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Hey guys,

Here is the public release of 0.9! 

Quite a lot has changed (even from the alpha to the public version), so please take a careful read of the changelog! (Everything with a * has been added in the public build)

Major Changes:

  - Pleasure Craving scenes for the Royal Court

 * Pleasure Craving scenes for Aewen, Shel, Mary, Velexia (Marina coming soon!)

 - Speak to them and then select the option in the "Powers" option

Minor Changes:

 - The Potion Shop seller is now active

 - The Blacksmith has been expanded

 - Resting fully heals you regardless of time of day

Major Mechanical Changes:

 * Large restructure to combat system:

* Renamed some stats and clarified how they interact in tutorial

* Attack affects melee attacks, and is negated by Defence (Defence 10 = 10% reduced damage from melee attacks)

* Spirit affects magic attacks and is negated by Will (Will 10 = 10% reduced damage from magic attacks)

* Agility affects ranged attacks and is negated by Evasion (Evasion 10 = 10% reduced damage from ranged attacks)

* Only melee attacks can crit for X3 damage (crit chance is flat 20%, though items will affect it in the future)

* Magic attacks have a 20% variance and deal more damage than ranged and melee on average, but now costs mana

 * Players can now craft Soul Orbs, by spending Blue Souls and other ingredients

 * Soul Orbs grant a variety of effects, such as increasing stats

 * Soul Orbs slot into weapons and armour, each weapon / armour item has a certain of empty slots

 * Soul Potions will be available in the future, one use items that permanently increase stats too

 * They can be made at the bench in Gob's house

Bug Fixes:

 - Fixed a bug where if your Ethereal power expired while moving through a door it would cause you to be able to walk through walls and get stuck

 - Made it so you can no longer skip ahead in Lucille's quest by speaking to Tasha early in Soltare

 - Re-jigged the mine cart lava puzzle in Yennay's questline a bit to try and make it more clear

 - Also made it so there is one clear answer

 - Also fixed a bug where the locked door wasn't reminding the player to use their Ethereal power