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Here goes friends!

It started out as something easy and fun and then snowballed into frustration and difficulty, but it is now DONEZOs. I'll attach the pages and then write a bit about it all after...

Tadah! I hope you all liked it? I had fun with the whole 'Nick and Judy run a cuck blog' and I'm excited to revisit it again in between future chapters. Plus - I sort of dig the flat-look? I feel like the characters look really good this way. I'm almost inclined to start using this as the main coloring method rather than a 'just for my QnA' comics. Let me know your thoughts? Bonus feature: it IS faster, and I DID manage get these four pages done in under a month...

It did end up being more work than I expected - I guess I forget how much time I lose to just blocking out colors and doing the text and balloons. Like, look at this madness (attached bellow), it took me almost a WHOLE week to just settle on the basic colors. It drove me insane, and even now, I don't think it's perfect.

DO I use just one single color for backgrounds, maybe add a texture to them? Do I like, greens, or oranges, or blues. Does that ballon look right, or is the text not circular enough.... Madness.

Still. I had a lot of fun answering questions - I got to have all this room and space to play with and could focus on making the characters seem more like their sassy movie-selves (something I've struggled with showing in my previous chapters). PLUS I think some of these faces are the best ones I've done yet.

For those of you that got their questions into the comic, I've included the icons in the attached .zip  for you to make use of how you like. For those of you who didn't get picked - don't sweat it, I'm collecting questions all the time, and filling up a document to dive into later. You can send me your questions whenever (but only for the higher up tiers) but I'll probably reach out for new ones toward the end of the next chapter. Next time I'll probably look at answering some deeper and more feelings-focused questions.

For those of you who've made it to the bottom of this wall of text... A treat for you: here are my fav panels as a Telegram Sticker Set. Go ahead and share/use them - you'all earned it ;D

Next; setting up the monthly vote and scripting up a fuck-sesh comic 0_0


Patreon sometimes shrinks images, so check the attachments for the higher-res images!


All The Good Stuff - Links Page

(An up-to-date index of all the chapter and Patreon page links!)




Woot hehe I kind of like it just like this XD though I'll never complain about the shading and the art. Also i know the feeling of something fun turning to frustration.


O,O Buttons my dude. So, so many buttons. Love this to pieces


Right? I'm gonna put it to a vote later on, about the art style - I really like how they look when colored flat.


=D https://wifflegif.com/gifs/165136-i-dont-know-what-im-doing-gif


ALSO - public reminder - that if you're here to JUST see the finished pages. It'll be a while yet before the finished pages for the next chapter drop, so it's totally OK to drop out of the Patreon for a month or two! If you stay onboard you'll see all the progress, but it takes me a bit of time to get to the 'finished pages' part.


But.. The whole point of being a patron is to support you as you produce new, awesome art for us. Sooo.. Nice try, but I'm not going anywhere. 😋


Really amazing end result! I almost feel like a broken record because I keep mentioning it, but damnit! It's true! ❤ Also want to thank you for the insight into your process. It only confirms that you deserve ALL the money™️!


Gosh, thank you! Not a broken record - I love seeing your comments. You're always a delight so thank YOU. <3 <3 <3


Yes too well you added me in your comic! Thank you so much ! My fox cuck friend is happy too. = p Very beautiful drawings, you progress very quickly and draw really well.


I’ve always like the flat colorings alongside the finished as well. It’s a testament to your line work. The blog is also a smart idea just for filling in some extra info and personality at the end of a chapter. Really fun idea. I think it would be funny if Owen asked probing questions as well, either teasing them, or the “audience” of things he’s done off screen or will do. Just to show that even when they’re in control of the blog, he’s stalking them.


'would be funny if Owen asked probing questions as well' - that is a genius idea!! Could be fun if we see he's made a reply to a question, as Judy and Nick start to answer it too. And thank you for the compliments =D


Judy with a wine glass and a casual top is a MOOD


This just tuned out so hot! Usually I’d say quality over quantity, but the quality of this is just so good, I’m all for flats! I love how happy and ‘into it’ Nick looks here! Also, how Judy just flat out states he always comes first for her! Finally, this is a couple months after the coffee-date, and he just casually mentions he has to text Owen to get her off? Seems like some foxy lost even his condom-sex privileges? ;D


Do you mean at the end? In my head, it was more of a 'we're both switched on, and into this right note, let's invite Owen over!' They don't have any 'you have to text Owen in order to get her off' rules, quite yet! Nick's always been into it, but also apprehensive (with just cause I think!). With a month or two under his belt, I think he's a lot more easy with it. I'm super glad you liked it =D I'll be putting up a vote for the art style when I get a chance.


Jesus I love your stuff. Your dialogue is so on point. I think it would be fun to do like a silly one off here and there that may not be considered "Canon" to do some of the more extreme things like Owen taking Judy into a park with ALOT of people and publicly hamulate Nick in front of everyone by railing his girl for everyone to see. Really got dominate with it and get each of them to say things that further degrades Nick and Nick is just losing his shit and is almost scared with how much he enjoys it.


Another one for thought, maybe a little roleplay session where they are in their cop uniforms and Owen pretends to be the criminal and at first Nick and Judy act all authoritive towards Owen to get him to stop only for the script to be flipped on them and Owen is able to finesse/talk/blackmail his way into getting Judy fully naked in front of her partner/lover and has Judy kneel in front of him. Maybe as Owen is fucking Judys face he talks shit and eggs on Nick at how pathetic he is to just sit there and watch. Lol Judy joins in and starts belittling him as well with things like "Your a disgrace as a cop and a husband." Just wanted to share those thoughts. :)


I really like this idea, allows for audience participation, gives feeling to the group dynamic, gives you a way to pose and answer questions that shape the relation ship like the comment about Fox coming first as that is always the difficult part of these types of relation ships to get across, where even though the sub party gets trodden over it is often them that have the power in the relationship and you are very good at showing that, as for the art style i do prefer the coffee strip, but the story will always trump the art for me, if this art style is better for you i will support it all the way


Heck - thank you so much! I'm pretty pleased with the setup too, feels like it lets me do fast lil dives into things they've gotten up to, without having to do ALL the setup! I love how other creators do 'ask' pages, so it was fun to work that into my story canon. I'll drop everyone a vote tomorrow for the art direction - I honestly love both ha.


You are awesome! We really love you!

Amadose (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 23:25:36 <3 <3 <3
2020-09-29 06:40:07 <3 <3 <3

<3 <3 <3

