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Hey guys,

0.18 is now ready and available here. 

I'm really sorry about the week delay on this, ill timed time away for a long weekend and I think this has proved to me that some time off is definitely necessary at this point.

I look forward to returning fresh for the next build!

Content Changes:

- Yennay Oath Breaker

- Queen Roserra Intro

Major Changes:

- Third zone added - Abandoned Mine Fortress (if you've power levelled, you might sitll find this area a bit easy)

See you next time!

- Charon



Thank you for all your hard work Charon!

Drefan Drecanios

Anyone else get a dead link? Says url is invalid

John Malcom

there are a couple bugs I have noticed, if you explore the new mine area and leave through either getting knocked out or teleporting back home, the minecart positions do not reset. This can be a problem. If you explore the mine and get the dialogue to keep you from exploring one of the areas your charecter might become stuck facing a single direction and will not reset.

Bob Bubby

So for the quest it says that I should wait and raise the corruption but it is also green as if completed, from there I don't know what to do. I try speaking to Yennay and nothing happens, I try speaking to Gob, nothing happens.

jon Davis

finally full oath break presides the nun however is there a new character to exploit or is it just gameplay for now?


I hit a magical barrier and it has locked my character looking to the right. Can't interact with anything because I can't face things. Haven't been able to fix it. IDK if I'm just dumb or what...


I Have the same problem as Janicki, I even re downloaded the game and moved the save across this didnt help and unfortunately I have overwritten my previous save,