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I finally builded the new PC to keep working as hard as before💪🏻 as u can see in the right image there is 2 PC lights controls, one is from the last computer i got robbed :'l (those motherf*ckers thiefs just forgot about it..) sigh

But alright i won't complain about it anymore, only thing that matter is that i'm healthy and got this new pc thanks to you all and my childhood friend who lent me some $ (love u buddy) and now i can keep working at koikatu charactor cards customization for you ='D

I'll talk a bit about my private life, I trust you. (sorry if this bothers you,)
I pay everything in my apartmen and i always try to give anything my little sister needs, my dads lives far away and sometimes they ask me for monetary help because of this covid situation, i wont talk long about this but as u can see i dont have too much money to save and thats why i asked you for help.

Ok, I think i'm talking too much haha but i feel i'm a bit more closer to you after this thing happened, so if you want to talk to me about anything just send me a message and lets be closer, lets be brothas ;)

Alright now to finish this text i'll say it again just like i said in my lastest posts and private messages (i'll never get tired of saying this) THANK YOU VERY MUCH! for your amazing support with donations and encouragement words! ♥ I'm happy than i could get back soon and can keep working at least on 1 charactor card more before the month ends hehe

Never give up and always keep going :D I learnt those words from you.

Till' next time~
Love u all♥




Glad that worked out okay and huge kudos to the people who stepped in to donate. I would have but getting ready to move across country in a couple of weeks, can't wait to see what's available when I have internet again!


Don't worry bro thanks for your patronage at patreon, that is more than enough! ♥ n good luck with your move and hope u get internet soon! ✌️