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More Story Stuff:
As you've probably guessed with my last few chapters, I love the idea of a Nick and Judy relationship that isn't pitch-perfect. I see room in these characters to have shades of grey and that their relationship is between two flawed but still awesome people. One, an upstart prey animal with ambition and strength but also vulnerability. The other, a smart and sharp predator with a history of being passed over and devalued, who has an itch to control/loose-control in his life.

This comic catches our pair somewhere down the road from the last comic. They’re past the unintentional lies that came with those early steps of their non-monogamy for the sake of getting pregnant, past the apologies and advancement of their newly formed interests and kinks, and into a more structured and stable exploration of a weird and wonderful fetish.

I wanted to do a comic that shows them together, playing in this space prior to any sex. I think they've had their conversations, spent lots of time mulling things over, playing with the ideas. Finally they found a bull (a fox maybe) who ticks the boxes and they've been exploring with him ever since. This moment is a loaded one with lots of hot buttons that's really fun to press (for folks who enjoy this sort of thing). I think a lot of cucking stories really focus on the action, but I think there's so much to be said for the moments surrounding that: the talking, teasing, play, and aftermath.

I didn't draw Jude’s bull, I kind of think it’s more fun for the reader to envision who that might look like for themselves. In my head it’s a fox much larger than Nick, someone a bit rough and gruff. Someone who, unlike Nick, wasn't made to feel ashamed of his species as a child, but was maybe brought up elsewhere where it was celebrated. A man who didn't need to fake confidence with sharpness and comedy, and maybe finds enjoyment from watching others squirm a bit. In my head he's happy to press Nick's buttons, while burying his bone in Zootopia's hottest bunny, but is also hella respectful of them both and their boundaries - he knows he has it lucky! I dunno, you can fill in the gaps as you like.


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