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Hey guys,

So this is the release of 0.5, though it's not the full extent of what I would have liked to of done. Unfortunately I had my first dose of vaccine over the weekend and it didn't have a great effect on me. I'm feeling better now though, but it seems like I won't be able to finish Lucille's progression in time. 

This means there will be a slight change of plan. Lucille's progression will now be included in the next public build (0.6). This means I can deliver something for you now, as well as not rushing out the Lucille progression to make it for this month. I know this isn't the ideal scenario, but I think this works best for all. I hope you can understand.

0.5 Change Log:

Major Changes:

 - Titania First Level Progression Added

Bug Fixes:

 - If you skip the main intro, but play the Morati intro, you no longer get locked out of the powers menu

 - If you the skip the intro, Morati scenes are unlocked in the memory room now

 - Text now wraps correctly

 - You can no longer enter the memory room while in the powers room (and vice versa)

 - You no longer have to wait a day to inform the dock worker the tunnel is open if you moved barrels

 - Hints to the not yet implemented Wizard and Bum job have been removed

I look forward to bringing you Lucille's progression in 0.6 at the end of next month!

 - Nergal



ive downloaded the mega file but cant open the game?


I have a problem save the game