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EDIT - Reworked the cage to be more obvious and tight, after some useful pushback!! It's now black, I'll try a steel/treatment on it later, but the black is a nice way to make it POP. And the bars are now thicker, and the head is more obvious. It's still a cage that incorporates the sheath to its advantage - but that's just something that makes more sense in my mind for a world with canines in it! I think this is a much better look, but LMK!? Nick can't get away with it being hidden now, and it's a lot more obvious to the wear himself.

OH also edited Nicks head/face! I've been just... tweaking it here and there, and it keeps improving every time I do. haha. I wish I was good enough to just NAIL it from the onset, but I'm just a beast of iteration. Hes now open eyed, which is more usual Nick - and a difference to page 1. He's also more excited.


Was hoping to also have the shaded ready for show-and-tell today, but gosh Easter weekend has been busy, and work a bit demanding! Hopefully, more to come form me soon - I sort of see this page getting done in the next week.

Not too much to report here. I think Judy looks amazing, But Nick's face still... feels off to me, but I'm not sure why!? Might just be in my head tbh. I keep tweaking it and not really getting it to feel better... Maybe worth just saying it's good-as-is!?

Hoping you're all out there doing well!


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Addie R

Oh yeah… it’s all coming together. Except for Nick of course. 😈😘

purple avocado

I cant wait to see owens reaction and it would be so cute if over time nicks sack gets swollen from not Bieng allowed to finish and he gets to the point where his tip is just always like peaking out hes so pent up


Looks good, but you sound busy XD Also maybe it's his eye lib color, that's off ?

Silver Pet

Please make the Cage be Steel, they ar Just so mutch better. I hope Nick gets Teased enough so he gets Realy sexually frustrated over Time


Hope you had a good Easter! Yeah, Nick does still look a little off, but I'm already loving this. Always nice to finally be able to get the flats in and see how a piece pops. The cage really comes across better with the contrast of colors too.


That's what I'm aiming for, but I'll see how it looks as I shade it? Drawing steel is new to me.


Nah I've always given him a slightly redder eye-lid! I feel like it's his snoot setup or something...


Wish I could figure out what's up, so I could fix ittttt haha. Thank you so much Wolfcoffee - I think it's looking good too.


Yeesh, I don't think I'll go in for anything torturous like that. Can't wait to draw Owen seeing it toooooo =D


Maybe they seem different this time but it could just be the light I'm in. Maybe hos muzzles too thin?

Silver Pet

I belive in you, you can do this and if you want to Make it easy Say its Steel but lacquered.


It looks great as always!!! Can’t wait to see him getting teased!!! And I may not have a sharp eye but I think it might be Nick’s expression maybe?? Since it’s not a common expression he makes???


Ohhh, that's a solid point... I wonder if there's a different expression I can have him wear.


Maybe fluff him up some?? Like when he gets excited??? Also maybe a slightly more relaxed excitement??


Nick and Judy went all in with buying all the fits and styles of cage! Looking back I wish my partner and I did something similar, better than a months long refinement process 😭.


Ha yeah, I've heard that it's the worst part, so I figured I'd give our couple the benefit of the experience to keep the story moving fast; and just have them buy a BUNCH all at once ;D


i love nick pose.....and looks that he has good hips 👌

Jacky Blue

Oh my beauty

Diego P

Damn, that cage really shoves it in there XD "No peeking!" This is looking very nice! Nick's waist looks perfect for grabbing, Want to see him bottom so bad!

Heart Land

I'm sure I'm not the only one who is in love with the way Nick looks with his legs spread like that, right? Right?!


Hum... I don't like being a bummer here, but i am not a fan of the cage currently on Nick. The one WIP Artpiece where you drew multiple shapes and forms had many nice things, but this design i don't enjoy... :(

Justin Case

Gotta agree there. The notion of something inside the sheath just feels uncomfortable in an un-fun way. A barred cage outside the sheath as in the earlier chapter or a no-touch complete tube would be the better options in my opinion.

Justin Case

I hate to be critical. I always feel awkward when I have to say anything that disrupts the good vibes around the art and story and kinky stuff we all are here for but... The more I look at the cage the more I feel... let down? I thought I had just missed something when the pencils were posted, so I held judgement waiting for the inks. But no, what's there actually is just as unobtrusive as a sheath piercing, and as I mentioned above, when you think about a metal cap between rod and sheath? It's like having something inside your foreskin and that just sets my teeth on edge. This moment has been on my mind since I discovered the comic when chapter 2 was posted to e621, and the dainty uncomfy looking thing is just not remotely what I had expected/hoped for. A chastity cage is more than a functional restraint, it's a symbol of control. These things need to be visible, tangible. This is something that could easily be missed, mistaken for a piercing. I was hoping for something that makes him dread the locker room at work, and going to Mystic Springs is right out. (Until they make him, of course). Again, sorry to be a downer, but given the build up, the disappointment is far more intrusive to my thoughts. I can't leave off without saying something nice: the poses and expressions are spot on as always and convey real intimacy and emotion. Great piece.


Nicks such a cutie pie with that expression and his legs spread open like that. Looks like those scratches on Judy healed up nicely too. I think the head on Nicks still a little big. That’s the only thing I can think of. The line work is always killer but when those colors start filling in, it really steps up a notch. Good stuff.


If Ama did gender-bending like so many other artists do, I’d say he forgot something when he removed the boobs and added his package! However, I agree w TigerC, it does look more stand-outish here.


Thought the same, but I dont think it’s done, yet. I think it needs to be assembled, the cage. Some come apart in 2-3 pieces when unlocked.


OMG, Judy looks amazing here! One of your best!


Ha I really stretched him out to make him nice and wide and on display =D


RIGHT? I've an 'Owen and Nick' folder for reference and I'll drop little pictures or ideas in there. IT'S A HUGE FOLDER hahaha


I get you, Justin, thanks for letting me know. I've had something like this in mind for a while - a sort of cage that looks and feels natural for someone with a sheath to wear. I really wanted to incorporate the sheath in the design and thought it would be really fun to use the sheath AS the cage, and just have it so that Nick can't escape that. I also had it in mind that this would be easier for Nick to wear as compared to something super obvious. I can try and make it a little thicker, but I don't think I'll change the design up too much unless there's a big pushback.

Justin Case

As someone who routinely wears them, I can say that the design would be exceedingly uncomfortable, and not in a sexy way. Something around the sheath, not lessing his cock extend from it would be more comfortable and effective.


Okay - I made an edit that's a compromise between what I think is a good cage that a Zootopian canine might wear - something that incorporates their different anatomy. With the feedback you gave! LMK? Also, I've heard from others who LOVE cages that consider and utilize forskins: https://www.reddit.com/user/MaxChast/ Earlier designs, in particular, were recommended to me several times by a few fellow Patreon backers.


I like the cage redesign, before I wasn't sure how it worked but it's much more obvious now.

Diego P

This cage looks so much thicker and more aggressive somehow XD I love Nick's face here, that new expression along with the pose, makes it look as if his chest is rising and falling breathing heavily in exitement


=D Thank you so much, Diego! I'm really happy to improve it and get it really feeling right. I agree- this version is much more pleasing. I always love seeing your comments too. Thank you again.


Gosh it's looking really good! I'm really excited to see the final iteration of this page. Great work as always


Thank you for creating this amazing comic! Seeing Nick look so cute in his cage and then reading about your Owen and Nick folder gave me an idea for a future scene. Judy is out of town for some reason (work conference?) so at night she and Owen call to have a sexy FaceTime. Judy uses a dildo to get off while Owen uses Nick. Judy can only see Owen's upper body on the phone and at some point she asks something like "Are you using that fleshlight we bought for Nick or just your hand?" And he's like "I have something much better 😏" and pans the phone down to reveal Nick, which pushes Judy over the edge. Then later Owen and Nick can be snuggling and talking so it's clear all three of them had discussed it beforehand.

Justin Case

I appreciate that you're taking my feedback, unfortunately, while it's better, I still just hate it. With nothing around the front, it feels like it's easily pulled out of, and again the in-sheath cap just feels bad. I hate to be such a downer, but yeah... I'm sorry. You used other designs before, and those were more what I wanted to see. Obviously I project myself onto Nick; I did so before your work. It just feels real real bad. Pretty big let down. I love your art, and I respect your process, but this is one of the biggest deals for me.

Akela Vincent

Gonna say I LOVE this, and the black cage does pop even more - I’m partial to black cages too. 🙂 Cannot wait to see this finished! Please keep up the amazing!

Jouni Mustonen

I agree with Justin. I’m not saying I hate the design, but small cage with a cap, would be more obvious for readers and you have drawn such cages before and they don’t look unnatural. Now reader must wonder what’s going on…


The black version definetly pops more. Looking great♡

Justin Case

One thing I was thinking about while reviewing the script, as small as the sheath cage is, it doesn't make sense he'd be worried about it being noticed through his clothes on the bus. But another point is that whatever is pictured now doesn't have to be his "forever home". Different designs could feature in different days, with Judy deciding which one he wears and given day


After reading this discussion and the one on the other post about the cage design, and looking at the different opinions it seems there are two schools of thought when it comes to what makes a design hot. One is to make the cage obvious and intimidating, a symbol that says "this is locked away and under someone else's control". It focuses on the denial of access. The other school of thought is to make the cage more subtle, it is more about locking everything is a small tight package and kind of reducing its significance. It's more about emasculating the wearer, saying "this penis is no longer a factor in this relationship". I think the second one is more what Amadose is going for (correct me of I'm wrong). I think it's also more practical for permanent chastity and being worn under clothing, which works well for the rest of the chapter.


It think because it's his first time wearing it, he's going to be nervous and paranoid about people noticing, especially if Judy teases him about it.

Justin Case

Yeah I mean, chastity feels real bad if it's ignored. If it's not acknowledged, then it ends up with feeling of abandonment instead of happy horny denial.


Yeah, this is a great summary, thank you Foo. I wanted a cage that made Nick feel like he'd been a bit... neutered. Whereas I think others really wanted a CAGE. I've set a poll for the higher tiers, I'll think about it too. I had fun with my design but if it's not clicking with folk I can draw a different one.

Justin Case

As a guy who is unfortunately more endowed than I like sometimes, I gotta disagree on the practicality angle. Bodies move and folding and unfolding bits can bind in bad ways. My smaller cage is definitely more difficult to wear out of the house cause of pinching around the balls as the scrotum gets tighter to the body or looser due to natural heat and cool cycles.


I was talking about the practically if wearing it under clothing and it being noticed by other people, and the overall dynamic between the three of them. The actual comfort of the cage is going to depend on tons of factors, and since none of us have canine penises I think we can take Nick's word for it that this design is comfortable for him.


I'm not in the tier that can vote in the poll, but I think it's really cute and fits in well with the dynamic where Owen wants to have the only cock that matters in the relationship. It's also really creative in the way it incorporates the sheath. There's something about incorporating the unique anatomy of the characters into the design of objects that's just really fun, like having pants with holes for the tail or helmets with space for ears.


also the lock on chastity cages are the most noticeable part of the cage as it needs to be accessible but the thing with chastity is it bunches up your genitals with causes a significant increase on the bulge, under most cloves it just makes it seem a bigger package but i understand the worry plus if it is a device with a padlock then there can be the sound in loose clothing.


there are more options especially when taking in to account those not in a keyholder relationship it is also very common to try a few designs especially in the early days as you need to find the right feel if your going to wear for any length of time, i can see Nick being the adventurous type and going for the fun ones but getting a daily driver is the smart move and keep the fun ones to "grow" into

Justin Case

Yeah I only wear ones that have an internal locking pin. My first one had a padlock, but I quickly abandoned it because of the extra bulk and the damage to my clothing from the padlock.

Æon Nyshe

I got notified about a poll but then couldn't participate for some reason and now it's not showing up at all. For what it's worth I liked the Big OG the most.. the cage... I'm normally a big fan of the look but with the sheath it just.. something about it didn't feel right. I really do like the idea of this being a starter cage and eventually getting into the negative inverted stuff...


Thanks Aeon! Voting is for the higher tiers and was quickly reminded - opps! I'd also screwed up a bit and included TWO 'OG's so the poll wasn't balanced right. Apologies. Thank you so much for your notes!

Jacky Blue

Leave it black, but a nice bright copper to the lock would break it nicely


I gotta admit i kinda find it funny how you were having difficulty finding the right cage for nick, life imitating art =P