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Here we gooooo.

I ended up redesigning the page a bit, as I wasn't connecting to the OG sketch as much as the 1st time around. Decided to arch Nick's back a bit, have him handle his own junk exploratively, and really give Judy a kiss-the-cock moment that feels like it brings in some needed intimacy and spice. She's excited, and I want it to feel rich and thick with cage tension.

The Nick head feels a little off?! But I'm learning he gives me trouble no matter what. Getting him to feel on-model is really tough apparently! I'll just keep trucking and it'll refine itself as I go.

No backgrounds this time - I thinkkkk I can get away with reusing the last page's background if needed, as it'll only show up in a few corners. But I'll see once the character art is inked and flatted whether or not that's true.

In side news. The past week was TAX week for ol-Ama. And things seem better this time than last year! Which I was really surprised by but something to be really glad for =D I'll keep my fingers crossed it's the same for everyone?!

OH! ALSO I've also been setting up a Subscribestar the last few days! I'll promote it at some point once I'm ready to make a bigger song and dance about it. But right now it's just worth pointing to and mentioning, jusssssst in case I suddenly go missing from your inboxes, over some kinda blind-sighted Patreon-cancellation thing. I really like being here, but in today's climate, it can't hurt to open an account over there. It still needs a bunch of pack-posting. BUT it'll also get all the new stuff going forward, so totally an option if you want it too.


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(An up-to-date index of all the chapter and Patreon page links!)




Silver Pet

Its so exciting to be locked the First Time the Second this Cage comes of Nick will be very busy for a Whil that mutch is Clear and i hope that Judy AMD Owen dont wast that Very Special Moment for Nick 😈 or maybe he would like that I don't Know


Oh I haven't considered the first moment he get's to take it off! That could be a good QnA question moment!

Akela Vincent

Ohhhhhh, Judy licking that locked sheath… Nick just found out VERY quickly what “getting hard” is going to feel like for him now… 🥵