see another one or two from Owen or Judy's perspectives (would be even better if I could change my art for it so they each had a different style =D ). So who knows, maybe something to think about in the future?

Also. I'm loving how the pencils with basic colors look and have been wondering if I should try this sort of basic treatment for the QnA? It was definitely the fastest thing I've ever made. Maybe something for the higher tiers to vote on?

Anyway, onward and upward. Time to get back on the path, and start work on the QnA =D



Andry SilverFang

Waaaaa a needs more sex!! Jajaja just kidding, its perfect uwu 👌🏼


Nicks face at 4pm is impeccable. Really fun idea and pretty cool to get to see more of the background goofs outside of the story. I'd be down to see more in the future, from any of the characters and the idea of changing styles perked my ears. That sounds super interesting! Looking forward to whatever you have cooking up, it's always a treat.


Ohhhh nice can't wait till I get home so I can read it lol. Strangely hyper right now hehehehehehehe Also TOTALLY know how it feels when a project consumes your brain. XD


Absolutely killed this! Love this little glimpse into a random day cause it feels real, and this art style is so fun. Would love for this style to maybe pop up every now and then to supplement the main storyline 😊


I figure pencils in a Judy style and Owen style would look radically different =D Could be something fun to do with other artists? Like I could do the basics then pass on the art to be penciled? So each Hourly has a wildly different art vibe. Really glad you like it! I had so much fun making this one.


=D Thanks, Antonio. I really connected to the pencils-only look too. I felt like a lot of energy and personality came through! And right? The day-to-day cucking is some of the hottest.


So HOT!!!


Love the comic and all the little details. Also hope you enjoy your stay on twitter!


Looks good and I like the simplicity of the art.


I actually really like this little side stuff, with the pencils and minimal colors. Not for the important events, but these little side stories are fun


Thought this was a totally separate thing. Like the hourly. Then Owen showed up and I’m like, oh yeah… Interesting to see things from Nick’s point of view being isolated. But enough about him…




It's been a ball so far - everyone's been so nice =D Scared of the turrrrrn. But taking ti one tweet at a time.


I've got so many of them in my headdddd. I might try exploring more stuff like this down the road =D


Yeah, I wanted to make it feel pretty 'normal' for the first half of the day. Really sneak in that cucking surprise =D Glad you liked it PZ - I really enjoyed making this one.


Love how you did this, and how you showed just a normal day between a normal, loving couple.


Aww, heck! Loooove it! Nicky is just cucky cuteness overload! <3 I really like the art style and even more the idea of more of these sprinkled between the main comic and the QnA. Keeps things fresh! And then with different styles or even artists? Like Tikko, Gwen or S1m? I'm sooo excited! You’re awesome!


Thank you Mikey! It was a real treat to get to give them space to be a couple =D


Ha yeah, that would be awesome. It's just a pie-in-the-sky idea atm! I haven't talked to anyone about it yet.

Kento The Fox

Don't forget to change the time 12 pm to 12 am other then that everything is perfect


i really like this series. simple and giving much info.


=D Thank you so much Rasswar - so glasd to see people liking it as much as myself.

Jouni Mustonen

Loved this ❤️… Would love to see Nick more desperate for relief…


=D Thank you so much Jouni! I don't know how more desperate I could make Nick in this one! But we'll be eventually getting to a point where he's got a charity cage - he'll be really desperate then!

Jouni Mustonen

“I’m a good boy” ❤️


He deserves a milk bone (and then Owen should subsequently eat it ;D )


Uurgh! I hate not seeing what’s behind the door. Why does Owen have to cuck us as well?