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Nick and Judy knew they would have to make some adjustments if they were to give their relationship a real shot. One of the bigger ones would be kids. Adoption was always there as a great second choice, but they both wanted to try on their own, and for that to happen they'd need a Buck.

It took a while to find the right guy. Two beat-cop salaries don't get you far, so he'd need to be found outside of the agencies and the process would have to be done... the old fashioned way. They went on all the forums, went on a few interviews, and finally found their match: a tall and attractive, red and virile buck.

Spoilers (you can read this bit when you've finished reading the comic).

The first time, Judy honestly forgot to stop taking her birth control. It was second nature to pop 'em in the mornings - she'd been taking them for years to balance her hormones - whoops! The second and third times, well... the sex was so good, so she told herself it was just another little slip-up, a simple mistake, that she still hadn't stopped taking them. But really, a part of her was just having so much fun. It wouldn't hurt to let it last a bit longer.

He was aggressive and demanding. He'd get off on trying to impregnate her, marking her, making her his - she loved it. It didn't take long for him to really start owning her. The more and more Buck got, the less and less Nick did. But that was ok - exciting even - for the three of them. She'd be sore, exhausted and content. But she could still see the cum splatters on the bedroom door and the envious yet keen grins her caring husband would flash her.

She'd come clean eventually. There's only so long the hustle could last. But still, each time she felt herself dive deeper in. It wasn't an accident any more, Judy knew that, and she almost wanted him to catch her. She'd finally be able to confront him with it, tell him how things would be from then on. She could give them both what they'd grown to want.

Kids were no longer the agenda. Judy and Nick were dreaming of new things.


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